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“You are very good. You can be regarded as a true genius in the forces you are in. Some people are not inferior to me. Not to mention the achievement in the future. It is not a luxury even to climb to the Legendary. What I will give you next, although you can get Strength in a short time, your future achievements will stop at Half-Step Legend, and it will be difficult to touch the High Level Life Domain, so I give you one minute Considering time, it is too late to quit now. “

Baili Qingfeng looked at everyone, said solemnly.

Thirty people heard Baili Qingfeng’s words, opened their mouths, and didn’t know how to answer for a while.

Stop at Half-Step Legend?

Is it shameful?

Although more than half of them have a good confidence in themselves and feel that their Innate Talent is extraordinary and expected to be strong, Legendary ……

That is the realm they dare not expect.

You know, how many shocking and stunning geniuses have been born when humans in the barren world have been in contact with 2nd World for 100 years? There are many examples of top powerhouse achievements before the age of 30.

But so many geniuses have emerged continuously, and really can find the opportunity of the unity of the power of heart, strength of life, strength of domain, and none of them transformed into Legendary life.

Not to mention Legendary’s life, not even Half-Step Legend-level human history will exceed 20 people.

But this is enough to truly establish a super-powerful Peak existence, why it became soy sauce-like existence in Baili Qingfeng’s mouth.

Is this the pattern of nothingness True God Baili Qingfeng Your Majesty! ?

True God, so scary! ?

With this in mind, everyone’s eyes turned to Baili Qingfeng’s eyes, and no one quit after one minute.

“I hope you will not regret your decision!”

Baili Qingfeng said.

He opened the box, which contained the essence of Legendary’s blood.

“One for one!”

Baili Qingfeng said, looking at the person at the end: “You come first.”

Soon, everyone came forward and one after another received a copy of the essence of Legendary’s blood.

After seeing this, everyone finally understood why Baili Qingfeng said that they might stop them at Half-Step Legend. It is really difficult for people who have taken the essence of Legendary blood to achieve Legendary, but …

This is the Supreme Treasure that Ranked Second of the World Xeon Ranking Ranked Second tried to earn after his life!

Half of them feel that they are expected to achieve Xeon, but hopefully it is one thing, and whether they can achieve Xeon is another thing.

It seems that many people are thinking about whether they will go to Shire University or Hill’s Light University in the future, but when they actually take the exam, they realize that they think too much.

In this case, each and everyone who was a member of the Knight Group, who had acquired the essence of Legendary’s blood early, was excited.

Soon, everyone had taken the essence of Legendary’s blood, except for Miro, Constantine, and Losa.

These 3 are the best of Innate Talent among all.

Especially Miro, when his temperament changed a lot, he calmed down his mind in this half-month cultivation, actually realized One with the World in one fell swoop, and completed the hardship that he originally planned to spend 3 to 5 years, and was promoted to Level 9 Celestial.

This kind of Innate Talent, coupled with his being a friend after all, represents a memory. If he was also allowed to take the essence of Legendary’s blood, it would waste his Innate Talent.

“The Knights need a leader and a deputy leader.”

Baili Qingfeng looked at Constantine and Luosha: “I intend to give this post to you two, as for who is the head of the group and who is the deputy head, I will make a decision after I return from the glorious empire.”

After that, his eyes fell on Miro again, and he thought for a moment, and said, “Your Innate Talent is very good, Half-Step Legend should not be your final result. I plan to use the Connecting Soul Technique for you once, but I do n’t know enough about Connecting Soul Technique, it will bring some risks, you need to make a choice … “

“I am lucky to be taught by Your Majesty Connecting Soul Technique.”

Mirow agreed without the slightest hesitation.

The words of Constantine at the Tianyu Mountain Space Gate have made him recognize his position and plan his affairs in his place.

Since he came to Baili Qingfeng’s vanity Knight group, he is willing to become a defender of Baili Qingfeng, and he should have absolute trust in Baili Qingfeng.

“it is good.”

Baili Qingfeng nodded, took Miro directly to another room.

The two of Constantine and Luosha looked at each other and saw the fighting spirit in each other’s eyes, then turned around and arranged for the members of the Void Knight Group to start taking the essence of Legendary’s blood.

“My cultivation is all based on nihilism, but the real Supreme magic nihilism can not be passed on to you, only me 2 grandfather will weaken its version of Small Void Technique, which is good for breakthrough top powerhouse Nine Origin Good Fortune Technique, and Three Fusion Technique. “

Baili Qingfeng said of the accident that was associated with Baili bamboo, adding: “Of course, the premise is that the Connecting Soul Technique is successfully implemented.”

“Small Void Technique …”

Miro takes a deep breath, said solemnly: “Please Qingfeng Sect Master.”

Baili Qingfeng nodded, directly performing the Connecting Soul Technique, and the powerful spirit is poured into Miro’s spirit world.

It seems that the true trust in Baili Qingfeng is really true. The implementation of this time Connecting Soul Technique has been very smooth, and not at all caused any accidents.

