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For ten tons of ore, digging is not easy.

Moreover, how to dig out the ore to refine it into blood Kobelco is also a problem.

Humans do not have the means to raise Refining Spirit gold.

Baili Qingfeng thought for a moment, and finally set his sights on those cave people.

He stood up, strode a meteor, and soon came out of the dry rock city.

Perceived his arrival, the entire Dry Rock City became extremely tense, and soon, the black teeth that obtained an extraordinary status in the Dry Rock City were pushed out, saluting and worshiping: “Great God and Demon Your Majesty, your most faithful Servant Blacktooth greets you and sincerely hopes to contribute a little to Your Majesty. “

“I need you to help me dig out these minerals to make Blood God Steel.”

Baili Qingfeng didn’t want to have any human relationship with the cave people, so he said directly: “As a reward, you can leave 100 kg of blood Kobelco to build a suit of armor for yourself.”

Hearing that they can really help the great nihility God and Demon, the black teeth shivered with excitement: “It is my greatest honor to work for the great nihility God and Demon.”

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

At the moment, Blackfang returned to Dry Rock City quickly, and gathered people from the cave.

When these burrowers learned that they must be in order to the great nihility God and Demon excavated the blood god mine, the passion shown was similar to that of black teeth. Being able to go mining can’t help but fight.

In the end, after being selected by Blacktooth, 3000 Elite Warriors were selected.

The 3000 elite warriors almost all have the battle strength of the Grotto Warriors. The coverage rate of Small Commander, Commander, and Great Commander is very high, and the dozens of them are even more powerful Great Knights.

With a strong cultivation base, 3000 people are extremely efficient, and the blood god mine has been excavated in one day, and then the furnace of the dry rock city has been transformed.

After 4 days, a full 6400 kg of Blood God Steel was created in front of Baili Qingfeng.

6400 kg, if all made into the Storm Ripper Battle Armor style, even if there is a loss in the casting room, you can make a whole 64 sets.

Baili Qingfeng, as he said, left 100 kg as a reward for black teeth. Under the ecstatic eyes of black teeth, they rejected the idea of ​​escort along the way, and all the blood god steel, many books, cultivation resources Installed on a large war chariot, let Cangyu pull on the way back.

As for Cangyu belongs to birds?

Who stipulates that birds cannot pull carts.

As a Legendary lifeform with an inactivated Divine Beast Bloodline, Strength is strong, pulling up a few thousand kg of supplies naturally with no difficulty.

war chariot was pulled by Cangyu to drive in a poor traffic environment, speed is naturally not faster.

Fortunately, the pressure on Legendary lifeform’s pressure on the small lifeform is still very amazing. All wild beasts and Fierce Beasts along the way, even the lord Fierce Beast is far away after feeling the breath emanating from Cangyu. Dodging.

Two days later, one person and one bird calmly arrived at the Space Gate at the Tianzhu Mountain battlefield in Tianzhu.

“Finally home.”

Baili Qingfeng felt the distant spatial fluctuations tens of kilometers away, with sincere emotion.

This time Although the time spent in the World of Crypt World was a little less than he expected, the total of zero and zero still totaled more than 20 days, mainly waiting for the transformation of the blood god ore and the refining of the mineral into the blood god steel. The battle and fight of true deaths and still alive is not long.

Fortunately, the threat of Blood Temple was finally resolved.

The blood god fell, and two Legendary died in the Blood Temple. Even though they still have hidden one or two Legend Level Old Antiques, why have to stay in a housekeeper? So you can only come up to 3 Legendary.

2 Legendary, and suddenly went to the barren energy environment of their barren world, 100% power can only play 80%, and compared to the previous, he successfully broke through from the top powerhouse to the Half-Step Legend realm, this is not what it used to be Then, give full play to physical advantages, and in the case that the enemy Legendary does not have the strength of Holy Spirit to reinforce them, it is still certain to consume them 2 lives.

Of course, the premise is that there is no High Level Legendary and the more powerful title Legendary in Blood Temple.


Baili Qingfeng was relaxed, and soon saw several silhouettes of Fierce Beast riding quickly.

“Qingfeng Sect Master.”

In front of him, Knight greeted Baili Qingfeng with excitement.


Baili Qingfeng was nodded to him.

2nd World gravity is different from the Barren Realm.

More than gravity, the Periodic Table of Elements in the 2nd World is lacking2, so that the technological products are limited in the 2nd World. Although it is not impossible to create vehicles such as cars and motorcycles, on the one hand, vehicles need to be supported. The road, on the other hand, is too fragile.

With this kind of mentality of entering the countryside, Xiu Gao High Level martial artists tend to domesticate wild beast and Fierce Beast as a means of travel.

The comfort of this type of mobility tool is naturally not comparable to that of a car, but safety and practicality are the first choice in harsh environments such as 2 World that may be dangerous at any time.

“Congratulations Qingfeng Sect Master for returning with a full load.”

Constantine said respectfully.

At the same time, his eyes fell on Cangyu who was pulling war chariot behind Baili Qingfeng, and he couldn’t help showing shock: “This kind of life coercion … is it a Legendary lifeform?”

“It’s a Legendary lifeform.”

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

“Legendary lifeform, alive Legendary lifeform!”

