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Baili Qingfeng quickly arrived in the laboratory.

At the door of the laboratory, Kanis had his students waiting outside, waiting to bring Baili Qingfeng to the inside. He immediately welcomed him: “Qingfeng, for the research of 10000 energy cells, we have achieved a fundamental breakthrough … “

After speaking, he seemed to realize something, and quickly made up: “No, it is not the 10000 energy cells, but the new 10000 energy cells formed by your own Bloodline fused to you within the body.”

“Are there any differences?”

“Of course, you follow me.”

Carnis said, took him to the database center, waved a hand to indicate that some students would go out, then opened the database, and displayed a picture on the big screen: “Look, this is normal 10000 Energy cells. “

After that, he played another batch of pictures on another monitor: “This is from you, and then we have improved 10000 energy cells. Can you see any difference?”

Baili Qingfeng stared carefully …

Although he studied hard for a lifeform, but less than a year of knowledge …

“can not tell.”

Baili Qingfeng is honest.

“It’s life! It’s energy! It’s activity!”

Kaneness said excitelyly: “In simple terms, although 10000 energy cells have the general characteristics of immortal cells, their greatest strength is energy and activity. These two factors limit the growth of 2 energy cells, making 10000 energy cells Although cells have been cultivated, they cannot be promoted and used at all. They are not much different from cancer cells. They will still draw human energy crazyly, thereby disrupting the body’s functional balance. When these 10000 multifunctional cells and your Bloodline After mutual integration, this disadvantage has been broken. “

After finishing speaking, he looked at Baili Qingfeng with a clear eye: “I never thought that the vital energy of the martial artist within the body was so powerful that it could support the division and survival of 10000 energy cells!”

“Probably the reason for not leaking the truth.”

Baili Qingfeng thought for a while: “Without leaking true body is one, body Inner Qi is endless, nourishes oneself, and makes oneself evolve to a higher level, especially after breaking the second human limit, life will be more formed A new round of transformation has supported the division and survival of 2 energy cells. “

“No leakage of real body, breaking the second human limit …”

Kanis said with some emotions: “The limit is too big. We, Shia, except Qingfeng you, there is no Body Refining flow martial artist who broke the 2nd human limit. If so, I try to improve this. 10000 energy cells are injected into him within the body … with the support of 10000 energy cells, he will be greatly enhanced in terms of physical strength, physical strength, and resilience. “

“You mean injecting 10000 energy cells that have been incorporated into my Bloodline into another martial artist within the body that breaks the limits of the 2nd human body?”


Kanis nodded.

Baili Qingfeng heard it and felt it twisted.

Own Bloodline into others without the body …

Is this raising a child?

Support with your own blood?

Think about it.

“No, no!”

Baili Qingfeng quickly shook the head: “You called me to say this?”

“This is an epoch-making discovery. If you can cultivate the 10000 energy cells that have been incorporated into your Bloodline, we can completely inject these cells into the human body, so that there is such an approximately ‘immortal cell’ in the human body, and lifespan will be greatly improved. The increase in amplitude is a major event that can change the course of humanity! “

Canis was inspired by spirit: “The biggest problem at present is the activity problem. Cultivation will dilute your Bloodline activity. Therefore, we need you to use a Bloodline as a primer for each experiment. In the future, we may not be able to truly cultivate your special Bloodline and thoroughly promote the new ‘10000 energy cells’. “

“Professor Kanis, I cannot accept this test.”

Baili Qingfeng looked at Kanis and said seriously.

Perceiving Baili Qingfeng’s rejection, Kanis hesitated before he slowly recovereds. He was a little puzzled: “Why not accept? The new 10000 energy cells can be integrated into the human body. Once they occupy a sufficient amount in the human body, they can greatly Strengthen personal potential, increase the possibility of cultivation to Ruler, cultivate a lot of powerhouse for us, and because Bloodline comes from Qingfeng you, they will be close to you by nature, they will become the strongest warrior in your hands … … “

Baili Qingfeng thought of the blood worship divine technique!

The blood worship divine technique seems to require Bloodline seeds of higher life, and then use Bloodline seeds to enhance potential and speed up cultivation speed.

At a critical moment, the Bloodline seed can be detonated, causing the effect of burn both jade and stone …

And those who have their own Bloodline seeds use Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique …

Seems to achieve the same detonation effect?

Shook the head, Baili Qingfeng still left these weird ideas behind.

“Seal this information, don’t study it.”

Baili Qingfeng said: “With this time, you might as well help me develop a more powerful 10000 energy cell.”

Carnis looked at Baili Qingfeng and saw that he didn’t look like a joke. After a while, he had to sigh: “You are Boss, you’re good.”

