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The hospital itself is not a hidden place, plus that many people were present when Baili Changkong met with Ona, Nathan and the others, and what happened here couldn’t be hidden.

For a while, the news here seemed to have wings, spreading at all speeds to all directions, and quickly spread to the lesser half East Divine Continent.

All well-informed forces submitted relevant reports without exception.

“Shocked! Baili Qingfeng’s path to the Xeon was cut off. Baili Changkong, who had high hopes for him, was overly sad, comatose and hospitalized, and emotionally crazy!”

“Baili Changkong’s mood collapsed, wailing loudly, screaming in the sky, hating Cangtian’s injustice!”

“Stunned! The Dignified Thunderbolt Sect Sect Master lost this self-control in the hospital !? Sia Kingdom lost the seed!”

“Genius or mediocre? On Baili Qingfeng’s failure of the Xeon!”


“Well, Baili Changkong, why did it come to this.”

The Prime Minister Yasuo looked at the news about Baili Changkong from Duan Murui, expression came to the window lonely, long sighed.


“Can you confirm that the new rising star Baili Qingfeng has indeed missed the path to Xeon …”

In the stargazing hall, Loya looked at the news from the Intelligence Section and sighed, “Even if I set foot on the path of Xeon to become a Xeon seed, whether it can become a top powerhouse in the future is still an unknown number. Now and Xeon The road is lost, and Baili Qingfeng has no need for each step on the foundation. It is just right to concentrate and hit the martial artist Level 9 early to form a strong battle strength. This is not necessarily a bad thing for the current situation in Sia Kingdom. . “


“It’s ridiculous, this is the price of rejecting our golden light group. If you join our golden light group early and get the systematic cultivation of our golden light group, how can there be such a huge omission? Now it ’s okay. On the road of strength, even your grandfather is mad by your stupidity. Even if you can break through Level 9 in the future, you can only be partial. You will never be able to climb to the top of the powerhouse and enjoy the scenery of World Level powerhouses. “

Leo, the head of the Golden Light Group ’s Shia District, put away the cell phone that had just received a call, with a smile of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune on his face.


“Baili Changkong has been sadly over-checked into the hospital. The data from the medical device inspection will not be deceiving. It seems that the news cannot be faked, but even if Baili Qingfeng misses the Xeon Road, it may still grow into a Level 9 powerhouse in the future, a Level 9 The powerhouse can also have a big impact on our Aurora Empire ’s encroachment on Shia, so we have the opportunity to deal with it as soon as possible … a message we got from the League may be a bit useful. “

Victoria, responsible for intelligence gathering in Legion, tore a piece of paper into pieces: “But since the top powerhouse can’t be achieved, the threat level can be lowered slightly, and the manpower is extracted. At present, the Lord is really a headache The one who still does not know where to hide the opportunity to assassinate Zhao Jiansheng and the Tianying Mountain battlefield. “


“Hahaha, Baili Qingfeng, you have won what I counted for a while, and the top powerhouse ca n’t be achieved if you do n’t converge on the path to Xeon. In the future, you will ultimately be in our hands of Xeon seeds! Wait, I am now condensing The silver body, after I have condensed the silver body and broke the second human limit in a very short time, I will definitely come home and fight with you again, at that time you will understand that you and my god incarnation How big is Miro’s real gap! “

In the manor, incarnation Miro, the brave god who knows shame, laughed 3 times when he heard the news.

Since defeating under the sword of Baili Qingfeng, he has been crazy tempering his body, and his body has reached the critical point of Perfection. After successfully breaking through to the 7th level of qi and God, it will not take long for him to step on. Enter level 7.

When he breaks through the three veins and condenses the silver body, his invincible road will really open, and then shocking the world.


Baili Changkong was depressed, and his mood was low and he did not want to see anyone.

But it’s not like the rumors that people are depressed because of disappointment with Baili Qingfeng, but …

He was afraid he couldn’t help laughing when he pretended to be sad, so he simply refused to meet anyone because of his bad mood.

After spending a day in Miro City, Baili Changkong could not stand the visitors who thought he was crazy and heard the news. He went through the discharge procedure and returned to Charia directly.

Compared to Mirow City, Charya’s various medical standards are undoubtedly higher.

In Xia Ya, Baili Changkong did not immediately go to the hospital for rehabilitation, but came to the Qingyuan Mountain courtyard where Baili Qingfeng lives.

At this point, Baili Qingfeng, being stimulated, was frantically training two trolls.

Since Body Refining was unreliable, he walked out of Heaven and Earth on Refining Spirit.

He, Baili Qingfeng, will never succumb to a small path to Xeon!

Standing in the yard, watching not at all, because the external rumors and influence have affected the state, instead of being more diligent, Baili Qingfeng, Baili Changkong murmured: “This grandson …”

Rarely, Baili Qingfeng has finally shifted his energy from singing, studying, and reading to cultivation. Baili Changkong feels that what he wants to say next has to be changed slightly.

“2 grandfather.”

Baili Qingfeng called out.


Baili Changkong sat down and motioned to Yu Caiwei, who had come to bring tea and water, to go out first, and then said, “I haven’t sat for a while and talked about the sky.”


