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The special structure of the Northland makes the lord here unique and unmatched.

A lord of a large territory does not mean that it is inferior to a duchy. Similarly, the strength of some duchy may not be comparable to a lord.

Duchy is actually an alliance of more than ten lords, and the leader of the alliance is dubbed the Grand Duke.

The forces that can control more than 3 duchy can call themselves kingdoms.

As for the empire, a single-finger empire of stars, not at all has much reference significance.

Similar to Li Guangling ’s influence of a large territory with a radius of several thousand kilometers, the military strength it owns is not under a duchy, and unlike other grand dukes, he is the Supreme’s Ruler in the territory. When he wants to have any action, You don’t need to know the other big and small lords in duchy, and you don’t need to be restricted by the big and small lords in duchy.

Taking the blood orchid duchy as an example, if Li Guangling really took advantage of the death of the blood orchid duchy to fight against the blood orchid duchy, with the excellent mobilization ability, the ultimate defeat would be the blood orchid duchy.

Lord Li Guang was jointly ruled by the lord and a dozen canonized Knights. Although “Knight” belongs to the nobles who have no territories, as far as status is concerned, Duchy placed in Blood Orchid also exists on the same level as the lord. Once one day Lord Li Guang wanted to establish a nation, and these Knights were the first group of lords to help Lord Li Guang guard the 4 parties and since then he has completely stepped into the lord class on the top of the north.

This is why Li Guang has the confidence to recruit Baili Qingfeng.

Although the Half-Step Legend will be reused and duchy will be seized and seized by the court aristocracy, but to become a lord, it is often necessary to make contributions, and it takes ten or decades of energy to get duchy’s approval completely.

More than 4000 kilometers, if you switch to Baili Qingfeng and run by yourself, you may be able to arrive in half a day. Even in the 2nd World ’s physical exhaustion, one day is enough. However, when you sit on the carriage, the speed of the road becomes more convenient. People are incredible.

In particular, Kassan Knight also took his son and daughter to the Alfonso Kingdom for a long time. Even though the quality of the carriage was extraordinary, he also used a lot of technology from the barren world. There are still only 4 kilometers.

Although sitting on a carriage can avoid wind blowing and sun shining, it can still be tortured for sitting in such a small space for nearly ten days. At 3rd day, Baili Qingfeng already had the idea of ​​leaving the team, but he agreed. Cassane Knight went with him, coupled with the extremely enthusiastic performance of Cassane Knight along the way, and he knew everything about him, and made him really difficult to speak.

In the end, Baili Qingfeng had to endure this slow speed with the heart of being a first-class gold refiner.

I have to say that it seems that because of the absorption of special energy factors in this world, Baili Qingfeng has refined the first-class gold to improve the efficiency. When he came to Afghanistan before the tenth day of night, At the time of Fangsuo Kingdom’s capital, there were only 69 gold medals left.

“Finally, the capital of the Kingdom of Alfonso-a bustling and prosperous business city, a golden city flowing with Gold Coin, a city of never-ending nights of rays of light-Titan City!”

On the mount, Cassan Knight looked at a city built on a hill in front of his eyes, full of longing: “The Kingdom of Alfonso is an open business country. There is a parliament under the kingdom, and members are composed of many large businessmen As the great lord, you can also veto the king’s proposal at some time. Because of the extraordinary status of businessmen in this country, the country’s business is very developed. The capital, the White City, is also the northern land. The most affluent and prosperous commercial city outside the city, known as one of the six pearls of the North! “

Baili Qingfeng also looked at the city.

With the help of the mountain, the city looks extremely magnificent. The layers of buildings are densely packed between the mountains and stones. All the buildings are full of unique features. Especially to Baili Qingfeng’s satisfaction, even in the There are actually bluestone roads outside the city, and there is more than one road. A large number of plants from the underground world are transplanted beside Road 2, these plants are cultivated by special methods, which can release the light at night and make the entire city full of dreams.

The name of the city that never sleeps comes from this.

“so beautiful.”

When entering the city, Baili Bamboo deliberately stepped out of the carriage, and looked curiously in all directions.

Baili Qingfeng looked up from time to time, watching the birds flying past in the sky.

Although the number of birds is not large, there can be dozens or more of them at the same time. There are basically different numbers of humans on it, and the level is also 100 levels upward. It has a great sense of fantasy and makes people gain a lot of insight. .

But that’s not the point …

What Baili Qingfeng wants to know is that those large flights Fierce Beast are flying around the city, and what should I do if I want to go to the toilet?

Wouldn’t it be insecure for those of them walking in the city?

