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Sia Kingdom border.

Xuelan Town.

At the time, the Legendary invasion caused a lot of damage in Xuelan Town, but as humans, they also needed a place to live. Therefore, Xuelan Town maintained its original appearance, plus afterwards The Sia Kingdom also sent someone to repair it. When the messenger from the empire of stars came, the town of Shia simply used the town as an embassy for the Heaven Wasteland Domain and the bimonthly sphere to communicate with each other.

At this time in Blood Orchid, in a bright red robe, Marcia, who looks full of nobleness, is looking at Sia Kingdom from the balcony.

She was not originally one of the three deities.

But due to the death of Hezun Heiqi six months ago, plus her grandfather, who is known as the “brilliant sword”, she took true divine essence and broke through to Half Divinity Realm in one fell swoop. Climbing to the top, in this case, her status as the tide rises, the boat floats was naturally pushed by the flatterer into the throne of the three holy six saints to replace the demon heiqi, known as the female Martial Venerable.

Although she was named the female Martial Venerable, Marcia knows very well that she is still a little farther away from High Level Legendary like Mozun Heiqi, let alone cut it by hand Baili Qingfeng has killed Mozun Heiqi.

So, Sia Kingdom announced that Baili Qingfeng was retreating, and when it was not appropriate to meet her, she was not impatient and was patiently waiting here.

“Miss, it’s been four days, these desolate worlds … these Heaven Wasteland Domain people, we might as well take us too seriously, I don’t think we should wait here, directly Go to the place where Baili Qingfeng retreats cultivation. “

A female guard standing behind Marcia was dissatisfied.

“Jie Li, we have to be a guest since we are guests.”

Marcia said, raising a book in her hand: “And , Don’t you think, this Baili Qingfeng is really amazing? “

” Miss wouldn’t I also believe this Baili Qingfeng is a nifty God and Demon reincarnation joke? “

“It’s not important to believe or not to believe. What’s important is that he killed Hei Qi is true. He killed a number of Legendary is true. He even killed one of the cavemen not long ago. Legendary Holy Spirit, this is a real record, with these records in front, it is worth our respect. “

Marcia said this, the tone is lightly paused:” Moreover … according to the news feedback The True God of Blood and the True God of Death among the cavemen really fell … “

The female guard named Jie Li stopped talking for a while.

She doesn’t know how to refute.

Although a hundred in her heart did not believe that such a barren World would conceive such greatness, the fall of True God of Blood and the death of True God are indisputable facts.

After a while, Jie Li replied: “Miss … I do n’t know if this World ’s trace of the Lord of Fear is true … If it is true … then they are dangerous … we Is there something to do? “

” If it is true, we can do nothing. “

Marcia looks forward, with a hint of worry in her eyes:” Fear God Lord despite No god has been established, and he is not the Lord of the Gods or the King of the Gods, but according to many data and records, this is one terrifying Evil God! Although this Evil God is not good at confrontation, it is easy to fall into chaos … But their terrifying destructive power is undoubted, let alone us, even the great True God can hardly kill it completely … If it was decades ago, such an evil existence we would not be afraid of, But now … “

” Is this why you gave the Shias all the information for free? “

” However, you can give the Hias a good impression. , To build the foundation for the next cooperation, secondly … just look at this opportunity, this Nothingness True God what if non-existent. “

Marcia Road.

But after sighing, she still sighed: “Of course, what I hope most is that the news of the Lord God of Fear is false, but some people make waves by the name of the Lord God of fear.”

Jie Li thinks of the current situation in the North, and she doesn’t know how to comfort her young lady.

The great Lord of the Northland has been silent. Even the Pope in the realm shrine has not received a response from the Lord of the Northland. At this time, the six kingdoms with the support of the six gods are also The turmoil was growing, and the emperor of the star empire did not want to fight against the chaos of the six kingdoms. Instead, he kept his mind on them, the lords, and wanted to take the sovereign powers of the lords since ancient times for his own use.

If at this time another jump out comes out of fear, God will make waves …

heaven knows where the Northland will go.

Sometimes Jie Li is thinking, why did the gods of the Northland join the expedition to Middle-earth a few decades ago? In the Northland, they have just established a foothold, and they ca n’t be far away. considered safe.


This silence lasted for a while, as if Marcia felt something, she suddenly looked in one direction.

“A guest is here.”

After speaking, she went downstairs and walked to the gate of the villa yard.

When she stayed outside the hospital for a short while, a silhouette had swept away with a mild wind and fell outside the villa.

Seeing the silhouette clearly, Marcia nodded slightly: “It turned out that Mr. Baili Qingfeng has arrived. I have heard of Mr. Baili’s name more than once in these months, and finally saw Mr. Baili’s True Master. “.

