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“That … Qingfeng Sect Master, Su 1000, that’s a level 8 True Immortal! Not to mention the drawbacks of Body Refining vs. internal interest flow, is that on realm, you are also Wargod level? Not in history? People fight beyond the ranks, like Miro once defeated a land True Immortal in the Grand Grandmaster, but you … directly kill the level 8 True Immortal Su 1000 lines … how did you do that? “

Shi Tianya couldn’t help but speak.

Baili Qingfeng glanced at a few people.

Even Baili Changkong seems to be very eager for this truth.

And Baili Qingfeng …

It has always been a person who does not like Tibetan privacy.

“Now that you ask, I’ll tell you the trick, just wait a moment for me.”

Baili Qingfeng went back upstairs.

“The trick … the trick !? The trick to kill the enemy!”

“Qingfeng Sect Master is able to kill enemies beyond the ranks, is it possible that … because he has an unknown know-how? It’s like an outbreak of secret law !?”

“His … Qingfeng Sect Master. Is this the trick to teach us? Would … need to be reviewed?”

Yu Changqing, Lu Ping and Shi Tianya glanced at each other, and they became excited, hesitant, expectant, and uneasy for a while.

It’s almost like a group of first awakening of love teenagers dating a beloved young girl for the first time.

But Baili Changkong looked very stable, looking upstairs, calmly.

Soon, Baili Qingfeng returned from upstairs, hands …

Holding a cheat book! ?

“That’s my trick!”

Baili Qingfeng said, moving the book to the coffee table.

Suddenly, Shi Tianya, Lu Ping, and Yu Changqing all expressed their excitement around at the same time.

“this is鈥︹€?#8221;

“It’s this book !?”

“Too … too incredible!”

Baili Changkong glanced from the corner of his eyes鈥攖he self-cultivation of the assassin Grandmaster.

“Ha ha鈥︹€?#8221;

“The biggest difference between humans and animals is because they have extraordinary wisdom, knowing that the enemy cannot be defeated and they have to find ways to defeat them in the face. This is not heroic, but I don’t know what to do. I sincerely thank the author who wrote ‘AssassinMaster “Grandmaster’s self-cultivation”, in the face of an enemy that cannot be defeated, we should adopt a roundabout tactic, adopt an assassination tactic, and the assassination essence … “

“It won’t hit 1000 miles in one shot.”

Baili Changkong took the conversation and interrupted his upcoming long talk: “Just tell me how you killed Su 1000.”

“I said, assassinate!”

Baili Qingfeng resolutely said.

Although the assassination of at first at this time seems to fail, the results are not the same?

He even maintained a saying when talking with Miro, the incarnation of God, that the process was not important, and the result was the only one.

“The battlefield has a wide range, and it seems to be inconsistent with the law of assassination.”

Baili Changkong neither fast nor slow.

“But I was able to defeat the Su 1000 line by relying on assassination!”

Baili Qingfeng said, carefully recalling the scene at the time, saying: “I hid by the road and suddenly broke out, hitting Su 10000 lines with a thunderbolt of 1000 June, and all his ribs were broken, but even so, The Nasu 1000 line still showed an incomparable Life Strength, struggling violently with me, but in the end … He suffered a serious injury early, and the Strength and speed were all significantly reduced. In addition, I used the consumption strategy. He was not given the opportunity to perform the Sword Technique, and finally, strangled him while he was physically weak. Therefore, if it were not for assassination, I would have been killed under the Su 1000 Sword. “


Baili Changkong thought of their examination of Su 1000’s corpses, it seems …

Strangulation was his main cause of death, but his ribs also broke early and pierced the internal organs?

is it possible that, really depends on the assault?

As a grandson himself, he continued to study the way of assassination. From the self-cultivation of the assassination master, he saw the self-cultivation of the assassin Grandmaster.

Really developed an extraordinary assassination technique?

“The Su 1000 line is the strongest person I have encountered. Unless I can become a true body and truly step into the Kingdom Guardian class, or if I know his news in advance and ambushes and assassinates, otherwise , How far I run. “

Baili Qingfeng said.

“Have you heard of their news in advance and ambushed …”

Baili Changkong heard Baili Qingfeng’s words, looked at him with a glance, and had Divine Dao: “The Su 1000 line is already the strongest of Three Great Holy Lands to stay outside. Right now Sword Sect, Snow Mountain 6 veins, Penglai Immortal Sect, there is only one 6 true monarch still outside! “

“en! ?”

Baili Qingfeng startled.

The Su 1000 line is the person of Three Great Holy Lands?

“Qingfeng, although we should not disturb you at the critical moment of your cultivation, if you can assist the military operation, kill 6 more true kings and destroy the Three Great Holy Lands True Immortal, the last land left outside, At that time, we can safely deploy the army boldly and build a firepower network around the Space Passage of Three Great Holy Lands. Once the masters of Three Great Holy Lands return from Space Passage, they will fire at full force and kill them before Space Passage! If successful, the Threat of Three Great Holy Lands will be resolved once and for all! “

Baili Changkong said this, taking a deep breath: “Destroy the Three Great Holy Lands, a wish we almost seemed impossible to reach 2 years ago, and never been so close to achieving it.”

