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The turbulent momentum from Griffin, Han Di, Gu Jiang, Yan Ying, Xin Yi, and Nash was slightly stagnant.

Gu Chongxiao …

How long has it taken the Sect Master?

2 Sword? 3 sword?

Then it fell?

Baili Qingfeng ……

Domineering to this extent! ?

In particular, I witnessed the majestic force of blood radiating from Baili Qingfeng after inspiring Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique …

Is this still Wargod?

Kingdom Guardian is nothing like this.

When is the formidable power of the Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique so huge that a Wargod can span a great realm and show a strong Strength no less than that of the Kingdom Guardian?

Compared to six people such as Griffin who were stagnant, Thunderbolt Sect, the military department, the cabinet, the place, and the guests who were invited to see the six silhouettes that suddenly rushed out from under the platform, but were shocked. Endless, his face was full of incredible.

“Griffin! It’s Qilin Sword Sect Elder Griffin, Nash!”

“That’s … the embarrassment and heart of Snow Mountain 6!”

“Yan Ying and Gu Jiang of Penglai Immortal Sect are also here!”

“These people actually appeared at the ceremony of Thunderbolt Sect !?”

The big swordsman Yuyu sitting on the main seat was cold in heart: “I thought that Three Great Holy Lands sent 3 big 6-level powerhouses led by Gu Chongxiao, Xu purple clothed, and Shui Dongliu, plus 15 4 Fifth Level powerhouse, plus 10000 mountains, blood shadows to cope, the scale has been called a powerful horror, didn’t expect … In addition to Gu Chongxiao and others, the Three Great Holy Lands are actually sent Here comes 6 Great Elder! If you include the people of Jinglanzong, Shanhedian, and Purple Clothes Building, there are 9 6th and 15 4 Fifth Level powerhouses … this lineup, even if it is True Immortal kill!”

“24 powerhouse, 6 level 9 powerhouse! The determination of Qilin Sword Sect, Penglai Immortal Sect, Snow Mountain 6 to overthrow Thunderbolt Sect is so great !?”

Zhang Loose Practitioner also has a feeling of breathing coagulation.

Guo Juxia, with a frustrated sigh, said: “It’s over! Baili Qingfeng is over! Thunderbolt Sect is over! Baili Old Master …… He is so anxious, why, why is there clearly that Baili Qingfeng has this kind of Innate Talent and can’t wait any longer After a few years, wait for Baili Qingfeng to become a Kingdom Guardian, and then let him go to the front desk? Even if it’s better than ten years, now it can’t get worse … Baili Qingfeng has a Strength that is not inferior to that of the Kingdom Guardian by relying on mystery explosion, but after all Not a real Kingdom Guardian-level powerhouse, or the 10000 Grand Grandmasters who defeated 9 Liu Jian Zong will not be killed or alive … Now, Three Great Holy Lands dispatches 24 Grandmaster, which which is included 9 6-level powerhouses, the real Kingdom Guardian level can besiege … end … all over! “

“During this period of time, the Ministry of Military Affairs and the Cabinet endeavored to support Thunderbolt Sect in order to turn Thunderbolt Sect into a star power, in order to break the dominance of Qilin Sword Sect, Penglai Immortal Sect, and Snow Mountain 6 on our Shia martial artist circle. Three Great Holy Lands obviously understands this, so many powerhouses are dispatched this time, the purpose is to deter our maria artist circle who is so excited, let the maria artist circle understand, who is the real thing in this land Ruler! “

The hearts of several 6-level powerhouses are heavy and helpless.

They are still so as a 6-level powerhouse, not to mention the 1000 ordinary guests, some of them have even been thinking about whether to leave early, lest Qilin Sword Sect, Penglai Immortal Sect, Snow Mountain 6 follow up one after another account.

“Hello! Griffin! Ancient Xinjiang!”

Baili Changkong looked at the six powerhouses that came out from under him, and suddenly he was frightened with cold sweat.