“In Titan City, the capital of the Alfonso Kingdom, nobles can ride into the city, and those who want to fly Fierce Beast are only the families of the great lords. This is their privilege.”

Kassan Knight noticed Baili Qingfeng’s gaze and introduced a longing.

“Great lord? How many great lords in Alfonso?”

“Not much. The Alfonso Kingdom has 6 Duchys. Even if you count the big lords of the 6 Duchys, they don’t add up to 50.”

Baili Qingfeng glanced up: “There are more than 50 birds in the sky.”

“A big lord family often has a few hundred to 100 people … It is not difficult to domesticate dozens of birds, and there are also people who are anchored in those big lord Aristocratic Family …”

Kasang said with a smile and said with a smile: “My Viscount Grandpa Meccalon is the son of the lineage family of the Black Crystal family of the Alfonso Kingdom. He also domesticated 2 birds in his house. , I can talk to Lord Yue, let your ride on birds to explore the scenery around Titan City. “

“No need to be so troublesome.”

Baili Qingfeng has long wanted to act separately. Now when I arrive at Titan City, I ca n’t wait to say, “I plan to take a stroll in the city. Let ’s go here first.”

Ten days of getting along, Kassan Knight also had some understanding of Baili Qingfeng, knowing that he likes to speak straight, seeing that he will now enter the city, he finally said his true thoughts: “Most come to us The masters of the North are all for Legendary inheritance, and Mr. Baili Qingfeng is no exception? But Legendary inheritance is in the hands of the lord of Peak. It is not easy for Mr. Baili Qingfeng to obtain it. Mr. Baili Qingfeng should understand the difficulty of obtaining Legendary inheritance by his own efforts. I think Mr. Baili Qingfeng is worthy of a deep relationship. If you are willing to join Li Guangling, I can ask Sir Lord to give you inheritance and help in the future. You step into the field of Legendary. “

“Kassan Knight is interested, but I’m not at all now searching for ideas for Legendary inheritance.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

He personally felt that the order of nihilism was not under Legendary inheritance.

No longer…

Blood Temple sent him several copies of Legendary inheritance. Although those inheritances are from the cave people and may not be suitable for humans, they have some reference value. It is not impossible to create their own Legendary inheritance. .

Kasang shook the head: “Since Mr. Baili Qingfeng doesn’t believe it, it just so happens that Titan City is also our famous commercial city in the north. It brings together business travelers and knight-errants from all over the world. You can take a closer look during this time. Titan City stayed for one month, and returned to Li Guangling after a month. During this period, Mr. Baili Qingfeng changed his mind and can go to the Heijing family to find us at any time. “

“I will.”

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

At the moment, Kassan Knight regrets to leave with Baili Qingfeng.

However, he believes that there is a good impression of the ten-day warm reception. If Baili Qingfeng really wants to join a certain force, Li Guangcheng who is sincere enough will be his first choice.

When Kassan Knight left, Baili Qingfeng immediately said: “It’s late today, let’s find a place to stay and see in the city tomorrow to see if we can buy resources such as crystal clear crystals that are good for cultivation, and ask about An erupting volcano and a 1000 meters sword across the ground. “

“Well, I listen to Qingfeng big brother.”

Baili bamboo nodded.


At the same time as Baili Qingfeng and Baili Bamboo arrived at Titan City, the Blood Gate in the Blood Orchid Town came, and the entire group rushed out of it with panic on their faces.

“What happened?”

Here is comprehend the mysterious soul of the Legendary field immediately and immediately set his sights.

“Assault, we were attacked! An elite army of 40000 people attacked us at night! Conte and several other adults had not yet had time to resist and had been caught by them to catch everything in one net! The blood orchid we just grasped Duchy has fallen! “

The first Level 9 Ruler out of several people rushed out.

“The whole country fell !? How could it be so fast?”

“Legendary! The attackers are led by Legendary! And the 40000 army is without exception all elite and stronger than the regular army of Blood Orchid duchy!”


These two words suddenly changed the face of the soul.

“We have been attacked by the enemy on our way to the Space Gate. Obviously, some of the enemies have also been moved towards our Space Gate to kill them. Look at the appearance of their aggressive … Absolutely bad ….”

“Legendary led the team! And, they captured the Blood Orchid duchy and attacked our Space Gate …”

蚩 魂 in ones heart trembled, followed by one person behind him: “Go and ask Qingfeng Sect Master!”

The man quickly said, “Sir, you forgot, Baili Qingfeng Sect Master went to the 2nd World 2 days ago.”

“Baili Qingfeng Sect Master ten or two days ago … went to 2nd World !?”

The ghost suddenly thought of this, and suddenly stared wide-eyed, as if thundered!

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