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The Holy Spirit Fruit Contest needs to be prepared 3 days in advance.

The first day is used for the people who have reached each other to understand each other and promote communication. People with good relations can also secretly complete the team on this day.

On the 2nd day, the general commander Qi Rui issued an approximate map to the crowd, and explained to the crowd where the shelter and the 4 Holy Spirit Fruit Trees were located.

The last day is naturally waiting for Space Passage to begin.

After all, Space Passage is not on time and punctual, and a bit of free time is better than rushing time.

Baili Qingfeng honestly noted the location of the four Holy Spirit Fruit Trees, and finally found a serious problem.

The most recent Holy Spirit Fruit Tree is 180 kilometers from him.

The endless forest is different from the Aoya Forest. In the Aoya Forest, he can run away regardless of the pace, and can often reach twenty-thirty kilometers in one hour. Even 180 kilometers, it does not take ten or five hours to go back and forth. There are a lot of Fierce Beasts here. He really cares about the rampage, and in a minute, there will be 5 to 100 Fierce Beasts and senior Fierce Beasts to rush out and teach him to be a human … beast.

In this case, he wants to ensure that he can get the Holy Spirit fruit smoothly within 30 hours and then retire …

It’s definitely not easy.

“If you can’t run, you just have to fly.”

Baili Qingfeng recalled Commander Qi Rui’s description of the journey, and it seemed that he would pass 4 mountains along the way.

If he can get to those 4 mountains, then fly over with a paraglider …

No, the paraglider is too big.

There are not only wild beasts in the endless forest, but also birds, a huge group of birds. If he doesn’t want to be destroyed by birds, the paraglider will fall down and die directly, or he will give up the naive idea of ​​paragliding.

“It looks like the ultimate hope is to put it on the Temptation Light, domesticate a bird and fly directly over it.”

Baili Qingfeng had a decision in his mind.

Considering that it is not easy to fly birds without corresponding equipment, Baili Qingfeng asked soldiers to prepare some ropes for themselves.

The last time he made a rhinoceros Knight at the Crypt World, this time he was going to be a flying bird Knight.

After adding all the details that may have been ignored, Baili Qingfeng took a night’s rest and waited until the day when Space Passage opened. He changed into Yaojin Battle Armor, carrying the sword without killing, and took the vehicle with Lu Baiyun, Zhang Lie and the others Go to the area where Space Passage is located.

It was discovered when Baili Qingfeng came to this area that it was actually a place of charm and beauty.

Not only is a thick steel-reinforced concrete fence built, there is also a powerful firepower net, turrets, machine gun muzzles, and dense arrays.

And judging by the number of to-and-fro soldiers on the city wall, there are at least 2 battalions stationed here.

Baili Qingfeng took a look and was a little surprised: “You need to use a garrison !? Can Fierce Beast opposite Space Passage pass?”

“The Space Passage is all opened less than 2 meters, but the species in the endless forest are complex, and there are some small lifeforms with extremely fast speeds in addition to the large lifeform, especially the opening time of up to 30 hours. If you do not take any precautions, once Rushing out of these lifeforms, heaven knows what impact this island will have, and it is better to build a firepower net to shoot. “

Zhang Lie explained.

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

Unlike some cavemen and beastly humans, who will consciously avoid firearms, Fierce Beast of the 2nd World will face a volley of machine guns, which will only cover their heads, so clearly in the 2nd World, the caves From time to time, human and beastly tribes will be destroyed by Fierce Beast. Humans with modern military equipment would rather defend Fierce Beast than burrowers and beasts.

“Qingfeng, Holy Spirit fruit can greatly shorten the time for promotion from level 6 to level 7 for humans, and it can also accelerate their evolution for Fierce Beast. Therefore, under Holy Spirit Fruit Tree, there will often be Fierce Beasts. Wait for the Holy Spirit fruit to mature. Once you get the Holy Spirit fruit, once you are stared by Fierce Beast and unavoidable, throw away and discard the Holy Spirit fruit, so there is no small hope that you can escape from Fierce Beast’s claws Get your life. “

“Fierce Beast will wait for Holy Spirit fruit to mature, so what should we do when Fierce Beast eats Holy Spirit fruit?”

“Holy Spirit fruit matures in ten years, and now … It should not be until the time when Holy Spirit fruit matures a lot. It is estimated that it will take another 2 months for Holy Spirit fruit to reach its peak and be fully bred in Holy Spirit fruit. Fierce Beast should be reluctant to sip before maturity. In fact, there is no harm in having 70-80% cooked Holy Spirit fruit. The medical power is also no small, although it is larger than the full-fledged Holy Spirit fruit. “

Zhang Lie is introduced.

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

With the arrival of Baili Qingfeng as a shining gold Battle Armor, it has aroused the attention of many people.

Of course, everyone looked towards him, naturally not because he wore the Battle Armor.