Baili Qingfeng nodded: “2 grandfather is busy dealing with the size of Thunderbolt Sect, and I am also busy cultivation, so there is no time.”

Baili Changkong heard what he said, and a little guilt flashed in his eyes.

Because of him, Baili Qingfeng alone supported the entire Thunderbolt Sect, so that now …

There isn’t much time left to chat with family.

Just thinking of the current severe situation of Shia Kingdom, he had to swallow back the words that made Baili Qingfeng step down as Thunderbolt Sect Vice Sect Master.

“I asked Tianxing to tell you that you should n’t talk to people before you quench your body. Also, do n’t inquire about this matter yourself. The path to Xeon belongs to very secret news, even if you inquire about it, It may not be right, you understand. “


“You plan to step out of achievements along with Refining Spirit. This is a good thing. Your Refining Spirit Innate Talent is very high. If you really want to go on, you can definitely achieve extraordinary achievements, but Body Refining is also 10000000. Do n’t let go and reach Level 9 Ruler early. Besides. “

“I will try my best.”

Baili Qingfeng said solemnly: “The path to the Xeon is difficult, but with Level 9 Ruler … I will not let you 2 grandfather down again.”

“Okay, Ruler battle strength can also arrogantly. In addition, in your case … you may not be able to think about other methods.”

“Other methods?”

Baili Qingfeng slightly startled: “2 grandfather, you mean, I have other ways to achieve top powerhouse along with Body Refining !?”

“Not bad!”

Baili Changkong mysterious smiled: “I have a technique called Nothingness, which can be entered into the Xeon! I will teach it to you in a while. This technique is known to you, you know what I know, and can not be passed on to the third person! You cultivation this technique After that, you can no longer let others know about your own changes. If anything is abnormal, you must contact me immediately! “

Baili Qingfeng listened, and could not help but glow with a light named “Hope”: “I understand that this nihilism is bound to be wonderful. If you let those Level 9 powerhouses stuck in front of the top powerhouse door know that it will be set off foul wind and bloody rain, for World peace, I wo n’t tell you in half a word. “

He was full of wonder.

Unexpectedly, 2 grandfather Baili Changkong has mastered these magical techniques, which can make those who have not gone out of the Xeon path hope to be Xeon in the future! ?




Older gingers are more spicy.

Although his battle strength is far better than 2 grandfather Baili Changkong, when it comes to the secrets in his hands, the two are not at a level at all.

Baili Changkong quickly passed on nothingness to Baili Qingfeng.

Baili Qingfeng wrote it down and felt that …

This cultivation technique seems simple! ?

As simple as an adjective for physical fitness?

“Do you feel that nihilism will be practiced?”

Baili Changkong holds tea, in a tone of profound mystery.

“will not!”

Baili Qingfeng prudently shook the head: “This is the method that will enable those who do not hope to achieve top powerhouse to re-energize their potential and once again hope for the Xeon Supreme. Its exquisite charm is bound to reach an unprecedented situation. Although I feel very cultivation Simple, it seems to be easy to learn, but I can guarantee that it must be because I did not understand the essence of this Supreme method, which is too complicated, 10000 methods are united, Return to the Natural State, but that is the case. “

“Cough cough cough …”

Baili Qingfeng’s explanation made Baili Changkong, who was drinking tea, couldn’t help but cough, and quickly put the tea down.

He looked at Baili Qingfeng for a while before he was nodded: “Yes, it’s all seen by you. It looks like your perception is not bad.”

“I’m too far from the real genius, and I can only make up for it with diligence and wisdom.”

“Ahem, anyway, you can practice well, even if you can’t fully train nihilism, nihilism will only play its due role when you reach the peak of Level 9 and really start to impact the top powerhouse realm, helping you Break the bottleneck between Level 9 and top powerhouse, turning the impossible into possible, so that those who have not gone out of the path of Xeon can achieve Xeon. Therefore, it is not surprising that you did not feel any effect when you practiced nothingness before Level 9 peak. ,Understand?”

“I know!”

Baili Qingfeng nodded: “I never underestimate the wisdom of any predecessor! Especially after I understand my deficiencies, I dare not underestimate anyone in the world!”

“The scorpion can teach too.”

Baili Changkong is nodded with Baili Qingfeng’s modesty.

“I now think about it. When I defeated Miro who was the incarnation of the gods, I guess I was a bit lucky. Eighty-nine was because he had a big move and he was defeated by lightning, but Miro’s defeat, It is also a very good negative teaching material. It tells us that even if your opponent is weak, you can’t be any slack, otherwise it will be like me hitting Miro with a random punch, leaving him with a powerful but useless place. . “


Baili Changkong looked at his grandson, worried that his kind lies would cause this grandson to have some unintended illusions.


It is always right for his grandson to maintain this cautious attitude.

Even if this illusion is formed, anyway, it will not be him who has bad luck anyway, so there is nothing to worry about.

At the moment he was nodded: “You are right, no opponent should be underestimated, and the lion beats the rabbit with all his strength!”

“Well, I wrote it down. If I hit it, I would hit it all the way. If I didn’t hit it, I would run it all.”

Baili Qingfeng took it seriously.

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