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2nd day Early in the morning, Dongshengyang and Nanfeng Guo convened all the cultivators of the Refining Spirit lineage of Volcano.

As the day of the event is approaching, when Baili Qingfeng arrives at the main hall, the Refining Spirit powerhouse in the main hall has reached an astonishing number of 100 people.

This is still able to enter the Great Hall, at least Refining Spirit who has reached the Refining Spirit 7 Divine Power realm. If you count those outside the hall, the total number of Refining Spirit lineage powerhouses will always be close to 1000.

Among the 100 people in the main hall, there are 9 of the 8-level Illusory Cave counted as Baili Qingfeng.

Upon the arrival of Baili Qingfeng, Dong Shengyang took him directly to the eight specially prepared seats in the main hall, and let him sit down with some surprised eyes: “Dear everyone, I invite Baili Grandmaster to sit here, not because of his Innate Talent is not because of his strength or his potential, but because of his contribution to our Refining Spirit lineage! “

After speaking, his eyes turned on everyone, and he said to the closest 9-level Illusory Cave and the 8-level Awakening Refining Spirit who were closest to him: “You all come from afar, but I and Nanfeng passed by 2 days were delayed and I could n’t immediately come to receive you. This is our fault, and I apologize to the Masters. “

An old man among the people laughed and said, “Dong Shengyang Master, you ’re welcome, you and Nanfeng can pass the Master 2 people to sleep and forget about food for 2 days. It must be to our East Divine Continent Refining Spirit lineage We can understand the big thing. “

“Yes, what’s new in the 2 days and 2 nights’ sleepless talk of 2 Masters? We can’t wait to find out.”

Another charming woman who looked up and down thirty-forty also followed with a smile.

Two of the women came from the country of Chi Yan, named Leng Yu, and old man Oliver was a dedication to the Bucks Kingdom. The cultivation bases reached 2 levels of Illusory Cave, and had a high reputation in the Refining Spirit lineage.

“These 2 days and 2 nights of discussions and discussions have indeed yielded great results, but … ashamed … For these results, the two people of Nanfeng and I just made some efforts to make up for the lack, as I said just now, The real contribution comes from Baili Qingfeng Grandmaster! A true Grandmaster worthy of all of us! “

Dong Shengyang’s speech is full of respect for Baili Qingfeng.

“Baili Qingfeng … Grandmaster !?”

Leng Yu looked at Baili Qingfeng.

Since Baili Qingfeng has mastered the convergence skills given by Dong Shengyang, Leng Yu has not seen his true strength in general with Dong Shengyang and Nanfeng, but she naturally heard of Baili Qingfeng’s name and immediately said: “I do n’t think there are too many people in the East Divine Continent who do n’t know the name of Baili Qingfeng Sect Master. The northern battlefield sword defeated Ruler and defeated 10000 with an enemy. The battle of Legion in Chiyan Middle School struck back with 4 True Immortal sieges. Destroy 4 people to win with ease. Not long ago, it was a ten thousand li attack, destroying the Aurora Imperial Sun Temple … Everything can be called heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, shocking Divine Continent, and Baili Sect Master year 21 It ’s only a matter of time to reach the Refining Spirit and reach our realm. Innate Talent has n’t seen it for 8 years, but I never thought that the 100 Masters respected the Baili Sect Master so much that they were named Grandmaster? “

“Because Baili Grandmaster deserves the Grandmaster 2.”

Dong Shengyang replied: “You should understand our current situation of Refining Spirit lineage? It stands to reason that I should not be under the Celestial Ruler when I wait for Refinement Spirit 9 status. Even because it is difficult for Refining Spirit to borrow foreign objects, it is rare. In this grand event, only I waited for a few 9-level Illusory Caves to attend to see a 2 … but I waited for the difficulty to reach the Refining Spirit 9th level, but the status of the world today is far from equal to the Celestial Ruler. … we have to do 2 pulses, which has delayed the progress of Refining Spirit … “

“en! ?”

Hearing Dong Shengyang’s words, Oliver seemed to think something, and his face was a little excited: “The Dong Shengyang Master respected Baili Sect Master to the highest level, and he was respected and respected by the Grandmaster, is it possible that … you … Figured out a solution? “

As soon as Oliver said this, the main hall, which had some noises, suddenly stopped, and everyone’s eyes fell on Dong Shengyang.

Dong Shengyang also did not sell Guanzi, a bluntly nodded: “Nice! Refining Spirit Road 100 Useless situation gradually fades, and it will become history from now on!”


Dong Shengyang’s rhetorical confirmation caused an uproar in the field.

You Refining Spirit Masters are shocked and can’t wait to ask: “Dong Shengyang Master, what did you research?”

“Refining Spirit’s fading trend is going to be history? This … Master is saying it true !?”

“No wonder, it’s no wonder that Dong Shengyang, who has always been stable, actually described the achievements of these two days as ‘great gains!'”

Nanfeng looked at the faintly chaotic scene, and said solemnly said: “Dear everyone, be quiet!”

In his remarks, he used some 7 emotion techniques to calm down the restless emotions of people through emotional infection.

But even so, there is a person middle-aged man who can’t help but stand up, regardless of the questioning: “Dong Shengyang Master, are you really saying that?”

Dong Shengyang glanced at the man.


He knew that Celestial Uwe, the pinnacle of the Moro Kingdom, and he and Prince Yao of the Moro Kingdom, Wu Song, and Ruler Zhan Tianheng formed the strongest force in the Moro Kingdom.

Among them Uwe is the second powerhouse of the Kingdom of Moro second only to Uwang Uson.