This result allowed Baili Qingfeng to sighed slightly in relief, and at the same time, it quickly passed the cultivation data about Small Void Technique, Three Fusion Technique, and Nine Origin Good Fortune Technique.

Although the experience of 3 exercises is complex, it can be taught in a few minutes using the Connecting Soul Technique.

“It’s truly the incarnation of Miro.”

Baili Qingfeng sighed, and there was no problem in completing the three-way transmission in one go.

After passing the 3 methods, Baili Qingfeng left a Spirit seed that banned his spread, and then gradually stopped the passing of the Connecting Soul Technique.

When connecting Soul Technique transfers cultivation experience and memory to others, it is possible to see others’ memories when they are in contact with memory. It seems that his mind flashed the idea of ​​”incarnation of God.” Suddenly a picture emerged.

This picture …

It should be the memory of Miro 14 ~ 15 years old.

The village where he lived was hit by a thunderstorm, and some houses were even burned into a raging fire under the thunderstorm strikes. Among the thunderstorms, a 7-color streamer seemed to appear. When the 7-color streamer was seen, the picture disappeared!

It was after this fortuitous encounter that Miro, who had been in contact with Martial Dao for a year, began to show extraordinary Innate Talent, and was able to practice 3 pulses of fellow initiates without taking the Divine Transformatio fruit. In just 8 years, Essence, Qi and Spirit 3 cultivation to Martial Dao level 6.

This is still the case where he is immersed in the reputation of “genius” and is lax in Martial Dao cultivation.

Therefore, there has been a speculation in his mind, and maybe that 7 colorful streamers is the reason for establishing his “God incarnation” genius name.

This is why the thought of “God’s incarnation” flashed in Baili Qingfeng’s mind.

Unfortunately, at this time he has suspended the use of the Connecting Soul Technique, coupled with the fact that exploring the memory and privacy of others is very disrespectful to others, and he has not delved into it.

“It seems that Mirow also has his own chance, just like the Holy Spirit Eternal Life Technique obtained by Mr. Zhao, but … Miruo’s inheritance is significantly worse than that of Mr. Zhao’s Holy Spirit Eternal Life Technique. Otherwise, otherwise As for him who has had this inheritance for more than ten years, he has just broken through to martial artist Level 9. “

Baili Qingfeng glanced at Mi Luo and saw that Mi Luo’s mind was fully immersed in comprehend of Small Void Technique, Nine Origin Good Fortune Technique, and Three Fusion Technique, and then left the room.

For the next 4 days, Baili Qingfeng stays at Xinghui Court, watching the status of the members of the Void Knight group.

In 4 days, the members of the Void Knight group have tried to refine the essence of Legendary’s blood, and those who have not refined have turned it into potential, waiting to develop it step by step. With this Strength, almost everyone ’s cultivation base has been improved. At one level, some people even cross 2 realms. If this continues, in less than half a month, those level 8 and Level 9 martial artists will hope to rush to the top powerhouse realm by relying on the strength of Life Strength …

Do not!

Specifically, it should be the Great Knight stage that favors the Body Refining lineage.

With Great Knight, the foundation of the Void Knight group is truly established, plus the fidelity Senior and Lin Huang who have already reached the Half-Step Legend stage, at this time, Shia is truly the power that has the most Peak in the world. Qualification of the wrist.

“Ready to go to the glorious empire.”

Baili Qingfeng thought to himself and left Xinghuiyuan.

After leaving Xinghuiyuan, he did not go to Qingyuan Mountain, but went directly to the military ground of the 9th Division.

Compared with the previous, the 9th Division has not only been expanded, but the specifications of the military base have also been upgraded to a level, especially the laboratories and armament manufacturing facilities inside it, which have concentrated a large number of domestic experts.

As soon as Baili Qingfeng arrived, Ye Fusheng and Duan Murui, who was with Prime Minister Yasuo at the time, greeted at the same time: “Chairman Qingfeng, you are here.”

“Well, by the way, have I agreed to use Blood Kobelco to buy the Shining Empire too much gold?”

Baili Qingfeng said.

“Promised, but … the price is a bit high …”

“How tall?”

“The price they gave is 20% cheaper than the market price. It takes 1600 kg of blood Kobelco, but …”

Duanmurui was distressed: “Because many people hope that the first-class gold will please the chairman and try hard to buy it. The price of the first-class gold is significantly higher. The price of the first-class gold on the market is several times higher than a few years ago. If you can let out the wind and say that you do n’t need too much first-class gold, and wait a few months to go to the brilliant empire, the price of the first-class gold will soon come down. By then, we only need a few 100 kg Exchange back more than 100 superb gold. “

1600 kg …

This number Baili Qingfeng was also a bit shocked.


“Time is not the other, 1600 kg is 1600 kg, I need to borrow too much gold as soon as possible to strengthen myself to cope with the increasingly difficult situation.”


(The recent plot is a bit dull. Rong Chengfeng carefully sorted out the outline of the main line today, while preparing for the ending of the upcoming fourth stage.)

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