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Prime Minister Yasuo and Prime Minister Alov came very quickly.

When Baili Qingfeng took the Legion with nothingness to start sweeping all around, the two prime ministers took two huge teams on a special plane and hurried over.

Behind them, there are not only huge army from Sia Kingdom, Knight Alliance, Aurora Empire, but also massive materials mobilized from inside Knight Alliance, Sia Kingdom, Aurora Empire.

Although East Divine Continent is located on 2 continents from West Yanzhou, due to the borders between them, the transportation of materials is more convenient than other continents. I believe it won’t be long before these materials arrive, plus the steel empire, glory The empire’s support item, this occupied area originally occupied by the dead True God shrine will resume prosperity at a very fast speed.

Time flicked, and then 3 days.

On this day, Baili Qingfeng is leading Void Legion, and Western Yanzhou troops continue to purge 3000 burrows of people on this vast area of ​​9 4 million square kilometers, following Duanmu Rui, the Prime Minister of Aso. Bringing good news.

“Chairman … Your Majesty, good news from the Iron Empire and the Glorious Empire, the troops of the Black Temple and War Temple have retreated.”

Duanmu Rui full of joy joyfully said.


Baili Qingfeng startled. He is planning to sweep the area of ​​more than 3000 square kilometers for more than 10000 square kilometers for ten days and a half months. After making sure that there are no more than 100 groups of cave people in this area, he will further attack the Black Temple and War Temple.

didn’t expect ……

The Black Temple and the War Temple actually retreated first?

“How come back?”

“They all retreated into the Space Gate!”

Duanmu Ruidao: “More than 90% of the cave people have returned to the Space Gate, and less than 100% of them are currently remaining. This population of cave people is just guarding the 1 km radius of the Space Gate. To expand or harm humanity in other regions! “

Speaking of which, he waved heavily: “It must be Your Majesty’s Divine Punishment of destroying heaven extinguishing earth. They really felt the fear of death. They knew that they would continue to fight with Your Majesty. After winning the game, they had to return to Space Gate and escape to their own place. “

“What about the Space Gate they are building?”

“All shutdown! And, based on the judgment of space fluctuations, the other party is dismantling the Space Gate!”

Duanmu Rui Road.

Baili Qingfeng listened, nodded.

In fact, he could guess more or less why the Black Temple and Wargod Temple retreated.

There are only 4 True Gods in the cave people. At the beginning, they lost a blood god in the dry rock city on the border of the Red Ginseng country. Not long ago, another True God died on the back of the Space Gate at Sol.

What a horrible loss of 4 True Gods! ?

In addition, the True God of Death, the God of Blood, the God of Black, and the God of War belong to the same grade. The Blood God and God of Death fall during the battle with the Heaven Wasteland Domain. How can the god of war ensure that they do not follow in the footsteps of the other two True Gods?

After all, they didn’t know the truth about the fall of these two True Gods.

In this case, their withdrawal is an inevitable choice.

Although the beliefs of the 100 to 100000000 million people in the Heaven Wasteland Domain are very tempting, on the one hand, it is too dangerous, and on the other hand, the power of World is at a premium. True God’s Strength is finally limited.

3 aspects …

The blood god and the dead True God have been determined to fall, then the territory that belongs to them will be all vacated and become a land of no ownership.

Compared to the Heaven Wasteland Domain, this land without land is safer and easier to digest. Don’t worry about encountering too much resistance.

Therefore, I am afraid that for a long time, I will concentrate on World of Crypts.

After thinking about this, Baili Qingfeng was slightly sighed in relief.

Although the problem of the Crypt World is not yet solved once and for all, there is no need to worry about what will happen for the time being.

“I understood.”

Baili Qingfeng nodded: “Then, after hanging the burrow people in this land, we will organize people to enter the control area of ​​the Black Temple and War Temple.”

“We will send people to collect information in advance to prepare for going into the control area of ​​the 2 temples.”

Duanmu Rui Road.

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

The situation in Xiyanzhou went smoothly beyond his imagination. Previously, he was still having a headache. At least 1000000 people from the caves rushed into Xiyanzhou. He wanted to kill the 1000000 people in the caves, even his Sword Technique realm. Then there was breakthrough, and Sword Art was created that could play one day one night, but at the end of the day, it would kill ten-twenty thousand at best. Based on the enemy’s only 2,000,000, it would take more than 100 days.

This time, the enemy retreated, and the Space Gate under construction was destroyed when retreating. The result …

It’s really good.

“Thanks to immortality … maybe, I should find an opportunity to talk to him and guide him to goodness. If he can understand the beauty of a modern harmonious society, pull him into my camp and work together to maintain world peace It’s best to work hard. “

Baili Qingfeng thought.

Anyway, because of World ’s obstruction, even if immortality is angry, why can’t he be in this World himself.


