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Deep in the bottom of the river, Baili Qingfeng in the heart shouted indulgently.

His spirit, his will, and his Heart Strength were inspired to the extreme.

The five factors of physical fitness, internal interest, spirit, battle skill, and heart make up a martial artist!

Many of them are only involved in two aspects. A small number of martial artists, in addition to their major physique or internal interest, plus battle skills, will also add the spirit factor, but the power of comprehend heart is often very small. .

Because the power of Heart is unpredictable, there is no way to cultivate it. The martial artist cannot practice even if he wants to practice, which is related to a person’s 3 views and personality.

But once the heart’s power is really inspired, it can often have an incredible effect.

“hong long long !”

The Strength of 51 Holy Spirit Fruits is pounding in Baili Qingfeng within the body, tempering his body!

In this process of tempering, his body is constantly breaking and standing back.

time flies.

40 times, 45 times, 50 times, 55 times, 60 times …

During tempering, the process of his fleshy body Five Qi Towards The Origin was accelerated to the extreme.

at last……

A few hours later, Five Qi Towards The Origin adjusted his physical performance to the peak, an unprecedented Perfection charm rising from his body. This Perfection is more than the kind of Inner World Perfection constructed by his cultivation Lesser Universe Cultivation Technique. To mysterious, the sense of roundness makes him directly associate with the fleshhy body and between Heaven and Earth. It seems that with a little movement, he can integrate into Heaven and Earth, integrate with Heaven and Earth, and even borrow Heaven and Earth. The potential is for its own use.

“This … is One with the World !?”

Baili Qingfeng stunned.

He sensed it carefully, his current state is One with the World.

“What’s the situation, isn’t that one of the ten people who realized One with the World during the True Immortal phase of the land couldn’t find one? Even if the powerhouse broke the human limit twice, the ratio of One with the World did not exceed half. … Is it a realm breakthrough giving One with the World? “

Baili Qingfeng was a little surprised.


This astonishment lasted only a moment, and his mood had been replaced by an unspeakable loneliness.

“I … I broke through to Kingdom Guardian …”

Baili Qingfeng looked up and looked at the turbulent river flowing above him.

Although he condensed Leakless Reality before his 21st birthday and broke through to the Kingdom Guardian level, he was not happy at all.


After all, he didn’t make his way to the Xeon.

His path to the Xeon stopped at the last minute, when it had been madly cured 66 times.

66 times, exactly 99/2 of 3 times.

His path to the Xeon was 2/3 and he died halfway through.

“I’m too difficult …”

There was a flash of pain in Baili Qingfeng’s eyes.

He slowly rises in the river.

The completion of the leak-free real body, and the mysterious of One with the World, allows him to determine the accurate direction by sensing the current even though he is at the bottom of the river.

On the river bank, as he refined the medical power of the Holy Spirit fruit on his body, whether it was the lord-level Fierce Beast staring at him or the lord-level bird in the sky, all have disappeared.

They seemed to look at him unpleasantly, and sent him to force him to become a demon without leaking his true body, so that he lost his way to the path of the Xeon.

On the river bank, all around was no longer surrounded by Fierce Beast, and no birds were looting, but Baili Qingfeng was a desolate look.

“This is the difference between genius and ordinary person … no matter how hard the ordinary person is, he still cannot catch up with the shadow of genius.”

Baili Qingfeng looked up, eyes full of melancholy and unwillingness to heaven …

A lot of muddy river flows down the gap of Yao Jin Battle Armor, making him look very embarrassed …

At this time, if he could come a little more howling wind and torrential rain, and then he shouted a few more “why” on the sky, and it would not be better.


The weather was beautiful, and it didn’t mean to rain at all.

“Well … go back as soon as possible, I will not hesitate to directly consolidate the leak-free real body, to break through to the Kingdom Guardian level, isn’t it because I don’t want to be trapped in this World for one year and nine months? Right now the closing time from Space Passage is no longer More, I have to tame a bird to return as soon as possible. “

Baili Qingfeng watched for a moment, his eyes quickly fell on a few birds dropping from the sky.

next moment, the blood on his body broke out …

No leakage of true body cultivation, an unprecedented sense of Perfection rise in the mind. With his vitality and movement, all the physical functions of internal organs are fully operated, making him like a singular arrow, bursting out.


For a while, speed was not controlled, and an ancient tree in front of him was directly hit into powder by him, and sawdust flew.

“en! ?”

This sudden change surprised Baili Qingfeng.

Doesn’t it mean that the blood and blood growth after being repaired without leakage is only about 30%?


Is it 30%?

It’s almost doubled, right?

Baili Qingfeng felt as if he had burst out a little bit, and all had the illusion of being able to touch the physical “ceiling”.

If his previous physical strength was 400, after some tempering, it was almost 700, and this time he broke through to the Kingdom Guardian level, even without Nine Hundred Ninety Ninth, that is 900 8.

Baili Qingfeng thought for a moment and ran the Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique directly.

