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Blood Orchid Town.

It is the area where the blood orchid duchy leads to the Sia Kingdom Space Gate, located on the northern border of Sia Kingdom.

Due to the presence of a large number of the Heaven’s Mystery Building, the World League, the Hunters Association, the Myriad Realms firm, and some affiliates of the 4 major neutral organizations, the population of this area has exceeded 60000, which is exactly the size of a small town Therefore, it was declared as Blood Orchid Town.

With 4 huge neutral forces to the amazing resource mobilization ability, in more than a month, the town has not only completed all the infrastructure establishment, but also built a large base station with good communication conditions.

In addition, after leaving the border of Sia Kingdom 30 kilometers away, there is also an airport under construction. It is estimated that within six months, this airport can be completed and put into use at a very fast speed.

The scale and influence of the 4 large neutral forces are not inferior to the world-class powers such as Chi Yan and the Bucks. The combination of Four Great Influences is not inferior to several super empires, especially their gathering A large number of elites are more efficient than super empires. It is reasonable to have such action.

At the moment in Conference Hall, a large estate in Blood Orchid.

“This is the latest information from Baili Qingfeng, let’s take a look.”

During the day Qizheng displayed a document.

The conference mode is video conference and uses the latest holographic projection technology.

Obviously there were less than ten True Masters present in the Conference Hall, and cocoa densely packed filled more than 40 people.

Of course, because the holographic projection technology is still immature, the projected people obviously can see that it is virtual, and sometimes there will be some distortion caused by the signal.

“This… how is this possible!?”

“Apocalypse, shouldn’t these materials be a joke? The Big 4 Legendary? Where is the Big 4 Legendary of the Shining Empire?”

“Now … have entered the age of Legendary? Legendary is so worthless and killed by hordes?”

Everyone in the Conference Hall had incredible faces after reading this brief introduction.

“The news is true. Regarding these four Legendary matters, I had doubts about the glorious empire’s sudden attack on neighboring countries as early as a month ago. What kind of confidence has made the dormant glorious empire suddenly so big? Action, we found a person, King of Glory. “

Qi Tianqi said, accusing one of the two people who died on the profile: “If I didn’t guess wrong, the 2 human Legendary … No, it should be Holy Spirit, and one of the 2 Human Holy Spirits is the Holy King. , Another … maybe Holy Spirit who believes in a God with him. “

“Holy King … I never imagined he was still alive, but also became Holy Spirit?”

Some seniors martyred.

They are clearly characters from the same period as the Holy King.

“It’s Holy Spirit again! What happened to this World?”

“The other 2 Legendary …”

“Do you still remember the extinguish sect of the Suzy Sect not long ago? According to the data, one of the beastly humans who destroyed the Suzy Sect was a Legendary lycanthropist, and they and those beasts that were defeated by us Huaren are the same group, and the leaders of the group of beastly people manifested the giant dragon phantom to frighten us not at all and fled back to the Space Gate, but turned into human form and took refuge in the glorious empire. “

Qi said during the day that his eyes fell on Bai Sugui: “The veteran should still remember Heris of the glorious empire. He was carrying 10000 elites at that time, eliminating all traces left by the beastly humans and escorting them to escape our Sight, and because of the anthropomorphic ability of the beastlings, coupled with our attention being attracted by the Space Gate of the Great Rift Valley of the North Hanzhou, we have not noticed this. “

Bai Su is nodded, expression is full of solemnity: “This is indeed the case! In this way … It is really 4 big Legendary!”

“Holy Spirit’s battle strength in our World is not inferior to the weakened Legendary, so … this Baili Qingfeng is really equivalent to killing 4 Legendary with one person !?”

After Qi Lian reached this conclusion, he couldn’t help but look pale.

Not only him, everyone’s expression seemed extremely dignified.

I thought they had two Half-Step Legends …

Do not!

It’s 4 people!

Bai Sugui, who was sitting in the Great Rift Space Gate, and a ruler at Myriad Realms, also took advantage of the cultivation environment of the Great Rift Valley. They watched the drastic changes during the hegemony of the two realms and found One with The World transformed into an opportunity in the Legendary field, condensed the Legendary field, and was promoted to Half-Step Legend.

Although Bai Sugui and Jun Zhuofan did not show the mountains and not revealing the water on the World Xeon list, don’t forget that the World Xeon list was made by Heaven’s Mystery Building.

In the case of the 4 major neutral organizations being suppressed by the 6 super empires and Three Great Super Influences, even if Bai Sugui, Jun Zhuofan and the others really have the strength to win the top ten in the World Xeon list, they will try their best to hide and hide With.

This is why so many experts have emerged in a few months after their full development.

“Damn, that’s Holy Spirit! Baili Qingfeng can kill it with an enemy 4 !?”

“How strong is Baili Qingfeng !? The pinnacle of ordinary Legendary? High Level Legendary? Or … the title Legendary !?”