He would never believe that the six people hiding under the stage helped the Thunderbolt Sect to maintain and repair the podium. Their purpose is definitely to come to Baili Qingfeng. If it wasn’t for Baili Qingfeng’s actions, it would have been unexpected. Unfathomable mystery would directly face Gu Chongxiao. The killer pained them, forcing them to show up in advance, and waited until Baili Qingfeng came to the stage to talk and then they suddenly made a sneak attack …

The consequences could be disastrous!

Whether on the field of Thunderbolt Sect, 3 Holy Land, or many guests in the neutral state, all of them were slightly confused because of this sudden change, and the only thing that remained normal …

only one!

Baili Qingfeng!

Not only that, when he realized that Xu purple clothed and Shuidongliu 2 were suddenly killed by Griffin and the others, and he was surprised and joyous, he thought of the innate Fiendgod Zuz without the slightest hesitation!

“hong long long !”

thunderbolt roar!

The moment when the innate Fiendgod Zuz appeared as a living creature, striding directly from Baili Qingfeng, shutting through the void, holding with one hand, the endless thunderbolt electro-light condensed in his hand, and turned into a next moment A blazing white scepter fell against Xu purple clothed.

“Refining Spirit Secret Technique !?”

“Be careful!”

As the water flowed, Griffin’s exclamation sounded at the same time.


Although they are not far from Baili Qingfeng, they are not close, even if they realize that the purple clothed crisis is too late to rescue.

Even if the responding Shui Dongliu roared, the energy broke out, the sword hole in his hand penetrated the air, and Rui Xiao, who was tearing the air waves, intercepted and killed Baili Qingfeng, but speed …

After all, it’s slower!

Under Thunder Scepter strikes, Xu purple clothed her mind and drama, even if she understood the terrifying of this Refining Spirit Secret Technique, and tried her best to struggle, it still didn’t make any sense.


sword light tear!

Without killing the sword, he carried a ray of golden in the afterglow and flew across the purple clothed body. Under the sharp edge of no stronghold one cannot overcome, no physical body can resist.

A shocking head rolled up blood light and flew up into the void.

“Ah! Suffer!”

At this time, the sword in the water flow like an aurora, killing it suddenly, with thunder and lightning, and assassinate to the body of Baili Qingfeng that did not dodge.

But just as his sword was about to penetrate through Baili Qingfeng, Baili Qingfeng’s body was suddenly shocked and swayed. The sword edge assassinated by the water flow was slightly shaken by the force of this wave. The arc that clung to the surface of Storm Armor’s Battle Armor pierced into the air.

“zi zi !”

The sword edge cuts the Battle Armor, tearing a naked eye flare on the Battle Armor.


That’s it.

“Not good !”

A sword fell into the air, and Sudongliu felt an uncomfortable moment. The incomparable precise control of the Grandmaster made him control his internal interest burst out, and his leaning shape instantly turned back, almost against physical physics. The law-like trajectory pulled back and violently retreated, and during the retreat, he fell into the vacant hand, and the word edge that cut a crack on the Storm Armor Battle Armor trembled again, aiming at the cross section of Baili Qingfeng’s skull Kill it!

“Save people! Shoot!”

“Kill Baili Qingfeng!”

Two people from Griffin and Hanyu saw Baili Qingfeng in their front of one’s eyes and killed another person while roaring. The six silhouettes had inspired the extreme surge of blood and blood, each and everyone seemed to tear the void. Crossbow arrows swept the storm and rushed towards Baili Qingfeng.

“Protect the Vice Sect Master!”

“Hugh to be fierce at my Thunderbolt Sect!”

When Griffin, Greetings, Ancient Xinjiang, and the others shot, Baili Changkong, Lu Ping, Shi Tianya, and the others were not slow at all, and they daringly charged and joined the battlefield.

