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Half an hour later, Baili Qingfeng caught up with the fastest escaping wolf Knight Captain.

The Captain was running towards the tribe at the moment. When Baili Qingfeng chased behind him, he was less than 3 kilometers away from the tribe. Even some of the cavemen soldiers in the tribe were holding tomahawks and roaring towards this direction. Come and want to rescue.


After all, his luck was worse.

Seeing that he could not escape the pursuit of Baili Qingfeng anyway, the wolf Knight Captain yelled desperately: “Humans, one day our warriors of Blood Wolf City will break through Tianya Mountain. Any resistance you have will be in vain. By that time your World will be our pasture, your race will be our food, your country will be our back garden … “

Baili Qingfeng saw this wolf Knight Captain dare to turn around and let the words go, and saved him from calling his name to let him turn back, and a highly skilled Thunder Scepter smashed it. Wolf Knight Captain The curse of despair came to an abrupt end …


Sword light flashed.

A skull flew up into the void.


The death of wolf Knight Captain stimulated those cavemen who came to rescue. These cavemen soldiers fully demonstrated their heroism and fearless. There were only a dozen soldiers who rushed over, but each and everyone was at full speed. Rushing and scrambling, it seems to run slower, and Baili Qingfeng will turn around and run away.

Not only these cavemen warriors, it seems that there are cavemen who have spread the news to that tribe. The entire cavemen tribe has become extremely turbulent, and it seems that a large wave of cavemen warriors is coming.

Realizing this, Baili Qingfeng, who had originally planned to meet a dozen cavemen warriors, turned around …


In this run, those cavemen warriors seemed to see through his strong in appearance but weak in reality, and the hunting was even more inspiring. Each and everyone yelled, ca n’t wait for father and mother to have 2 more legs, and to chase The human in front of me, beheaded him and used his skull as an embellishment of his glory.

Baili Qingfeng controlled speed and looked back at the same time.

That tribe is significantly smaller than the Iron Teeth. The number is estimated to be around five-six hundred, and the number of soldiers that can be sent out is not more than 2.

Since the enemy is only a human named Baili Qingfeng, there are not many fighters hunted down from the tribe, about 100 or so.

Baili Qingfeng is alone, running in front of him, followed by 2 waves of hunting army, a lonely hero and tragic and tragic spontaneous …

However, it seemed that he was really out of energy, or was deterred by the surging momentum and Murderous intention of the top 100 Grotto soldiers hunted down from that tribe, and Baili Qingfeng’s speed actually gradually slowed down.

After running for another half an hour, the cavemen warriors chased gasping for breath, and even wanted to give up, it seemed that Baili Qingfeng had finally exhausted his last physical strength …

He turned abruptly, his face full of tragic and determined, knowing that he could not escape, even if the last drop of blood ran out to fight the people in these burrows.

“roar! roar!”

“He can’t run!”

“How can a weak human be compared with our heroic cavemen warriors!”

“Kill! Kill this human, and by killing his glory, we can even move closer to the Blood Wolf City!”

Originally because they could not keep up with this caveman warrior who all wanted to give up, they saw this scene again, as if they were beaten with chicken blood, they roared again, stimulated their physical strength again, and roared and killed Baili Qingfeng.

And Baili Qingfeng has a kind of tragic wind and Xiao Xi Yi Shuihan, holding a sword …




The next battle becomes simple.

At this moment, Baili Qingfeng is much stronger than the first time to defeat the Ironfang tribe. Body Refining has reached the Wargod level, and Refining Spirit has also broken through to the Eighth Layer.

When destroying the Ironfang, he can rely on the war and retreat tactics to kill thirty-forty under the besiege of more than 100 cavemen warriors, and leave calmly, and now …

Facing the siege of more than a dozen cavemen warriors in the First Wave, he did not escape, a wave of hard resistance, and all fourteen cavemen warriors were chopped under his sword.

Under his deliberate control, the Grotto soldiers seemed to think that it was extremely difficult for him to kill the fourteen people, and he fought bloody battles. When the last Grotto soldier died, his shape was even more embarrassing, as if standing They were all unstable and sat on the ground.

Without waiting for him to sit on the ground to have a minute to rest, the 100 Grotto Warriors on the second wave roared and killed again!

“Our bloodless tribe warriors fearless and dauntless! No matter how strong this human being is, we will eventually die under our giant axe!”

“The more powerful human beings will be the medals of glory for our bloodbone tribe!”

“Kill him!”

On the 100 gasping for breath, the front line was yelled by the cavemen who had been stretched for half a kilometer, and it was difficult to sit on the ground for a while. Now, Baili Qingfeng, who had to stand up with a sword, stood in the middle and attacked again. .

The moment when Baili Qingfeng actually started, the exhaustion on his body, the paleness of his face, and the sloppy pace all disappeared.

