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Led by Rofoss, the entire group quickly came to the Palace Lord palace built in this mountain.

Because the Refining Spirit lineage cultivator often has a keen induction force, especially when it reaches the 9th Illusory Cave, although the sensing range has decreased, the sensing accuracy has increased significantly. A Refining Spirit 9km away can even pass another body The blood movement during Refining Ruler’s sword practice determines what kind of Sword Art he is cultivation.

In this case, due to privacy considerations, many palaces on the pay volcano are quite far apart. Each of the 6 peaks is ten kilometers away. At present, everyone is the Hall of Saint Hall Master, which is known as the first Divine Continent Refining. Spirit Powerhouse East Shengyang sits at Fire Palace.

“weng weng! ”

Just when Baili Qingfeng was several hundred meters away from the main hall, a faint Divine Power spread out from the palace in front. In the spirit’s induction of the crowd, it seemed that there was a fire bird emitting a fiery flame across the void and came down. to.

“It’s Dong Shengyang Palace Lord!”

Zhang Lie said in awe.

“Actually … it’s Golden Crow !?”

Baili Qingfeng couldn’t help but marvel.

Golden Crow!

That’s not inferior to the great existence of the innate Fiendgod Zuz.

The Golden Crow, which emits a fiery flame and infinite glory around him, manifested a tweet, just a scream, but the emotion contained in it spread out, making people feel involuntary and cheerful, seemingly transmitting. A kind of idea of ​​”being happy from afar”.

“This is Dongsheng Yang Junior Brother’s welcome.”

Rofos said in amazement to Baili Qingfeng, Yuan Pan and the others.

The yuan disk was immediately focused on Baili Qingfeng.

He came to the Fire Temple for more than one or two times. Each time, he was in charge of the reception with Rofos, who had a good relationship with him. Although Dong Shengyang and he were also a gesture of equal communication, it was not a Refining Spirit powerhouse. The most respected etiquette manifests his own imagination “god” to greet.

What makes Dong Shengyang so important …

It must be Baili Qingfeng.

However, it reminds of Baili Qingfeng’s amazing Innate Talent who has been reworked to 21 times in 8 years …

It will be a matter of time to step into the 9th Illusory Cave in the future, in which case he manifests the “god” to welcome him.


Rofos drew a hand in front of several people, and led everyone across the palace square, through the front hall, and directly into the apse.

Dong Shengyang was already waiting at the entrance of the apse.

Along with him, there are three other Refining Spirit powerhouse, and one of these three Refining Spirit powerhouse belongs to Refining Spirit 3th.

When the Baili Qingfeng entire group arrived, the eyes of the four people headed by Dong Shengyang fell on Baili Qingfeng at the same time, and there was an irresistible marvel in their eyes.

“Welcome everyone.”

For a moment, Dong Shengyang took the lead and said with a smile: “This one is the Refining Spirit genius Baili Qingfeng Master of Shia Kingdom, is n’t it? Amazing! Really amazing! There are such achievements at a young age. After that, we, the East Divine Continent, may be able to give birth to a new saint in the future. “

Baili Qingfeng looked at the Refining Spirit Master at the peak of the Illusory Cave. Although the truth reminded him to let him hide his 9 secrets of breaking through to the Refining Spirit, so that he kept converging to the Refining Spirit fluctuations that he radiated, but In the presence of this Master, this hiding is fearless …

This can be guessed from him by saying hello to him outside of several hundred meters.

“Master 2 is ashamed, I am Baili Qingfeng.”

Baili Qingfeng bowed slightly.

Regardless of the opponent’s cultivation base, his age alone is worthy of his saluted greetings.

