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Xinghui Court.

Thirty members of the Nirvana Knight group surround Baili Qingfeng while cultivation watching ideas.

This concept of view is not the other, it is the starlight catalogue from Silvia’s Records of Numerous Stars.

A vision of the stars transformed by the Baili Qingfeng spirit.

Compared to others, Sylvia is the only one after another who knows that mysterious starlight catalog contains mysterious, but she has no special meaning to refuse the starlight catalog cultivation, but she is quicker to get started than anyone else.

Affected by the starlight catalog starlight, her Refining Spirit realm was promoted to Eighth Layer Awakening from Divine Power, which was only equivalent to Seventh Layer.

This is one of the additional effects brought by the starlight catalog.

He transformed the stars into spirits, which is equivalent to the benchmark of all starlight bathers. They can use the starlight transformed by the principal spirit to resolve the mysterious in the higher realm of the starlight, so as to obtain a better cultivation effect, as if there were Refining. Spirit powerhouse specializes in performing Refining Spirit Profound Truth for him.

During these ten days, Baili Qingfeng took one hour a day to lead the cultivation of the members of the Void Knight group. After ten days of persistence, 30 people have bathed under his starlight. Human Refining Spirit realm was able to break through.

“Very good, now you have 30 starlight catalogs for you to get started, and then you need to work hard on your own.”

Baili Qingfeng glanced at 30 people: “You have taken the essence of Legendary’s blood, and the basic potential has been greatly increased. The Legendary Bloodline is also constantly nurturing your spirit, keeping your Essence, Qi and Spirit at all times. Growing, but a Legendary Blood Essence wanting a 10000-perfect breakthrough to Half-Step Legend is not easy, and it requires your own hard work! “

“Respect Your Majesty’s teachings.”

30 people saluted at the same time.

“The golden time of refining Legendary’s blood is 2 to 3 months, and I hope that after 3 months, everyone can enter the top powerhouse stage.”

Baili Qingfeng gave another order, and then his eyes fell on Silvia: “You follow me.”

2 people quickly came to a room for public events.

“What does Your Majesty say?”

Sylvia bowed slightly.

“No restraint, sit.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

“In front of Your Majesty, I at Knight not qualified to sit and talk to Your Majesty equally.”

Silvia said resolutely.

She put her identity squarely.

Over the years, she has traveled internationally in order to restore her country. She has been subjected to too many cold eyes and ridicule. Because of this, she cherishes this hard-won opportunity more than anyone else.

Baili Qingfeng did not really ask for it, just said, “I want to talk to you about your problem in the territory of Genting Mountain, the empire of stars, this time heading to the 2nd World, I found that the identity of a lord is walking in the 2nd World. It is very useful. In the future, because of cultivation resources, I will definitely go to the Star Empire, and even the Capital City of the Star Empire, so I need this status. “

“My things are Your Majesty things, and I can transfer my identity to Your Majesty at any time.”

Silvia bowed her head.

“I don’t want your land for nothing, I can give you 2 options.”

Baili Qingfeng said: “The first option is that after you return to the country, as long as you do n’t do anything that endangers the stability of human society or violently exploits your people, it will cause anger and anger. As long as I live, I can ensure you the King of Kalan The safety and security, the second choice … I will give you a true divin essence, taking it, you will have even more amazing Innate Talent and potential. If you work hard on cultivation, you will at least achieve Legendary in the future. “

Given these two choices, Baili Qingfeng has also been weighed.

Although Records of Numerous Stars is only a method of crowdfunding to become a god, its value is undoubted. As far as the auction items of Jatherine Chamber of Commerce are concerned, although there are many valuable items, there are 2 things No mention at all.

One is Legendary and above, and the other is lordship.

Of course, this kind of lord refers to the kind of independent lord, not the lord who has loyal to a certain grand duke or a king.

Legend Level Legendary The above inheritance is still the case, which can crowdfund the Records of Numerous Stars, which is worthy of a true divine essence price.

What’s more…

Sylvia has cultivated a starlight catalogue of Records of Numerous Stars, bathed in the starlight formed by his will Core and 8 spirits.

“Choose it.”

“I choose the second one.”

Sylvia without the slightest hesitation said: “I beg your Majesty to give me a true divine essence.”

After saying that, she once again promised: “Even if the Kingdom of Karan is reborn, it will become the most loyal vassal of the Temple of Void. All the soldiers and people of the Kingdom of Karan will worship the True God of Void and will become the sharpest in the hands of Your Majesty Sword to stab your Majesty. “

“it is good.”

Baili Qingfeng nodded, and handed her a true essence of Divine Essence: “Be prepared after taking Divine Essence of Divine Essence, as soon as half a month, and as slow as a month, I will go to the Iron Empire and settle the Iron Empire and cards. About the restoration of the Kingdom of Thailand. “

Silvia was shocked.

