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“Divine technique !? Divine technique!”

“Wait! I seem to have seen this term!”

Hearing Baili Qingfeng’s words, Sword God and Quantum Wargod 2 sent messages at the same time.

“Swordsman, who has made great contributions to the temple or has amazing potential, has been given the honor of planting the Peak Bloodline within the body. This Peak Bloodline is used to support itself and transform the body! Often only the blood that is out of the physical layer As the driving force for the blood worship divine technique! The blood worship divine technique can activate and burn that Peak blood. Once it is displayed, blood will become the strongest weapon of the Swordsman in the temple. If it is highly toxic, anyone will die! “

Sword Monarch, which had never seen a shadow before, suddenly popped up, throwing such a large piece of information.

“I remember it too!”

At this time, Aotian Sword God was cry out in surprise: “cultivator As the cultivation base strengthens, the energy contained in the blood of the body becomes more and more huge, like the martial artist Level 2 nourishes and exchanges blood. At that time, the strength contained in the blood exceeds that of ordinary people. When the True Immortal of the land is repaired, there is no leakage of the true body, their blood is like a tonic under the connotation of the leakage of the true body, and if another round of life evolution is completed, the blood of the cultivator shoulders heavenly materials earthly treasures. Very few cultivators can get this. This kind of blood, use the power of blood to strengthen the body, so that they evolve towards that extraordinary life, and they can also use the Divine technique to inspire this Blood Strength in times of crisis … “

Speaking of which, he deeply sucked in a breath of cold air: “I remember I went to a piece of information. In a cave man battlefield in the Iron Empire, a temple Swordsman detonated himself with the blood-divine technique. Splashed, caught off guard, 6 land True Immortal were worshiped on the spot divine technique burned into ashes! Among them … including a Level 9 martial artist! “

“9 …… Level 9 martial artist !?”

Ten-step kills, East wins, Quantum Wargod is a little bit rampant.

Swordsman, the temple of the worship of the blood-divine technique, can actually pull Level 9 martial artist perish together? And by the way took 5 land True Immortal?

At this time, Sword Monarch did not know where to find another message, and sent it directly to the group: “I found it, the Battle of the Golden Peak 4 years ago. The fallen Level 9 martial artist is the Castle Lord of the Lionheart Fortress, and the Iron Empire Peak. One of the forces … Here is a list of 5 years ago. On the ranking of the forces given by Heaven’s Mystery Building, the comprehensive strength of Lionheart Castle is 4 places higher than that of Miss Luo Ying’s Stargazing Hall. Of course, with They Castle Lord died, Lionheart Castle fell, and now it is not as good as the Star Watching Hall. “

“Why is it so stupid?”

Mint exclaimed sullenly, and at the same time made an expression of “scared my little fish out”.

In the previous second, the words continued to be active in the group of falling cherry blossoms to listen to the rain, and then suddenly stopped talking.

“I can find only three records about the blood worship divine technique. The first one is the Golden Peak World War I. One Level 3 and five 9-level martial artists died. The second one is the World War I Fenghuo Basin. An 5th, 7th 2th level died, and the third occurred in the Tienfeng battlefield of our eastern Divine Continent Aurora Empire, without causing any casualties. “

Sword Monarch.

“No casualties?”

Shibuyi asked curiously.


Sword Monarch promised, adding cautiously: “At that time, the battle at Tianyufeng battlefield was fierce, and I realized that the temple Swordsman had performed the blood worship divine technique, and the Aurora Empire emperor sitting in Tianyufeng battlefield personally shot it, and the temple Swordsman was suppressed by Supreme Power and kill, so there have been no casualties. “

“The Emperor of the Aurora Empire !? The man worshipped by all Sergeants of the Aurora Empire as gods !?”

“No wonder!”

Seeing this message, even the moderator Aotian Sword God looks like a sudden realization.

“Swordsman, a temple with a blood-divine technique, is so scary that even Level 9 martial artists can’t hold their blood?”

Baili Qingfeng was a bit surprised by this information. It took a while before Pats chest said: “It’s okay, thanks to the fact that I hid quickly, so I got a little bit. I really want to be completely sprayed with his blood. … “

As soon as he said this, the atmosphere inside the group suddenly stopped.

Less than ten seconds, a piece of news that fell into the cherry blossoms was heard suddenly.

“You … you got blood from the blood-divine technique !?”

That tone …

Baili Qingfeng seemed to feel her panic across the screen.

It is totally inconsistent with her usual high-cold style.

“Thunder Dominator, you really got those blood !? The Lion Lord Castle Lord also got a little bit, but he was still burned to death by burning the whole body less than one minute after beheading that temple Swordsman. You … “

“I also found this information from our internal channel of Heaven’s Mystery Building. This kind of blood seems to be a dead end without doubt!”

Sword Monarch and Sword God from Aotian follow closely from behind.