” Hello. “

Baili Qingfeng and Marcia say hello:” You represent the empire of stars? “

“To be exact, I represent the common interests of many of the lords of our empire of stars. We have read a change of information recently. Mr. Baili will become the new Genting Mountain Earl. We have approved the change of this information. , As one of the empire lords of the stars, we are born ally. “

Marcia said with a faint smile:” At this time, I represent many lords of the empire of stars, upholding friendship The principle of mutual assistance and win-win cooperation invites Mr. Baili to join our lord council. “

” Friendly mutual assistance, win-win cooperation … “

Baili Qingfeng nodded:” If that lord council It ’s really based on these two points, I ’m willing to join, but I ’ve heard of the Star Empire Internal disputes, as a Heaven Wasteland Domain personnel, I will not intervene in the battles within the Star Empire. “

” Of course, this is your freedom, no one will force any lord alliance. “

Marcia laughed.

“How much do you know about the Lord of Fear?”

Baili Qingfeng asked bluntly.

When mentioning this, Marcia has a slightly dignified expression: “The Lord of Fear does not belong to True God, but belongs to the Evil God who manipulates emotions such as fear, greed, and desire, and feeds on fear. This Evil God and evil things have always belonged to the common enemies of the gods. Although they do n’t have the destructive power of city destruction and country destruction like True God, they are best at playing with people ’s hearts, relying on their own precise grasp and use of emotions, with no opportunity Deep into the heart of the intelligent creature, it has fallen step by step, into destruction, and even become a slave of fear. “

After finishing, she added:” The Lord of Fear is active north of Middle-earth, we I do n’t know when this existence arrived in the North … Or … A Space Passage connected to Middle-Earth appeared in the Heaven Wasteland Domain. His followers or sons spread fear through Space Passage to please the Lord of Fear and obtain God ’s gift. “

” Space Passage connected to Middle-Earth … ”

Baili Qingfeng looking thoughtful.

Although the thousands of Space Passages in the whole world are almost all connected to the North, it does not mean that there is no Space Passage to communicate with Middle-earth.

The origin of Xiaozhu is the best example.

But …

If the Lord of Fear is really Evil God who is active in Middle-Earth, does that mean …

He found the source of those believers of Lord of Fear , Can you go straight to Middle-earth through that Space Passage, and find the whereabouts of Xiaozhu’s parents and family?

“The best way to deal with fear is to die Faith! Only a fearless and dauntless heart can face the fear and overcome it, and to be fearless, the best way is to Stimulate the courage and faith in your heart, as long as you do n’t shake your heart by fear, fear … not at all terrifying as imagined. “

Marcia not at all Tibetan private:” It ’s a pity … It is not easy to be firm Faith without being shaken by any external force. “

” Steer Faith is not shaken by external forces … “

Baili Qingfeng slightly Whispered …

It seems that there is no other way?

The cultivator of the starlight catalog will be reflected by the will of the stars transformed by the Records of Numerous Stars cultivator spirit Faith, and will become the same as the Records of Numerous Stars cultivator …

In other words … …

As long as he is able to strengthen his heart and face the morning sun, fearless and dauntless, then the person who cultivated the starlight catalog is illuminated by the starlight of his sixteen stars, and may not be able to take it in the face of fear Take courage to expel fear.

He just planned to promote starlight catalogs, Records of Numerous Stars, and the Lord of Fear came out …

If it is not because Baili Qingfeng himself is very clear, this Lord of Fear and himself have not I am afraid to doubt any relationship. The Lord of Fear is the trust that he has invited. The purpose is to make starlight catalogs and Records of Numerous Stars more popular.

“Since Mr. Baili has now become a member of the Lord ’s Council, as an alliance, we ca n’t stand idly by, although we ca n’t fight against the real fear of God, nor can we fight against the Lord of fear, but there is something about We will spare no effort to support the relevant materials of the Lord of God. In addition, if there is any other help, Mr. Baili can still speak. “

Marcia face with sincerity.

“Many thanks.”

Baili Qingfeng nodded: “Since the Lord of Fear is an Evil God active in Middle-Earth, the probability of appearing in our wilderness is not high, saying Maybe it’s just that some of the believers who have inadvertently drifted to our Heaven Wasteland Domain are in the dark, and as long as they can be wiped out and eliminated, the problems of our Heaven Wasteland Domain will be solved.

“This is the best result. Here I wish Mr. Baili all the best in advance.”

Marcia said with a slight smile.

Baili Qingfeng nodded, and did not invite her to visit her home country.

Maria may not be willing to go in the harsh environment of the Heaven Wasteland Domain other than the Space Gate.

After learning that Marcia came with a peaceful and friendly attitude, he left the town of Blood Orchid and returned to Xia Ya.

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