Suddenly, his blood was soaring all over his body, with no difficulty reaching the “limit” barrier in that deep!


He has a feeling that if he continues to explode, he should be able to break through this “limit” barrier.

It’s just that while breaking through this “limit” barrier, his body will also be extremely damaged. One is not good …

I am afraid that it will cause the collapse of the fleshhy body, and there is a risk of death on the spot.

“Levels 7 and 8 need to break the human limit twice. If I didn’t guess wrong, that ‘ceiling’ is the end of the human body’s first limit. I touched that limit barrier, but because I have just condensed For the sake of no leakage of real body, we are now going to break the second human body limit. There is still a certain risk. It is estimated that it will take a while … “

Baili Qingfeng felt that his speculation was a bit wrong.

Breaking the human limit for the second time is indeed dangerous. There may be a collapse of the fleshhy body and death on the spot, but he feels that …

His Life Strength is stubborn, and he should be able to try it, even if the fleshhy body really collapses, at worst lay down for a period of time, 2 days if you can’t do it for one day, 2 days if you can’t do it for 3 days, and 3 weeks if you can’t do it for a week. .

The only thing that made him a little hesitant was the books he flipped through.

None of those books mentioned who was about to break the second human limit as soon as he broke through to the Kingdom Guardian level.

Such a crazy move, the kind of people who have united the Xeon Road dare not do it.

Like Mirow, he also made his own path to the Xeon, but when he broke through to the True Immortal on the land, it seems that even the peak of the True Immortal on the land is not counted. If the True Immortal on the land is divided into Early-Stage, Middle-Stage, In the late and peak 4 small realm, he is at best …

equivalent to Middle-Stage?

The late stage is the sky, and there can be no more.

Genoa and other geniuses are still like this, not to mention he is an ordinary person who can’t step into the path of the Innocent Talent Xingping to Baili Qingfeng!

“Perhaps the so-called feeling of touching the extreme barriers is simply my illusion. It takes one or two months for the average person, Five Qi Towards The Origin to consolidate without leaking, and I completed this step within a few hours. Maybe What drawbacks are left, the illusion of the so-called limit is actually the tipping point of the flaws. Once I touch this tipping point, my fleshhy body will collapse and be damaged, just like cultivation deviation, paralyzed for several days, So … you have to be more cautious in the future … wait a few months to completely stabilize the Kingdom Guardian’s leak-free body and try again. “

Baili Qingfeng has now recognized his weaknesses.

Others keep on saying that he is a peerless genius, a rare encounter in 100 years, but that is the kind words of the other party.

In other words, he naively thought that others were really praising him, and shy sorry again and again.

The failure of the current Xeon Road woke him up and made him realize that he–Baili Qingfeng is an ordinary person.

Innate Talent ordinary person.

The so-called Innate Talent is overflowing. Once in 100 years, it is as if he meets a girl on the street and will be called a beauty. It is all polite.

Shook the head, Baili Qingfeng’s slightly airy breath completely converged.

He just stepped forward, came to a nest of Fierce Beast birds, killed 2 and ran 3, and then surrendered one with Temptation Light.

Then he couldn’t even take care of his lost backpack, and drove the birds to the Space Passage at the fastest speed.

The speed of this bird seems to be faster than that of Xiaohui. In addition, Baili Qingfeng constantly urges, and in just one hour, the woodland where Space Passage is located has already appeared in his vision.

“Hu! Not closed yet!”

Seeing several temporary machine gun positions around Space Passage, Baili Qingfeng sighed slightly in relief, controlled the bird to fall aside, and then released the bird.

Flying the birds, he strode meteor and came directly to Space Passage.

“Is Baili Qingfeng Sect Master of Shia Thunderbolt Sect?”

A male voice wearing a Chen Jin Battle Armor carrying a large number of heavy weapons on the Battle Armor asked.

This is the first time that Baili Qingfeng has seen a heavily armed heavy Battle Armor …

More than 300 kg of heavy Battle Armor made him look a bit bloated. If you count the more than 2 100 kg of gun bullets equipped on him …

Almost a future fighter coming out of science fiction movies.

“it’s me.”

Baili Qingfeng answered.

“Welcome you to come back, Space Passage is still 3% closed. Is Qingfeng Sect Master replenishing supplies or returning directly?”

Said the man with a Wargod cultivation base.

“I return.”

Baili Qingfeng said, looking at the endless forest behind him, his eyes were a bit lonely.

His path to the Mighty is broken in this forest.

But for a moment, he shook the head again …

With his Innate Talent, even if he does not come to the endless forest, he may not be able to successfully complete the cultivation of the Xeon Road. If the cultivation is carried out step by step, whether he can harden 40 times in a few months is very questionable.

Now that he can quench the body 66 times, he should be satisfied.

after all……

Ordinary person Don’t expect more than genius, the more desperate.

With this idea, Baili Qingfeng stepped into Space Passage in the eyes of everyone and disappeared.

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