At the same time as Qi Refining Celestial, he also had 8 achievements of Refining Spirit, so he came to participate in this Refining Spirit event, and Dong Shengyang could not refuse.

“it is true.”

Dong Shengyang nodded: “I believe that everyone knows the five major elements of a martial artist battle strength-physical fitness, internal interest, spirit, martial skill, and heart! Of these 5 types of strength, people generally only have 5 types, excellent People can master 2 kinds, and Innate Talent can have 3 kinds of extraordinary people, but mastering 4 kinds is rare in the world, because the fifth kind of strength lies in the heart, which is difficult to predict. This kind of strength can be regarded as a state. The spirit state and the state of will are like two armies with the same number of equipment. One is high in morale and the other is scattered. The final result of the battle will be as different as heaven and earth … “

“Dong Shengyang Master, isn’t he trying to tell us, do you have a way to inspire the heart?”

Uwe’s voice couldn’t help but sound again.

“Nice! I, Nanfeng Guo, and Baili Qingfeng Grandmaster worked together. Based on the information we had collected, after 3 days and 2 nights of discussion, we finally created a new Refining Spirit Secret Technique, named Three Fusion. Technique, the role of Three Fusion Technique is to help people inspire the heart, so the battle strength rises! “

Dongsheng Yang slowly said.

“Three Fusion Technique !? Can help inspire Heart !?”

The first Uighe who asked this question was on the spot.

It wasn’t just him, everyone in the field was silent at the same time.

“Heart power?”

The calm lasted less than 3 seconds. The atmosphere of the main hall seemed to be detonated. The stable Refining Spirit powerhouse in each and everyone normally could not hesitate to hold back, and quickly asked: “Is there such a secret method! The power of Heart is the most Mysterious Unpredictable Strength, once excited, can increase the cultivator battle strength, thereby using the weak to defeat the strong, and some who excite the power of Heart to the extreme can even cross the realm and create miracles! “

“If this Three Fusion Technique is true … then … then our Refining Spirit lineage will surely be a guest in front of all great characters, and the history of Refining Spirit’s decline can really be rewritten from now on!”

“The East Shengyang Master, the South Wind passed the Master, and the Baili Qingfeng sect … Grandmaster, if you really create these secret methods, it will be of great merit to our Refining Spirit lineage!”

“Practice is the best way to prove it!”

Dong Shengyang didn’t answer everyone’s words, but directly said, “I don’t know who is willing to cooperate with me? The cultivation base need not be too high.”

“I come!”

Several people signed up at the same time.

In the end, Dong Shengyang set his sights on Zhang Lie: “Just you, offend.”

“It’s my pleasure to be the first to experience Three Fusion Technique!”

Zhang Lie smiled.

“I need one of your emotions, and any of 7 emotions is fine.”

“Hi, I think about happy things.”

张 烈 said with a faint smile.

At the moment, both Dong Shengyang and Zhang Lie are brewing cheerful emotions.

As their mood was brewing and spirit was infected, the atmosphere in the field seemed to be affected. Everyone seemed to be immersed in some special joy. After this brewing reached the extreme, the emotion on Dong Shengyang was suddenly Detonated, involved in Zhang Lie’s spirit World in a similar way to hypnosis.

For a time, an unprecedented joy bloomed in Zhang Lie’s heart. Under this kind of surprise and stimulus, he could not wait for the sky to scream, find someone to fight a battle, and vent his ecstasy.

That abrupt change and the rising of the atmosphere make the hall at least all 7 people of Refining Spirit unable to bear surprise.

“Sure enough !?”

“Success! Success! His heart is inspired!”

“Zhang Lie is just a land True Immortal … but now, the strong breath that emanates from him, the True Immortal that keeps pursuing the inner force exists! This is definitely Heart’s Strength!”

“Inconceivable! Incredible! The Refining Spirit lineage actually has a secret method that can inspire others’ Heart Strength!”

All kinds of exclamations kept circulating among the crowd.

Everyone’s face was full of joy from the heart.

Even the 9th Illusory Cave, such as Dongshengyang and Nanfengguo, is no exception.

They looked at the rainbow-like Zhang Lie as if they saw the infinite future of the Refining Spirit lineage cultivator.

With the mystery that inspires the heart, who will dare to say that the Refining Spirit lineage is a chicken rib from now on?

“Starting today, the Refining Spirit lineage will usher in a new era …”

Leng Yu sighed heartily.

She turned her eyes to Dong Shengyang: “All our Refining Spirits should thank you.”

“Not thanks to me, but to him … Baili Grandmaster!”

Dong Shengyang gave out the silhouette of Baili Qingfeng: “The two of us only played a role in filling up the secrets in the creation of this secret technique. The Three Fusion Technique can be born, almost entirely by Baili Grandmaster alone, without him There is no Three Fusion Technique! “

“Baili Grandmaster …”

Leng Yu looked at Baili Qingfeng and bowed slightly to him: “I apologize for my suspicion just now! Baili Grandmaster, thank you for your contribution to the Refining Spirit lineage!”

After seeing this scene, the remaining 9-fold Illusory Cave also stood up and slightly saluted to Baili Qingfeng: “Baili Grandmaster, thank you for your contribution to the Refining Spirit lineage!”

No need for them to speak, most of the Refining Spirit in the field will take their eyes away from Zhang Lie, and sincerely bend over to Baili Qingfeng: “Thank you for your contribution to the Refining Spirit lineage!”

Hundreds of people, and hundreds of people with respect for status, who have at least the Refining Spirit 100 heavy cultivation base are saluted to one person at the same time …

This scene, as if frozen into a picture scroll, is destined to be recorded in history!

The future of Refining Spirit lineage, change since!

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