The 15 Grandmaster-level powerhouse brought by Gu Chongxiao, Xu purple clothed, and Shui Dongliu also joined the battlefield and slayed several people towards Thunderbolt Sect.

“General Astor, Golden Claw, let’s go!”

The Switch, representing Legion, suddenly stood up and strode forward without joining the battlefield without the slightest hesitation.

Seeing Switch’s shot, Grandmaster such as Donald, Mrs. Yu Li, Su Sheng, and Changle hesitated for a while, without the slightest hesitation rising.

Thunderbolt Sect represents the face of Xia Haizhou. Although their benefits cannot reach the level of Thunderbolt Sect if one prospers, all prospers if one suffers, all suffers, if you really sit by and watch Thunderbolt Sect fall, let Qilin Sword Sect take the hand. Extending to Xia Haizhou, their days will inevitably become extremely difficult. Instead, they should make an informed decision and make a decision.

“Dad, we …”

Among the crowd, Chang Qingzong and others were also invited. Seeing that the situation in the field was chaotic, Yu Caiwei immediately fell on Yu Changqing.

Yu Changqing took a look at Xu purple clothed and Gu Chongxiao who were killed by the outbreak of Baili Qingfeng. This moment is also extremely decisive: “Qingfeng Vice Sect Master has a life-saving grace in our Changqingzong. Now it is time for us to repay this. It’s time for your kindness, you wait to protect yourself! “

In other words, he strode meteor and went straight to the Grand Master of the Mountain and River Hall to intercept and go away: “Let me come to meet your means of the Mountain and River Hall!”

Thunderbolt Sect established the sect, and the floating slaughter sect, Hundred Herb Hall, which belonged to the military department and cabinet lineage, naturally sent representatives to congratulate him. The representative of the floating slaughter was Nanlian Grandmaster and Heavenly Revolution Grandmaster 10000 Hongming.


Nanlian Grandmaster and Yu Changqing intersected Mo Ni, and when he saw that he was involved in the battle, Nanlian Grandmaster suddenly stood up.

“Senior Brother, Jinglanzong, Shanhedian, and Purple Clothes Building are not the veins of Qilin Sword Sect, Penglai Immortal Sect, and Snow Mountain. What are we afraid of?

while speaking He followed Yu Changqing closely.

“Nan Lian …”

10000 Hong Ming looked at the shot Nan Lian, hesitated for a moment, turned his eyes to the 2 Grandmasters of Hundred Herb Hall, and it happened that the 2 Grandmasters of Hundred Herb Hall also looked at them.

After 3 people looked at each other, 10000 Hong Ming suddenly stood up: “The purpose of my floating slaughter is never to abandon any same sect. Since Nan Lian participated in the war, I have no reason to sit below 10000 Hong Ming and remain indifferent, Yuan Altar Master, since our floating slaughterhouse and Hundred Herb Hall have already made a decision early, we should implement the decision to the end. Looking ahead and looking after the future, terrified and over-cautious, how do people think of our floating slaughterhouse and Hundred Herb Hall? “

After speaking, he didn’t wait for the Yuan Altar Master to respond. His interest was motivated, and his body was shot like a spring maggot, and he was suddenly intercepted by an Elder in Jinglanzong.

“Just stop.”

Yuan Altar Master also sighed and stood up, but his gaze glanced at Baili Qingfeng: “this child ability cuts the 9 Grandmasters, and the methods shown here are not inferior to the Kingdom Guardian-level powerhouse. Although relying on the power of the forbidden technique, it is still a luxury for the six people to try to kill him, and with his Innate Talent, it may be a matter of time to achieve Kingdom Guardian in the future. Once he has achieved Kingdom Guardian, then forbidden Technique is supplementary, how can we not fight against Three Great Holy Lands? “

At this point, Hundred Herb Hall 2 Grandmaster is also without the slightest hesitation to join the battle.

As these powerhouses shot in succession, the number of Grandmasters on both sides was faintly flat.

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