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The breath of the two Legendary beasts is very similar to Pompeii, and Baili Qingfeng will never admit it!

Even if the two of them maintain human form and hide their breath as best they can, the high-level life in this environment will gradually reduce the battle strength. The characteristics similar to “leak” are in his “eyes” “Still nothing.

Baili Qingfeng immediately thought of the rebellion in the Iron Empire!

Through the rebellion, the cavemen turned the Holy Spirit into several Holy Spirits and occupied the Space Gate of the Iron Empire. If the beasts were equally unwilling, they sent 2 Legendary beasts to assassinate the emperor of the glorious empire. Even killing the emperor of the glorious empire and then disguising him, and then control the glorious empire, to provide the basis for the brutal invasion of this world …

Completely reasonable!


It’s too daring!

These beastly assassins actually dared to assassinate in front of his first Divine Continent first assassin, or assassinate a friend who is about to trade with him, and that’s all without being hit by him. Since he was hit, how can he let Did they succeed?

Even if they are assassins of Legend Level!


Realizing this, Baili Qingfeng shouting loudly!


The driver immediately applied the brakes!

“Qingfeng Chairman …”

Mr. Ambassador hadn’t finished speaking, Baili Qingfeng opened the door at the fastest speed and got out of the car.


The next moment, the energy burst, Baili Qingfeng just leveled the road as if it was being bombarded by shells, it cracked instantly, and the stone debris was flying. He was like a cannonball hitting shatter void, and went straight to the 2 Legendary beastists. The direction whistled away.

Vaguely, in the sky came a residual voice …

“An enemy sneaked in to assassinate William Your Majesty, I’m going to save him!”


The Ambassador of Shia in the car was a little dazed.

As the team stopped, Golden Dragon and Lucius ran out immediately, with anxiously said: “What happened, what happened, why did Chairman Baili Qingfeng leave suddenly?”

“Chairman Qingfeng said that someone would sneak into Imperial Palace to assassinate William Your Majesty, and he went to help.”

“Some assassination?”

The Golden Dragon and Lucius looked at each other. They did not believe that William XII Your Majesty, who had been well in Imperial Palace, would be assassinated, if he was going to be assassinated …

Is that his shot, Baili Qingfeng?

However, these words are naturally difficult for them to say. They just said, “Let’s go over and see that Chairman Baili Qingfeng is a guest. There is no trouble for Chairman Baili Qingfeng to handle the internal affairs of our glorious empire.”

While speaking, Golden Dragon has already struck meteor and chased in the direction that Baili Qingfeng left.


“en! ?”

More than ten kilometers away, the Holy Spirit and Burning Wings sitting in the car were already feeling when they watched by Baili Qingfeng far away. They didn’t wait for them to figure out whether this strange response came from their unaccustomed driving or other For that reason, the harsh sharp howling is mixed with the mighty momentum has been marked as shatter void, and it hits with incredible speed!

“Someone came! So fast speed … this speed …”

Burning Wing has only responded for a moment, disregarding the car is moving, immediately flying out, long spear clenched: “Ready to meet the enemy!”

Behind him, Holy Spirit Holy Spirit got out of the car quickly, she felt a moment, and her face suddenly changed: “It’s that human! The human named Baili Qingfeng who killed Pompei Corps Head!”

“Baili Qingfeng?”

Burning Wings lightly startled: “Half-Step Legend !?”

Apparently, he sensed the breath fluctuations of Baili Qingfeng’s full speed charge.

“Half-Step Legend will have this kind of speed !? According to the information, he has an outbreak secret called Heavenly Demon Disintegration. Absolutely be careful!”

Holy Spirit within the body Strength.

The Burning Wing is just as close to the enemy.

Baili Qingfeng’s speed displayed at this moment, coupled with his previous record of beheading the Legendary Orcish Pompeii, could not help him relax.

Seeing Baili Qingfeng passing through the void with an incredible speed, but appeared in his vision in a minute, he yelled at once, and was originally just a little taller and taller than the human body. The height of 2 meters expanded to 3 meters away in a few seconds. As Baili Qingfeng hit his 100 meters range, the long spear stabbed in his hand!

“Burning Flames! Kill!”

The fierce friction between the long spear and the void radiates fiery fire, and under the increase of the Legendary field, the tip of his long spear is like boiling a Fire Dragon, and the rolling heat wave sweeps out of nowhere, so that the temperature within the 100 meters range rises wildly. .

“Sure enough, it’s a Legendary beast!”

Baili Qingfeng’s eyes were shining.

Not long ago he had a life-and-death fight with a Legendary beast, although that Legendary beast did not stay away from the Space Gate, and the exertion of strength was not affected, but the key is …

There are 2 Legendary lycanthrops right now!

