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Baili Qingfeng and Teacher Swich called: “What’s wrong with the uranium mine I asked you to mine?”

“During mining, what do you want this ore? In my impression, this mineral seems to contain radioactivity. Although the strength is not high, the mineral itself does not seem to be so useful …”

“I’m useful, I buy as much as you have.”

“You don’t have to buy it. You only need to pay a little labor and transportation fees. How much do you need now?”

“First come to thousand thousand.”


Swich stopped for a while, and this was a bit of a toothache: “Because we didn’t deliberately explore it, the current data we can get is that our uranium reserves in Hia are less than thousand thousand tons, plus the time is short. “Our related equipment is not complete. In a few months, even full-speed mining is currently only 3000 tons.”

“So small, but fortunately, my uranium enrichment plant has not been built much.”

Baili Qingfeng said, adding directly: “Then help me transport it as much as possible.”

“Well, at the same time, I will report to the Ministry of Energy to speed up the speed, but I cannot guarantee how much output can be produced each year.”

“As soon as possible.”

Baili Qingfeng said aloud and hung up.

The call hung up less than one minute, and Baili Qingfeng’s cell phone rang again.

Soon, Mr. Heisen’s voice came in: “Mr. Baili, Professor Auburn has brought his team over, and he also brought some World Peak equipment, which has not yet paid the deposit, but also I need you to witness the final payment, and I will send you the bill in a moment … “

“No, I can trust you.”

Baili Qingfeng waved his hands.

“Haha, rest assured, all of the equipment I bought were in accordance with your requirements and came to the highest specifications, and the value for money is absolutely excellent … yes, the manpower is insufficient …”

“Recruit! 3000 people are not enough for 10000 people, 10000 people are not enough!”

“In terms of manpower, I want to take advantage of your relationship and cooperate with the cabinet. I asked the little soldiers in the station, and your identity of Thunderbolt Sect Vice Sect Master is very remarkable. You can see if you can let several universities in China Cooperate … “

“I’m going to call, but you have to go in person to recruit anyone.”

“I’ll make my students special.”

Heisen Road.

Two people talked on the phone for a long time and hung up.

After hanging up the phone, Baili Qingfeng took out a document. This is the uranium enrichment plan he is writing, and it is still under development.

Weapon-grade uranium is the key to making peace weapons.

With qualified raw materials, the next steps will be easy.

“Funds are like running water.”

Baili Qingfeng looked at it for a moment and glanced at the consumer bill given by Heisen at the last meeting, 200 million. The purchase of equipment alone was half off. In addition, the final payment for repairing the base has not yet ended, and the living facilities of the base have not been replenished. There is a small transportation fee, uranium ore purchase fee …

“It’s time to make money.”

Baili Qingfeng sighed.

It’s only one day since school started.

It seemed that he was born toil.

With this regretful attitude, Baili Qingfeng’s eyes fell on the box on the desk.

A box containing 10000 energy cells.

“I don’t know if 10000 cells can work well …”

Baili Qingfeng moved his chair and came to the box of 10000 energy cells, looking at the small tube of 10000 energy cells inside, and his heart was moving: “Or … try …”

As soon as this idea emerged, it became irresistible.

Although he would like to wait until the relevant equipment enters the laboratory to verify with a little white mouse and then confirm whether 10000 energy cells are really as useful as Professor Kanis said, but …

Time is not and the others.

When the equipment is delivered, it will be ten days and a half months to say less, heaven knows when these cells will mutate and cause abnormal test results.

even more how ……

Even with experiments on a little white mouse, how can the resulting data be comparable to human beings?

In the future, he is determined to be an outstanding student of a great philosopher, a great Martial Dao, a great musician, and a great scientist. To become a great scientist, he must have the determination and courage to dedicate himself to science.

“10000 cells, I do experiments on myself. Even if something really goes wrong, I will certainly be able to provide Professor Kanis with first-hand information, so that his research progress will be greatly promoted, for science … for all humanity. … “

Baili Qingfeng’s expression gradually became resolute.

He got up sharply and quickly searched in the next room.

Not long after, a syringe he used to infect the virus was turned out by him.

Then inserted into that little restaurant.

Sterile environment?


If the 10000 energy cells would be mutated because of the external environment, it would be such a little negligence.

“I promised Professor Kanis that he would never act blindly without thinking before confirming his safety. However, I’m lucky to be the peak of Refining Spirit 7. He has been able to precisely control his own cell-level changes. What ’s the problem, is n’t there Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique 3? Use Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique 3 to directly squander the problem cells into energy, and then repel them through blood, sweat, etc., so I can confirm, This injection of 10000 energy cells is very safe. “

Since it is safe, then it is natural to believe without words.

Thinking of this, Baili Qingfeng showed a smile on his face, quickly injected 10000 energy cells into the body, and then consciously guided the rapid proliferation of 7 energy cells by relying on his own Refining Spirit 10000 peak.

And 10000 can cells not at all let down.

