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All of the 10000 energy cells within the body were burned in one breath, and 2 Super Star Assassination Techniques were instantly displayed, even though Baili Qingfeng’s physique and background felt a little weak.

As if the body was hollowed out.

“It’s a pity … I didn’t bring AD calcium milk …”

Baili Qingfeng regrets it.

But for a moment he seemed to feel something, complexion changed!

“Alive !?”

Blocked! ?

The enemy actually blocked his super Star Assassination Technique! ?

You know, his 2nd Super Star Assassination Technique is already the strongest means he can show, and even these 2 attacks are the strongest attacks he can show. After not seeing him running out, he has been overworked and has a backache It hurts, does Spirit stop?

But these attacks still failed to confuse the High Level Legendary …

One can imagine the strength of the other.

“Although there are factors that I went out of the sword at 300 metres, but after this battle, you can see that you can’t belittle any opponent!”

Baili Qingfeng slammed the Legendary coffin that had fallen to the ground less than 100 meters away and drove the Legendary coffin to escape from the place at the fastest speed.

He is an assassin!

It was 1000 miles away without a hit.

The assassination failure in the enemy’s 10000 army still remains in the same place as the leader of the opponent, which is the most stupid way, not in line with the assassination.

What he has to do is return to the Space Gate as soon as possible, wait for the wound to recover, and continue to come to the assassination.

Anyway, under this wave of attacks, the masters around Legendary have been killed and killed. When he returns tomorrow, he can perform the Golden Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique twice with the Super Star Assassination Technique. This assassination can still block the next time.

If it is still blocked, is there no 3rd, 4th, 5th …

Anyway, he is young, energetic, and recovers fast!

If the enemy is angry and intends to lead the army to kill from the Space Gate, it is just that 3 hydrogen bombs are ready, and it will save him the time to run here every day.


“I… I have survived?”

In the midst of the smoke, Legendary dazzled with blood, and his body was pierced by three golden Sword Qi.

Although these 3 Sword Qis did not hit the head, heart, etc., they penetrated his shoulders, thighs, and lungs, making his body more than half red with blood dyed and extremely embarrassed. Even if he breathed, he could feel rich. The fishy smell is coming from the mouth.

But this injury still could not conceal the joy and joy of escape from his heart.

“Half-Step Legend … why this World … has this Half-Step Legend …”

In the dust, You Ying said intermittently, while speaking, blood couldn’t help pouring from his mouth.

“help me……”

Hearing Legendary’s faint voice, Yingchao suddenly shivered and yelled, “Come … come!”

The guards who heard him shouted rushed over, and some Mastery medical personnel immediately came to check the injuries for Yinghao and Youying.


It’s okay to be confused, after all, it is High Level Legendary, plus full defense of Baili Qingfeng’s Super Star Assassination Technique, and struggling to fight back, it survived the assassination of Golden Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique and Super Star Assassination Technique. However, because Youying was too indifferent to the enemy, even though it was only one of the eleven Sword Qis, the wounds still cut by Sword Qi were scattered all over the body, and it lasted for a moment.

Seeing this scene, the faint heart as a father was full of sorrow and at the same time he was still reluctant.

Fortunately, Baili Qingfeng sent his sword to him from 300 meters away, giving him such an instant response time. If he suddenly took out at the critical moment of the confrontation between the two, this is similar to the Divine Light technique of True God Sword Technique, and finally There’s more than just Youying lying here!

“Reincarnation True God, we are actually working on the idea of ​​a reincarnation True God … Nihility Temple, Half-Step Legend, Wasteland, True Divinity Essence, Demi-God … I understand, I finally understand …”

There was a hint of sorrow on Yingying’s face: “Baili Qingfeng is the reincarnation of the true god of nothingness. After the reincarnation of the great god, the true god of nothingness, is transformed into Baili Qingfeng and his divine body is transformed into the true essence of essence, but he does not want to be affected by the previous life. His own restrictions have sold the true essence of Divine Essence. He intends to exchange it for new resources in order to obtain more brilliant achievements in this life … As for the reason why he only has Half-Step Legend cultivation base, it is because of the wasteland. The upper limit can only accommodate Half-Step Legend. Maybe due to various reasons, he is not willing to leave the wasteland for the time being, so he has not broken through to the Legendary, but a True God, even the Reincarnation Body, can still explode out of the battle strength. It is not comparable to any Legendary. His real battle strength is probably above the title Legendary, and he stands shoulder to shoulder with Demi-God. It is for this reason that there will be a Demi- standing behind Baili Qingfeng in Titan City. God’s guess … “

Speaking of this, he grinned: “The Demi-God is himself!”

“Reincarnation True God … Demi-God battle strength …”

Wei Yan, who had escaped a half-speed and escaped his life, heard the commander Yingying’s words, and the whole person shivered.

“Lord, then we now …”

“Retreat! Retreat! Retreat at the fastest speed and stay away from this Space Gate!”

