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“No, nothing … just feels a bit hot …”

William XII said with a smile on his face with sweating sweat: “Chairman Baili Qingfeng, please let me know first, please let us have a good banquet to show our gratitude.”

“It’s not necessary to have a banquet. William Your Majesty really wants to thank me. How about giving me a discount when the first-class gold transaction is too late?”

Baili Qingfeng said with a slight smile.

“Discount …”

William XII thought of Baili Qingfeng’s words just now, he didn’t understand whether Baili Qingfeng had seen the collusion between them and the beastly human, but he did n’t see it, but now, the sooner he sends Baili Qingfeng Go better.

“Discount! Must be discounted! Chairman Baili Qingfeng saved our lives. These kindnesses are not discounted and can be repaid. We are willing to give 104 domestic first-class gold to Chairman Baili Qingfeng as Chairman of Baili Qingfeng. A thank you for saving our lives. “

“No, no, no, how can this be done, people who don’t know it think I’m gracious …”

“No! Chairman Baili Qingfeng, we sincerely want to thank the chairman. If there is any misunderstanding, we will personally clarify to them.”

William XII said sincerely.

I almost wrote these two words on my face.

“Forget it, just give me a discount …”

Baili Qingfeng was talking.

At this time, a team of guards seemed to have reacted, and rushed from all directions, guarding William XII and the others in the center: “Protect Your Majesty! Protect Your Majesty!”

“en! ?”

Baili Qingfeng looked at the guards, and then looked at William XII …

How do you feel like these guards are guarding him?

William XII seemed to understand the meaning of Baili Qingfeng’s eyes, and suddenly jumped in shock, shouting at these guards: “What are you doing? What does each and everyone do? Chairman Baili Qingfeng is here to help us, you are That attitude !? “

“But Your Majesty, he just killed Glory …”

A guard chief said something unknown.

But his word of “Holy King of Glory” had not had time to say, Elizabeth and Wensley had covered his mouth with the fastest speed.

“en! ?”

Baili Qingfeng suddenly looked up: “What do you mean?”

The cold sweat on the foreheads of William XII, Elizabeth, and Wensley suddenly flowed down.

They finally managed to stabilize Baili Qingfeng, making him think that the glorious empire has nothing to do with the beastly man, is it …

Be exposed again! ?

At this moment, William XII ’s thinking was running to an extreme and immediately explained: “Chairman Baili Qingfeng doesn’t care about this person. Although you killed a lot of people in the glorious empire in the process of helping us, it was all about killing The accidental injury caused by the death of the two Legendary beasts. If these two Legendary beasts do not die, once they are sloppy in our city, the resulting casualties will far exceed the current losses. Therefore, they The sacrifice died well, they are all heroes of our glorious empire, and I believe that even if the truth of their understood incident under the Nine Springs, they would sincerely thank Chairman Baili Qingfeng and thank you for guarding the tranquility of the everlasting city. “

After speaking, he quickly covered his fear by saluted bow.

Elizabeth and Wensley followed suit.

Baili Qingfeng listened, and nodded with some emotions: “You can think that way. I can’t help it. If I can, I also hope that the battle with these Legendary people broke out in the deserted suburbs, but … the situation at the time was too much Urgent, these Legendary beastly men came straight to your glorious empire Imperial Palace, seeing that it would hurt the few of you, and let the glorious empire fall into the chaos of headless dragons, so I did n’t care about that many and forced to intercept They finally caused such great damage … “

After he said that, he also glanced at the Imperial Palace, which had collapsed for a little while …

“Even your Imperial Palace was shattered by the aftermath of the fighting, really sorry.”

William XII also glanced at the Imperial Palace in ruins, and then glanced at the corner of the eye with a glorious corpse of the sacred king who had high hopes and could lead them to the glorious empire to reappear on the top of the world. Heart palpitations, but his face must be filled with sincere gratitude and a voice from the heart: “No, no, Chairman Baili Qingfeng did right. We fully understand how Chairman Baili Qingfeng was doing at that time, and that It was also the best practice at the time. “

After speaking, he immediately said to Elizabeth: “Come on, get the first-class gold we prepared and give it to Chairman Baili Qingfeng as a thank you.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Elizabeth promised and left quickly.

“No, I really can’t accept it.”

Baili Qingfeng waved hands again and again.

“Please be assured, Chairman Baili Qingfeng, we will make this matter public. These top-notch golds are our gratitude to Chairman Baili Qingfeng for beheading and killing the 2 Legendary beasts for us and will never affect Committee Baili Qingfeng. Grow your reputation. “


“Chairman Baili Qingfeng should not quit, if you don’t believe it, we’ll write it!”

