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West Yanzhou.

A country closest to the mountain range in Rees.

As early as 2 days ago, the Knightless Constantine, Loza, Sylvia and the others have come to this place following the requirements of Baili Qingfeng. They plan to wait here to join him to attack the Temple of Death together, but this Wait, that’s 2 days.

Although they have absolute confidence in the nothingness True God Baili Qingfeng that has created countless miracles, they can wait for a full 3 days …

Do not!

If you count the time from Baili Qingfeng to Xiyanzhou, it is already 4 days.

After 4 days of in-depth Thor Peak, there was no movement after a fierce war broke out, and the people of the Void Knight group and Void Legion were finally unable to sit still.

“Can’t wait any longer!”

Luo Sha said solemnly: “According to satellites, the cavemen of the Temple of Death have been terrified by the heaven-shaking, earth-shattering explosion, and have now fled to all directions. If Your Majesty is now hunting down 4 scattered The grotto man couldn’t justify it … there are eight-nine, he was injured, now he is waiting for our rescue. “

“Injured? I don’t believe what kind of Strength hurts Your Majesty. Your Majesty, as a true God incarnation, has an immortal body, continuous physical fitness, and a strong recovery from self-healing after an injury. I guess, ten Eight-nine, which he realized after confronting the powerhouse of the Temple of Death, is now rehearsing and practicing hard. We follow the order of His Majesty, and wait quietly for him to join us. “

Constantine Road.

“Although I firmly believe that Your Majesty is impossible, it does not mean that we should stay here indifferently. At present, the cave people have fled. With our strength of the Void Knight Group and Void Legion, even if we face 10000 formations The cavemen can defeat and defeat them, and now is the time for us to expand into the mountain range and expand the results. “

Silvia said.

Although she did not play any role in the Void Knight group, she took the real Divine Essence Knight as the third person, and she could be regarded as the third person in the Void Knight group. Her weight was only second to Constantine and Losa. .

“We know too little about the Reese mountain range. Since the fall of the 2 kilometers of the Reese mountain range, we have no idea what’s going on inside, nor how many masters there are in the Temple of Death, without any information. Rees mountain range, which has several thousand people in the caves … Once there is any accident, the loss of the Void Knights and Void Legion is heavy … How will I face their relatives and friends in that time? “

“The moment they joined Void Legion and Void Knight, the first thing they had to think about was no longer their family and friends, but to unite around Your Majesty and follow Your Majesty’s order when Your Majesty needed it Instead of knowing that Your Majesty is fighting deep in the mountain range of Rees, she is still out there, waiting for orders! “

Los Angeles.

Constantine glanced at one after another, he was a very stable person, but now …

If he really wants to continue to sit firmly on the throne of the head of the void Knight, he will have to make this risky choice.

A Knight suddenly said at this time: “Someone is coming!”

Shortly after his words went out, a roar passed by in the sky.

It’s a fighter.

“Glorious Empire’s” Sun God “3 fighter!”

“And the ‘Guardian’ of the Iron Empire!”

Knight, 2 eyesight, said at the same time.


a lot of!

Dozens of planes appeared in front of them.

Not only fighter jets, but also a large number of armed helicopters flying at the end of the sky beyond.

“Here are the people of the Shining Empire and the Iron Empire?”

Constantine frowned: “What do they want to do?”

Soon, Constantine and the others already had the answer.

As several helicopters landed in the open space in front of the station where they were located, one after another silhouette jumped from above.

Conrad of the Iron Empire, Rudolph of Half-Step Legend, Golden Dragon and Emperor of the Glorious Empire, and William XII of the leader personally bringing troops into battle, all came over.

“His Highness Conrad, Your Majesty.”

Constantine stepped forward and gave a polite greeting.

Several others were also one after another in return.

“Why are you here?”

“Coming to rescue Baili Qingfeng Your Majesty.”

William XII was outspoken.

“We are also holding that purpose.”

Conrad said solemnly: “This scourge of the Grottoes has made our steel empire see the fragility of our human world from top to bottom. According to the observation data obtained from the scientific section, the connection between our Heaven Wasteland Domain and the bimonthly boundary is inevitable. And this process will continue to accelerate. It may be that in a few hundred years, the two Worlds will have no estrangement, no more each other, and the arrival of the Great World Shrine in the Crypt has already caused the small half of West Yanzhou to fall, and over time, the West The fall of Yanzhou will only be a matter of time. To stop this disaster from spreading, we can only rely on the Strength of Baili Qingfeng Your Majesty! “

After saying that, he added cautiously: “In this 2 World war, we can’t live without Baili Qingfeng Your Majesty.”

