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At the moment, Prince Riyi is carrying the relevant agreements of the six military joint committees, and representatives of one by one country approached them and forced them to sign.

The Level 9 powerhouse behind these countries was defeated by him, and he lost all his heart, and was smooth in signing.

For a moment, Fu Qin, who was also present, said something in Prince Ri Yi’s ear.

Prince Riyi heard it, and shook the head somewhat helplessly: “I thought he was a smart man, didn’t expect …”

In other words, he said to the Prime Minister of the North Sengu who had just signed his name on the agreement: “Let’s stay away.”

Then turned and walked aside.

“After all, it’s a youngster, Won’t shed tears till you have seen your coffin.”

Reynolds, who also received the news, got together and said aloud.

“Anyway, I will teach him the attitude that youngster should have when facing elders.”

Prince Riyi lightly saying.

The couple walked for a moment, and soon came to Zhang Lie, Baili Qingfeng, and Speaker Moore in the other room.

Prince Ri Yi’s eyes immediately fell on the set of Battle Armor on Baili Qingfeng, and then suddenly laughed: “It’s interesting, it looks like it’s prepared.”

“He’s a Ruler, I’m afraid he doesn’t have the courage to stand in front of you without wearing the Battle Armor.”

Reynolds smiled.

Prince Yi Yi smiled helplessly, strode forward, looking at Baili Qingfeng’s eyes as if looking at a disobedient Brat at his home.

As soon as Prince Ri Yi and the others came to talk with Baili Qingfeng, Speaker Moore, who had been unable to talk anymore, stood up and said, “Prince Ri Yi is here.”

Prince Riyi faced Nourded Muir, his eyes fell directly on Baili Qingfeng: “You are Baili Qingfeng, really young, I heard you want to see me? Youngster, energetic, have ideas, is a good thing.”

“Yes! I want to discuss with Prince Riyi about the dispatch of our Shia army.”

“After the establishment of the joint military committees of the six nations, there will be a unified policy announcement. At that time, there will be a draft of troops there, and there will be reinforcements there. We will reasonably allocate them according to the internal situation of our Knight Alliance, Unite to maximize and use it most efficiently. “

Prince Riyi calmly replied: “It looks like Baili Qingfeng you seem to have some opinion.”

Baili Qingfeng nodded: “I have some opinions, so I specifically brought you here.”

“Oh, I can see that you are fully prepared.”

Prince Ri Yi glanced at the Battle Armor on Baili Qingfeng: “So, what are you waiting for?”

“Oh? Then … then I’ll start?”

“No need to change places?”

“No, it won’t take long.”

Baili Qingfeng waved.

The calm expression on Prince Riyi’s face was a little indifferent: “How long does it take? It seems that you are very confident in yourself, and it is good to be confident, but if your confidence is too high, it is arrogant, you know, arrogant people Often, there will be no good results. Youngster, in front of the elders, is still low-key and modest. “

Baili Qingfeng heard something unknown.

Why is he overconfident and arrogant?

Just considering that the other party is finally persuading himself to be low-key and humble …

He is not too rude, but just apologized: “Prince Ri Yi said that I do not understand the set of statements made by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, so the improper use of certain words has caused you some illusion. Some of the next words are awful. Do n’t go to your heart. You really offend you in terms of customs. You … just hit me … “

“Hit you? Huh …”

Prince Riyi carried both hands and looked straight at Baili Qingfeng: “Baili Qingfeng, I have to say that you have let me down a bit, I thought you were a man of the times, but it doesn’t matter, as an elder, you must have enough for Junior I will let you take the shot first and teach you to talk well and be a good person. “

“Let me shoot first …”

Baili Qingfeng looked at Prince Riyi, this person …

It’s really small.

Really want to hit him?

Just because he didn’t know which language offended him just now?

“Prince Riyi …”

“Well, you do n’t have to say that many reasons, it ’s just that you are not willing to that’s all, youngster just does n’t hit the south wall and do n’t look back, you want to try, I can do it for you, let ’s go, as long as you can win me, the 6-nation military alliance The job of the chairman of the committee is yours, and the forces of the six nations in the Knight Alliance are mobilizing wherever you want to move, why waste your lips here. “

Baili Qingfeng listened and couldn’t help but secretly sighed in his heart.

Although he had anticipated that Prince Riyi would never budge, didn’t expect him to be so decisive.

Do not even talk, a non-violent force and non-cooperative attitude.


“Ri Yi Pro King Keshi condenses the title of Silver Body Level 9, how powerful, I am a 21-year-old Junior from Martial Practice, how is your opponent …”

Baili Qingfeng shook the head.

“en! ?”

Prince Ri Yi looked at Baili Qingfeng.

This kid…

Are you saying he bullies?

Despite his dissatisfaction with Baili Qingfeng’s lack of current affairs, considering the talents of Baili Qingfeng’s Innate Talent and the value of the Three Fusion Technique he created, he finally eased his mood slightly: “that’s all that’s all, what you said There is some reason, after all, you are just a 21-year-old Junior. If I really confront you, I really think it will be bullying. Besides, we have to give youngster a chance. Do not move, let you send out a sword. If you can drive me back with this sword, then I am willing to give up the throne of the Joint Military Commission of the Six Nations. “

“A sword?”

