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“Essence, Qi and Spirit …”

Baili Qingfeng senses the resonance and change among Essence, Qi and Spirit 3.

When repairing the lineage alone, if you have the foundation of Body Refining, you can rest assured when Qi Refining. You can moisturize the body in reverse with Qi Refining. The same is true for Refining Spirit. It has a gain effect on both Body Refining and Qi Refining. At the same time, Essence and Qi Qiang Sheng will also strengthen the spirit.

Essence, Qi and Spirit 3 are one.

At this moment, it seems that the barriers of the three major cultivation systems have become less clear.

The three types of Strength are merged into one, and the use of any type of Strength will lead to the increase of the other two types of Strength, thus erupting a Strength that is superior to Level 3.

“This … is called the power of silver?”

Baili Qingfeng extended his right hand, and the internal force flowed.

He can clearly feel that his Essence and Qi are quickly converging towards the palm of his hand under the impetus of his mind.

At this time, if he shoots it with one palm, it can almost cause terrifying damage that does not conform to physical laws.

A person standing and making a punch and pulling away from the horse struck a punch, causing Strength damage completely different.

But now…

His destructive power seems to have gradually grown to this common sense.

“Put yourself up …”

Baili Qingfeng flashed this thought in his mind.

Perhaps this is the characteristic of top powerhouse.

create something from nothing.

Refining the virtual becomes true.

“It’s really a longing realm, I don’t know how many years it will take me to really get there.”

Baili Qingfeng’s face was full of envy.

For a moment, he calmed down.

As long as he continues to practice Small Void Technique, one day, he can truly set foot on Xeon and experience the scenery on the top of the World.

“Silver body is practiced, and the power of silver … is also derived …”

Baili Qingfeng was a little active, but when he thought of the so-called “power of silver”, he also noticed some anomalies of himself: “Strength of Essence, Qi and Spirit is harmonious and continuous, but it cannot be fully integrated. Obviously something is missing … or not enough realm, or … where am I wrong? “

He thought he had to ask Prince Riyi.

Prince Riyi gave him the impression that he was mostly a puppet elder. Although the image seemed to be a little broken later, but …

No way, the only person he knew to gather the silver body was Prince Riyi.

“Wait, and Miro the Incarnation of God?”

Although he and Miro belong to different countries, two equally excellent geniuses should reasonably be cherished. If he asks Miro for some knowledge of the silver body, Miro will be eager to answer for him.

The only problem was that he didn’t know Miro’s mobile number.

“When Prime Minister Yasuo frees me to ask me, when the two countries exchange meeting, Miro should have left a phone number.”

Baili Qingfeng thought, leaving the training room.

As soon as he was out of the training room, Dong Shengyang, who was sitting outside the training room to protect his method, immediately opened his eyes.

There is no need to speak. When his eyes fell on Baili Qingfeng, his eyes shot bright brilliance: “Baili Grandmaster, have you become a silver body !?”

“It should be done, or should we try it out for two?”

“Uh … no need.”

Although Dong Shengyang wanted to know the strength of Baiyin’s body, he could not even think of Baili Qingfeng’s request.

“Then let me run a lap to the capital of the Moroccan country, just warm up and become familiar with the newly-increased Strength.”

“Baili Grandmaster, please.”

Dong Shengyang said quickly.

At the moment, Baili Qingfeng’s feet were slightly bent …

But when Strength was about to break out, he walked to another area.

If he breaks out with all his strength, this floor will inevitably step on all split up and in pieces. The maintenance of other cement masters will also take time and energy?

So he moved forward a little bit, ran out of this attic, and went directly to a rocky area on the edge of the road.

Looking down at this boulder belt, you can see the woods of lush and green below the pay volcano and the small town under the pay volcano.

“en! ?”

Baili Qingfeng reached out and felt the tactile sensation of blowing the fingertips with the breeze …

It seems to be the effect of the body of silver, and it seems to have accumulated to a certain degree, and the mind has flowed. Baili Qingfeng’s Celestial realm has unconsciously entered the realm of Great Accomplishment. One with the World and Celestial realm can no longer distinguish each other, even as long as he Yes, he has been able to truly integrate One with the World into his Sword Technique and battle, instead of just doing some fixed actions as before, there can be no unnecessary changes.


The silver body is condensed, and the Celestial environment is great. There must be a connection between the two, but Baili Qingfeng didn’t think about it. With this joy of double happiness, he smiled, really bent his knees and bent …

next moment, the energy burst out!

“hong long! ”

Nether Blast!

Baili Qingfeng’s standing boulder is like being hit by a cannonball, exploding, and stone debris flying.

And while the stone debris was flying, his body was like an arrow off the string, screaming, and rushing down the mountain.

When he was just charging ahead, the fierce friction between the body and the void also issued a harsh shrillness, but only a moment, the sharp noise dissipated, and the harmonious coexistence between the human and the external environment made him even drop the hurricane wind that rolled up his body. .

“This feeling……”

Baili Qingfeng flying several hundred meters in one breath opened his hands and fully absorbed in the nature of Heaven and Earth. Although his body is still falling down, he swept away, but he swept out more than 400 meters.

After more than 400 meters, he tiptoed and fell on a branch of a large tree, and he sprang vigorously. As the branch was slightly bent and the leaves were falling, his body had been swept up again. Although this time had not been swept out More than 400 meters, but it has also reached 2 100 meters.

Not only that, Baili Qingfeng’s toes constantly borrowed power from the branches of big trees in the mountains, and the feet did not touch the ground, and quickly passed the distance of the volcano uphill and downhill, the kind of lightness, the kind of speed, like the fairy dust.

