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“Who would explain why Shia transported the set of war destroyers from Baili Qingfeng to Xiyanzhou? Is it possible that he wanted to retaliate against the siege of Jingshan? Even if he really wanted to retaliate against Jingshan, he had to bring According to information from the top powerhouse of Zhao Jiansheng and Heaven’s Mystery Building, Zhao Jiansheng has gone to Xia Ya, and only Baili Qingfeng has disappeared without a trace. He is suspected of going to Xiyanzhou! Alone? What is he trying to do, singled out Is Mirror Mountain, one of the most powerful forces in Martial Dao? “

“Naive, Baili Qingfeng has great strength, but Jingshan is one of the Three Great Super Influences in the world. Their position in the Martial Dao world is equivalent to 5 super empires. Even if Baili Qingfeng has the Divine Punishment weapon, as long as the mirror Hill blocked the void and prevented him from launching the Divine Punishment weapon. What could he do? Even when he realized that he could not stop the Divine Punishment weapon, the high level of Jingshan quickly retreated, although it might cause 1000 years of destruction of the foundation. But talent is the foundation of a small sect … “

“It is said that in the Aurora Empire and Sia Kingdom, Baili Qingfeng constantly promoted himself as a true God of nothingness, known as True God incarnation, and even True God reincarnation … Oh … is it possible that he really considers himself as True God incarnation, thinking that Have you singled out a Strength from a Boss Gu faction? “

“Whether Baili Qingfeng wants to single out Jingshan with one person’s strength, but we can’t miss this scene. I missed the battle of Aurora Empire ’s capital, Polaris City, and I had to rush to Jingshan to witness this time. This world war, I am already on my way to Jingshan, and I will broadcast live for you! “

The Heavenly Knowledge Hall was lively, and other forces who were also interested in Baili Qingfeng, a protagonist and a son of miracles, were also using their Strength and channels to focus their attention on Jingshan.

Different from the last battle of Aurora Empire.

极光帝国那场大战一方面,从极光帝主向Baili Qingfeng 正式宣战到Baili Qingfeng 赶赴北极星城击溃极光帝主的大帝剑阵,满打满算加起来不超过十个小时,再加上西炎洲离东Divine Continent 路途遥远,哪怕乘坐飞机,几1000 公里的路程都不是短时间内能够赶到。

But Jingshan is different!

On the one hand, Jingshan is in Xiyanzhou. The glory empire and the steel empire are very close. On the other hand …

As the center of the world, those Peak forces can not send as many masters as the East Divine Continent. But on Xiyanzhou, everyone who stays there can be called a powerhouse as clouds.

All of a sudden, these forces moved into the wind.

“Baili Qingfeng heads for Jingshan !? Is he crazy?”

The glorious empire, William XII’s eyes are full of incredible.

The Jingshan Mountain has given them decades of blocking. For this general power of nougat, the brilliant empire knows them most.

如果光辉帝国举国之力,自是可以将镜山覆灭,可他们自身也必然元气大伤,再加上光辉帝国几100 年World 霸主生涯得罪了大量敌人,只要他一虚弱,诸多伺机而动的敌人必然趁虚而入,到时候光辉帝国也有国破家亡的风险。

Such a huge power, the brilliant empire did not dare to slap it to death, and now Baili Qingfeng is alone …

Actually broke into Jingshan! ?

“What’s going on in Baili Qingfeng’s head?”

“他估计将镜山当成逐日门、10000 流剑宗、3 圣盟那样的势力了。”

Wenlai said with a sneer: “If you investigate Your Majesty carefully, you can see that there are countless extinguish sects on the road of Baili Qingfeng’s growth. Once anyone offends him, he immediately hits the door and keeps the other person’s whole family together. Alas, it was by this cruel, brutal, bloody method that he was able to establish a huge prestige in Sia Kingdom in a very short time, and thoroughly mastered the Martial Dao world … This method allowed him to taste the sweetness , So naturally I want to apply the same method to Jingshan … “

“Unfortunately, he was obviously very wrong.”

Golden Nest’s pitiful shook the head: “The development and research of 2nd World by Jingshan is far from being comparable to that of the 3 Holy Alliances. Even if we don’t dare to tear it apart … if he really Without any preparation, he stepped into the territory of Jingshan alone … The Legendary of the Legendary character is afraid that it will end now. “

“不应该啊,Heaven’s Mystery Building 、Ancestral Dragon Mountain 等势力几乎摆明车马的站在Baili Qingfeng 一方了,他们不可能不和Baili Qingfeng 说明镜山的底蕴和terrifying ,如果他们和赵剑圣、Baili Qingfeng 一起杀上镜山,那还说得过去,可现在,他们已经返回夏亚,却任由Baili Qingfeng 一人独上镜山……他们到底怎么想的?is it possible that 真以为Baili Qingfeng 能够自镜山报复一番后全身而退?”

“Baili Qingfeng 此人向来mysterious ,在外人都以为他无法成就至强的情况下,他一举炼虚成真,并breakthrough Refining Spirit 十重,踏入至强Second Rank ,在所有人以为他将在极光帝主的怒火下被burned into ashes 时,他亦是能大破极光帝主的Great Emperor Sword Technique ,成为东Divine Continent second only to 赵剑圣的第2 人,天阙山战场上更是匪夷所思的投放了3 颗堪称Divine Punishment 的新型武器……this time 他和镜山之战……我们或许正好可以看清他的真正面目,不至于再像3 圣盟、极光帝国那样,因情报不足,对Baili Qingfeng 不够了解,从而一次次的栽在他手上,连自己的sect 、国家都被生生葬送。”

Brunsian Road.