“It may be that your news is wrong, or that the blood I have stained is really small. Although I was a little uncomfortable at that time, I recovered after a while. I can eat, drink, run, jump, and by the way I have a Knight Knight team, and my health is very good … “

Baili Qingfeng truthfully.

“Can run and jump …”

“Wolf Knight … squad?”


“Boss, what did you do?”

“# @% * …”

The ten-step kill that rarely appeared in the group quickly found his emoji, and he finally understood why Sword Monarch, Quantum Wargod, Ethereal Fairy, and the Eastern Winner were always cold and cold …

Can’t help it, can’t help it!

“Wolf Knight, is that kind of monster riding a blood wolf? Good terrifying!”

Mint asked desolately.

The message she sent suddenly became normal, and Baili Qingfeng all looked a little uncomfortable.

But the girl was afraid, especially the new one who had just joined the group. As a veteran, he would naturally come forward to comfort him: “Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, those are the cavemen who rode the wolf, as long as we kill first With their wolves, they are just more powerful cavemen, not terrifying at all. “

Mint looked desolately at the words that Baili Qingfeng made …

The wolf who killed them is just a stronger caveman …

That makes sense.



A picture of “new cute shiver coldly” was sent out by Mint.


Just happened to find the ten-step kill of this emoticon. Seeing this scene, I don’t know why, the picture suddenly couldn’t be sent.

In the same way, Sword Monarch who turned Heaven Realm into the expression bar, East wins and the others also stopped their actions.

They looked at the picture sent by the desolate mint, and a kind of speechless reassurance sprang up.

The two of them were sitting quietly, leaning in front of their computers, slowly taking out a cigarette, and looking at the shiver coldly picture in the group, with indescribable vicissitudes and loneliness …


The silhouette of the shiver coldly in the setting sun is their youth.

“Mint … you can be integrated into our organization so quickly, and I’m … glad.”

Aotian Sword God said with emotion.

A shiver coldly mint mint sent a “???” expression.

“It doesn’t matter, you will understand later.”

“Congratulations, Mint.”

“You are indeed our like-minded, and you are welcome to join.”

Aotian Sword God, Sword Monarch, Quantum Wargod and the others each and everyone are smiling, as if the amiable Big Brother is generally speaking encouraging words.

“Although I do n’t know what you are going to do, I always feel that I am going to harm Demu Sheep.”

Mint desolate is obviously not a person who likes to think, the answer is very attentive.

And several others …

Stop talking.

each and everyone profoundly mystery laughed.

However, she fell in love with the rain, and the good family education she received from her childhood kept her as a rich lady. Although she felt like she had missed something, she still maintained the pride of her ladylikes.


When looking at the four words Thunder Dominator, expression is more cautious.

If this Thunder Dominator is true …

That’s really amazing. It’s not exaggerating to describe it with talent.


She knows Sword Monarch and the East Wins 2 people, and she knows all the dispositions, and she knows everything. From the words in them, one of the ten sentences is really thankful. It seems that one day I do n’t brag and talk. If you don’t make false statements, you will feel uncomfortable, so for the Thunder Dominator that can mix with them, what is the true or false ……

She remained skeptical.

The group was quiet for a moment and soon entered normal development.

“Thunder Dominator, Sword Technique, I’ll pass it to you.”

After Quango Wargod said, Baili Qingfeng had received a file from him in the private chat interface.

As he opened the file, the translated text belonging to Sword Technique Mountain and Rivers Momentum was immediately downloaded by him.


There seems to be anything other than the Sword Technique, Mountain and Rivers Momentum?

“Soul-splitting? What is this?”

“It’s a Refining Spirit Secret Technique.”

Quango Wargod said, there seems to be a sneaky feeling: “Brother Thunder Dominator, this Sword Technique is of high value and can only be described as expensive, but my grandfather translated this Sword Technique without the boss.” I leaked it under the permission of the police, which made me very angry, and also felt ashamed of the trust of the big brother, so I took advantage of his attention and copied a Refining Spirit Secret Technique that he was secretly translating, As a gift to the boss, I hope the boss will not blame me … “

After that, he quickly made a pitiful expression.

“Oh? Mountain and Rivers Momentum This Sword Technique is learned and learned, it’s okay, I plan to upload it to the group for everyone to learn together, but your Refining Spirit Secret Technique … there will be no What’s the matter? “

“It’s okay. I copied it without anyone knowing. The boss can rest assured.”


Baili Qingfeng has already seen it. This Refining Spirit Secret Technique is exactly the aggressive Refining Spirit Secret Technique he has always wanted to find. With this Refining Spirit Secret Technique, he will meet the Temple Swordsman next time. Don’t be so passive, maybe …

Smashing with the Refining Spirit Secret Technique alone can directly kill a temple Swordsman.

For his 50 temples, Swordsman, a plan to get a dazzling gold is definitely a big help.

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