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Baili Qingfeng glanced at Records of Numerous Stars.

The key points of this method are the astral world, stars, and starlight.

The relationship between the stars and the astral world …

“All the people who cultivated Records of Numerous Stars will light up a star and turn it into a part of the astral strength. Whoever lights up the star ’s starlight will shine to affect the entire astral world, then they can gather the power of the stars to come to the divine throne and achieve God. Uh … this model always gives people a feeling of crowdfunding into God? “

Baili Qingfeng muttered.

Crowdfunding and MLM, although the nature of the two are different, they do not feel much worse.

“The MLM boss, the Immortal Emperor, is really powerful. I can’t stop it with a sword … This time, be careful when going to the astral world …”

Baili Qingfeng carefully read the Records of Numerous Stars again, and then …

With the method of Records of Numerous Stars, let your spirit run at a special frequency, and connect the ancient World existing in the deep world with resonance.

Ten minutes, half an hour, one hour, three hours …

Baili Qingfeng worked hard for a full ten hours without any movement.

“Isn’t Sylvia saying that getting started with Records of Numerous Stars is easy? Why don’t I feel anything at all? Is it a fake Records of Numerous Stars, or is it because I don’t have enough vibrations?”

Baili Qingfeng thought for a moment, and soon calm down.

After all, Records of Numerous Stars is a method of crowdfunding to become a god. Maybe it is not true True God inheritance because of cut corners, but at least it is also Demi-God inheritance. At that time, he did n’t spend a cultivation on a Xeon inheritance. In a short period of time, Demi-God inheritance is now cultivation, and it is reasonable to have not started for ten hours.

After a short break, Baili Qingfeng carried out a second round shock.

This time the amplitude of the shock is very large, even because the Refining Spirit has the characteristics of slightly interfering substances, this resonance has caused changes in the external environment, and a circle of visible ripples on the naked eye spread continuously toward him in all directions. It attracted Shi Yiyi and Baili Bamboo in the small courtyard.

An hour later, Baili Qingfeng felt that his spirit was almost dissipated, and finally felt a kind of traction in the deep.

Under this traction, his spirit has a faint tendency to condense into a star and shine starlight.

“No, this kind of induction is too vague … Although by this induction I condensed the first star, this star’s almost fantasy form does not have any substantial meaning, it is like a reference for you to watch This form can be formed in his mind, but once he leaves the reference object, he can immediately change back to any shape … “

He spared his temples and had a headache.

What went wrong?

He carefully read the Records of Numerous Stars again …

In less than ten minutes watching the Records of Numerous Stars like this, the star that had finally formed is already blurred and dissipated.

His induction with the ancient mysterious astral world has since ceased.

“I don’t believe it! I’m lucky that Innate Talent is a true genius who is one point better than the incarnation of God, Miro. Even a small Records of Numerous Stars will not work.”

Baili Qingfeng was stirred up.

The first spirit almost dispelled itself in order to form a resonance. It had to be restored. Baili Qingfeng immediately switched to 2nd spirit to play …

According to the method described in Records of Numerous Stars, when this spirit is about to disintegrate, the traction force in the deep reappears, and he vaguely feels a vast, ancient, mysterious, unknown, and …

Extremely distant World!

Referring to the Strength trajectory of this mysterious ancient World, soon, this dissipated spirit has reunited a star that is dim to dissipate at any time.

The stars are condensed, and Baili Qingfeng keeps injecting Strength into the star, but even so, it still just barely kept the star alive for a long time. After half an hour, the connection between his spirit and the mysterious ancient astral world was broken again. .


Baili Qingfeng has some headaches.

It doesn’t seem to be a matter of the intensity of the spirit, but the reason that the resonance amplitude is not enough, and the mysterious ancient astral sense is not clear enough.

“Isn’t I enough Innate Talent? Although I was cultivation to the realm of Half-Step Legend by various chances and chances, but who can understand the hardships and efforts I have put in? I do n’t read books, I do n’t listen to songs, I do n’t know Shopping, my girlfriend doesn’t look for it, and I spend ten hours a day on cultivation.

Baili Qingfeng gritted his teeth and his face was unyielding.

What is his motto! ?

Those with aspiring will succeed, cutting off one’s means of retreat, 100 2 Qin Guan finally belongs to Chu.

Horizontal batch-heaven rewards the diligent!

“In addition to my good Innate Talent, my extraordinary efforts and diligence, the biggest difference from others is that I am good at using my brain … Human beings are a race that is good at using intelligence. A problem of resonance amplitude can’t help me …”

Baili Qingfeng expression grave, and gradually entered a state of meditation.

one minute, two minutes, 3 minutes …

At some moment after 60% of the clock, a flash of light flashed through Baili Qingfeng’s mind.