“Yes, this is indeed our best chance to learn about Baili Qingfeng!”

William XII was nodded and immediately said to the Golden Dragon: “You personally take people to Jingshan, I want to get the first-hand information of Baili Qingfeng!”

“it is good!”

Golden Dragon nodded.


“In this battle, we can uncover the root of Baili Qingfeng’s strength.”


“Using all secrets, even if you risk exposure, you must transfer the first-hand information of Baili Qingfeng, know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never be defeated. Space Gate and Three Fusion at Baili Qingfeng’s hands. Technique, and a weapon of destruction like Divine Punishment, we all have to get it. In this way, we must deal with him, but we can’t end up like the aurora monarch because of his wrong evaluation. “


“Jingshan is our ally. We send people to Jingshan from the standpoint of supporting our allies, but their main task is not to die with Baili Qingfeng, but to find out the secrets of Baili Qingfeng! I can’t wait to know Baili Qingfeng How dare you have the courage to set foot on this inheritance 1000-year-old Boss Gu! “


When the orders of the glorious empire were conveyed, the Golden Eagle Empire, the Iron Empire, and even the relatively low-existence Olympus and the Forest Country started their hands to go to Jingshan, even as the only church of the ally, In Beihanzhou, the gate of paradise, which was so annoyed by the Space Gate, also mobilized a lot of manpower.

At this moment, Jingshan World is watching!


Yuri border.

A whole armored division, as well as dozens of War Grade and above elite powerhouse-protected vehicles, are rushing towards Jingshan at extremely fast speeds.

此时,指挥车内,参谋长哈根正一脸忧心忡忡的看着师长董威:“我们真不该参与这场争斗,路上我仔细的了解过Baili Qingfeng 此人……此人vicious and merciless ,killing people like scything flax ,更terrifying 的是他睚眦必报,任何得罪了他的人绝对没有好下场,眼下我们截留了他的Battle Armor ……这就是祸患根源……”

“I do n’t deny the power of Baili Qingfeng, but on the one hand we are in Xiyanzhou, no matter how difficult it is for him to be a Divine Continent, the power cannot extend beyond our side, on the other hand, we are also a great country in the world Compared with East Divine Continent, although it does not reach the level of the Chiyan country, it is not inferior to the Alliance Leader Bucks of the Knight Alliance. In addition, this is the order of Jingshan, and we can’t help but reject it. “

“Baili Qingfeng asked Hia to transport the Battle Armor to Oder. Obviously, he planned to fight directly with Jingshan. In other words, he was not afraid of Jingshan, even Jingshan was not afraid, let alone our country of Rui?”

“We now have 2 10000 soldiers, and 3 Level 9 powerhouses that Jingshan has specially sent to cope with it. If Baili Qingfeng has armor, it may cut through our front, but his Battle Armor is in our hands, and I do n’t believe it. , He dares to smash without Battle Armor … “

Dong Wei didn’t finish talking, and a harsh alarm came suddenly from the distant reconnaissance unit.

“Enemy! Enemy! The enemy appears 20 kilometers away!”

The veteran shouted in faintness along with the correspondent.

“It’s Baili Qingfeng, he’s here!”

“What to panic, build defense, firepower, ready to fight back!”

Dong Wei shouted loudly.

Because the entire armored division is in the first-level preparation state, the response can be described as extremely fast, less than one minute, and the 2 10000 army has already changed from marching to combat.


Their speed is faster, and Baili Qingfeng’s speed is faster!

Before Dong Wei ordered the artillery position to perform a saturated bombing, a fierce roar was heard, and then a panic yell came from the communication channel: “The 4th Battalion met … too fast … the enemy speed was too fast It’s … “

“hong long! ”

The words weren’t finished, the deafening roar was already coming, accompanied by the blaze of fire.

Not only that, the speed of this explosion of sound spreading was extremely fast. After rushing into the army array, it swept directly to the most central position without any stagnation. All the way, the fire flickered with lightning, all kinds of roars, explosions, and screams. Endlessly.

“Then Baili Qingfeng came in !?”

This extreme speed hit Dong Wei’s brain suddenly.

He suddenly stepped forward, opened the door, and saw a blaze of fire crushing his army’s barely constructed line of defense at a speed of at least 300 kilometers per hour. The target pointed directly at a transport armored vehicle 100 meters away. .

And when he saw the silhouette of the flare at the forefront of the fire, the silhouette had already hit the shatter void shell, and fiercely hit the transport armored vehicle!


The fire is shining!

The sturdy armor of the armored vehicle was torn in front of his sword light. As the vehicle cracked, that silhouette directly picked up a box inside with one hand, and then …

Bend slightly, squat …

And suddenly straightened in the next second!

“hong long! ”

The earth roars!

那辆装甲车仿佛被炮弹击中,被爆散的冲击波席卷着冲向2 旁,all split up and in pieces 。

The silhouette carrying the box skipped the sky, like a meteor, almost broke the sound barrier, whistled past from the army with terrible air waves and hurricanes, in a blink of an eye …

No trace.

If it were not for the burning flames all around, the thick smoke billowing from the void, and the continuous screams from afar, Dong Wei …

Almost thought it was a nightmare!

A nightmare that makes people feel soft, cold hands and feet, and never want to face it!

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