Dong Shengyang was nodded, and then he greeted Yuan Yuan and Mo Rong, and then his eyes fell on Baili Qingfeng again: “I urgently want to communicate with Baili Qingfeng Master and share my experience with Refining Spirit. I don’t know if I have this honor. “

“I also want to ask the Dongsheng Master.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

His Cultivation bump together with Refining Spirit, although he later got the guidance of Yuanpan and cultivation experience, but due to the different attributes of the two, it can only be used for reference. Right now he breaks through to Refining Spirit 2 weights, realm than yuan The Pan Master is still high. He can’t teach himself anything, which is why he wants to visit Dongshengyang.

“I wonder if I can join this discussion.”

Another old man with a 9-fold Illusory Cave asked with a smile.

“This is my friend Nanfeng Guo.”

Dong Shengyang introduced.

“It was the Deputy Hall Master.”

Baili Qingfeng said, “Sure.”

There are Three Great Giants in Pay Volcano, and South Wind Pass is one of them.

“Rofoss Junior Brother, Your Excellency Yuanpan and your distinguished guests will take care of you.”

East Shengyang Road.

Rofos took a look at Dong Shengyang by surprise. The Junior Brother gave Baili Qingfeng ……

Too much attention, right?

But he wouldn’t say these questions naturally, just fatally smiled and said: “I also have a lot of things to talk to Yuan Pan Master.”

At the moment, he left with Yuan Pan, Mo Rong and the others.

Baili Qingfeng went directly to the inner hall at the invitation of Dong Shengyang.

The only person who entered the inner hall with him was Nanfeng, and even the Refining Spirit 8 Masters of other Awakening realm who had communicated with them were not invited.

“The 21-year-old Refining Spirit Illusory Cave … who wouldn’t believe it without seeing it?”

After entering the inner hall and waiting for 3 people to seat, Dong Shengyang was full of sighs.

“The rear waves of the long river drives on those before.”

Nan Feng’s gaze towards Baili Qingfeng is the same.

“Sorry 2 Masters, if I announce the news that I broke through to the Refining Spirit 9 heavy, it will cause a lot of trouble, so I can only hide it.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

“We understand that 21-year-old Refining Spirit 9 is too shocking. With your Innate Talent and potential, I am afraid that you can accumulate the peak of Refining Spirit 30 in up to 9 years. By then, you will be in your 50s and you are completely hopeful. Shocking the Refining Spirit Tenfold became the Holy Spirit of the Refining Spirit. The Aurora Emperor will not allow this and the others to appear to threaten his status. “

Dong Shengyang said that he took out a booklet from the bookshelf on the side and handed it to Baili Qingfeng: “However, you have some ways to hide the spirit fluctuations … somewhat unusual, here I have a little trick to close the Refining Spirit fluctuations, you If you can master it, non-Refining Spirit saints cannot see through your true Refining Spirit realm. “

“This … many thanks Master.”

Baili Qingfeng hesitated for a moment, or picked up the booklet.

Reactive power is not affected.

“So, our communication starts now? I have nothing to say, just tell me some of my experiences on cultivation.”

“Hope to hear the details!”

Dong Shengyang suddenly lighted up.

Baili Qingfeng can build an Illusory Cave realm at the age of 21, and must have unique skills. If they can learn one or two, it will be easier to impact the situation of the Holy One in the future.

“My experience is summed up in 8 words, don’t break and stand, break and stand!”

“Do not break and stand, break and stand?”

Nanfeng Guo kept thinking about the deep meaning in these 8 words.

“Can you please tell Baili Master in detail?”

“Specifically? Just don’t break and stand, break and stand … well, or let’s try it with Refining Spirit Secret Technique?”

“Yes, we have long wanted for Baili Master’s Refining Spirit Secret Technique.”

Dong Shengyang said with a smile.

“At present, there are only two Refining Spirit Secret Techniques that I have mastered strictly. The remaining Ruyi Thoughts and Connecting Soul Techniques are not mysterious methods … I will first take out Nine Heavens Thunder Move and let the 2 masters give pointers. . “

“Nine Heavens Thunder Move? High Level Refining Spirit Secret Technique Nine Heavens Thunder Move?”

