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Half-Step Legend!

Sia Kingdom’s fidelity actually broke through to the Half-Step Legend realm! ?


It’s not the ordinary Half-Step Legend. The coercion of life emanating from him is stronger than their Half-Step Legend, which is a condensed field. It seems that in addition to the strength of Life, he Within the body also contains another kind of Strength. Under this kind of Strength increase, when faced with fidelity, Qilian even has the faint pressure of facing the Legendary powerhouse of the star empire.

A fidelity, plus a battle strength worthy of Lin Huang, 2 big Half-Step Legend, and Zhao Jiansheng who has not yet appeared …

The unilaterally owned Strength of the State of Gia is no longer inferior to Four Great Influences.

Not to mention Legendary lifeform Cangyu who has not arrived and Baili Qingfeng who is still wandering in the 2nd World.

“How did Mori break through to Half-Step Legend !?”

“The essence of Legendary’s blood! Don’t forget the essence of Legendary’s blood that Baili Qingfeng got from Jingshan!”

“This is trouble!”

Qilian, Bai Sugui, and Jun Zhuofan looked at each other, and expression gradually became dignified.

Although the Chia side had an extraordinary battle strength, the Cangliao and the Emperor Lin belonged to Fierce Beast. They could not express their will. Zhao Jiansheng …

The appearance of a house in Xia Ya refused to move. It is estimated that no one except Baili Qingfeng could move him, plus they inferred from the character model established by Zhao Jiansheng …

As long as they don’t provoke him, the threat is smaller than Baili Qingfeng.

This is why they have the courage to intimidate the Kingdom of Hea to let them take out Divine Punishment weapon sharing.

But now comes a Half-Step Legend-level fidelity …

“Why, was I talking about the idea in the center, speechless?”

The true eyes glanced from Bai Sugui, Qilian and Jun Zhuofan one after another.

“That’s it, it’s if you ride a tiger, it’s hard to get off. If we don’t get the Divine Punishment weapon, our situation will become even more difficult! Even if we break through to Half-Step Legend, we will be bloody. Half-Step Legend, the strong and reliable breakthrough of Legendary’s blood, must not be precise enough to use its Strength. How can it be compared with several of our Half-Step Legends that have been deposited in the top powerhouse realm for decades? “

Qilian spirit ripples, and soon passed the idea to Bai Sugui and Jun Zhuofan.

2 people were silent for a moment, nodded.

“We must first congratulate His Excellency Breakthrough to Half-Step Legend. At this critical moment, we will have an additional Half-Step Legend-level powerhouse, which is indeed gratifying.”

Bai Sugui smiled a little.

“Really? But I don’t think you are very happy.”

“Her faithful must have read it wrong.”

Qilian Pixiaorou doesn’t say with a smile: “But although we have one more Half-Step Legend on our side, to fight against the enemy, a real Legendary, 4 Half-Step Legend, and a traditional one top powerhouse, it is still not It ’s easy, not to mention that the Legendary lifeform Cangyu has not yet returned. Once Cangyu has not returned in time, and the enemy has launched an attack at this time, what shall we use to stop it? Therefore, for safety, use Divine Punishment weapons are the best way! “

“The Legendary powerhouse and the four Half-Step Legend and twenty one top powerhouse attacked the town of Blood Orchid and there was no other action. It can be seen that their purpose is to guard the Space Gate and open the way for the upcoming 4 army. So before the 30000 army arrives, we don’t have to worry about them suddenly attacking … “

“I’m not afraid of 10000, I’m afraid of 10000.”

Qi Lian said, what decision seemed to be made, with cutting off one’s means of retreat on his face: “You are reluctant to use Divine Punishment weapons because Baili Qingfeng Sect Master has said that they are not allowed to use it. If you are If you are worried about this, then I come, I go to the laboratory of Baili Qingfeng Sect Master to bring the Divine Punishment weapon, what happened, I will take responsibility! I do everything to ensure that Sia Kingdom is not protected from the empire of stars The invaders hurt, even … You please stop me and stop me, in order to completely get rid of the sins of the Baili Qingfeng Sect Master! The Space Gate in Blood Orchid Town is opened by us, as long as it can defeat the enemy and guard the Space Gate, I Why not die! “

At the end of the day, Qilian was completely righteous, born and dead.

It seems that Shia is reluctant to contribute Divine Punishment weapons to them to deal with that Legendary powerhouse, which is the sinner of Shia.

