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The atmosphere inside the group suddenly stopped!

This weird silence lasted for one minute before someone spoke again.

“After all, I couldn’t escape this disaster.”

“I looked at the tea egg at my feet and fell into deep contemplation. What caused me to have the courage to eat before the speech of Brother Thunder Dominator was over?”

“Oh, stupid mortal, look at me, drinking yogurt is king … hiss … why, the straw is not stable, can’t poke in …”

Baili Qingfeng looked at the chat messages of the big brothers and couldn’t help laughing.

He likes that the big guys are obviously very capable, but they pretend to be talking and laughing with Xinmoe and his newcomer in the Martial Dao world.

This may be the affinity of the big guys.

“This … big brother, aren’t you kidding? Aurora Empire … but the East Divine Continent First Army is a big country!”

“International changeable situation …”

“The situation of the Aurora Empire is different from other countries. It can be said that it is the most difficult to be conquered. This is a country with strict discipline and completely ruled by law. Due to the high reputation of the Aurora Emperor in the Aurora Empire, his law is the highest in the Empire. Standards, under the strict and almost harsh laws, the country ’s battle strength is completely consolidated, even if you look at the World, it ’s called Peak. The only ones that can meet their onion on equal terms are glory, steel, golden eagle, and Titan 4. Country, but this is also the country most easily conquered. “

The opinion given by Dongfang Winstory is quite pertinent: “Under the strict and almost harsh laws, the middle and lower layers of the Aurora Empire ’s exploitation are actually afraid to speak, and the whole country is like a gunpowder, completely relying on the emperor Your Majesty to Invincible’s Strength and huge army maintain the country’s high-pressure rule and transfer domestic contradictions through continuous external battles. But once one day, the Aurora Empire fails on the front battlefield, the huge army is defeated, and the invincible emperor is destroyed by a powerful aura. The country’s years of repressed opposition must be completely detonated, which will lead to the rapid demise of the entire country.

Baili Qingfeng heard the introduction of the Aurora Empire by the East win, faintly feel …

Kind of like the Qin Dynasty in the ancient world?

“Break down the army of the Aurora Empire, and kill the Emperor of the Aurora Empire?”

“Ahem …”

Sword Monarch, East Wins, Quantum Wargod and the others find this question really difficult to answer.

“This, Brother Thunder Dominator, this matter requires long-term consideration.”

“Considering for a long time?”

Baili Qingfeng listened to this, and also felt that it was too early to say this thing. At that time, nodded: “I will come to ask you guys later.”

“Yes, yes, Brother Thunder Dominator may now study the prescription that the moderators have obtained for us, and see if there is anything in it that we can all use. We can’t live up to the moderator’s good intentions.”

“Okay, I’ll go over it, many thanks guys.”

Baili Qingfeng said aloud, then set his sights on the 9 materials downloaded.

The 9 documents are all related to medicines and herbs.

The largest piece of information is a document entitled “Identification and Use of 36 Top-Level Medicinal Materials from Other Worlds”, which has a total of 42 trillion.

Baili Qingfeng opened this document, which introduced 36 kinds of medicinal materials, each of which was described by several 10000 words, and there were no less than ten pictures in addition to the text.

“Another world … is it the World of the Cavemen World and Cave Heavenly Immortal Realm? It seems that Heaven’s Mystery Building knows a lot about that World … Unfortunately, the moderators sent this time are related to medicinal materials. Document, if it is a document related to that World, I will not be ashamed of that World as it is now … “

Baili Qingfeng took a look and took note of the appearance of these 36 medicinal materials before he set his sights on the blood of the brave.

This information contains the proper use of the blood of the brave.

It mentioned a prescription, which combined with the blood of the brave can not only reduce the damage of the blood of the brave to the minimum, but also greatly enhance the medical power of the blood of the brave, the increase effect is more than 50%, in other words, one A blood of the brave can be used as a half.

“These herbs don’t look very precious … hundred thousand can be gathered up and down …”

Baili Qingfeng was about to copy these medicinal materials.

After reading these, he glanced at other documents, prescriptions, and some special treatment methods for medicinal materials.

Of particular interest to Baili Qingfeng is the distribution map of basalt fruit growth.

This map details the four growth locations and road maps of a local basaltic fruit called the Condor Plain.

Baili Qingfeng searched the Shenying Plain online, not at all to find such a place …

“Willn’t it be in the other world?”

He murmured, still took the phone out soon, and called Ma Hua, the current head of 10000 Shoutang.

“What does the Sect Master command?”

“Gather me the herbs, I’ll use them.”

Baili Qingfeng said, telling out the medicinal materials he needed.

At this time, he had accepted the identity of Thunderbolt Sect Vice Sect Master, and now commanded Ma Hua to do things with a bit of confidence.

“I see. The herbs will be delivered in 3 days.”

“it is good.”

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

Ma Hua’s efficiency is fast.

In less than 3 days, all the relevant medicinal materials have been delivered to Baili Qingfeng. Baili Qingfeng took the blood of the brave and the blood of the brave through the neutralization of these medicines, and immediately felt that the damage of the blood of the brave to himself was greatly reduced, while the tempering effect It’s not slow at all.

“Upload a 9-day Sword Technique to get this useful prescription from Aotian Sword God moderator. By the way, there are also 8 effective data files attached, which is not a loss.”

Baili Qingfeng is satisfied with nodded.


Time flows.