“Are you going to Snow Mountain 6 to kill 6 Masters?”

Baili Qingfeng has erected confidence in the duel with True Immortal in Wolley, Montgomery and the 2 Great Lands True Immortal, so he will no longer be dreadful and fearful when faced with 6 Supreme Masters, but Considering his injuries …

and many more!

I’ve used several medicines, plus a few hours’ drive from Xia to the city of Tross, where the Snow Mountain 6 is located. When I got there, my injuries should be almost the same.

Although he did not heal, but Yaojin Battle Armor was …

It shouldn’t be a problem to kill a 6 King.

“Okay! It’s not too late, so what do we do now?”

“I will immediately contact the Prime Minister Yasuo and the military will cooperate.”

Baili Changkong said.

“Finally … Are you going to start a full war against Three Great Holy Lands?”

Shi Tianya took a deep breath.

Even if he is old, at this moment, there is still a sense of blood boiling.

“If you can find the Space Passage of Three Great Holy Lands, and establish a firepower network around the Space Passage, the people of Three Great Holy Lands will die one by one, and two pairs of dead, no matter how many masters they still have hidden, as long as they can’t get out The 2nd World will be permanently trapped inside! Just like when they trapped Your Majesty and Jin Xiao Commander. “

Lu Pingzhenzhen has a sound channel.

His words clenched his fists when he was excited.

Soon, Baili Changkong had called the Prime Minister Yasuo.

“Prime Minister Yasuo, we have tolerated Snow Mountain 6, Qilin Sword Sect, and Penglai Immortal Sect for a long time. It’s our turn to fight back!”

“En? Fight back !?”

“An hour ago, Su 1000 went south and wanted to assassinate my grandson Qingfeng, and was killed by Qingfeng. Currently, there are only 6 Supreme Masters left by Three Great Holy Lands. I have said that Qingfeng will lead the Thunderbolt Sect masters. Attack the Snow Mountain 6 pulse, please cooperate with the military! “

“What !? Su 1000 is dead !? Su 1000 is not …”

On the phone, Yasuo exclaimed some lost self-control. For a moment, he seemed understood, said solemnly: “Baili Sect Master, do you know the drastic changes on the northern border of the kingdom?”

“Not yet heard.”

“Heisenberg falls! The Aurora Empire is furiously fighting against Legion’s army. At present, General Joson, the true guardian, and a series of elites are rushing to the north, and plan to build a new line of defense with Bluestone Fortress as the center!”

“What !? Heisenberg falls !?”

Baili Changkong couldn’t help but exclaim.

Shi Tianya, Lu Ping, and Yu Changqing, who understood the importance of Heisenberg, could not help but keep their eyes wide open: “How is it possible …”

“It has been investigated so far, and a deputy chief of general staff of the First Army Chief of Staff is a secret child cultivated by the Snow Mountain 6 … It is because of his existence that our northern border has fallen into an extremely unfavorable situation! Lost With the Heisenberg line of defense, there is no defensive barrier in the north of the kingdom. As long as willing, Legion can drive straight ahead and invade our Hia hinterland, even pointing directly to the light of Hill, and the soldiers are under the city. “

“Deputy Chief of Staff! Damn! How could such a person be seated in this position !? If this dark boy hides for a few more years, wouldn’t he be able to bury the entire First Army!”

Baili Changkong was again frightened and angry.

“This is not the time to say this, Baili Sect Master. Your news came at the right time. You should know that in order to defend the counterattack of Three Great Holy Lands, the army that was dragged directly around the city of Tross had a Hunted Thousand, indirectly. The disturbed army has reached 300,000. If your Thunderbolt Sect can really break through the Three Great Holy Lands under the leadership of Qingfeng Sect Master, and uproot the Strong left by Three Great Holy Lands, we can at least deploy the army of thousand thousand troops to support North, the precarious northern front will quickly stabilize! “

“I understand! It’s not too late, I’ll block the news immediately and call Thunderbolt Sect masters to Tross!”

“Kunwu team will spare no effort to support you, and the Intelligence Section will cover your actions and interfere with the transmission of 3 Holy Land information. In addition, I will let Hundred Herb Hall, Floating Slaughter and other sects cooperate with your actions. Any one of the Three Great Holy Lands becomes a fish that escaped the net! “

Yasuo said solemnly.

“it is good!”

Baili Changkong was heavily nodded, while glancing at Lu Ping.

Lu Ping immediately said, “I’ll call everyone on Thunderbolt Sect!”

“Can you deter the Aurora Empire 鈥檚 mad battle Legion, can you let the Aurora Empire refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases to suspend further invasion of our north, it 鈥檚 all up to Baili Sect Master and Qingfeng Sect Master You! Our Sia 鈥檚 industry and economy are not inferior to the Aurora Empire. I believe that a unified Sia and a Sia capable of integrating all Strength moved towards one direction will never be inferior to the East Divine Continent. Become any power! “

“I Baili Changkong will never forget my identity, and I will do my best to serve the motherland!”

There is a hint of sacredness in Baili Changkong’s eyes.


Yasuo said heartily.

hang up the phone.

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