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Lively and bustling as always.

As Sia Kingdom’s GDP has been rising continuously over the years, and the economy has entered a soaring mode, the Cabinet has also tilted its policies and made efforts to develop an economic circle centered on the city of Xia.

Coupled with the attraction of Zhao Jiansheng, Baili Qingfeng, the starter of the Legendary era, and the end of the Legendary era, the influx of foreign capital, today, the scale, population, and economy of the city of Xaya are all overtaking. Above the light of the hill, even though Divine Continent, the largest economy in the East, is the largest commercial city of Chiyan Country-Star Rail City, it was left behind by the soaring city of Charya.

Of course, as the tide rises, the boat floats also have local house prices.

The vehicle moved forward and gradually came outside the old city.

“2 grandfather, uncle, go in and sit?”

Baili Qingfeng smiled and invited.

“no need.”

“Then here, let’s walk over and see if we can eat something.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

“That line.”

Baili Changkong didn’t ask for anything. He looked at Baili Qingfeng and said calmly: “Qingfeng, maybe, grandfather, I’m old and I can’t help you, but you have to remember that we are one family anyway.”

“I remember that.”

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

At the moment, he and Xiaozhu got out of the car, carrying the box, and walking towards the old town step by step.

Seeing 2 people leaving, Baili Changkong sat here, silent for a long time.

“Dad … Qingfeng, he …”

Baili hesitated for a moment, and Zhangkou wanted to ask.

“Let’s go back to Thunderbolt Sect.”

Baili Changkong said.

“it is good.”

Baili was nodded at the end of the day, at the end, he said, “I just think that Qingfeng seems to disagree with our approach, but the four major neutral organizations are obviously too excessive. We sit and watch the Legendary Youying destroy them? Do n’t we have to fight against Legendary for those who betray us? Not to mention that it will cause everyone to be repelled. This kind of behavior alone causes Legendary and Legendary to invade our World, and we cannot resist … … “

“Okay, stop talking.”

“I just don’t understand.”

Baili Tianxing frowns said: “We are not like him … We have the Strength to suppress everything …”

“He didn’t say it, we did not at all wrong.”

“But he doesn’t agree!”

“It does not matter.”

Baili Changkong watched Baili travel.

“It doesn’t matter? Qingfeng is different now than he used to, and his attitude will affect countless people’s decisions on certain things.”

“You do not understand.”

Baili Changkong took a deep look at Baili Tianxing, and his eyes were a little deep: “We must feel thankful that Qingfeng did not agree with our approach.”


Baili is amazed.

Baili Changkong turned his head, looking out the window, outside, people coming, people going, rushing in and out: “Everyone’s Heart is depressed and hides his deepest evil! Deeply organized with 4 big neutrals In other words, Qilian, Xuheng, and Jun Zhuofan, each of them can’t wipe out the crimes. According to what they did, they were eventually killed by Legendary Youying’s brilliant execution. “

Baili is nodded, and he agrees.

“But the executors are not the people of our Heaven Wasteland Domain, but the invaders of the Star Empire, and how many sect forces did these invaders use to destroy the 4 neutral organizations? How many 100 300,000 people Are people killed innocently because of their weeds? Take Ancestral Dragon Mountain as an example. If it was n’t for Ancestral Dragon Mountain, we moved to our country of Asia at the fastest speed. At present, there is no whole family extinction from Ancestral Dragon Mountain. The reason is They’re close to Heaven’s Mystery Building. “

Baili Tianxing frowned.

“But we can’t see the pain behind the death of 100 people, but we succumb to the thrill of deep revenge on Heart, for the pleasure of the 300,000 major neutral organizations taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune … Maybe, there is no way for us Sia Kingdom. Intervening in this battle, but … In this matter, we have abandoned human beings’ senses and succumbed to our inner desires! It is a happy time to sit back and watch the 4 neutral organizers break the desire for revenge! “


Baili shouted, “Is this the case for individuals? After all, their 4 neutral organizations treat us so …”

“We can, but Qingfeng, he can’t!”

Baili Changkong looked at him calmly: “With Qingfeng’s current Strength, status and status, you can imagine that once he no longer insists and yields to the desire in his heart, what terrifying changes he will bring to the world! ? “

“In Qingfeng’s current strength and identity, once you succumb to your desire …”

Baili Tianxing heard Father’s words, thought for a moment, and suddenly …

A sense of have one’s hair stand on end rise in the mind!

If Baili Qingfeng really acted on his own desire, act wilfully, today’s World, who can stop him! ?

Glorious Empire? Steel Empire? Golden Eagle Empire?

Or the Mountain of Mirrors he stepped on, the gate of heaven destroyed by the beastly man, and the only church that can only preach everywhere?