Yinghui quickly said: “I can sense that the great nothingness, True God Reincarnation Body, although he has performed 2divine techniques, but his breath has hardly changed. When he came, it was Half-Step Legend. Keeping the almost peak-like state of Half-Step Legend, we can see that these 2 swords are just a small warning! “

After that, he expressed a sad glance at Youying …

Although it was only a warning, this warning was undoubtedly too heavy for him …

“As early as when I first arrived at the Space Gate, I got a message that the World has not only the temple of the great Nirvana True God, but also a Divine Punishment weapon. In the past, there were burrowers who angered True God and attracted Nirvana True God. Lowering the Divine Punishment instantly scattered ashes and dispersed smoke to 60000 people in the cave … I thought the news came out of nowhere, not enough to believe, now it seems … we have to be grateful for the great nothingness True God Reincarnation Body at our bimonthly World, otherwise … under Divine Punishment, none of the 40000 elites we bring will be spared. “

“Divine Punishment …”

Wei Yan also saw the relevant information of Divine Punishment. At the time, he also didn’t take it seriously.

After all, how could a barren land like the barren land have a True God?

Now it seems……

They obediently did not move, and the method of sending people to hunt down the 4 major neutral organizations was extremely wise, allowing them to count 10000 elites to escape the dead!

At this time, the voice of enchantment suddenly increased by one point, as if telling myself, and as if promised to the True God of Nothingness: “This world is the sacred realm of the Great Nothingness True God. I am confused of ignorance and blasphemy of True God , Willing to endure any punishment given by the great nothingness True God Your Majesty, and thank the great True God for his immortality, I will now take the soldiers out of the blood orchid duchy, and will not take away one gold one silver in Your Majesty territory, in addition, When I go back, I will speak to the emperor Your Majesty, and seal the Blood Orchid duchy to the great nirvana True God, as the place where the nirvana temple settles in the bimonthly realm. “

After speaking, he ignored the injury and saluted deeply in the direction of Baili Qingfeng’s departure.

It took a long time before he got up and turned to Wei Yan: “Inform the soldiers stationed in Bloodlan Town on the other side, the whole army will retreat, withdraw from Bloodlan, we will return to the Empire!”

“Marshal is wise.”


Outside the town of Blood Orchid, on an unknown mountain.

Baili Qingfeng, while recovering the 2 energy cells and spirit consumed by the Golden Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique 2 times and the Super Star Assassination Technique 10000 times, watched every move of the blood empire and blood duchy soldiers in Blood Orchid Town.

There is a mobile phone next to him. The mobile phone has been adjusted for contacts. Once the soldiers of the Empire of the Stars and Blood Orchid Duchy are going to invade, he will immediately contact Captain Johnson to execute the bombing plan.

It’s just that when one came down, the soldiers in the empire of stars and the bloody duchy were calm and calm, not at all. This scene surprised him.

“I didn’t fly into a rage out of humiliation to retaliate? I killed 9 Half-Step Legends.”

Baili Qingfeng thought for a moment.

is it possible that ……

The enemy’s commander fainting belongs to that kind of extremely forbearable enemy! ?

It would be terrible if it were such an enemy.

This poisonous snake hiding in the dark is often the most terrifying, and no one knows when he will suddenly come out and give you a fatal blow.

“en! ?”

Just when Baili Qingfeng was feeling a little bit heavy, there was a sudden movement in the army in Xuelan Town.

This change immediately made him 100% spirit, and at the same time quickly telescope to show, to ensure that immediately grasp the specific movements of these troops.



Several 10000 troops began to retreat toward the Space Gate at extremely fast speeds.

It seems that due to the rush of the retreat, many heavy objects were left behind, and everyone was evacuated lightly, making this evacuation efficiency extremely amazing.

“Is the enemy trying to shrink?”

Baili Qingfeng pondered.


His 10000 energy cells have almost recovered, but Spirit has not yet reached its peak. In the face of the dozens of 10000 troops gathered together, he still dares not to rush into the space gate to investigate. The 10000 opponents are in Space. The other side of Gate was covered by inescapable net.

The situation is bound to nine deaths and still alive.

So Baili Qingfeng chose to wait, while trying to restore the consumed spirit.

A flash of time is a day.

On the 2nd day, without waiting for Baili Qingfeng to recover the spirit state, it was too late to go to the opposite side of the Space Gate to investigate. His cell phone rang, and when he turned it on, he soon heard that there was a hint of awe in the surprise of Prime Minister Yasuo. Voice: “Retreat! Great … Lord Chairman, the enemies of the Star Empire and Blood Orchid duchy retreat!”


“Yes, we have high-level masters who are capable of disguising themselves as soldiers of the Empire of Stars and mixed into the army. They heard the news, fascinating and the others, fearing the amazing power of the chairman, the entire army has retreated and returned to the stars The empire has gone, and even … the commander is said to have spoken of the Blood Orchid duchy as your Fiefdom of the Temple of Void … We are safe. “

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