“Lightweight Art! And the most Peaky Lightweight Art!”

Baili Qingfeng seemed very excited. He couldn’t think of Essence, Qi and Spirit 3 being transformed freely, which made him so much progress in running.

Rigid and soft, the change is free.

No wonder, it’s no wonder that the inner flow martial artist who repaired the inner force was named True Immortal!

He flew from the pay volcano to the light body style at the foot of the mountain, and put it in ancient times, it was completely reasonable to be regarded as an immortal.

After going down the mountain, Baili Qingfeng still maintained an amazing speed and moved forward. He couldn’t calculate how fast the speed was, but it was definitely above two hundred meters per second, and it might even reach 200 3 or 200 4.

At this speed, Baili Qingfeng can be described as fast as lightning. If it is not because the eyesight has become stronger after Ruler Body Refining, the sensing after the Refining Spirit Illusory Cave has become stronger, and the computing power has increased. I am afraid that his brain receives and processes the speed of the image. , Can not keep up with the speed he waited and scanned.

Baili Qingfeng within the body Essence, Qi and Spirit 3 The person constantly resonates and circulates, endlessly. For a moment, he seems to notice something, and part of his mind feels his own.

“En !? The digestive efficiency of the indigested golden jelly has improved dramatically !? At least ten times !?”

This result surprised Baili Qingfeng.

You know, golden jelly is very difficult to digest. It takes one and a half to two months to digest one of them. In the case that the first one has not been completely digested, Baili Qingfeng has taken another three at the Sun Temple, and the digestion is slower. Now, according to calculations, it will take half a year if it is fast.

But now…

His Essence, Qi and Spirit resonance at the same time seems to disrupt the stability of the golden jelly, which greatly improves the digestion efficiency. According to this speed, the golden jelly will be completely digested and decomposed into his fleshhy body within half a month. nourishment.

“Okay, it’s a pleasant surprise.”

The problem of indigestion can finally be cured. Baili Qingfeng feels happy, and involuntarily uses the Three Fusion Technique to inspire the power of Heart in his “joy” mood. Speed ​​is faster and faster, as if a spit was moved towards Moro. The royal capital ran wild.

The Storm Armor Battle Armor has the effect of simulating the external environment, but the dynamic simulation is obviously not as good as the static simulation.

Coupled with Baili Qingfeng running at full speed, he naturally could not control all his breath. He had just arrived at the Moro King’s House. The Refining Spirit Master of the Moro Country had already felt it. Immediately, he was close to the enemy, Uwei, Zhan Tianheng, and U Song and Prince Yao who have returned from the Bucks Kingdom have gathered at the fastest speed.

It was just that, before they had time to complete the assembly, Baili Qingfeng ran to his destination, turned around and continued to run back.

Like Sahuan, he came to the Moro country and ran straight, but Wu Song, U Wei, Prince Yao, and Zhan Tianheng felt scared and sweaty when they felt the strange and familiar breath on him.

“It was just … the breath of Baili Qingfeng !?”

Uwe cry out in surprise: “What is Baili Qingfeng doing in our capital? And, his speed is so fast! Too fast!”

“Not only speed, he also has a strange breath, which is stronger than the usual Level 9!”

“The silver body is the silver body!”

Wu Song’s eyes are full of incredible: “The pulse of Essence, Qi and Spirit 3 flows at the same time, which is definitely the characteristic of the silver body! Baili Qingfeng, actually turned into the silver body !?”

“Silver Body … invincible of the same order …”

Prince Yao murmured these words.

Condensing the silver body can achieve the same level of invincible, and then master the Equivalent to Xeon Strike Sword Technique, and the other invincible of the same level who has built the silver body cannot stop him from being assassinated with a sword …

This Baili Qingfeng …

In addition to the real top powerhouse, who can make him! ?

“Especially … he also created Three Fusion Technique, which inspires Heart …”

Prince Yao took a deep breath: “I’m afraid this Baili Qingfeng … has already qualified to threaten the top powerhouse …”

Wu Song, U Wei, Zhan Tianheng and the others glanced at each other, seeing the weakness in the other’s eyes.

“He inspired him to come around our capital. What’s the purpose? I don’t believe he just came to see the scenery with us.”

Wu Song said solemnly.

“Is it because our volcanic volcano caused his dissatisfaction 3 days ago?”

Zhan Tianheng frowns saying.

“I’m afraid it’s not that simple. Remember the inside information we got in the morning?”

Uwe Road.

“You mean … about the volcano migration?”

Prince Yao suddenly shrank.

Wu Weishen thought nodded: “That’s the case for eight-nine, Baili Qingfeng is here … I’m afraid to come to warn us!”

“Warn us not to block …”

Wu Song heard U Wei saying that expression was a bit bitter.

Only this explanation.

This Baili Qingfeng is really a disaster star. When they come to their Moro, they will have given away a bride, to lose one’s army on top of it.

“He should have sensed your speed just now. Even if we ca n’t mobilize the army to surround him, not to mention, he is the chairman of the Joint Military Committee of the six nations. We dare to use the army to deal with him. Divide our Moro kingdom and eat it. “

Uwe said it was all hopeless.

You can’t fight, you can’t mobilize the army by trying to catch up with too many people,

Facing such an opponent …

What can they do?

“Forget it, he wants to take away the pay volcano. Anyway, the pay volcano has never surrendered to our Moro royal family. Now, I just want to send Baili Qingfeng as soon as possible. As long as he is willing to leave, he What love does. “

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