Baili Qingfeng was excited.

There is no doubt about the power of Prince Riyi. Although Baili Qingfeng has not really played against him, just by looking at his momentum and defeating 8 level 8 powerhouses with an enemy of 9, he can understand his battle strength, even the Bucks. There are rumors inside the kingdom, with the battle strength of Prince Riyi at this moment, you can face the Xeon!

Facing Xeon!

These powerhouses are head-to-head. Baili Qingfeng feels that his winning percentage is slim, maybe less than 1% …

But just a sword to force it back …

It is promising!

Don’t forget, his Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique can burst into the Xeon blow!

Xeon strikes, knocking back the Xeon powerhouse …

It makes sense!

Besides, this matter is related to the security and safety of Xia Haizhou. Without any effort, he is unwilling to fight.

“What you said is true !?”

“Of course, I’m talking and I always believe …”

“Okay, well, I like people who talk and believe the most …”

“Wait a minute, I haven’t finished talking. If you force me to retreat with a sword, I am willing to give up the post of chairman of the Joint Military Committee of the six countries, but if you can’t do it, you have to promise me a condition.

“You said.”

Prince Sun Yi smiled smiled: “As a member of the Knight Alliance, I will naturally not make any excessive demands. If you can’t retreat with one sword, worship me as a teacher and become a disciple under my seat. I ’m Essence, Qi and Spirit 3 Pulse Perfection, as my identity, status, cultivation base, and battle strength, it ’s not a problem for me to teach you as an apprentice. ”


In front of the sun, the pro-King Keshi condenses the powerhouse of the silver body. The battle strength is high, and he can face the Xeon. If he really loses, it seems that it is not unacceptable to worship him as a teacher.

“I promised.”


A smile appeared on the corner of Prince Riyi’s mouth.

I took Baili Qingfeng as disciple, and then used the teaching of cultivation to connect him with a brainwashing, and subtly reversed his consciousness. Naturally, he will be transformed into the most loyal subordinate of the Bucks royal family, and become his Sharp sword

Even if Baili Qingfeng may have a personality mutation in this process, don’t worry about anyone.

disciple follows the command of the Master, and he bows for the Master, which is completely reasonable.

“This place is a bit small after all, let’s go to the Yanwu Hall.”

Prince Ri Yi said to Baili Qingfeng, and at the same time he also said to Reynolds: “Go, let the representatives of the other four countries to testify.”

“it is good.”

Reynolds nodded.

Instead, Moore whispered in the side of Prince Riyi: “Is this … will it be a little risky? Baili Qingfeng dares to challenge you, I guess some cards …”

“Can I think about what you can think about? I wouldn’t make a joke about such a big thing.”

Prince Ri Yi whispered with a smile: “You forgot how I agreed with him? Let him give up a sword and never retreat. After he issued a sword, I was not unable to fight back. In other words, my only passive point is Can’t retreat that’s all. Do you think that he, a ruler who is not good at outbreaks, can push me back in the fight with one sword? “

Moore couldn’t help but realize it.

Yeah, just not forced back!

How is this different from head-to-head confrontation?

Moreover, Ruler is good at fighting protracted battles and not good at breaking out.

It sounds like Prince Ri Yi asked Baili Qingfeng, but actually …

Who’s taking advantage of it is uncertain.

youngster, just fooled.

Soon, the entire group came to the performance hall outside, and at this time, representatives of the other 4 countries also rushed over, including the eight major Level 8 such as Wu Song, Sha Jingen, Nash, and Prince Yao.

At this point they had understood the course of the matter, although they had no hope of Baili Qingfeng’s retreat from Prince Riyi, but if Baili Qingfeng did, it would be a good thing.

at least……

Even if Baili Qingfeng really took the position of chairman of the six-country military joint committee, it would not matter. With the national power of the Shia country, they don’t have to worry about how much their country will be affected. Even in the future, Baili Qingfeng will control the six countries secretly. The joint military commission is not difficult.

Thinking of this, Wu Song and the others looked towards Baili Qingfeng can’t help but look a little bit expectant.

“Well, the reasons are already understood. I wo n’t describe them. Once Baili Qingfeng wins, my Bucks Kingdom will unconditionally support Baili Qingfeng to become the chairman of the Joint Military Committee of the Six Nations. At the same time, I hope that you will support me as well. Baili Qingfeng, if I win, Baili Qingfeng will be in my door and become a disciple under my seat. Please sit down and witness together. “

Prince Ri Yi said.

Baili Qingfeng on the side followed nodded.

As for signing an agreement …

He didn’t force it.

After all, Prince Riyi was not only the Prince of the Bucks Kingdom, but also Level 9 invincible, who was built into the body of silver. He personally claimed that he always believed and believed. Baili Qingfeng naturally chose to believe.

After some operations, 2 people came to the center of Yanwu Hall.

Prince Sun Yi has a masterly style, holding the sword with one hand, and calmly said with a smile: “Come, Baili Qingfeng, don’t be nervous, don’t be afraid, come up with your best state, pierce your strongest sword, let me See how powerful your Legendary Ruler, Divine Continent, is. “

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