“So I said, we should be fortunate! Fortunately, Qingfeng did not agree with our approach. Fortunately, he has always maintained his own insistence, even if he is a little confused now and does not know whether he is right or wrong. This persistence is meaningless and becomes like inertia, pushing him forward … “

Baili Changkong said: “It’s like a criminal, because of the interests of killing a man, you kill him under revenge, as it should be by rights, but if you feel unsatisfactory, kill him and cut it into minced meat … You can agree with this behavior !? “

Baili was silent and stopped talking.

And Baili Changkong closed his eyes again …

“Qingfeng … he is really a good child …”


Baili Qingfeng took Xiaozhu’s hand and walked in the old town …

Or the refurbished old town.

On the way, he did not speak at all, but the door was moving forward quietly.

Xiaozhu seemed to feel something, moved closer, looked up, and looked at him: “Qingfeng big brother …”

“En? What does Xiaozhu want to eat? I’ll call Yiyi.”

Baili Qingfeng bowed his head and asked with a smile.

小竹 shook the head.

But Baili Qingfeng still took out his mobile phone and called Shiyi.

He didn’t know why he wanted to make the call.


Not connected.

“Forget it, it’s almost home.”

Baili Qingfeng didn’t insist anymore, and looked at Xiaozhu again: “What do you want? Or, buy some toys for you?”

Xiaozhu still shook the head and asked, “Qingfeng big brother, are you upset?”

“No, I’m glad to be home.”

Baili Qingfeng laughed.

At this time, he seemed to find something, looked up, and saw a small shop selling clothes opposite him.

Through the transparent glass reflection of the shop, he could clearly see himself.

He is laughing.

At least the expression on his face was indeed laughing.

But there were no ripples in his eyes.

Calm and composed, like a pool of standing water.

That feeling…

Like the heavy twilight of the elderly, it seems that something is dying silently …


Something, in silence, waited for death.

Baili Qingfeng was suddenly dumbfounded.

“this is me……”

That silhouette reflected by the glass made him strange.

Very strange.

Unfamiliar to him almost 4 years ago.

Baili Qingfeng looked at it quietly, looking at the silhouette that was mapped out by the glass.


Baili Qingfeng muttered to himself: “I’m Baili Qingfeng, a good student with good academic skills. I like reading, researching things, listening to songs, and Martial Practice … My life plan is to find a girl I like Fall in love, get married, have children, watch our children grow up, then take their old wives, sit on a green meadow, and finally clasp their fingers together to see the sunset …

Speaking of which……

He couldn’t go on.

He just stood there, looking at himself in the glass, and there was a coldness all over him. He couldn’t even feel anyone outside him …

Do not!

He doesn’t even feel himself!

As if there was something, the concept of “he” was completely cut off from the concept of his body, tearing it into 2 completely different beings …

One existence controls his body, day after day does something, the other exists, enclosed in a dark space, moved towards a cold abyss, sinking and falling …

Fall …

Fall …

It seems that if I fall into the bottom of the abyss, I will be completely frozen at zero with the bitter chill there …

I don’t know how long this split state has passed, and Baili Qingfeng suddenly felt that his cold body seemed a little warm.

Immediately afterwards, a cry of concern came from his ear: “Qingfeng big brother …… Qingfeng big brother ……”

In Langzhong, Baili Qingfeng’s perception of “darkness” seemed to shine a bright light. The appearance of this bright light seemed to guide the direction of Baili Qingfeng. He struck a sudden, since there was no up, down, left, right, east, south, west, North, pierced out of countless nothingness and darkness!

At this time he really came back to his senses, and his eyes fell on the sound source again.

It’s bamboo.

Xiaozhu rubbed his palm with his white and tender hand, and at the same time sighed, “Qingfeng big brother, are you cold? I won’t be cold if I help you.”

Baili Qingfeng looked at Xiaozhu, and it took a while before he opened the mouth and said, “No, I’m not cold.”

As soon as he opened his mouth, he found that his voice was actually hoarse.

“I am fine.”

Baili Qingfeng said it again, and the sound returned to normal.

“Qingfeng big brother, shall we buy a dress?”


Baili Qingfeng smiled and said, “Help Xiaozhu buy the most beautiful skirt.”

“Buy for Qingfeng big brother, so Qingfeng big brother will not be cold.”

“Okay, we buy both.”

Baili Qingfeng touched her little head, then took her hand and walked to the clothing store on the side.

at this time……

A crisp and familiar female voice came from the audio shop across the street. There was a murmur in the CD, which did not seem to be recorded and broadcast by professional equipment.

“Hearing, winter, leaving, I woke up in a certain year and month, I think, I wait, I look forward, but the future cannot be arranged for this …”

“Which dialogue will there be for anyone I meet, how far in the future I am waiting, I hear the wind coming from the subway and the sea of ​​people, I line up holding the number plate of love …”

“I flew forward over a sea of ​​time, and we were hurt in love. I saw that Lu Meng’s entrance was a little narrow. I met you as the most beautiful accident. One day, my mystery will be revealed … “


(Stopped before the update, and finally plan to publish the content before the change in this chapter.)

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