Wensley on the side immediately echoed, “I’ll arrange it.”

Baili Qingfeng saw that he could not refuse the good intentions of the glorious empire, and had to reluctantly agree: “Well, if you are so sincere, I will accept it.”

Elizabeth’s speed is very fast. After a while, she has already brought a large box, and as she opened the box, there were 104 superb golds from neat and tidy.

“Chairperson Baili Qingfeng, please accept it, and thank you for destroying these two Legendary beasts for our glorious empire.”

William XII handed these too first-rate gold to Baili Qingfeng with a smile.

“You are really kind.”

Baili Qingfeng said sincerely.

“No, we also hope that we can give back to Chairman Baili Qingfeng as much as we can, and please be sure to accept our dim sum.”

William XII is grateful.

That sincere look …

Seeing Baili Qingfeng was moved.

Sure enough, the people of this world are still the majority.

Although he was unwilling to be a kind of kind person, he looked at the deeply hidden gloom in William XII’s eyes …

He did not want to make a sincere person like William XII sick because he could not repay his kindness.

“Then I would thank Many Majesty William XII.”

Baili Qingfeng once again shied away, but after holding up the enthusiasm of William XII, he still took over these first-class gold.

“No, it should be our thanks.”

William XII 2 was saluted again.

The atmosphere seemed harmonious.

This kind of modest and thankful harmonious picture lasted for a moment. A guard came over from the back and whispered: “Your Majesty, there are too many casualties at this time, 1000 to 10000, lost citizens The family members are gathering, and it seems that they want us to give them an explanation and understand what happened. I’m afraid you must personally come to Your Majesty to appease … “

“Don’t you see that I’m receiving our most honorable guests of the glorious empire, and let His Highness Lucius go to me to comfort the people and discuss pension matters?”

William XII was unpleasantly reprimanded to the guard.

Although they talked with their voices down, because they were too close, Baili Qingfeng could hear them clearly.

For a moment he hurriedly said: “William Your Majesty, if you are busy, go ahead and be busy, you are the emperor of the glorious empire, and you have 10000 machines, don’t worry about me.”

Considering that although there is a cause for it, it is ultimately one of the culprits that caused huge losses to the city. It will be difficult for William Your Majesty to do so, and he immediately said, “Since the transaction has been completed, I should return Shia, there are many things waiting for me to resolve. “

When he came, he bought a lot of books about planetary magnetic field, Gravitation Force wave, aerodynamics, strong force, weak force and so on. He was about to take the time to read it in order to perfect himself. The Sword Technique system, and returning early after the transaction is one of his plans.

“How sorry, Chairman Baili Qingfeng came to our glory and helped us so much. We should just entertain …”

“I really don’t have to. You should be busy when you have something. If you have a chance in the future, you are welcome to visit us at Sia Kingdom.”

Baili Qingfeng said, mentioning the box, and waved his hand: “Well, I’ll go now.”

Having said that, without giving William XII the opportunity to speak, turn around and run outside the Imperial Palace.

“Well, Captain Elizabeth, send me Chairman Baili Qingfeng …”

William XII shouted quickly.

It’s a pity that Baili Qingfeng walked too fast. Elizabeth took a few steps and had already lost his silhouette.

Seeing Baili Qingfeng’s departure, William XII’s face seemed full of regret.

After a while, it wasn’t until it was confirmed that Baili Qingfeng had walked a distance of 2 kilometers, and joined with Lucius, Golden Dragon, and Mr. Sia Kingdom’s ambassador, the regretfulness on his face gradually dissipated.

After glancing at Elizabeth, Wensley and the others, he walked quickly into the palace.

Shining King …


The glorious prince who can lead the glorious empire to compete for the world overlord in this unprecedented change is killed, and the star pick, the wings of burning, and the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit are all killed by Baili Qingfeng. The glorious empire now has no more A Legendary powerhouse sits town.

In this case, the glorious empire that was invading four places must immediately change its national policy and guidelines and switch from offensive to defensive.

In addition, they have to find a way to erase all traces of collusion between the glorious empire and the beastly humans, or the degree of hatred of collusion between humans and aliens as demonstrated by Baili Qingfeng …

The next glorious empire will not be so lucky to survive the immediate disaster.

However, when they turned around and left, they not at all found that a video recorder silently recorded the entire scene in front of them.

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