The Prime Minister Yasuo seemed to be under a lot of pressure, and quickly explained: “If Shia is really in danger of extinction and extermination, we will naturally use Divine Punishment weapons. They witness our strength … “

“Who can make sure that the enemy will retreat 100% when they detect evenly matched? We have so little advantage, 10000 a group of invaders of the Star Empire do not dare to die, and choose to fight with us to the end, plus their own battle The strength is one point stronger than our estimate. After the war, all our elite troops will be wiped out. What will we use to resist the remaining 30000 main forces? “

After Qi Lian said the expression, he waved his hand resolutely, and his tone was full of generosity: “Well, don’t say it, I know what you are thinking about! I said, I will bear all the responsibilities! I have sent someone Head to the Bikini Basin Lab in Xia, and they will bring the Divine Punishment weapon transport in the lab to the battlefield at the fastest speed, giving the invaders of the Star Empire a fatal blow! Everything I do is For the people of Shia 1000 1000 absolutely, to protect them from the war of the invaders of the empire of stars! If Baili Qingfeng Sect Master really wants to be punished afterwards, I would like to apologize for death! “

“You’ve sent someone over !?”

Fidelity suddenly changed greatly.

“Hurry up, get in touch with Charlie and get them ready!”

Jensen is immediately on Dongsheng Road.

“It’s too late! I’ve had people fly by when I returned from Blood Orchid, and now they should have received the Divine Punishment weapon in the laboratory, we are now …”

Before Qilian’s words were finished, a voice came from the outside: “In the face of the threat of the enemy of Blood Orchid Town together, you shot at your allies and wanted to attack the allies’ labs. You should not give them now. Is there an explanation !? “

While speaking, Baili Changkong, who has been spirited after being trained to be true, walked in from outside, with a majestic face full of self-esteem.

And behind him …

In addition to Thunderbolt Sect’s powerhouse, there is an unobtrusive middle-aged man who was thrown into the crowd.

But this middle-aged man, but everyone in the field suddenly suddenly shrank.

“Zhao Jiansheng!”

Zhao Jiansheng!

Zhao Jiansheng actually left the city of Xia and was invited by Baili Changkong to the Yandang Mountains combat headquarters! ?

Behind Baili Changkong, Constantine, wearing a blood-steel to create the Battle Armor, threw a middle-aged man to the ground.

This middle-aged man has tattered clothes on his face, blood on his face, and his breath is atrophied, but anyone who knows World powerhouse can definitely recognize it immediately. He is one of the top powerhouses of the Hunters Association— —Gu Feng.

Seeing Gu Feng, who was obviously seriously injured, Qi Lian suddenly changed her face: “Gu Feng, you …”

“Chairman, Xia Ya City has taken precautions, and before we had time to approach the laboratory near Baili Qingfeng, it was ambushed and the entire army was wiped out …”

Gu Feng had a bit of bitterness on his face.

Qi Lian glanced at Zhao Jiansheng, he didn’t expect Zhao Jiansheng’s response would be so fast.

“Not Zhao Jiansheng, it is him …”

Gu Feng’s eyes fell on Constantine.

At this time Qilian, Bai Sugui, Jun Zhuofan and the others discovered that Constantine had actually broken through to the top powerhouse realm.

“Another top powerhouse !?”

“Is n’t it just less than 9 years since Constantine achieved Level 2? The human body that broke Level 9 to the top powerhouse so quickly? Or is … he, like the true truth, took the essence of Legendary blood !? I remember the mirror There are 3 copies of Legendary’s blood essence in the mountains! “

“The essence of Legendary’s blood is really amazing !?”

The Four Great Influences faintly felt that the situation was about to break out of their control, and so many powerhouses were born unconsciously inside Sia Kingdom.

“The action of the Hunter Association has really disappointed us up and down Thunderbolt Sect!”

Baili Changkong looked at Qilian, said solemnly: “Shouldn’t you give us an explanation?”


Qi Lian’s face changed for a while.

Qilian’s face changed for a while, and it took a while before he gritted his teeth: “Everything I do is to better defeat this group of invaders from the empire of stars, even now, I don’t think I have done anything wrong And I insist that unless we have Divine Punishment weapons, we can’t fight these invaders of the star empire! We do not want to use them when we have weapons that can lay a victory. This is to kill us! I personally even suspect that The Asian side wants to Murder a person with a borrowed knife and use these invaders to weaken the strength of our 4 neutral organizations! “

“Shameless! These intruders are obviously brought by you! We Sia have caused this scourge, all of you did it!”

Shou true anger shouted.

At this time, a master expression of Heaven’s Mystery Building hurried in from the outside: “Veteran, guarding the Legendary powerhouse at Space Gate Youying seems to be aware of it, is leading 25 masters, killing towards the light of Hill at full speed, It will take up to an hour to reach the Yandan Mountains. “


“Why so fast! Isn’t it that these people are just keeping the Space Passage in line with the 6000 Vanguard?”

“Damn, those people are moving so fast?”

And Jun Zhuofan, Qilian, and Bai Su returned to look at each other. At this time, they can only break the jar and fall. Even if they tore their faces, they must hold the Divine Punishment weapon in their hands and Baili Qingfeng shock each other.


At the moment, Qi Lian yelled, “As soon as the Baili Qingfeng Sect Master entered the 2nd World, these intruders came. This is a coincidence in itself. In addition, you are not willing to use Divine Punishment weapons to destroy the enemy. Doubt, right now we are just discussing to deal with those enemies, but the enemies seem to have got the news one step … “

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