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After ending the video chat with Daytime Kai, Baili Qingfeng turned to the Heavenly Knowledge Hall forum.

In the Heavenly Knowledge Hall forum, there are more posts discussing him than he thought, especially in the East Divine Continent, and the heat can almost be compared with the Tianying Mountain battlefield mutation.

The Moroccan country did not know to help Baili Qingfeng keep a secret, and directly spread the news that Baili Qingfeng had become a silver body.

Although this news has not yet been confirmed, if it is true, it means that Baili Qingfeng Body Refining, Qi Refining, and Refining Spirit 3 have all reached Level 9.

In such a short time, Refining Spirit 9 is …

Is Refining Spirit still far from Tokaido?

even more how ……

At present, there are many rumors in the East Divine Continent that Baili Qingfeng is a person with deep mind, rigorous schemes and deep foresight. The method is incredible, and the Great Sun Temple has been destroyed by him in the palm of his hands. Not even recently Even the Bucks Kingdom planted a big heel on him, and for more than a decade he planned to make a wedding dress for others, which was picked by Baili Qingfeng in one fell swoop.

Such a deep-hearted generation, half of his ten words are unbelievable.

At present, many people think that the failure of his so-called Xeon Road should be intentional false news, in order to gain time for growth and reduce the vigilance of neighboring countries to him.

It turns out he did.

In the end, his enemies, the Human Three Saints Alliance, and the Great Sun Temple were destroyed by him, and he took the throne of the chairmen of the six military joint committees and became one of the most powerful people in East Divine Continent! The power of the Silver Body will not take long to hope that the strong cultivation base will be able to cut off a sword that threatens the battle strength of the top powerhouse, coupled with his identity and the support of the national power behind Sia Kingdom …

Baili Qingfeng has reached the peak of life.

“Stigma, my mind is deep? I’m rigorous schemes and deep foresight? Thoroughly stigmatizing! Don’t you all know, can’t you believe the rumor? Hearing is nothing but seeing is believing!”

Baili Qingfeng looked at the news in Heavenly Knowledge Hall, and looked sad.

Each of you and everyone is a well-known presence in the Martial Dao world. Most of them are powerhouses above the Grandmaster. Is it that each and everyone is in the aura of wisdom reduction and loses the ability to think calmly?

This rumor …

Distorted to 108,000 li, each and everyone still believes that it is true and leads to truth.

Baili Qingfeng shook the head, his eyes fell on the reward task of Heavenly Knowledge Hall that he had long wanted to clean up.

The Heavenly Knowledge Hall reward task has a prerequisite, which is related to the 2nd World.

Such as Blood Wolf City Lord, Tianmu Mountain Mutation and so on.

The news of Baili Qingfeng’s success as a silver body is obviously not on the bounty list.

For a while Baili Qingfeng was a little disappointed.

“If you want to upgrade quickly, you can only go to the temples of those cavemen. But there are quite a lot of cavemen Commander and Great Commander. Then, maybe my boutique Yao Jin Battle Armor is on the battlefield of Tianying Mountain. “

Baili Qingfeng watched for a moment and focused on understanding the relevant information of the Tianying Mountain battlefield.

However, even if the level is as high as Heavenly Knowledge Hall, he still does not know much about the news of the Tianyu Mountain battlefield, but there are a lot of relevant rewards. If he can know the truth, the leader, the layout, etc. of the Tianyu Mountain battlefield, all these reward questions Answered, raising Thunderbolt Sect’s sect level to Level 4 is not a luxury.

Looking back at the Heavenly Knowledge Hall forum, Baili Qingfeng put his mind to work, looking back at the Xeon method Wind and Thunder Heaven and Earth Qi.

Wind and Thunder Heaven and Earth Qi is divided into 2 parts, one is the work method, and the other is the annotation.

After watching 3 minutes, Baili Qingfeng frowned.

After watching for ten minutes, Baili Qingfeng rubbed the temple.

After seeing ten or five minutes …

He looked away from the computer interface.

“Are you using this …”

Baili Qingfeng is speechless.

Wind and Thunder Heaven and Earth Qi contain a fake cultivation that extracts the core part of True Qi, which belongs to a very complete Xeon method.


The cultivation process described in this volume of Xeon Law looks extremely mysterious and abstruse, mysterious is unpredictable, especially if it involves a lot of professional terms, and ordinary people ca n’t understand the Xeon Law even if they do n’t have a comment. .

These are the sentences that the Xeon Powerhouses purposely used to prevent the Xeon from leaking out. Without a comment, a word difference can make the Cultivation deviation of the Xeon.

Although Baili Qingfeng has the annotations of Wind and Thunder Heaven and Earth Qi, his internal flow is too thin, let alone cultivation, it is difficult to understand.

“This cultivation technique … is completely different from the Origin God and Demon Purgatory Physique of my current cultivation, and True Qi is condensed, you need to practice imagination to become true and borrow fake cultivation, which involves the concept of” refining virtuality “and borrowing fakes. No matter whether it is false or not, there must be something to practice and borrow. In the Qiankun Fenglei Jue, ‘Qiankun’ stands for Heaven and Earth. Yin and Yang, the yin and yang conflict, which stimulates Wind and Thunder Strength … probably two types of positrons and negative electrons. A kind of energy released by the friction of charges? “

In principle, this looks like this, but the Essence, Qi and Spirit transformation, yin and yang balance, Heaven and Earth reconciliation, and the existence of 10000 phases are all described in it.

