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There are field-level birds staring overhead, waiting for opportunity, all around there is a large number of Fierce Beasts attracted by Holy Spirit fruit are encircling continuously.

Baili Qingfeng feels …

This is probably the biggest crisis he has encountered so far.

If he can’t find a way to resolve this crisis, he will account for more than 160 kg today.

“Can we just discard the Holy Spirit fruit as Lu Baiyun and Zhang Lie said? It ’s a good idea. As long as I give up the Holy Spirit fruit, the lord-level bird will naturally not stare at me anymore, and it will be continuously around. Fierce Beast will also focus on competing for Holy Spirit fruits, and when I cautiously escape from the encirclement of Fierce Beasts, I will naturally be able to retreat … but … “

Baili Qingfeng is unwilling.

He managed to spend countless hours, after 1000 hardships and 10000 hardships, defeated Fierce Beast, beasts, and birds that were 100 to 1000, and collected 51 Holy Spirit fruits from a group of guardian beasts, which really made him hand over … …

So wasn’t his long time wasted?


Now he is getting closer to the time of Five Qi Towards The Origin to consolidate without leaking, but the Xeon Road has only completed one third. Without the help of Holy Spirit, he cannot 100% set foot on Xeon. Road, complete the feat of quenching 99 times, by then …

He can only choose to become an ordinary land True Immortal and Kingdom Guardian class like the ordinary Wargod and Grand Grandmaster, and like the true and the others, he will be stuck in front of the level 9 bottleneck for a lifetime, and there is no hope for life.

If he can’t achieve the top powerhouse, he can’t defeat the Aurora Emperor. He can’t defeat the Aurora Emperor. He never wants to achieve the second small goal in his life …

In other words, the country of Shia he lived in was under the shadow of the Aurora Empire, and he was threatened by war from time to time. At that time, how could he live in school and live and work in the city of Xia, the country of Hea?

“This is not the result I want!”

Baili Qingfeng has a heavy heart.

He did n’t understand why, why is it that there are only 51 Holy Spirit fruits, these high-level Fierce Beasts and lord levels seem to have taken aphrodisiacs and madly came to encircle themselves. They are so high-level, these are used to What is the use of Holy Spirit fruit from level 6 break through to level 7?

According to the rule that it often takes 2 or 3 Holy Spirit fruits to upgrade a 6-level martial artist to level 7, Fierce Beast of level 8 wants to upgrade to Level 9, can you say less than 1 Holy Spirit fruits?

He has 51 Holy Spirits and 6 8th-level Fierce Beasts. He is logically the limit, but now …

More and more!

Not only Level 8 but also Level 9!

As for?

Does Fierce Beast lose face in this endless forest?

Baili Qingfeng thought with some embarrassment in his heart, and at the same time, he was swiftly moving through the forest, relying on a strong spirit to understand the encirclement of Fierce Beast.


Humans have run through the pits, and have run a few wild beasts. However, Fierce Beast, who already lives in the forest, has a disadvantage in speed.

Coupled with more and more Fierce Beast smelling the Holy Spirit fruit, the continuous siege came, making Baili Qingfeng’s wild run not only unable to get rid of Fierce Beast all around, but more and more, Promoted directly from the previous dozen or so to the current thirty-forty head.

Some Fierce Beasts even rely on speed to kill him and start attacking him.

Although these attacks will not cause too much damage to him who has Yaojin Battle Armor, he can be forced to fight back, and the speed will naturally slow down, so that Fierce Beast, who could not catch up with him, will catch up, and continue like this, He will be caught in the tactics of Fierce Beast Ocean.

“Holy Spirit fruit …”

Baili Qingfeng visualized the innate Fiendgod Zuz and the thunderbolt roar. This Fiendgod Thunder Scepter slammed into a cheetah-like Fierce Beast who was slain in front of him, deterred his heart, and then swept the word light … …


Blood light sputtering.

The eighth Fierce Beast wailed and fell into a pool of blood.

But slaughter not at all scared those Fierce Beasts, but made them more violent and excited, and speed seemed to be a little faster.

“Can’t go on like this, after all, I’m just a newcomer to Martial Practice for 2 years, how to fight against the next 100 to 1000 Fierce Beast!”

Baili Qingfeng turned over and took out the backpack behind him.

Isn’t the culprit Holy Spirit fruit?


It is impossible to throw away. The 1000 Holy Spirit fruits that were collected after 10000 hard work and 51 hardships are not willing to throw away.

Do n’t throw it away. Keeping it will attract more Fierce Beasts, so …

Baili Qingfeng took out a Holy Spirit fruit from his backpack and stuffed it into his mouth …


The juice is sputtered.

With a good tooth, he swallowed a few times.

“His … a little bit sour. As Peak heavenly materials earthly treasures, shouldn’t it be sweet and sweet and melt away at the entrance, why is this Holy Spirit fruit sour? Is it because it is not thoroughly cooked? But … these If Holy Spirit doesn’t say that it is ten mature, 90% of cooked chefs should have it … Is it because I haven’t peeled it? I don’t know if I eat too much, will I have diarrhea … “

Many thoughts flashed through Baili Qingfeng’s mind.