In the next 2 months, Baili Qingfeng passed calmly. At this moment, his life seems to be completely on track, without any accidents.

Every day I practice Martial Practice, listen to songs, read books, and teach disciple.

Tranquility, blandness, stability …

This life, he was speechless for a while.

When he wanted to be an ordinary person and live a peaceful life, all sorts of things came together, and he was almost bustling his chest against his back, and sometimes even had to find a way to take time off to deal with personal affairs.

But when he recognized his identity as Thunderbolt Sect Vice Sect Master and felt that he was no longer an ordinary person, life …

Actually calm down again?

Not to mention that nothing happened in the martial artist’s circle, even if the cave people in his cultivation cave are quiet and ridiculous, those cave people seem to have been completely destroyed, and they dare not appear near the Transmission Gate.

This calm makes him very unaccustomed. He always feels that this is the tranquility before rainstorm. There is definitely something terrifying in the pipeline, waiting for the moment to erupt.

For this reason, he practiced Martial Practice more diligently, relying on the evolutionary version of God and Demon Purgatory Physique, the mine refining fluid was almost as normal as a drink, and it consumed the speed of the mine refining fluid that could only be used up in 2 years. And whether it will last another 3 months is a problem.

It turns out that Baili Qingfeng’s sense of crisis is not groundless.


Pin Jianshan.

It is located about 100 kilometers south of the capital Hill Light, and although it is quite far away from Hill Light, it still belongs to Hill Light as far as the territory is concerned.

Coupled with the good traffic conditions, it takes 2 hours to drive to the capital that’s all.

This mountain was not called Pinjian Mountain 2 years ago, but because the 100 Liu Jianzong located on this mountain emerged suddenly 10000 years ago, it grew rapidly and gradually became the cultivation Holy Land of the surrounding people in mind. This gradually became the name of Pin Jian Mountain, and with 2 years ago, 100 Liu Jianzong gave birth to a land True Immortal, the power of this sect reached the realm of the sky.


The land of True Immortal of 10000 Sword Sects has been alive for 40 years, and died before Chia had become independent. Even though 10000 Sword Sects still have a pivotal position in Sia Kingdom, it can be compared with the scenery of True Immortal’s era. But it is inferior, from the glory of being able to be as famous as the Three Great Holy Lands to the place where they are under the Three Great Holy Lands.

At this moment, Pinjian Mountain is a quiet place on the mountainside. The 10000 Liu Jianzong incumbent sect leader has always been a man who wants to lead the 10000 Liu Jianzong to the top of the peak. The Sect Master Zhong 10000 is standing in the mountains and hunting, watching Many disciples in diligent practice under the 10000 Liu Jianzong, expression is indifferent.

Just then, he seemed to hear something, his ears moved slightly.

The next moment, a silhouette appeared silently behind him, and the voice came quietly: “How about, the information I provided is not false, should the Sect Master have already verified it? The military and cabinet have made a decision, intending Strongly support Thunderbolt Sect and make Thunderbolt Sect the 4th Holy Land. Your hope of 10000 sword sects to rise by the military and cabinet has been ruthlessly broken. “

“Then show Chilong, tell me, who do you represent on your behalf? Is it the shocking sect you are in, or the Penglai Immortal Sect behind it?”

Bell 10000 multiplied differently said.

“Who I represent is not the point, the point is … I can give you the second choice of 10000 Liu Jianzong! The people in the Cabinet and the Military Department are indifferent, ignoring your 2 Liu Jianzong’s efforts over the years to abandon you, and you Why heat your face and stick your cold ass again? At that time, the Sect Founder of your 10000 Liu Jianzong and the Supreme Elder of Immortal Sect of Penglai talked with laughter and laughed. They met each other, why did you embark on the road of turning your head against you? “

“I’m against my eyes? If I don’t against my eyes, I will be 10000 sword sects, I’m afraid it has become the 10000 sword hall under Penglai Immortal Sect?”

“That’s just some skirmish that’s all in philosophy. Over the years, we Penglai Immortal Sect and you 10000 sword sects, haven’t all been in peace.”

“The Ministry of Defense and the Cabinet are extremely alert to your Three Great Holy Lands, and you have to be able to get your hands on Three Great Holy Lands.”

Bell 10000 by the road.

“Hey, the army is collective. How can their efficiency be on par with our Three Great Holy Lands?”

“Well, say your purpose.”

“Baili Changkong!”

Zhan Chilong immediately said: “We have to deal with Baili Changkong! There is also competition and friction between your 10000 Liu Jianzong and Thunderbolt Sect. Two months ago, Thunderbolt Sect Vice Sect Master Baili Qingfeng also killed the brutality of the slightest hesitation. One of the three True Disciples of your 2 stream sword sects, but your 10000 stream sword sects have no response, and sect has been dissatisfied, right? So our goal in dealing with Baili Changkong and Thunderbolt Sect is Consistent! Enemies are friends, aren’t they? “

“Baili Changkong is not the weak. One person can kill one Grand Grandmaster, one Wargod, and four Grand Grandmasters. True Immortal can’t kill anyone.”

“Baili Changkong’s strength is built on the well-prepared and Chenjin Battle Armor, but if we can threaten him with hostages and lead him into a trap without giving him a chance, it will be easier to deal with.”

“Which hostage will make Baili Changkong willing to step into the trap?”

“The son of Baili’s True Dragon, Baili Qingfeng!”

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