“Can’t say to what extent a positive charge can be exposed to a negative charge, and under what circumstances can an excitation reaction occur? It is not required to be too accurate. It may be possible to give an approximate data. I will go to the laboratory little by little to try … “

Baili Qingfeng frowned and kept watching.

The mindset of the internal interest lineage is too complicated, far less simple than the Body Refining lineage.

Body Refining lineage He just needs to remember to evenly moisten the fleshy body with what he eats, and it is enough to strengthen himself, easy to understand and clear at a glance.

“But anyway, it ’s the Xeon method. It ’s more difficult. It did n’t take me a long time to create God and Demon Purgatory Physique. No matter how difficult he is, it is that possible than Supreme. Can be practiced, not to mention a Xeon !!!! It really isn’t working, I at worst practice this Xeon by practicing nothingness, first create a weakened version, and then substitute into this Xeon. Wouldn’t you be able to master this Xeon method smoothly? “

Is he able to get to where he is today?

Thinking about it, but Baili Qingfeng still intends to find some cultivation methods of internal flow first to understand the technical terms in internal flow.

If he really wants to create a simplified version of Xeon in the future, these internal flow techniques can also be used as a creative experience, allowing him to successfully create a simplified Xeon.

“Unfortunately, there are more things to come. We need to cultivate Small Void Technique, and we must perfect Three Fusion Technique to develop Three Fusion Technique to the level of gestation. We must also study Wind and Thunder Heaven and Earth Qi. Practicing … Not only that, I also plan to create a method based on my experience in internal purification, which will reduce the difficulty of cultivation of True Immortal breakthrough on the land to True Immortal realm … “

Not to mention the integration of Great Emperor Sword Technique, Divine Thirteen Swords, and Void Sword Technique.

Baili Qingfeng thought of this, I really feel that I have broken my heart in order to achieve those goals in the past 2 years, and I have not been so tired to study and go to school.

Wind and Thunder Heaven and Earth Qi are only 1000 words and can comment up to 10000 words.

Baili Qingfeng spent 3 hours writing down this Xeon method.

It’s been 3 days since the time flashed.

For 3 days, Baili Qingfeng finally knew a little bit about Wind and Thunder Heaven and Earth Qi.

But it ’s okay not to understand. When he understood in detail, he found that …

Wind Qi and True Heaven and Earth Qi are different from True Qi in his mind.

“True Qi, refining virtual reality, but its energy core is still Essence, Qi and Spirit of cultivator, and cultivator treats one of Essence, Qi as yang, that is, dry, and God as yin, that is, kun, yin and yang collide, within The body inspires and turns into True Qi. In other words, it uses qi and blood or internal force to undergo a chemical reaction with spirit that I can’t understand at present, forming a new and unique energy, like treating God as oil, and using Essence and Qi is fire, which compresses and expands under combustion, and converts thermal energy into mechanical energy … It is the so-called refining of the virtual, and the internal force and qi and blood become True Qi … “

Baili Qingfeng understood the principle.

According to the description of the exercises …

True Qi’s formidable power not at all is huge in his imagination.

Don’t say that the white clothed he is yearning for, cut it out with a sword, Sword Qi has a vertical and horizontal width of 30000 li. Even if all the Essence, Qi and Spirit are boiled on the body, the True Qi conversion power is turned on to the maximum. Being able to shoot several hundred meters is the limit.

in other words……

His Sword Qi can only be 300 metres across!

What’s the point of this?

He might as well spend more time thinking about Celestial, cultivation Perfection earlier.

The effect of the Celestial environment on the Great Accomplishment stage on the nature of Heaven and Earth has become more and more significant. He can even use the mysterious environment of the Celestial environment to locally change the Celestial Phenomenon and climate in this area, and wait for his Celestial environment Perfection, and further reach the star level. At times, call the wind and summon the rain are not a problem.

Through the regulation of the humidity of the air, the charge distribution in the clouds is affected, and the positive and negative charges are rubbed and collided fiercely to create a huge discharge phenomenon of formidable power. The lethality is never worse than Wind and Thunder Heaven and Earth. Where is Qi Qi’s True Qi?

“Top powerhouse… shouldn’t be so weak, such a weak top powerhouse, 3 or 4 of which I swarmed up, could kill him. I’m the weakest silver body, and I won the fight too. … It looks like I don’t know enough about Qiankunfenglei. “

Baili Qingfeng’s thoughts were recovered from the thunderous wind and thunder of three days of hard thinking.

I can only ask the white clothed winners at that time.

“en! ?”

When Baili Qingfeng thought of the white clothed victory, a familiar atmosphere appeared in his induction.


There was a hint of joy on Baili Qingfeng’s face.

White clothed Sheng and the others did not deliberately conceal their breath, so when they entered the university district, Baili Qingfeng naturally felt something.

When Baili Qingfeng came out of the grove and waited for a while, a business car that looked ordinary passed by.

The vehicle stopped, and White clothed Sheng and 2 Celestial masters who belonged to Level 9 guarded a box and walked down.


(Kavanka is awesome, the next chapter has not been coded yet, but the code will continue to code, even if the code reaches 2 o’clock, one o’clock, two o’clock, must be coded, today and today.

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