Soon, the other end, Fierce Beast, who had come out of the fight had interrupted his cranky thoughts.

Because the speed Fierce Beast is not very big, this Fierce Beast was deterred by Baili Qingfeng and kicked, and he took the opportunity to take out a Holy Spirit fruit again and swallow it.

“Neither peeled nor washed …”

Baili Qingfeng is worried about what to do if his stomach is uncomfortable at the critical moment when he is being hunted down by dozens of Fierce Beasts.

At that time, will he continue to run away under the pursuit of Fierce Beast or find a place to take off the Battle Armor to solve the physiological problems …

3 Holy Spirit fruits quickly die.

But since there is no time for him to run the Origin God and Demon Purgatory Physique, what effect do these Holy Spirit fruits swallow as if not at all?

At that moment, Baili Qingfeng took out the other Holy Spirit fruit again, sent it to his mouth, and chewed …


The sour taste almost made him unable to open his eyes, and tears were flowing.

But he still supported to eat these things.


Still swallowing at extremely fast speed, almost maintaining an efficiency of ten seconds.

While eating, he also scored most of the Spirit’s response to the increasing number of speed-type Fierce Beasts, so much that he couldn’t even figure out how much Holy Spirit fruit he had eaten.

3, 6, 20, 30, 1 …

“Yi! ?”

When Baili Qingfeng felt that he was going to lose his sense of taste due to this unpleasant Holy Spirit, he suddenly felt that his backpack was empty …

It’s not empty.

After taking the time to slay a Fierce Beast, Yuguang looked at the backpack with his eyes, and found that there was no Holy Spirit fruit in it.

51, was he eaten up?

No wonder he felt that his belly was a lot bigger, and his speed had dropped slightly.


and many more!

Now that he has consumed the Holy Spirit, why are these Fierce Beasts still staring at him?


The flashing eyes of cold light were staring at the backpack behind him, now …

Staring at him! ?

“I ate 51 Holy Spirit fruits, and because of the lack of time to digest, I became an oversized human spirit Holy Spirit fruit in the eyes of Fierce Beast !?”

Baili Qingfeng immediately realized what was happening and was speechless for a while.



At the moment, he is clenched the teeth, he does n’t care about running, he does n’t care about irregular movements, Origin God and Demon Purgatory Physique works, and focuses on strengthening his own digestive function. He starts to digest the Holy Spirit fruits that have just been forcibly swallowed and chewed. Come.

With this digestion, Baili Qingfeng clearly felt that within the body, the Holy Spirit fruit that had already begun to radiate was like a detonated bomb, and the surging Strength slammed his body madly, taking him from within The outside force scoured it again.

The quenching effect that is so strong that it penetrates into every acupuncture point of fleshhy body is almost equivalent to shatter every cell of him, and then re-condensed again, even if his resistance to pain is still unbearable. Groaned, the body shape in the dash is even more embarrassing, turning over involuntarily, the body shape rolls on the ground 2 times along the inertia!


Taking this opportunity, two Fierce Beasts slammed down, and the sharp claws tore the shining gold Battle Armor on Baili Qingfeng. It was actually a burst of fire light on his shining gold Battle Armor, leaving 2 Paw prints.

Baili Qingfeng waved his sword and expelled 2 Fierce Beasts.

He secretly rejoices that the speed Fierce Beast is not a behemoth like the rhinoceros, otherwise it will be slain by the giant rhinoceros, even if he has Yaojin Battle Armor in it, it is likely that he will be stepped on directly.

“I need a bit of time to fully digest the Holy Spirit’s medicinal power. I have to get out of the circle of Fierce Beast!”

Baili Qingfeng has shortness of breath.

For a moment, his life field in Celestial realm seemed to sense something. In one direction, the content of water molecules in the air was significantly higher.

“River !? Big river !?”

At this point, Baili Qingfeng held up his left hand on the ground, and even ignored the backpack that fell during the tumbling. His body burst out like an arrow and rushed towards the river at the fastest speed.


At this moment, a deafening roar came from the other direction, accompanied by a horror breath that was strong enough to make the entire forest shiver coldly!

“Lord Fierce Beast!”

Baili Qingfeng heart shivered with cold.

The lord Fierce Beast is hunting down!

In the endless forest, the proportion of the Fierce Beast of the lord level is not low. It is almost distributed in a rule of 100 kilometers and 2 leader Fierce Beast. He ran for dozens of kilometers. In addition, he made a huge movement, and the lord Fierce Beast is no stranger to follow.

“Primordial One Qi!”

Baili Qingfeng Strength erupted to the extreme, and his body roared in the forest. Even small trees couldn’t help avoiding it, and let the rushing body smash those trees.

As he dashed, the blood-crushing coercion behind him was getting closer.

at last……

When the horrific coercion was less than a kilometer away from him, a vast river leaped before him.

“pu pass!”

Without hesitation, Baili Qingfeng flew in a stature and plunged into the river with plenty of water.

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