Dong Shengyang immediately moved.

Even Nanfeng Guo was suddenly suddenly shrinking.

One shot is High Level Refining Spirit Secret Technique …


Too great generosity?

For a moment, his gaze toward Baili Qingfeng became significantly more solemn.

the younger generations will surpass us in time!

“Although I have mastered a High Level Refining Spirit Secret Technique, it is based on my” Red Flaming True Flame Method “and cannot be practiced by ordinary people, but Baili Master would like to communicate with me through Nine Heavens Thunder Move. I naturally I can’t let Baili Master down, it happened that I got a law not long ago called 7 Love Law, and then I will ask Baili Master to taste it. “

East Shengyang Road.

“I heard that the Baili Master has cultivated the Refining Spirit Secret Technique Thunder Scepter. I have also studied this method, and based on my experience, I have improved the Thunder Scepter slightly, although the formidable power cannot reach the High Level Refining Spirit Secret Technique. Level, but there are some advantages, please taste the Baili Master. “

South wind followed with a smile.

Baili Qingfeng nodded: “laugh.”

In other words, the Innate God Demon Observing Meditation Law runs, and the Fiendgod born from the thunderbolt and destruction is suddenly born, carrying incomparable puppets and horror shocks. The magnificent Divine Power is carrying a stunning Strength’s rolling out, just showing up, has made the 2 Refining Spirit Master can’t help but widen his eyes.

“Good… really strong!”

“What is this spectacle !?”

“It’s Zuz.”

Baili Qingfeng was somewhat implicitly laughed.


Dong Shengyang immediately pondered.

Is there such a lifeform or Divine Beast?

“It is the innate Fiendgod Zuz. Although I chose the most domineering one, it is still birds of a feather compared to the Golden Crow as viewed by Dong Shengyang Master.”

“Golden Crow?”

Dong Shengyang was a little stunned: “What I think of is a Legendary lifeform in the 2nd World. It is not the Golden Crow in the mouth of Baili Master. Golden Crow is the life form in Myths and Legends. It does not really exist. In the world, how can you have an accurate image to imagine and grow Divine Soul? “

On the other hand, the Nanfeng Pass is thinking about something, and the expression is a bit weird: “Isn’t it the Zodiac in the East Divine Continent civilization Myths and Legends that is the innate Fiendgod Zuz?”

“Yes, that’s the one. The twelve Zuz that together create the World.”

Baili Qingfeng said.


Dong Shengyang and Nanfeng glanced at each other.

After a while, Nanfeng passed some cautiously and asked, “Baili Master, do you rely on this concept to cultivate to the 9th Illusory Cave?”

“Not exactly!”

Baili Qingfeng said.

Nanfeng breathed a little sigh of relief, but didn’t wait for him to speak again. Baili Qingfeng once again said, “I previously cultivated my family ’s Thunder Dominator concept. Later, after I got Innate God Demon Observing Meditation Law, I changed Thunder Dominator. The idea has melted into the Innate God Demon Observing Meditation Law, and it has become the innate Fiendgod Zuz of the present. “

“Incorporating the Thunder Dominator concept into the Innate God Demon Observing Meditation Law …”

“Yes, the congenital Fiendgod Zuz I chose was the most domineering one, and the ancient Thunder Beast was also the most domineering one. The two ancestors combined into one, exerting the effect of one plus one greater than two, plus my own cultivation. I am always good at using my brain, and I think that it is because of these two factors that I can cultivate the Refining Spirit to the Ninth Layer in such a short time. “

Baili Qingfeng said with a faint smile.

It is rare to be able to interact with the 9th Masters, and he naturally has to seize the opportunity.

“Well, let’s start practicing, I will use the Refining Spirit Secret Technique to attack you and let you know the true meaning of the 8 words ‘Do not break, do not stand, and stand!'”


The 2 Refining Spirit Masters of Illusory Cave realm heard what he said, and looked at each other, with a subtle hunch.

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