The powerhouses and seniors of these forces are full of anxiety.

Thinking of the birth of 4 Half-Step Legends, they thought that they are not the same as they were in the past, and the idea of ​​not taking Baili Qingfeng to their hearts faintly now makes them even more disturbed.

“Baili Qingfeng’s cultivation base is still Half-Step Legend! He inspired the power of Heart and condensed the strength of Life. Fortunately, he has not yet completed the Legendary field! What he truly terrifying is Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique. “

Said solemnly in the daytime: “It is precisely because of the existence of Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique that he can be defeated with weak strikes again and again, with Half-Step Legend against the Holy Spirit with Legendary battle strength! As for his true battle strength …”

He thought for a moment: “He killed the 4 Legendary in two stages, one of which he deliberately slowed down to fight for respite, inferring that he should not reach the title Legendary The standard is even worse than High Level Legendary, but his strength is all-round, defense, speed, burst, physical strength, recovery … There is no short board! Because of this, even if he is not High Level Legendary, We can’t treat him like an ordinary Legendary either! “

Everyone could listen to what Daytime Qi said, and then look at the information in their hands. Baili Qingfeng apparently had some power behind after killing two Legendary. This result made them slightly sighed in relief.

But then they followed bitterly laughed again.

Even if the 4 Big Half-Step Legends of the two sides join forces, they can’t reach a Legendary battle strength. Baili Qingfeng can take a break while killing 2 Legendary and kill the other 2 Great Saint spirits …

Is he the peak ordinary Legendary or High Level Legendary, is there a difference for them?

“We are fortunate to promptly compensate Baili Qingfeng after the Space Gate incident in Blood Orchid Town. Although we cannot completely eliminate the gap between the two, we finally maintained our friendship …”

Xu Heng said with emotion.

Others take it for granted nodded.

Especially Qilian.

He also previously felt that the four neutral forces appeared a little too modest in the presence of Baili Qingfeng. Since the two parties are cooperative, their identity should be equal. Now it seems …

They do n’t even have the Legendary battle strength, but they want to sit on the same footing with a peerless powerhouse that killed the 4 Legendary …

How arrogant and conceited is this?

“We really did something wrong with the Space Gate in Blood Orchid Town, at least … we acted too quickly.”

Soul soul said.

The others didn’t speak, but looking at their expressions, this time obviously had some regrets.

“Since it’s wrong, try to remedy it! Everyone, isn’t Baili Qingfeng most disgusted with those human scums that collusion with other races? The brilliant empire in Baili Qingfeng clearly announced that any person and human race cooperation would still cover animalization in the case of inhuman People, let those beastly people hide in their glorious empire, how bad is this behavior? In addition, now that the glorious empire has no masters, why do n’t we tell Baili Qingfeng Sect Master about this matter, and then volunteer to destroy it for him Empire? In the first place, we can achieve the purpose of handing over Baili Qingfeng to prove our position. In the 2nd … We Four Great Influences can also use the record of destroying the glorious empire, an ancient hegemon, to formally go to the World and step on their corpses. Everyone in the World knows that a new superpower is born! “

Xuheng proposed.

“This method is feasible, if successful, one move, two gains! Collect the data of the glorious empire collusion beast!”

Everyone nodded to promise.


Below Qingyuan Mountain, in the small courtyard, Baili Qingfeng was digesting the superb gold while watching the training among the members of the Void Knight group.

In addition to training, he focused on the evaluation of Constantine and Losa by dozens of Knight members.

Although both Luosha and Constantine belong to the Aurora Empire, Constantine, now known as the Polaris, has a reputation that is significantly higher than that of Luosha, plus his previous identity is Emperor Ogle Captain, who has management experience, has a much higher recognition of Constantine than Los Angeles.

After observing for a period of time, after confirming that Constantine can better lead the Nirvana Knight group, Baili Qingfeng called two people, each gave them a true divinity essence, and appointed Constantine as the Nihilism Knight group Chang and Luo Sha are the deputy heads of the Knightless Corps.

Since then, the direct strength of Baili Qingfeng has been formally completed.

It is foreseeable that after they have digested the essence of Legendary’s blood and true essence, they will definitely be able to step into the top powerhouse stage one after another.

Taking them as the peak, with 1000 elites on the Nirvana Temple as the high-level, and supplemented by the Aurora Empire and Sia Kingdom, the Nirvana Temple will become a strong Strength that can control the entire East Divine Continent and even the entire World pattern.


(Speaking of the previous book, not the wuxia novel, the first fantasy novel to be read by the wind should be Blue Sky Yellow Springs’s Book of Fairies and Magic. The battle between cultivation and Magic is this book. It will be a junior high school. The wind of the period has taken the road to renting books at small bookstores. It has been 4 years since then. What is the first novel you read?)

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