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Baili Qingfeng self-examines the cultivation success result. This cultivation speed is just barely for him. After all, he takes too many Heaven and Earth Spiritual Items.

If you give these Heaven and Earth Spiritual Items to other people, a pig is probably cultivation success Land True Immortal, not to mention those real geniuses in Holy Land, but now he ’s tempering his sixth body, leaving him The standard of 6 times in mind is a long way off.

Moreover, tempering sounds twice as much as other Wargods, but in fact, there is nothing to be proud of. More than one biography book shows that the movement of the children of the plane and the protagonist of the world can break the inherent limit Similar to this Supreme-limited fleshhy body tempering, if you do n’t tempering 20 times, Sorry says that he is the protagonist, those who are open and hanging are powerful, even Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth and 99 Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth.

Compared with those people, Baili Qingfeng feels that he is much more normal, and at most a little better than ordinary person.

“The retreat was stopped for a day or two, and I immediately arrived at the Thunderbolt Sect’s inauguration conference. 2 grandfather is waiting for me to go to the catwalk and show my strength by the way, so that those martial artists who were originally in the neutral camp will understand that the future of Thunderbolt Sect will be inevitable. There is no future. “

Baili Qingfeng stopped cultivation and cleaned himself up.

By the time he changed his clothes and walked out of the cave, Baili Tianxing had hurried out of the cave.

“Qingfeng, you are still here Martial Practice? Hurry! Everyone is waiting for you, the ceremony of Lizong is about to begin.”

Baili said hurriedly.


Baili Qingfeng took the mobile phone out and looked at the time above: “It’s only 9:14. Didn’t the ceremony start at 8:1? I have deliberately speeded up the speed. The soap is useless, so I washed it with water. … “

“You are our Vice Sect Master at Thunderbolt Sect. That’s all without a day in advance. Do you still want to be there? It’s not a wedding.”

Baili said silently, no longer willing to make nonsense, and said directly: “The car is outside, we will go now.”

“Wait a minute, I remember that the ceremony was very boring. It would be a waste of time. I’ll take this book to see …”

“What books do I have, my dad is dying.”

Baili Tianxing said that he took Baili Qingfeng to stride the meteor, and soon came down the mountain, got on the car parked outside the grove, and immediately started the vehicle and rushed to Thunderbolt Sect.

“Another ten minutes were saved, but I calculated the ten minute taxi time.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

Baili Tianxing didn’t speak, and speed went fast.

However, due to the large number of vehicles on the road, even if Baili’s driving skills are not bad, and the Level 3 martial artist responded quickly, when he came outside Thunderbolt Sect, it was still half an hour later.

“Come, here comes Qingfeng.”

Baili Tianxing pulled Baili Qingfeng immediately to find Baili Changkong.

But Baili Changkong had already gone to the inner hall at this time, and naturally he would not stay outside the gate.

“Don’t worry, when there is calmness in major events, come, uncle, take a deep breath …”

Baili Qingfeng looked at Baili Tianxing, who was anxious and faintly anxious, and comforted him patiently.

Baili took a look at him, and eventually …

Don’t want to talk anymore.


Baili Tianxing was looking for Baili Changkong with Baili Qingfeng, and Ge Feibai, who came to Thunderbolt Sect in advance, got together.

Also with Ge Feibai are Ge Shuren, Ge Feilong, and Ge Shasha.

The remaining Ge Wen, Ge Bai, and the others did not come. After all, although they had a relationship with Baili Qingfeng, they were not the people in the martial artist circle. It was meaningless to invite them.

“Fly white, Salsa.”

Baili Qingfeng was nodded to the two people, and greeted Ge Shuren and Ge Feilong at the same time: “Cousin.”

“Qingfeng, you are here.”

Ge Shuren and Ge Feilong responded with a smile.

It’s just that their two smiles are obviously a bit restrained.

“Tianxing, Qingfeng.”

Baili Qingfeng was about to say something, a voice had come from inside.

It is Shi Tianya.

Shi Tianya hurriedly ran out of it, and said with a look of surprise: “Qingfeng, you can come, the people of Shanhedian, Jinglanzong, and Purple Clothes Building have arrived!”

“Shanhedian, Jinglanzong, Purple Clothes Building !?”

Baili complexion changed: “They really dare to come?”

“Qingfeng, Jinglanzong, Shanhedian, Purple Clothes Building brought a lot of powerhouses. Obviously the visitors are not good. You will meet them when you go.”

Shi Tianya looked at Baili Qingfeng and immediately spoke.

Obviously, he purposely came to find Baili Qingfeng’s past.

There is Baili Qingfeng who can slay the 9 Grandmasters with an enemy of 9. What can the people in Shanhedian, Jinglanzong, and Purple Clothes Building set off if they come?

But when he saw that Baili Qingfeng was obviously wearing a T-shirt for 2 years, he couldn’t help but feel a little surprised: “Qingfeng, you … do you wear this?”

“Can’t it? Am I going to put on my Storm Ripper? Knowing that there will be a war today, the Storm Ripper has moved to Thunderbolt Sect last night, shall I put it on?”

“No … not for now …”

Shi Tianya hesitated for a moment, but still didn’t urge on his dress, but just said, “You follow me.”

