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“The second human limit … a big difference …”

Baili Qingfeng feels his strength.

The original God and Demon Purgatory Physique of his cultivation is adapted from Demon Hell Suppressing Physique. He is good at defense, and has a very significant tempering efficiency for the flushy body and internal organs.

Demon Hell Suppressing Physique alone can withstand small caliber firearms until repaired to Great Accomplishment. With his now unrecognizable Origin God and Demon Purgatory Physique, plus the changes brought about by breaking the human limit for the second time, the rifle can only be used in his The blood imprint was left on his body, and the sniper rifle had the possibility of shooting him. Moreover, it could not be one shot with two shots, and eight shots without ten shots could still jump.

“Unconsciously, I have already cultivated to such an extent … When I first attacked Iron Sword Sect, I had several shots in my body. Even if the opponent used only a small caliber pistol, I was still seriously injured and fell to the ground on the spot. Seems comatose … After being drowsy for an hour, I almost couldn’t get back. Nowadays, God and Demon Purgatory Physique plus the second breakthrough of the human body limit, the damage of conventional weapons to me is finally compressed to the extreme, my life Safety finally has some guarantees … “

Baili Qingfeng thought of the hardships and hardships he had come along, and he booed heartily.

This World can do anything casually.

Martial Practice is the same with blocking bullets.

Fortunately, by virtue of his cleverness and diligence, he finally achieved little success in this way.

Of course, if you really want to fight with the enemy for life or death, you still have to wear Yaojin Battle Armor.

After all, human beings are only flesh and blood. Even though Origin God and Demon Purgatory Physique make his body stronger than before, he will still die in the harsh and dangerous environment such as life and death fights and artillery battlefields.

Martial artist stabbed sword, formidable power is stronger than bullets!

He can feel a little safe only with Yaojin Battle Armor protection.

Baili Qingfeng stayed in the cave for a few more hours, and quietly realized that he had broken the limit twice to increase his own.

Before breaking the human limit twice, he was ready to smash his body and stand up, completely destroy the internal organizational structure, and paralyze in the cave for 2 days.

He even prepared the food.

I bought a roast duck, 2 chicken wings, a dozen beers, and some spare pastry biscuits, and waited to recover while eating.

If it wasn’t because the cave was not easy to breathe, he was thinking of preparing some kebabs, beef skewers, barbecue grills, and some cumin and seasonings, and grilling these things.

After all, eating hot food is better than cold food.


No more.

Although he had a little injury in the process of breaking into the body, he recovered almost in the time when he was familiar with the breakthrough of the Fleshly Body Realm. It is estimated that sitting for a while will be the same as that of no one. What did you do?

These things are useless and cannot be left here. It is a shame to waste food.

At the moment he simply sat on the table and ate.

“Body Refining level 8 is called matchless realm, which means that these powerhouses are matchedlessly on the battlefield … I should now break through … Although the process is very simple and smooth, but that is because I have a good grandfather, He taught me this Supreme Secret which can make countless Level 9 powerhouses go forward and then go crazy-Nihilism! It is through nihilism that I have achieved Kingdom Guardian in less than a month, followed by breaking 2 times. A brilliant achievement of the human body. “

Baili Qingfeng thought for a moment.

All he can think of now is this possibility.

“But I’m not sure yet. After all, the process is too simple. It’s as simple as fake. What perseverance, courage, determination, Faith did not come in handy and ended … so I still take the time to ask the professionals … “

Baili Qingfeng rubbed his face, he wanted to have confidence in nothingness.

Although the cultivation method of nihilism is so ordinary, it looks just like an ordinary soma …

Do not!

Even ordinary tuna is not as good as it is the health breathing method used by the Old Masters who play Tai Chi in the square!


“Return to the Natural State! Grand Dao Reaches The Simple! That is the supreme realm of martial arts secrets!”

Baili Qingfeng comprehend for a while, and I sighed infinitely: “Even if I haven’t realized the mysteriousness of this nothingness, but the help this nothingness brings to me is still immeasurable, it is my strong hope for future success Where … “

The path to the Xeon is pinned on this nothingness!

“It’s just that this illusory feeling … is really elusive … because I can’t figure out what the increase of nihilism is, so far I don’t know how to practice this nihilism to practice quickly Cheng … Although I saw this cultivation technique clearly at a glance, I understand that it is only an illusion. In fact, I have not even achieved the introduction of cultivation of nihilism … “

Baili Qingfeng is thinking about nihilism. This is the most advanced cultivation method he has encountered so far. The difficulty of cultivation is unprecedented. He has a feeling, let alone a month, even if he is given another 3 months, half a year, or even For one year, he didn’t even want to introduce the real cultivation of nihilism. This mystery can break the limit of the human body, and let people be promoted to the strong mystery at Level 9.

