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Next, the people of Baili Qingfeng and Golden Twelve Star Palace are really like the netizens of ordinary parties. Miao Wou-ki is the guide and plays in the scenic spots near Xingluo City.

This play finally made everyone aware of the relationship between the other members of Golden Twelve Star Palace and Baili Qingfeng. It is foreseeable that when they return to their own family and residence, they will be affected by this relationship. In the future, their weight will be significantly improved. From a marginal person who only knows online chats all day long, he has become the main force in his home, and even has grown into a real gangster.

Baili Qingfeng spent three days in Xingdao City, relaxed a bit, and finally said goodbye to the friends, and returned to Xia Ya City.

Although the threat of the cavemen has now been removed, the Heaven Wasteland Domain is not truly peaceful.

At least the occupied ancient area, the area of ​​the ocean ruled by the Tatars, has not been fundamentally reversed. Baili Qingfeng still has a lot of things to do.

even more how ……

The True God of Black and War True God among the cavemen will find the truth of the True God of Blood and the death of True God one day or another. When they retreat, they will definitely make a comeback, and the attack that comes again may not be as hasty as the last time. Maybe there will be a real incarnation of the gods coming to the Heaven Wasteland Domain. Before being consumed by the World Rules of the Heaven Wasteland Domain, The trend of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood pushes the Heaven Wasteland Domain across the board, completely breaking the human civilization of the Heaven Wasteland Domain into the ten thousand zhang dust.

“Of the three goals in my life, the two goals of eliminating the Three Holy Alliances and promoting the integration of the Aurora Empire and Sia Kingdom have been achieved, and now there is only the third one to expel human race. Now, the humanoids in the Heaven Wasteland Domain are mainly burrows, beasts, and Tatars. Tatars live in the sea and have a small impact on human society. The troubles that always bring to the human world are the Grottoes and The beastly man, of which the burrowers temporarily retreated due to the fall of True God of Blood and the death of True God, the beastly man who really needs to be treated carefully. “

Baili Qingfeng has a lot of hands from the League of Legends to provide He also got some Blood Temple and books from Heaven’s Mystery Building from Duchy.

The beastly human is not only the scourge of human civilization in the Heaven Wasteland Domain, but also the enemy of human civilization in the bimonthly world.

In the bimonthly world, human beings are not the ruler of that land. The real rulers of that land are countless beings, flooding every mountain, ancient forest, river, and Fierce Beast in the river.

These Fierce Beast and Legendary lifes, and even Divine Beast, which possesses the strength of God, form a densely packed black mist that compresses human civilization in the North, Middle-earth, and South China Sea. Hundreds of millions of humans in the gathering place can only thrive by relying on the gods to hold up the magical fire, shining light, and dispersing the black mist.

Fortunately, although Fierce Beast, Legendary Life, and Divine Beast are numerous and have amazing battle strength, they generally do not have ethnic consciousness. They are not only fighting on their own, they are also fighting each other internally, so humans have respite. Room.

Unfortunately, some Fierce Beast, Legendary life, Divine Beast, after a long period of time, will gradually Awakening wisdom, and evolved into a human-like wisdom lifeform-beastly man, The beastly man’s continuous guidance induces Fierce Beast to evolve and metamorphose, giving birth to more beastly people, and eventually forming an beastly human community and beastly human kingdom.

Although they will also be attacked by other ethnic groups Fierce Beast, Legendary Life, and Divine Beast, they can better find the balance between themselves and Fierce Beast, Legendary Fierce Beast, and Divine Beast. Form a relationship like support and shelter with those powerful lives.

Beasts like Burning Wings, Gothic Holy Spirit, etc., they have acted as a giant dragon transformed from Legendary Bloodline to Divine Beast Bloodline-King of Flames, providing Strength to the King of Flames, At the same time as the food, it is also sheltered by the King of Flames, allowing the race to reproduce.

Because of the special relationship between the beastly man and Fierce Beast, this enemy is more terrifying than the human forces threatened by the cavemen and star empire.

Thinking of this, Baili Qingfeng cultivation can’t help but work harder and harder.

A half month later.

“It’s all ten times to the Refining Spirit.”

Baili Qingfeng feels the spirit body that glows like sixteen stars in the Spirit World, dotted with the spirit body of the starry sky, face There was a smile on it.

Half a month of accumulation, he finally cultivated all sixteen spirits to the point of the Equivalent to Refining Spirit.

“Next, I will go to the Spirit Space of the Immortal Emperor again for sixteen to thirty-two spiritual fission. My chance coincidentally condensed the will Core, which should be able to withstand the spirit from sixteen Road to Thirty-two Road fission, but before that … there is one more thing to do … “

Baili Qingfeng had received a call from the head of the Bikini Basin Laboratory Heisen last night.

All the newly purchased instruments to give Spirit an “attribute” have been delivered.

“Sixteen spirit, just right, I remember that the elements on the periodic table can be divided into a total of sixteen races, that is, the seven main races, seven sub-clan, and the eighth race and zero Race. “

Although there are periodic changes in the periodic table in addition to race, but …

Mark the elements of the sixteen races first, then … …

Take your time!