Finally, I heard the exact time from Baili Qingfeng’s mouth, and her pretty face could not help showing surprise, excitement, and even emotion.

It took a while before she bowed to Baili Qingfeng: “Many thanks Your Majesty, Shivia will always remember your help.”

Baili Qingfeng said nothing, left Xinghuiyuan and walked to his home 4 kilometers away.

As Baili Qingfeng passed Shire University, he was seeing a lot of people hurriedly walking towards Shire University.

Vaguely heard the excited conversation of three women passing by him: “Although it is only 3 pm and it is not yet evening, Su Weiwei Senior Sister is our most famous singer in Char ’s city, she sings all I like all the songs! “

“I didn’t think Senior Sister Su would come to our school to sing. It was so exciting.”

“Su Weiwei?”

Baili Qingfeng heard it a little.

For a moment, he thought of something, followed the flow of people, and entered Shire University.

Shire University does not adopt closed management, anyone can come and go, even more how ……

Strictly speaking, he was a student at Shire University.

Wait a minute…

Baili Qingfeng was suddenly stunned.

“I seem to have graduated?”

He carefully calculated the time …

He has not only graduated this term, he has also graduated for half a year! ?

“What about my diploma? No one issued it to me?”

Although Baili Qingfeng knew that as his identity, this kind of thing didn’t make any sense to him, but at the beginning of this World, he hoped that he could become a good student with excellent academic performance. During this period, although he sooner or later absent from school, , Leave, and even …

Big 3 Big 4 Didn’t read directly.

But he is still a good student, and no one can stand up and deny it.

Since being a good student, it is perfectly reasonable to graduate with a diploma.

It also counted as a perfect ending to his student career.

Thinking of this, Baili Qingfeng glanced in the direction of the General Assembly Hall. He wanted to call 2 grandfather Baili Changkong. He seemed to be holding the Vice Principal position here.

But then he thought, Hong Tiange, Dean of Shire University Martial Dao, is also a person of Thunderbolt Sect?

It seems more convenient for Hong Tiange to find the current Principal.

Right now, he turned and walked towards Martial Dao.

After walking a few steps, Baili Qingfeng saw an old man holding a book, walking slowly and casually.

And this old man …

Baili Qingfeng stepped up and whispered, “Thank Principal?”


Known as Xie Principal, the old man slightly startled, and then recognized him: “Are you Baili Qingfeng? One of the best students in the history of Shire University, I remember you, when you were still in the library to me I’ve consulted the cave man’s unusual problem. “

“Yes, yes, thank you Principal, you have a good memory.”

Baili Qingfeng replied with a smile, and said with a smile, “Since you’ve encountered Xie Principal, you don’t need to go to Dean Hong and then to Principal.”

“You are the pride of our Shire University. Tell me something, and I will definitely help.”

Xie Principal smiled and said to Baili Qingfeng that when he reached his point of age, he would not look too restrained even in the face of people like Baili Qingfeng.

“I want to get my diploma.”

Baili Qingfeng said: “Even if I didn’t write my graduation thesis, I can write now.”

“Oh, leave it to me. I’ll go with your Dean of Physics to arrange a graduation ceremony for you? I’ll talk about it if necessary.”

Thanks Principal laughed.

“That’s not necessary, there is no need to move people for me alone.”

“You came to school this time for our Shire’s celebration party. Leave a phone call and stroll around the school. I’ll let you know.”

Xie Principal said, looking at his body, there was nothing, and he threw the book in his hand: “This is even the graduation gift I gave you. Although you graduated from school, but also Don’t forget to always pick up books and read more. “

“I understand that reading is one of my biggest hobby and I will never forget it.”

Baili Qingfeng carefully took over the book.

“Youngster, go play.”

Xie Principal waved and turned away.

“Thank you Principal.”

Baili Qingfeng waved.

At the same time, he also glanced at the cover of the book-History of World Development.

When I met Xie Principal, Baili Qingfeng felt better for no reason, holding a book and following the flow of people, gradually walked towards the General Assembly Hall.

Although it is still early, and maybe even today’s performance guest Su Weiwei has not yet come, many people have gathered inside and outside the town hall. In addition, many staff to-and-fro are setting up the venue.

Baili Qingfeng turned around for a moment and found that someone seemed to be looking at himself.

He followed his gaze, and soon saw a woman in a lady’s suit that looked like a strong woman.

“Qin Lanshan?”

Seeing this woman, Baili Qingfeng came forward unexpectedly: “You have changed a lot.”

Qin Lanshan looked at Baili Qingfeng with some surprises: “Qingfeng is small …”

But halfway through, she immediately realized what was happening, and the surprise converged. She stepped forward and said, “Baili Sect Master.”

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