Of the 100 people in the audience, many wore Battle Armor, a dozen.

What really deserves everyone’s attention is Baili Qingfeng’s brilliant record.

Although he does not seem to be condensing the true body yet, he had the record of beating True Tianer Immortal of Yin Tianya and Lanyu first, and his record of defeating the incarnation of Miro, God, and even more recently. The sneak attack killed 2 levels of the pinnacle powerhouse Su 8.

people of repute, the shadow of the tree!

At the moment everyone enters the 2nd World, a competitive relationship will be formed, in which case they should not be taken carelessly.

Compared with everyone’s fear and attention to Baili Qingfeng, Simba and Prince Yao who have broken the limit twice have gathered many people, especially Simba. Among the 2 people, there are actually around him 100 more.

These people stared at him like a moon, apparently hoping to follow him for a while, in order to minimize the danger on the way.

When Baili Qingfeng looked at Simba and Prince Yao, Simba also stood out and came to Baili Qingfeng.

“Baili Qingfeng Sect Master.”

He unfolded a map in front of Baili Qingfeng: “Four Holy Spirit Fruit Trees are divided into 4 directions. I plan to move in this direction, and there is a labor Baili Qingfeng Sect Master and Prince Yao to search in the other 3 directions. How about the other two Fruit Trees? “

Baili Qingfeng took a look at the route pointed out by Simba. This route has more than 2 Holy Spirit Fruit Trees, and it is still the 2 closest to Space Passage.

One 180 kilometers, one 220 kilometers.

“The Bucks should know that I do n’t intend to stay in it. Within 30 hours, I will not only get the Holy Spirit fruit, but also bring the Holy Spirit fruit before the Space Passage closes, so I can only choose the nearest one. route.”

Baili Qingfeng said.


Simba looked at Baili Qingfeng and said with some regrets: “Then I can only say sorry. At that time, the two of us will become competitors. I hope that the speed of Qingfeng Sect Master will be faster. First I will get you a satisfactory amount. Holy Spirit fruit. “

“I’m sorry to say that.”

Baili Qingfeng also responded politely.

Simba laughed and went straight back.

Ke Simba showed the generosity and etiquette that the host should have, but a 30-year-old man beside him sneered and lowered his voice: “I really thought that a level 8 master was killed by means of sneak attack. Will it be possible to have such on-mention on equal terms? Lord Simba told you this path, but just don’t want you to waste your time empty-handed, and really take yourself seriously. “

Although he deliberately lowered his voice, everyone in the audience was cultivation base, listening well, and listened to it clearly.

“You don’t need to participate in this time Holy Spirit!”

Simba’s eyes immediately fell on the talking 6-level martial artist, and the expression indifferently said: “Baili Qingfeng Sect Master, is it a small 6-level martial artist that you can talk about?”

“Master Simba, I …”

The level 6 martial artist panicked at Simba’s severe expression.

Simba ignored him, but turned to Baili Qingfeng and sincerely apologized: “Baili Qingfeng Sect Master, sorry, our Bucks are rude, please forgive me, if you encounter danger in the endless forest, you can ask me Ask for help, as long as my departure doesn’t put the people around me in danger, I will try my best to rescue and apologize. “

“The Bucks are polite, don’t be so, I won’t take this matter to heart.”

Baili Qingfeng said quickly.

Simba faced Baili Qingfeng nodded, and then left with some respect and even worship.

“It is truly worthy of being the Bucks King. The Bucks are logically the title only for the Bucks King Your Majesty. The main reason why Lord Simba can get this title is his mind and manner, which is an ordinary person It is precisely because of this extraordinary temperament and magnificent style of leadership that the possessed temperament has made the Simba Lord the stag king, and even the royal family has given him the title.

True Immortal, a land not far from Baili Qingfeng, sighed heartily.

His words also resonated with some people: “Unfortunately, although the origin of Lord Simba is considered good, it is not prominent in the eyes of the Peak family of the Bucks. Even if you now marry 8 Your Majesty the Princess, the starting point is still Lower, otherwise the stag kingdom under his leadership, the glory will certainly last for decades, more than 100 years. “

Not only them, but Baili Qingfeng also felt that the Bucks was really good, and his leadership qualities made him full of envy.

If he were replaced with him, he would definitely not be able to take care of the emotions of all people in a small group, while at the same time mastering the initiative, it would make everyone feel like a breeze.

The crowd waited quietly in this area.

In less than 2 hours, in the center of the area, ripples spread out, turning into spatial fluctuations that swept the area of ​​several hundred meters.

As the spatial fluctuations became more and more violent, a vortex formed at the center of the fluctuation, but within a few minutes, the Space Passage was formed, and the space ripples full of oppressive effects disappeared.

Holy Spirit fruit battle, officially opened!


(Without this chapter, it will not be coded! Kavinka is too powerful o (≧ 口 ≦) o, please give the ride some time to adjust the state!)

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