After speaking, he added with regret: “As for 10000 energy cells, the new 10000 energy cells are already the most perfect shape in the current life form.”

“Can’t improve it?”

Baili Qingfeng startled.

If it can’t be improved …

He burned the Equivalent to top powerhouse that burst with 10000 energy cells, and it only lasted 3 times.

3 top powerhouse-level attacks against the Level 9 martial artist. Naturally, there is no disadvantage. You can face the real top powerhouse …

It’s useless!

“Under normal circumstances, there is no way to improve, this is already the perfect form of genes … unless … unlocking the genes!”

“Unlocking the genes?”

Baili Qingfeng’s mind moved: “It’s like Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique, defeating the self-protection instinct to release a stronger Strength?”

“Mr. Baili really knows the same thing, it’s the same truth! However, unraveling the bondage at the genetic level is more thorough than defeating the self-protection instinct.”

When Carnis said this, expression was a bit dignified: “Genes support the basic structure and performance of life, and store all the information about life’s race, blood type, incubation, growth, apoptosis, etc., and interpret the proliferation of life and cell division. And important physiological processes such as protein synthesis! Lifeform All life phenomena such as life, growth, aging, disease, oldness, and death are related to genes. It is an internal factor that determines the health of life. Therefore, genes have dual attributes-materiality. And informative. “

Baili Qingfeng nodded, he still knows this knowledge.

DNA fragments with genetic information are called genes. Some other DNA sequences play a direct role in their own structure, while others are involved in regulating the performance of genetic information. A simple life requires at least 265 to 350 genes. The number of human genes is between 2 to 30000, these 2 genetic information is all that human beings have.

“The materiality of genes is the carrier of genetic information, and this genetic information is the valuable experience accumulated by human beings such as living beings competing with nature and coexisting with each other, just as our genetic structure makes us learn to speak, genes The structure allows us to give birth to eyes, nose, limbs, and so on, but … these genes have also added a layer of shackles to themselves while adapting to the continuous evolution of nature! “

Kanis said that the tone is lightly paused: “The simplest analogy is that humans are afraid of the night, so reducing night activities, but if the harsh environment makes humans have to work at night, it has been passed down from generation to generation, and humans can Evolution of night vision capability, in other words, humans are not unable to have night vision capability, but the constraints of their own genes and external environment form a shackle, which limits the evolution and growth of genes. “

“Genetic shackles … night vision …”

Baili Qingfeng’s thinking is a little bit lost.

This concept …

Very familiar.

“The current shape of the 10000 energy cells is perfect. It is as if the Essence, Qi and Spirit of the martial artist has reached Perfection after reaching Level 9. This is the state of prosperity that can be achieved under the current gene chain. In ancient times, it was the great freedom, the great Perfection, the immortal Buddha, and the Buddha. The only and best way to break this kind of shackles is to unlock the genetic shackles! No longer let human genes be your shackles! “

Canis couldn’t help feeling a little emotional when he said this.

He saw a way.

But this way …

Full of great terror and great danger, so dangerous that he no longer dares to get involved easily.

“So tell me, how do you break the genetic shackles?”

Baili Qingfeng asked.

“This road is dangerous, fearful, full of endless crises. If any mistakes occur, it will lead to unimaginable consequences … and even bring about a biochemical crisis that sweeps the world … Humans, born of genes, longer than genes, died in Genes, awesome genes! “

“resident Evil?”

“It’s just a hunch … Actually, if it wasn’t for you … because of your particularity, I wouldn’t even say that to you today.”

Kanis said, expression looked at Baili Qingfeng a bit complex: “But if I read correctly, you have already embarked on this path.”

“You mean, I’m unlocking the genetic yoke?”

Kanis nodded.

Baili Qingfeng thinks of Primal True Body …


Primal True Body is only to enhance the potential of life. It is considered to optimize genes rather than break gene locks …


Only one is possible.


spring wind transform to rain

Baili Qingfeng suddenly realized: “No wonder, no wonder 2 grandfather said to me, I don’t need to consider too many other things. After training to become a silver body and gaining breakthrough Xeon, I do n’t care about anything and directly hit the top powerhouse. Just … 2 grandfather is bound to understood the power of nihilism, knowing that under this Supreme method, my genes have been gradually changed, and the shackles are about to be broken. Perhaps the moment I hit the top powerhouse, the genetic shackles are completely broken. At that time, because of this, 2 grandfather had great confidence in me, thinking that I could step into the top powerhouse door where water flows, a canal is formed … “


Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but suck in a breath of cold air: “Nothingness is so scary!”

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