It seemed that he relied on the strength of the earth god within one minute of sitting on the ground, and in one fell swoop he completed the resurrection of blood and demons.


The next battle becomes simple.

Refining Spirit Secret Technique?

To deal with the 3 cavemen warriors led by only 100 cavemen warriors, Baili Qingfeng does not use the Refining Spirit Secret Technique, Refining Spirit Prominent Divine, deter, kill with one sword, deter, kill with one sword.

The entire battle is without any spectacle and technicality. If it is filmed and put on the big screen, the repeated actions will even make people look dull and drowsy.

Even Baili Qingfeng’s thinking during the battle reminded him of the TV I saw a long time ago …

The TV content is almost forgotten, but what impressed me most was the repeated fights and the lyrics … it seemed like …

I want to become immortal, the magic is boundless?

“xiu! xiu! xiu! ”

Assassination! Assassination! Assassinate again!

Finally, when nearly 100 Grotto Warriors besieged around Baili Qingfeng, the remaining Grotto Warriors collapsed.

each and everyone completely lost the courage to confront Baili Qingfeng, mourned, screamed, and ran away in the direction of their tribe. It seemed that only by returning to their tribe and hiding on the bed with a quilt could they escape this nightmare-like fear .

That runaway look …

I ca n’t wait for father and mother to have two more legs to avoid the human behind.

The situation repeats itself.

It was just that Baili Qingfeng hunted down more than 100 people, but now Baili Qingfeng kills more than 50 people.

heroic? fearless and dauntless?

The whole number became empty words.

Baili Qingfeng chased and killed all the way, directly killing the trivial city wall of that tribe.

Considering that he seems to have a lot of physical strength, the city wall of this tribe is actually shorter than the Ironfang tribe, and is completely retreatable. He is also reluctant to return and kills the cavemen tribe following the mad cavemen in.

Chaos spread throughout this tribe of five-six hundred people.

Although this tribe has five-six hundred people, every day there are 2 100 people going out for hunting and performing tasks. In addition, Baili Qingfeng was killed and killed more than 100 outside the city. Actually, there are only 300 people up and down. The ratio is even less than 100.

However, even if they are not soldiers, ordinary people in the caves still have a lot of threats. If they are put in the city of Xia, such people in the caves can cause massacres of hundreds of civilians.

This is a race battle.

This is a struggle for survival.

Grotto people treat humans as food and livestock, just like human captive poultry. If it is not for the size of the Transmission Gate that prevents the cave people from rushing into the human world on a large scale, the efficiency of the destruction of the human kingdom will be Not as slow as it is now.

The conflict between the two is irreconcilable.

However, even with the size limitation of the Transmission Gate, the sacrifices and losses of soldiers and civilians lost in this less than 100-year battle still total more than 30 100000000 million.

Even when Baili Qingfeng stepped into the cave people, he also saw a news that a middle country was broken by beastly people, and 1000 4 million people became rations …

I have to say that Shia was lucky.

At least on the territory of Shia, the Transmission Gate has less than two digits, and Shia’s military power can still bear the human race rushed out of the Transmission Gate and maintain the basic rule of the country.


Blood filled.

Baili Qingfeng doesn’t know how long he killed.

Ten minutes, half an hour, an hour?

There were fewer and fewer people around him in the cave, and a strong bloody smell filled this small tribe, intertwined with various odors.

When Baili Qingfeng suddenly became empty in front of him, he looked at it …

I can’t see any more cave people.

Although many cave people are still alive, they have completely lost the courage to fight against Baili Qingfeng and escaped from this tribe. Baili Qingfeng holds the sword 4 Gu, and no one can dare to fight back.

Blood stained his body red, making him look like a blood man.

Even with his physical strength, at this moment, he still felt sore, and the innate Fiendgod Zuz, who had just broken through to the Refining Spirit 8 weight, was a bit atrophied.


Baili Changkong long put out a breath: “Finally, I have killed these cavemen. It is too dangerous to attack a cavemen tribe by myself. If it wasn’t because the warriors of this cavemen tribe were led out by me in advance, Beheaded, I’m afraid … I’m in danger next … “

Never underestimate any opponent!

Never underestimate any caveman tribe!

After a rest, Baili Qingfeng’s eyes fell on the largest building in the tribe.

He already knows about the cave people. The buildings in the cave people’s tribe often represent identity. The best and largest building represents the most respected identity.

“Last time I got 6 blood of the brave in the Iron Tooth Department, this tribe is smaller than the Iron Tooth Department, but 3 of the Blood of the Brave should have … In addition, I hope these people will enjoy it and prepare clear water.”

Baili Qingfeng thought to himself that he couldn’t restore his physical strength, but came to this building.

This building is not small, in fact it is less than 2 100 square meters, Baili Qingfeng has made a circle, not at all to find enough blood of the brave.

But he found the main material for the blood of the brave.



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