“Your Majesty, please.”

Fei Jing reverently led Baili Qingfeng to the palace of the bird, and rode the bird to the distance.

Upper Island is said to be a continent formed by a giant volcanic eruption millions of years ago. There are many volcanoes on this continent, and it also has the largest active volcanic group in the Heaven Wasteland Domain.

Baili Qingfeng sits on this lord Fierce Beast, and then performs a distant look and look into the distance, he can clearly feel the spectacular landscape of the ancient mountains and rivers.

However, this appreciation along the way continued for a moment, but he seemed to notice something.

Between Heaven and Earth, there seems to be a sorrow mixed with blazing and angry movement moving towards one direction.

This effect is presented in his spirit induction, like an illusion, and how to conceive the thoughts of spirit consciousness, and replacing it with an ordinary person would not be taken as a thing at all, but recently the incarnation of the astral world, right Emotionally sensitive Baili Qingfeng caught these anomalies.

“Go there and see.”

Baili Qingfeng suddenly pointed in one direction.

Fresh crystal lightly startled, and then quickly said: “Your Majesty, there is not the area where Lord Father is located.”

“Correct the direction.”

Baili Qingfeng said solemnly.

Fresh Crystal did not dare to disobey the order, but had to let the warrior who drove the Lord Bird slightly shifted.

After flying for about an hour, Fei Jing said, “The great nothingness, True God Your Majesty, Master Father has deliberately made a pass because of Your Majesty’s arrival. You met Your Majesty at the volcano. You Look … “

Baili Qingfeng didn’t speak.

The lord-level bird is not fast because it drags a palace, but it still flies more than 300 kilometers in an hour. This distance is coupled with Baili Qingfeng’s telescope … > p>

He has found the source of that blazing, angry Strength.


Large sacrifice!

On a square five hundred kilometers away, there are tens of thousands of people singing and dancing, carrying what the zealous Faith sings, and hundreds of thousands of people from time to time, hundreds of thousands of people are It was pushed out, no matter whether they volunteered or not, they were set on fire by themselves, and the center of the flame was a statue of Fire Dragon more than 30 meters high.

This statue stands in a blaze of fire that is more than ten meters high. It conveys the power of sacrifice in the burned souls in a special way, moved towards the other direction, and that direction …

The direction they were going to go at first.

“Legendary Fire Dragon …… The Flame Temple, the Flame Empire …”

Baili Qingfeng chanted these names in his mouth, and suddenly thought of something.

“King of Flames!”

Then he remembered the group of beastly people who suddenly appeared in their World.

Legendary Holy Spirit, inflammation, flaming wings …

Is it really a coincidence that these beastly people came to their world? Or is there any Dark Strength that led them to escape from the bimonthly realm to the Heaven Wasteland Domain?

What if …

God’s Flame Holy Spirit Those True Gods of the beastly religion have been hiding in the Heaven Wasteland Domain?

“Legendary Fire Dragon suddenly landed on Elder Island decades ago, and there are clear data showing that this Legendary Fire Dragon was seriously injured and had to live in a volcano. The volcano’s power was used to restore the injury. And maintain its own Legendary attitude. Because of this, although this Legendary Fire Dragon has developed a large number of dragon descendants and allowed them to rule the ancient continent, it rarely attacks itself, and its influence on other continents is negligible … ”

Baili Qingfeng flashed the information of the Legendary Fire Dragon in his mind.

The reason why the Legendary Fire Dragon does not attack other continents is obviously that has has not recovered!

As for his bloody suppression of the ancient continent, he turned into the establishment of the Flame Temple and the Flame Empire to rule them …

strength of Faith!

Baili Qingfeng’s gaze fell suddenly on Fei Jing.

I noticed that Baili Qingfeng’s eyes were abnormal, and a smile was squeezed out on Feijing’s face: “The great nothingness, True God Your Majesty, may I have any instructions? If Your Majesty needs a little entertainment, we will immediately I can arrange for Your Majesty … “

” Dragons … or, should I call you Holy Spirit? “

Baili Qingfeng looked at Feijing Road.

The smile on Fei Jing’s face was a little froze, and then it has resumed as usual: “What is Your Majesty talking about? We don’t understand something.”

Baili Qingfeng stood up directly At a glance, he had fallen away from 1000 meters. An empty Knight who looked like guardee and protect. The lord-level bird riding the empty Knight. He knew that he had a speed of up to thousands of kilometers. Birds.

Although its fastest speed can only last for an hour, but …

That’s enough!

“What am I talking about? I can’t wait to see the Lord of Flames. A real deity comes to our world. As a host, I know nothing. It ’s not suitable. Now, let me do my best to help the landlords! “

Baili Qingfeng As soon as the words are finished, sixteen Stars Strength neutron stars starlight sparkle in Spirit World, turning them into one. A powerful, high-energy particle that bombarded the bird within the body with animal training.

“Damn! You shouldn’t have summon those wastes if you knew it!”

Seeing Baili Qingfeng screamed that the identity of the True God behind them was broken, and the Feijing complexion changed, The next moment, she yelled suddenly.


Baili Qingfeng’s lord bird fizzed out, his huge figure turned suddenly.

All of a sudden, whether it ’s the gorgeous palace or Baili Qingfeng originally on the bird, it also fell down at the same time. At the same time, there was the dragon descent who was always accompanied by Baili Qingfeng. Scarlet Crystal.

When she fell on her own palace, a large number of scales appeared on the surface of her body, and her pretty face was gradually emaciated, her teeth were red-faced, and her back stretched out, forming a pair of dragon-wing-like meat in just a few seconds. wing.

Relying on the pair of wings, she fell back to regain her center of gravity quickly. The breath emanating from her body was rising gradually, and soon reached the level of Holy Spirit.

Not only her, but the other three dragon descents who were responsible for protecting Baili Qingfeng this palace were transformed at the same time, as the tide rises, the boat floats, directly from the Equivalent to Half-Step Legend and top powerhouse Battle strength climbed to the Holy Spirit stage.

The three Great Saint spirits, led by the crystals holding the dark red long spear, made a very flexible turn in the air, and went straight to Baili Qingfeng to kill them: “Great True God, you obediently Did n’t it happen that you did n’t go back to your hometown? You occupy your East Divine Continent. We occupy our ancient continent. We have nothing to do with each other and we can rule the Heaven Wasteland Domain together! Why, why do you want to? Nosy? Since you don’t want peace, greed is nature, then our temple of flames will only send you this nimble True God who is also in weakness! “

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