“The Glorious Empire reached an agreement with the Iron Empire at this point, and Heaven Wasteland Domain needs the guarding of Baili Qingfeng Your Majesty, and after finding Baili Qingfeng Your Majesty, we will carefully discuss with the Baili Qingfeng Your Majesty about the Overwatch Alliance, and he is right Yes, the Heaven Wasteland Domain needs to form a Strength to deal with the increasingly serious crisis of the two realms. “

William XII groaned a little.

At that time, Baili Qingfeng wanted to form a watchmen’s alliance. They only regarded it as Baili Qingfeng’s ambition to intervene in the internal affairs of the world. Now …

The tragedy of the collapse of West Yanzhou and the arrogant mentality of the 2nd World ’s human empires who regarded their Heaven Wasteland Domain as nothing, have completely shattered their self-esteem, making them have to let go of their prejudices, admit their mistakes, and execute Baili Qingfeng’s original proposal.

“We mobilized the most elite hunted thousand troops at the fastest speed, and mobilized all aerial strengths across the country. There are fewer aerial strengths in the cavemen. As long as we have enough fighters, it is not difficult to obtain air domination, plus satellites Reasonable use, to avoid large-scale troop collision with the cavemen, we still have a certain degree of certainty during this trip to Sol.

William XII.

Conrad Nodded.

The Iron Empire must be held accountable for their own mistakes, otherwise …

Conrad glanced at Princess Zhang Silvia, the Kingdom of Karan who joined the Void Knights.

Based on the Strength that Baili Qingfeng now has, once it caused his dissatisfaction with the Iron Empire …

It’s not hard to break into the dust the steel empire that almost ascended the throne of the World Overlord.

“I understand!”

Constantine looked at the crowd and took a deep breath: “Let’s call Legion Nothingness, and set out together to reach the summit of Sol … or, say, Lake Sol.”


When the Void Knight group and Void Legion entered the control area of ​​the Death Temple, the Death Temple lost the spirit pillar. They just wanted to leave the Heaven Wasteland Domain as soon as possible to return to their World Rush Army. They also fled to the area controlled by the Black Temple and the War Temple.

With their arrival, the relevant information of the Temple of Death was quickly passed to the heads of the Black Temple and the War Temple.

“Death Temple?”

The Black Temple Pope Xiu Ming who keeps an eye on the movement of the Temple of Death can hardly believe everything he sees: “What happened !?”

“Yes, Pope.”

Lu Jing, who is also responsible for following up, shivered: “It is despair, it is disaster, it is destruction, it is nothing.”

“Despair, disaster, destruction, nothingness …”

“We didn’t just get the news from the middle and upper levels of the Temple of Death who fled. The human being, the man who claims to be True God incarnation, with blood and swept through death in an immortal posture, came to the Core area controlled by the Death Temple. Immortal body, endless physical strength, surrounded by 10000 cavemen warriors set off a monstrous slaughter, 1000 to 10000 heroic soldiers died under his sword, and the death temple warriors counterattacked on him, but Even his skin could not be broken, blood was flowing under his feet, the soldiers were screaming under his sword, the injustice was mourning in front of him, and the bones of his body were cast into his flesh mill. 10000 1000 souls disappeared to form his monument of death … All death temple warriors are so described … that is a nightmare! “

“Nightmare …”

Xunming associates with the latest news from the Blood Temple, especially the Tianzhuyuan area …

That human being called the True God of nothingness …

He is a sober nightmare, a shadow of the sun, and a death knell for death.

Unstoppable, invincible, unharmless, Undying and Inextinguishable …

Thinking back to this message, a deep chill was rising from the bottom of the heart.

After a while, he said: “The great Lord values ​​this World very much. If this World can be brought under control, even if each sacrifice can only be in a fixed place, there can be a few 100 100000000 believers. Strength soared, such an important World, the True God of the Temple of Death, could not watch the soldiers of the Temple of Death be defeated and remain indifferent … “

Hearing the Pope ’s inquiry, a gleam of fear deep in the bone marrow flashed in the eyes of Lu Jing: “slaughter, it is just the beginning … After the temple of death feels the power of this man who claims to be a true God, it seems that he has made a round of descent, In the later period, the True God of the Temple of Death seems to have incarnation, but … “

“but what!?”

“The death of True God incarnation, which is unruly, seems to have annoyed the vain True God … As their battle broke out to our burrow World, we could not immediately obtain specific data, but … Minutes, real despair, real disaster, real destruction, real nothingness! “

“Real destruction and nothingness !?”

“No one knows what happened in that World at the time, but the people who survived said that thunderbolt, lightning, light, destruction, death, swallowed 100 kilometers around the circle, like the most terrifying Divine Punishment, dropping from the sky, instantly made the heroes of the Temple of Death the most Core range of several thousand thousand heroic warriors into nothingness … especially … “

Speaking of this, Xun Jing shivered.


Xu Ming asked.

“More than one believer in the Temple of Death said … they can’t feel their True God.”

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