If his spirit is strong enough to support the fission of sixty-four to 128 spirits, all the 114 elemental attributes on the periodic table can exist with his spirit.

Even if it has n’t been confirmed by the people of this World, but there are eight elements that exist in another World, the remaining fourteen spirits are completely sufficient.


When Baili Qingfeng planned to run a bikini lab, he felt something and went downstairs.

Downstairs, Shi Yiyi is drawing.

Seeing Baili Qingfeng come down, she suddenly said, “Wait a minute.”

Baili Qingfeng stopped in place.

After half a minute, Shi Yiyi said, “Yes.”

“You are …”

“It is the cultivation of Refining Spirit and Heart ’s cultivation builds on the foundation. “

Shi Yiyi said.

“Refining Spirit cultivation and Heart cultivation?”

“Yes, it makes sense for me to listen to what Xiaozhu said, plus I also want to find a living hobby , So I chose to paint. “

Shi Yiyi said, turning the drawing board, saying:” I’m painting the living room environment, how do you like. “

” It looks good . “

Baili Qingfeng is seriously nodded.

Shi Yiyi’s painting is really good. At least he doesn’t think it is different from the so-called Master works on TV. Anyway, it looks very real. If the frame is better, even if you sell it for ten Few or twenty yuan, it is estimated that some people also bought it.


Shi Yiyi is a little happy.

At this time, there was a voice of two grandfathers in the sky.

Baili Qingfeng just came downstairs because of the arrival of the four people of Baili Sky, Baili Skywalk, Shouzhen and Shoujian.


“Second grandfather, Fidelity Senior.”

Baili Qingfeng said a word, and Shi Yiyi quickly put away the drawing board. And so on, tossed in tea.

“Go outside and look at it, don’t let people in.”

Bai Changchang said to both Bai Li Tian Xing and Shou Jian.

After the two went out, he told Baili Qingfeng: “I hear you plan to fully promote Three Origin Good Fortune Technique, Six Origin Good Fortune Technique, Nine Origin Good Fortune Technique?” > p>

They came this time specifically for this matter.


Baili Qingfeng nodded: “Now you feel the situation in Heaven Wasteland Domain, and the communication with the bimonthly world is getting closer. I sent you a while ago. Did you see that information? According to the data of white clothed winning the League of Nations, it ’s going to be a hundred years, and a slow millennium, there will be no gap between the two worlds. Because the bimonthly world backfires the Heaven Wasteland Domain energy Even if the concentration of the vitality of the Heaven Wasteland Domain does not reach the bi-monthly level, it will not be much worse. I am afraid that it will not only be Legendary, but even Demi-God, and even True God … … May come in person. “

Speaking of his tone, it is lightly paused, and thinks of the death of True God, which almost shuttled from the Space Gate:” Now, True God can also come to our World, It ’s just that the duration is shorter than Legendary, and the restrictions are greater that ’s all. ”

Bai Li Chang Kong and Fidelity both express severe nodded.

“In this case, strengthening the strength of Shia and Divine Continent is indeed a good choice, but … will it be too fast? We didn’t discuss the ternary creation in Greece first. It was promoted by the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Military Affairs, and Six Origin Good Fortune Technique was promoted in the Thunderbolt Sect and the Void Temple. Why now … “

” I have now developed a method to restrict cultivator from spreading these exercises outside. “

Baili Qingfeng.

Cultivation of Records of Numerous Stars and starlight is not difficult. After a month of cultivation, members of the Void Knight group have been trained into improved Records of Numerous Stars and starlight.

The two sect merit law, as he guessed, brought him a huge load at imagination.

It is as if without a weapon, a 10,000-strong army is less than a strength of one and a hundred.

Although there are only sixteen spirit beams in the astral world he incarnation, even if a thousand Refining Spirit top ten people regenerate the stars and rebel at the same time, they can’t make any ripples in his astral world.

Refining Spirit Tenfold Spirit The Holy One is still like this, let alone a cultivator below the Refining Spirit tenfold.

If you give him enough time, he can suppress and kill 1,000,000 War Grade powerhouse.

And 1,000,000 War Grade …

All countries in the world can’t reach this number.

“Has a method been developed to stop its spread?”

“Yes! Refining Spirit cultivation Records of Numerous Stars above ten, Refining Spirit cultivation starlight Catalogue, those who want to cultivate Three Origin Good Fortune Technique, Six Origin Good Fortune Technique, Nine Origin Good Fortune Technique must first practice these two Refining Spirit concepts. ”

Baili Qingfeng said, take out Records of Numerous Stars and starlight catalogs.

“Now that you have a solution, just as you said, I’ll let Yasuo and Aloff promote these two ideas.”


However, Baili Changkong didn’t talk back. Experienced, he planned to practice first to see if the bottom is useful. Will there be any serious side effects, and it is not too late to discuss the promotion after eliminating possible problems.


(The problem of the periodic table of the elements is between different Worlds and different ages, so it does not follow the 118 Standard writing.)

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