“No! You have to think about other methods! Real nihilism is too difficult … maybe, I can try to derive a simple nihilism first, this simple nihilism can be born from the real Nothingness, wait for me to cultivate it Great Accomplishment, Perfection, and then convert the simple nothingness cultivation experience to real nothingness cultivation experience, so that maybe you can be promoted where water flows, a canal is formed To the point where nihilism is introduced and even Small Accomplishment. “

This is a very simple experience transformation!

It’s as if low-level exercises can be combined into high-level exercises!

The experience of low-level exercises can also be incorporated into the experience of high-level exercises.

Otherwise, you have to focus on cultivation after changing the door. This kind of game … Who practices this kind of work?

time is money.

“In case of indecision, I have to use wisdom to find another way, which is why I can cultivate to the realm today … The most feared thing is to waste time on an insoluble or insignificant problem, and I am bound by a mental trap.”

Baili Qingfeng put the weakened version of nihilism on the agenda. He thought of the name, and called it Small Void Technique.

In the next few days, Baili Qingfeng settled down in the cultivation cave, consolidating his cultivation realm.

As he maintained this hard-working and simple cultivation habit as long as he was determined to take a leave of absence for 3 months, no one was surprised, but he felt that his cultivation was harder than before.

A flash of time had arrived just before the opening of the Penglai Immortal Sect Space Passage.

Baili Qingfeng went out early. Outside of the forest, Ye Fusheng was waiting for him there, along with him was Grand Grandmaster Lu Ping.

Although the military department has beat the grass to scare the snake, this time Penglai Immortal Sect Space Passage is opened, and the people of Three Great Holy Lands will either reluctantly give way to see if they can be killed from other Space Passages, or to avoid being blocked by the military department forever. In 2nd World, Bingxia is taking a risk, smashing through the Space Passage at the risk of heavy losses, trying to break through the defense line of defense.

In this case, the military will naturally dispatch a large number of experts to sit in the Penglai Immortal Sect Space Passage to avoid accidents.

Lu Ping, who is a Thunderbolt Sect 6-level powerhouse, is on the list of personnel dispatched this time.

“Qingfeng Sect Master.”

Seeing Baili Qingfeng carrying a box, Lu Ping greeted forward with a smile.

“Elder Lu is fine.”

Baili Qingfeng returned a gift.

Lu Ping and Baili Qingfeng got in the car and rushed to Tross.

On the car, his gaze was carefully looked at Baili Qingfeng for a moment, and he seemed to be faintly aware of it: “Qingfeng Sect Master looks a few days ago … it seems a little different …”

“I think … it may be a break through the cultivation base.”

Baili Qingfeng said.


Lu Ping was lightly startled, and there was a breakthrough! ?

Is it…

Is breakthrough really as easy as eating and drinking for a true genius?

His gaze was carefully looked at Baili Qingfeng, and the expression gradually became clear: “It’s really amazing, Qingfeng Sect Master faintly gave me an illusion of the coercion of the upper life body … It almost made me think that what I was facing was not the same. Kingdom Guardian, but a matchless powerhouse that breaks the limits of the human body twice. “


Baili Qingfeng wasn’t sure if he was considered a grade 8. Hearing Lu Ping’s words, he quickly asked: “Do you think I am breaking the human limit twice now?”


Lu Ping listened to Baili Qingfeng.

For a moment, a little speechless.

You just broke through to the Kingdom Guardian last month. Want to break the second human limit this month?

Although the life aura on Baili Qingfeng did give him a hint of coercion, similar to the kind of powerhouse that broke the limit of the human body twice, but …

It is personally known that such things are absolutely impossible.

You have n’t taken the path of invincible, you have n’t condensed the trend of invincible, and you want to break the limit of the 2nd human body, which puts the face of those Peak powerhouse in history?

You know, it took 20 years for the top powerhouse of the aurora monarch, the quenched body 7 times, to upgrade from level 2 to break the second human limit, and it took 2 months to consolidate its own invincible trend. You It’s only been a month since I was thinking about breaking through again …

What is the second human limit?

Do you think you are hanging?

However, the other party was a Sect Master, and was powerful enough to sneak attack at level 6 on the powerhouse Su 8 level 1000. In order to take care of his face, Lu Ping naturally couldn’t say these ideas, but just expressed euphemistically: “Sect The breath of the Master is truly extraordinary. I am afraid that it is no worse than the person who broke the limit of the second human body, but … the Sect Master did not enter the combat state and burst out all the vitality, so I cannot give an accurate judgment. … “


Baili Qingfeng nodded, he understood what Lu Ping wanted to express, and suddenly thoughtful.

“But whether to break the second human limit is not the point. The key point is Qingfeng Sect Master. Your real strength, Qingfeng Sect Master can kill the level 2 peak True Immortal Su 6 as early as level 8 Wargod. With Qingfeng Sect Master you Step into the Kingdom Guardian and make great progress in the cultivation base. I believe that even if you declare that you have broken the second human limit, absolutely no one dares to say half a word! “

Lu Ping quickly added.

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