This kind of cell has a strong adaptability, and soon took root in Baili Qingfeng. After a few hours, it consciously absorbed energy to divide itself. That kind of speed …

Let Baili Qingfeng be overjoyed!

Soon, he had accumulated enough 10000 energy cells in the body.

This level of 10000 energy cells does not cause any load on itself and does not cause any disturbance to the organs of the body.

Not even the disadvantages of fat, which can lead to weight gain, affect sensitivity.

They seemed as if they didn’t exist, staying quietly within him, harmless to humans and animals.

With these cells, he then allowed them to quickly split into a combat-ready state. Time only needed …

one minute!

In other words, he only needs one minute Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique 3 to enjoy his show without any worries!

If he re-stimulates with Refining Spirit evolution, this time can even be shortened to less than ten breaths.

“it is good!”

Baili Qingfeng felt the speed of cell division within the body 10000, and his face was filled with a satisfied smile: “Although it is not up to the instant level, but this is not a problem at all. I can completely rely on the ten breaths of first Hepatic support, when the liver explodes, 10000 energy cells have stimulated to divide enough to fight long enough, and I don’t have to worry about no cells to consume.

Moreover, as long as it is not suddenly assassinated or sneak attacked, the normal encounters before the war, those villains would like to say a few words of scenes, fight a saliva battle.

He at worst followed the opponent’s meaning and let him extend the scene and talk time a bit, so Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique 3 would be completely free of disadvantages.

There is a saying, the villain died of too much talk.

That’s probably what it means.

“Professor Kanis’s specialty is really extraordinary. The cooperation between 10000 energy cells and Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique 3 is perfect. Next, I can use this state as a regular state … and the hair in this state does not remain white, still It’s black, so it’s a bit wrong to call Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique white form … “

Baili Qingfeng thought about it.

It’s called mysterious form.

Mysterious form of Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique.

Baili Qingfeng is nodded satisfied with the name.

After the 10000 energy cells within the body are almost bred, the powerful god directly crashes into the inside of the body, and the light train familiarly triggers a chain reaction between the 10000 energy cells, which has a much stronger energy than white blood cells. The body raged.


This burst of energy is 30% stronger than before!

With the growth of this energy, even if he has tempered to Wargod-level physique, he feels a little pain, it seems …

Faintly touched a limit?

The limit that fleshy body withstands.

“Is it the limit of life?”

Baili Qingfeng’s eyes brightened, and he thought faintly: “martial artist is a physical child before the 7th level. There are no strange changes in all aspects compared with ordinary people. Once the 7th level barrier is broken, fleshy body It seems like a shedding body, exchanging bones, so that the cultivator can consolidate a leak-free real body, a martial artist without a leak-free real body, and when he reaches the fifty-sixty body function, he will go downhill. When he is 7 to 80, Wargod may not be able to defeat him. A new Grandmaster can be repaired without leaking the real body, and evolved with a fleshhy body. Fanhua immortal has maintained its peak state for 100 years with no difficulty …… the limit I’m touching now … can it be achieved by the human body limit?”

This limit is the limitation brought by the race of human beings.

It’s like the human skeleton, no matter how much it is trained, its material is destined to he can not afford tons of Strength.

The land True Immortal, which has been built without leakage, is the continuous breakthrough of this limit, which is a new evolution of Life Source.

“Unfortunately, my fleshhy body actually only completed 2 rounds of tempering. It was through the Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique 3 that I reached this limit barrier …”

Baili Qingfeng has some regrets.

Through the classics from the 10000 Liu Jianzong and some information from the Cabinet and the Ministry of Military Affairs, he no longer knows nothing about the land True Immortal life form and cultivation realm.

Cultivating a leak-free real body is a martial artist level 7. This is the same for Wargod and Grand Grandmaster. The cultivation of level 7 to level 8 is the process of completely breaking the limits of the human body by raising the body temperature without leaks. This is why 7 The reason why a level martial artist has a hard attribute increased by 6-30% over a level 40 martial artist.

When the life limit is completely broken, Martial Dao Realm of cultivator enters level 8, and level 8 reaches Level 9. Due to the loss of the limit of the human body, the strength of cultivator will usher in an explosive growth. This growth continues to level 9 and again. Touching new limits.

“A level 7 martial artist to a level 8 martial artist is said to take a long time to break the limits of the human body. It takes a long time and is longer than Wargod to True Immortal … Because of this, most of the land on the world today is True Immortal. All stay at level 7, but now I can reach the limit by Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique 3. I don’t know when I complete 20 rounds of tempering, can I rely on Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique to forcibly break through the human limit? What is this step called “Force Prove Dao?”

Baili Qingfeng thought.

This method works.

As for whether the process of forcibly breaking the limit of the human body will cause the collapse of the fleshhy body, that is not a problem.

You know, human potential is endless.

Don’t break, don’t stand, if you break, you can stand.


(This chapter is for the Alliance Leader, the retired moderator, who is no longer looking up to the sky, a retired old author, from nuclear explosion to the enemy, and the book review area thanks for your assistance.)

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