Baili Qingfeng can only be humane to Ge Feilong and Ge Shu at the moment: “I have something, and I will receive 2 cousins ​​later.”

“No need, Qingfeng, don’t hesitate to go to work if you have something.”

Ge Shuren said quickly.

Right now, Shi Tianya was facing their polite nodded, and took Baili Qingfeng at full speed to the square in front of the mountain sect master.

Seeing Baili Qingfeng’s departure, the faces of Ge Shuren and Ge Feilong both showed a hint of envy.

“I have heard of Thunderbolt Sect ’s influence in Xia Ya and Xia Haizhou more than once before, but it ’s only then that I truly understand the extraordinaryness of Thunderbolt Sect. Look at the timeline of Thunderbolt Sect. Who are they coming from? The military, parliament, local, and local forces are all indispensable, and they all come from the level of informers. “

Ge Shuren expression sighed, even if he had been prepared more than once, he still could not imagine that the rise of Baili Qingfeng would be so rapid.

“I see Speaker Nabo, and our Nabo Speaker of the Xiahai District Council has arrived!”

Ge Feilong said.

“The Speaker Naboa is here !?”

Ge Shuren was shocked.

The speaker Naborear personally, and Thunderbolt Sect’s face was much bigger than he thought.

For a moment, his eyes fell a little hot on Geshasha: “How did you follow Qingfeng cultivation during this time?”

“Most recently, Feibai was teaching me … I took the opportunity to ask for some advice, but I threw a few physics books …”

Geshasha was aggrieved.

Mother explained in detail that she must seize this opportunity and take good care of the relationship with Baili Qingfeng, but …

She couldn’t get started.

“I came here this way. I have to read a good book to learn martial arts. If I do n’t master the corresponding knowledge, it will be dangerous to practice Master’s Immemorial Thunder God One Hundred And Eight Style.”

Ge Fei white road.


Ge Shuren looked at Ge Shasha and said at the moment: “Then you read the book well, your grades are not bad, you can understand it, you can understand it, and you can see it today, as long as you can learn from Qingfeng As a result, the future is limitless. “

“I understood.”

Geshasha is well nodded.


Thunderbolt Sect’s ceremony was held in the square in front of the main hall. At this moment, a table has been set up in the square, and there are many guests sitting underneath. At a glance, there are always no fewer than 1000 people.

Among these 1000 people, the proportion of Grandmaster is extremely high.

Due to the large number of Grandmasters and their mixed flavors, Baili Qingfeng cannot accurately calculate exactly how many Level 4 powerhouses there are, but only a vague estimate, fearing that there are dozens, or even 100.

Although there are many Grandmasters, and there are more than 1000 guests on the field, the strange thing is that the atmosphere on the field is not warm and lively, but it is a bit heavy. The main reason is to go directly to the stage and be in the front row. A dozen people sitting down.

Precisely ten or eight people.

Ten people, representing Three Great Sects, 8 people per a small sect.

Moreover, these sect guest camps are very similar. A 6-level martial artist with 5 4 Fifth Level martial artists, the team is not bad.

When Baili Qingfeng came here with Shi Tianya, Baili Changkong, Lu Ping and the others were already there.

At this moment, Baili Changkong sternly spoke to a man who looked up and down: “Gu Chongxiao, Dongdongliu, and Xu purple clothed. Although we have our own hospitality in Thunderbolt Sect, if the guests do not understand the rules , Wanton chaos, to be a villain, then don’t blame our Thunderbolt Sect for being unemotional, and expel the villain to the sect. “

“Oh? What ’s happening today is also a thrilling day for Thunderbolt Sect. We do n’t want to make the appearance of blood flowing into a river to make you look like a Thunderbolt Sect. Building, to humiliate us first, it is no wonder that we have offended too much, just like now, in the case of Qilin Sword Sect, Penglai Immortal Sect, Snow Mountain 6, we are shocked, Purple Clothes Building, mountains and rivers The temple is in the presence of Peak sect, isn’t that true? Since it’s Peak sect, it’s okay to be in the upper seat?

“Yes, Gu Chongxiao’s Sect Master makes sense. According to the rankings of rivers and lakes, which of our Three Great Sects can’t be the main seat? You Thunderbolt Sect invited us Three Sects to come here, but arranged us in the second seat, this It is clear that they want to insult us Three Great Sects deliberately and damage our Three Great Sects face. “

Palace Lord Said with a smile: “Of course, Thunderbolt Sect is just a newly established sect established for a few months after all. It is understandable and understandable for the number of respect and courtesy in our martial artist circle, but I have told you the rules and principles. If you still repent and take your ignorance as the truth, then you can’t justify it. “

Although they were in Thunderbolt Sect and had invited over 1000 guests in front of Thunderbolt Sect, the three of them were all laughing and joking, without any scruples.

Because they know that although the 1000 guests are crowded, but give them ten courage, they did not dare to join Thunderbolt Sect to join them in the siege of a dozen of them. They are simply a group of wall grasses that can only scream for strength that’s all.

Thunderbolt Sect is a group of old, weak and sick with wall grass, but they are strong and powerful …

Shui Dongli thought of this, and glanced at the platform …

The eighty-eight Grandmaster, and Griffin and the others secretly coped with this lineup. Land True Immortal can also fight, what fear do they have! ?

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