“One Legendary beastly man nearly killed me. If two Legendary beastly men let them complete the attack, I have absolutely no certainty of victory. Therefore, I must maximize my advantage to use assassination. , Full force broke out, a critical strike, once a critical strike was not possible, evacuate at the fastest speed immediately … wait for 2 energy cells to recover and wait for the opportunity … “

This may make the two Legendary beasts mad, causing the people are plunged into an abyss of misery, but in the face of 2 legendary beasts, this is the best tactic.

Glorious, after all, not Sia Kingdom!

Thinking of this, Baili Qingfeng took a deep breath, a golden light flashed in his eyes, and the Golden Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique inspired.

As he condensed the strength of Life, his fleshhy body was strengthened again. Although the strength of the enhancement was not great, it caused his Strength Endurance, which erupted from the Golden Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique, to increase from 30% to 40%. In the case of injury, it can burn 50% more!

In order to ensure one strike certain kill, the energetic particles transformed by Spirit directly detonated him within the body of 40% 10000 energy cells.

For a while, the energy formed by fission spread wildly within the body. At the most Core position, it detonated a sun. Endless rays of light and heat surged out from within the body in the form of energy, inspiring the first-class gold. Strength, flooding every corner of his body, will almost completely burst him out!

“hong long long !”

The air waves burst! golden light

Baili Qingfeng seems to have directly completed the transformation from Half-Step Legend to true Legendary. The horrible air wave swept across, almost distorting the void, even if the burning wings pierce a fiery flame contained in a shot. Almost extinguished under the shock.

“This is the Explosive Secret Technique Heavenly Demon Disintegration !?”

Burning Wing eyes shrink.

This power …

Even compared to High Level Legendary, it’s not inferior!

“Not good !”

The Holy Spirit complexion, which was going to find an opportunity to fight against the burning wings and Baili Qingfeng, changed, and the strength of Domain burst out.

Different from the formidable power of Burning Wing’s strength of Domain, which can only be used to increase his spear skills, the realm of Holy Spirit Holy Spirit inspires, in the sky as if projecting a horrible giant dragon phantom, this illusory shadow, carrying Hao The mighty force of suppression, the strength of that suppression, even the top powerhouse will be crushed on the spot and difficult to move!

“This is … Divine Power !?”

Baili Qingfeng suddenly felt the familiar fluctuation from this illusory shadow.

It’s just that compared with the mighty Divine Power that was carried by Blood God that year, the power contained in this giant dragon phantom is far worse than that! ?

But even the weakest Divine Power is Divine Power!

It may not be possible to suppress Baili Qingfeng, who inspired the Golden Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique, on the spot, but he stagnates his Strength!

It was this momentary stasis, but the opportunity was seized by the burning wings of experienced.

“Explosive Secret Technique, I have it too! The flames are infinite!”

The more violent Strength self-burning wings broke out within the body. His fiery flame, which had been almost suppressed by golden light on Baili Qingfeng, skyrocketed, emitting a billowing heat wave, although still unable to confront the golden light, but compared The golden light shined, but it was only one point weaker.

“This sword, I can repel the Legendary beast at most, but I cannot kill him …”

Baili Qingfeng flashed this thought in his mind.

Since burning 40% 10000 cells is not enough, then …

1% more!

“hong long! ”

Jin Yan Chongxiao!

At the moment when the gun and sword collided, the more brilliant golden light swept out of the dark red Battle Armor.

Not only that, but at the moment when the blow of the two earth shattering was about to collide, Baili Qingfeng disappeared.

Do not!

Not disappearing!

Others were right in front of the Burning Wings and the Holy Spirit Holy Eyes, but his breath was completely hidden in their induction. Even though the Holy Spirit Summon projected the Lord of Flames, it inspired the magnificent Divine Power contained in the Projection. , Still unable to lock Baili Qingfeng, he is like a ghost walking in space and imagination, obviously in front of 2 people, but he can’t touch half a minute …

Half-step stardom!

“what is this!?”

Holy Spirit issued a surprised and angry shout: “Be careful!”

Without the repression of the oracle projection from Holy Spirit summon, the ghostly Baili Qingfeng speed skyrocketed. Although the increase was not large, it made the misjudgement of the flaming wings that stimulated the power of gunfire to the extreme. Before it was time to release all the strengths in this gun, the strength of the Golden Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique in the Baili Qingfeng sword came first!


Guns and swords intersect!

Howling Flame Dragon!

The handle was already in the downwind. At this moment, the first-class boutique divine gold weapon flame gun couldn’t stop the horrible golden light contained in this sword!

The moment the two collided, the golden light exploded.

“Do not!”

Among the unwilling shouts, countless golden brilliant sword light penetrated the flame formed by the gun of the flame like a hot knife through butter. Giant dragon, with a sharp howling that transcended the sound, shot like a howling wind and torrential rain. In the body of the Burning Wing …

Countless identical light sounds overlap and interweave, making Heaven and Earth seem to have only one sound left.

“chi chi chi chi ……”

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