He cry out in surprise and immediately began cultivation Innate God Demon Observing Meditation Law to resume spirit.

For one hour, after the two scattered spirits that had almost been scattered completely recovered to their peak, he directly divided his mind into four, and the four spirits resonated simultaneously.

The four resonances of the resonance form a resonance through a special frequency. Under the effect of resonance, the induction of the astral world becomes clear quickly, and it is gradually transformed into a star by the influence of the astral strength.

But Xingchen Xingchen is only the First Step!

The key is to maintain the duration of these stars. Only by allowing these stars to exist for a long time and then continuously injecting Strength can they gradually stabilize and form real stars. Eventually, they will emit starlight and start to shine in all directions.

And the way to maintain the duration of the stars …

Orbit resonance.

The two celestial bodies are orbiting the same central celestial body at the flat sun speeds n2 and n1, satisfying the condition n2n1 = pq, which constitutes a pq orbit resonance between the two orbits.

Baili Qingfeng’s 4 spirits are transformed into 4 stars, and all 4 stars are transformed by his spirit, the frequencies are completely the same, and the orbital resonance between them is achieved with no difficulty.

As he operated the star formed by his spirit in a special way, the resonance force and the induction between the astral circles became clear soon.

“It is!”

Feeling the relatively clear sense of the four stars and the ancient astral realm, Baili Qingfeng’s face showed a happy look.

Sure enough, when encountering difficulties, be good at using your own wisdom!

Wisdom is the most powerful weapon for human beings to be based on the World and become the World Ruler!

The orbital resonance relationship of these 4 stars, as long as he can cultivate on time, there is no need to worry that they will dissipate after ten minutes.


With more and more resonant stars in the future, this celestial structure will become more stable.

“There is a feeling of becoming a galaxy …”

Baili Qingfeng looked at the four stars in action …

His Records of Numerous Stars and others’ Records of Numerous Stars …

Seems a bit different.

Everyone else is a star, and then this star continues to grow, emitting a splendid starlight, and then disturbing the astral world with its Strength, until he finally masters the astral world, but he …

“My Innate Talent is not enough. I can only use wisdom to make up. I can barely make Records of Numerous Stars content. After all, this is the true method of becoming a god. Although it is crowdfunding, it is also Pointing to the Great Dao of Connecting Heaven of True God! “

Baili Qingfeng relaxed a little.

Many people have been living in pain and depression because they never know how to be satisfied, because they do not know how to be satisfied, so they have been floating in desire and cannot be relieved.

He sensed 4 stars a little …

It is estimated that starlight can be born in one or two months.


“A month or two, it’s been a long time … Anyway, I haven’t used up the crystals in my hand. Why not run out of crystals, set the Spirit 2% to 40, and at the same time condensed 8 stars, let 8 The stars resonate with each other, wouldn’t the stability be stronger? At that time, maybe starlight can be born within ten days and a half months. “

With this in mind, Baili Qingfeng refocused his energy on refining the crystals of Chengjing.


Baili Qingfeng still uses the clear crystal at home to strengthen himself as much as possible, and as far away as the 2nd World, the Records of Numerous Stars’ Place of Origin, the Empire of Stars, is holding a grand conference.

At present, the exploration of the 2nd World by the League of Nations has found 3 places of human gathering in the 2nd World, and the closest to their World is the North!

Northland is a collective term for a vast territory, consisting of over 100 countries.

And these 100 nations nominally believe in the same empire, that is, the king of the north-the empire of stars!

The Star Empire is also the largest and oldest country in the North.

Even if this country is rapidly decaying over the years, even some powerful kingdoms far from the star empire have begun to order outward devotion but inner opposition, or even blatant confrontation, but everyone in the north still regards the star empire as legitimate orthodoxy.

At this time in the Imperial Palace’s parliament hall of the ancient empire, a messenger from around the world was constantly complaining to the Sovereign who was on the throne.

“Also invite the great celestial star, Your Majesty, to decide for our blood orchid duchy!”

“The humans in the barren world have indeed become more and more impudent. Several lords in our duchy have been assassinated and the territories have been secretly controlled. When we detect that anomalies in that territory, they have swept the resources and inheritance in the territory.”

“It is undeniable that these humans are very weak, but they are hiding in the dark like cockroaches, stealing, cheating, snatching, slaughter, and using all kinds of despicable means to continuously plunder supplies in our territory, which seriously affects us and Fierce Beast. , Inter-war progress. “

“Blood orchids have also been invaded by them? This is the third duchy, Your Majesty, we can’t let these fly-like people in the wasteland destroy them in our territory and ignore them, even if they have the same faces as us.”

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