If immortality is angry, he should have a little more patience, tell him well, explain the reason to him, and influence him with an inclusive heart.

He believes that at the beginning of life, his nature is good, and one day he can make immortality change.

Reconstruction of Xiyanzhou proceeded quickly.

Although the whole process has various troubles, under the treatment of Yasuo and Alof, and Silvia, there is no need for Baili Qingfeng to worry about it.

For ten days, Baili Qingfeng led the Void Legion to level all the cave people groups in the temple of death with more than 100 people. The remaining groups of dozens or dozens of cave people were scattered in nearly 40 million square meters. It is no longer an easy task to search for a mile of land, and it must be handed over to the local forces of West Yanzhou and Thunderbolt Sect, Sia Kingdom, Knight Alliance, and the others.

Next Baili Qingfeng continued to advance the control area of ​​the Black Temple and War Temple.

This time, efficiency has improved a lot.

Thanks to the rich divine force left by the death of True God, the 30 knights of the Void Knight group refined the essence of Legendary’s blood, and all of them broke through to the top powerhouse stage, among which Constantine and Los who had taken the true essence of divine essence. And Silvia, it is the concentration of life, ascending to the skies with a single leap, stepping into Half-Step Legend.

Their three people each took a squad, and then transferred a 1000-man squad, together with Baili Qingfeng, to divide into 4 directions to sweep the area controlled by the Black Temple and the War Temple, making the sweeping efficiency more than doubled, only half a month The area controlled by the 2 shrines fell in the hands of Baili Qingfeng, even if a few Space Gate Fangyuan Baili were no exception.


Yu Ruiguo.

The Black Temple spent a huge amount of money in front of the Space Gate.

Cardinal Bi Jing of the Black Temple and a cardinal war blade of the War Temple led the guard with some trembling with fear watching Baili Qingfeng coming under the arch guard of the Void Knight regiment.


Thinking of the entrustment of the Pope, and the Oracle issued by True God behind them, the two cardinals still stepped forward and greeted their heads: “The Great Nothingness True God Your Majesty, Cardinal Bi Jing of the Black Temple, war Temple Bishop’s Battle Blade greeting you. “

“I heard that you are waiting here to meet me?”

Baili Qingfeng looked at 2 humane.

“Your Majesty, because of some misunderstandings, we do n’t know that this World has become your sacred Pure Land, so lead the army to offend the great nothingness. True God Your Majesty You, even if we have immediately evacuated all the troops and released all All the originally captured creatures, but in the last few months have brought losses to the great nothingness, True God Your Majesty, so I purposely sought to see the nothingness, True God Your Majesty, and hope to be able to contribute to the great nothingness, True God Your Majesty. Express our apologies. “

Qi Jing said, expressing respectfully.


Baili Qingfeng looked at Yan Jing: “I went to the site of Blood Temple not long ago and asked a question to the person in charge of Blood Temple, peace, or war! Now it seems that you have made the right choice.”

Baili Qingfeng This question embarrassed the Cardinal of the War Temple.

And Jing Jing of the Black Temple quickly said: “Peace! Peace! We want peace!”

After speaking quickly, he said in a humble tone: “The True God of Black behind us is a very hobby and a True God of peace. This time, if not because of being deceived by the True God of death, we will not step on anyway. Into the realm of the great nothingness True God Fortunately, death True God has fallen into the hands of the great nothingness True God Your Majesty and received the due punishment, and we also reacted in time to withdraw at the fastest speed Out of this World, I now realize that my mistake is willing to make compensation. “

Baili Qingfeng’s eyes turned to the Bishop of the War Temple.

The bishop’s face immediately showed a smile as kind and friendly as possible: “In fact, although our war temple is named war, there are other names, such as the Temple of Courage, the Temple of Glory … For war, we I do n’t like it very much, after all, war means sacrifice, so we, and the True God behind us, also hope to live in peace with the great nothingness, True God Your Majesty. “

“I’m glad you are aware of this. We at Heaven Wasteland Domain just want to grow quietly and don’t welcome any diggers. Do you understand?”

Baili Qingfeng said.


Yan Jing and Battle Blade promised again and again.

While speaking, they glanced at each other secretly while sighed in relief.

Over the past half month, their large and small meetings have been held numerous times, and after a lot of discussions, they probably reached a conclusion.

This nothingness True God …

Don’t want to make things big.

After all, this World has a full number of 100 100000000 creatures, and the quality is quite extraordinary. At this time, it is reasonable to mute and make a lot of money. Once the trouble is well known, the gods in the north and even the gods in the middle earth will know , A powerful deity, each and everyone huge deities, even ancient gods that existed in ancient times have projected their eyes on this World …

Nothing True God can carry.

That’s why they will stay here for compensation and peace at the risk of mortal danger.

Now it seems……

Fortunately, things are moving in the direction they expect.

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