“So terrifying coercion, standing in front of this Legendary lifeform, I had a feeling that when I was twelve years old, I was pulled by my father to face Fierce Beast forcibly … It seemed that it only needed to move its claws a little. Can easily tear me into pieces. “

“Qingfeng Sect Master previously domesticated a Half-Step Legend lifeform with a Legendary Bloodline, but now … can even domestic real Legendary lifeform be domesticated? Oh my gosh!”

The High Level martial artist behind Constantine looked at Cangyu’s body that was ten meters long, each and everyone was terrified.


Baili Qingfeng’s eyes glanced at everyone, and he actually saw an acquaintance among them.


Looking at this familiar face Baili Qingfeng was surprised and happy.

And Miro …

He noticed that Baili Qingfeng’s gaze was a little dodging.

But for a moment, he seemed to think of something, and finally secretly sighed and took a breath, and stepped forward and said respectfully: “I have seen the Qingfeng Sect Master.”

“You’re welcome, you’re welcome, Miro, my friend, long time no see. How have you been recently?”

Baili Qingfeng looked at Mi Luo, really happy.

“Very well, I …”

At this time Baili Qingfeng seemed to find something: “Ah, you haven’t arrived at Celestial?”


Miro instinctively wanted to vomit. Do you think everyone is as evil as you, and you are in your 20s directly cultivation to the point where you can cut the Legendary?

Considering the celestial cloud-like identity between the two, he finally suppressed this idea: “I … I came to Tianyu Mountain to guard the Space Gate, which was caused by the need to use the Space Gate’s 2 World energy hedges. Changes in strength try to understand the mystery of One with the World … “

“Oh, One with the World is really hard to grasp.”

Baili Qingfeng thought deeply of the nodded: “Although I trained One with the World, my One with the World was a free gift when I cultivated another method. It belongs to the gift. It does not count as my cultivation. If it really makes me cultivation myself, I’m afraid I won’t be able to understand it in 2 years. “

“2 …… 2 3 years …”

Miro looked at Baili Qingfeng, a little at a loss …

2 3 years to realize One with the World, long?

2 3 years from True Immortal breakthrough to Level 8 Celestial. Is it slow?

“But I believe that with Miro your Innate Talent, one with the World will definitely not be able to hold you back. Even the top powerhouse door can be easily broken by you as long as it gives you time.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

Milo listened, and slightly calmed his mind, and quickly said: “Qingfeng Sect Master has won a prize. I am not worth mentioning such a bit of Innate Talent in front of the amazing achievements of Qingfeng Sect Master.”

Although he has now extinguished his comparison with Baili Qingfeng, he still has some pride in his heart.

The twenty-six-year-old 8-level peak is expected to realize One with the World before 30 years old and step into the Level 9 Celestial realm.

At present in East Divine Continent, in addition to Baili Qingfeng, who else can have such brilliant achievements! ?

“I’m nothing. I may have a little bit of Innate Talent. Maybe today ’s achievements are mainly based on luck. Coupled with chance, I have a Supreme inheritance, and I dare to fight myself. I am lucky every time. “If you can do the same as me, your achievement is probably above me.”

“Luck, inheritance, fortunate death …”

Miro heard a hint of envy in Baili Qingfeng’s words.

People’s luck and inheritance are really important, if they can also have opportunities like Baili Qingfeng.

It’s hard to say that Baili Qingfeng started a Legendary era and ended a Legendary era, but how can you also get Half-Step Legend?

“I will work hard to cultivate!”

Milo was a little inspired.

“Well, come on, you are the incarnation of God, Miro, God. I used to think it was just the legend of illusory, but this time at the Blood Temple trip, I really saw it, very powerful, just Equivalent to a Legendary Holy of their subordinates Spirit almost let me plant it. If it weren’t for I had consumed him without Holy Spirit, I wouldn’t be able to stand in front of you and talk to you now. “

“Holy … Holy Spirit !?”

“Legendary Holy Spirit !?”

Miro and Constantine felt their breath suffocate.

Due to the chaos in Xiyanzhou, God of Death transformed into 2 Great Saint spirits, causing people to no longer know about Holy Spirit, Legendary, and Legendary Holy Spirit.

Holy Spirit …

That’s the existence of equivalent to Legend Level!

Although Holy Spirit is called the weakest Legendary, the Legendary powerhouse is limited by life forms, and only 80% of Strength in the barren world can play 1%, but Holy Spirit does not have this effect. In other words, Holy Spirit in the barren world It belongs to the same grade as Legendary.

And Legendary Holy Spirit, which is far more powerful than Holy Spirit, a Legendary Holy Spirit can meet ordinary Holy Spirit, and can even be a enemy!

And now, Baili Qingfeng Sect Master is already strong enough to compete against the Legendary Holy Spirit! ?

“Master … Master … how about the last Legendary Holy Spirit …”

Miro cautiously asked.

“Naturally dead.”


Miro suddenly stared wide-eyed, blood surged, his face flushed.

“Yes, how can I go home without worrying about the Blood Temple problem.”

When Baili Qingfeng said this, he waved his hand: “Okay, I’m in a hurry to go back, so I’ll leave first, and I will talk another day.”

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