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“hong long!”

Baili Qingfeng’s body looks like a cannonball, smashes into the air, and forms a sound boom at the next moment, shaking the flowers and grass passing by. It was shattered, and all the trees intercepted in front of him along the way seemed to be fragile tofu, which was cracked and smashed into wood chips by him with no difficulty.


At this time, Baili Qingfeng has surpassed the speed of sound!

This amazing speed, coupled with his occasional use of spirit to control his body and balance, makes him look no longer like running, but flying at low altitude!

It’s like a fighter flying supersonic at ten meters low!

During the rush, the bodies of the two are rapidly approaching!

“This is the form of True God you are exposed to !!”

On top of the volcano, the huge body of the Lord of Flames looks down at Baili Qingfeng, who whistled from the mountain, expression gradually gradually To be dignified.

Although he slightly controlled his energy dissipation during the dash, he was still enveloped in the golden light of Yingying.

Especially when he is within the body …

The King of Flames feels an unspeakable horror Strength. If this horror Strength is released in an instant, it will have a devastating effect. , Even enough to level the entire volcano.

“Nothing True God …”

This is one true God!

For a moment, the King of Flames was jealous.

It’s just …

This time, it was Baili Qingfeng who provoked him on his own initiative and entered the ancient continent.

His identity has been revealed. A respectful True God is enough to make any Demi-God or even Legendary go crazy, let alone those aloof and remote deities, so hide In Heaven Wasteland Domain, hiding in this low-level World to promote the Temple of Flame, transforming hundreds of millions of believers, and using their Strength to recover as quickly as possible to deal with the increasingly difficult situation is his only way.

Even when his injuries are over and he returns to the bimonthly world to come back to the divine throne, he can remotely control this World through the Dragonborn, borrowing the faith provided by the World ’s billions and billions of people to push himself To a whole new level.

So …


The Lord of Flames is rising, and the sound of terror explodes from him, letting his heart out. A boiling fighting intent.

Twenty kilometers, fifteen kilometers, ten kilometers, five kilometers …

Just when Baili Qingfeng pulled the distance between them to only five kilometers, the King of Flame’s huge figure suddenly moved. He raised his head high, and the fiery and hot energy burst out in his abdomen. The huge figure suddenly took off, rolled up the storm, and then he stretched his slender head like this, pouring down the fiery energy that was conceived within the body …

Dragon Breath!

giant dragon breathe!

This is the Innate Talent mastered by any giant dragon!

Within the body, they have a special organ. Normally, they can be eaten by using saltpeter, sulfur, etc. to transform into layers of fuel. When necessary, these materials are completely detonated, spit, and turned into Burn the flames of souls.

Don’t say a True God Level giant dragon. Even the Legendary Fire Dragon can still easily defeat thousands of elite troops and destroy solid and magnificent troops by flying at high altitudes and breathing in flames. city ​​wall.

At high temperatures of two thousand or three thousand degrees, even the steel essence will be melted into molten iron.

The King of Flames in front of me …

Although he is a Legendary, he used to be True God.

“hong long!”

The ground is shaking!

Before the flames poured into Baili Qingfeng’s body, the ground under Baili Qingfeng’s feet instantly cracked!

With Strength erupting at his feet, his body looks like a torn void golden light. Continuously the energy is boiling in his within the body, making the matchless sword swell on the sword. Wang shot away!

The sword is cracked, accompanied by a half-step of the star realm to offset the strength of the outside world!


The King of Flames clearly knows that the disappearance of the breath of Baili Qingfeng is the prelude to entering the Star Assassination Technique. The original condensed breath suddenly burst out, and several hundred in front of it. The void in the meters range is completely lit.


Baili Qingfeng within the body Strength is raging!

Even though the horrible high temperature of three or four thousand degrees was released, it was still cut in half by golden light shot by the matchless sword. With the flames splattering, Baili Qingfeng pierced through the flames to burn the flame of the void, and …

Swords outrageously!

Star Assassination Technique!


This time, Baili Qingfeng took out the Star Assassination Technique, and there was only one Sword Qi!

The energy in the ring-shaped magnetic field is like a piece of sun that emits endless brilliance, which is poured into the matchless sword. Even the matchless sword made by Akami Steel has a tendency to withstand the gradual melting. .

With the assassination of this sword, in the sky seems to shine a small sun, the endless rays of light bloom from the sun.

The huge and slender body of the King of Flames simply can’t escape this supersonic sword light, and the little sun-like sword light appears at first sight, just like a star falling down for nine days, carrying crushing dry weeds and smashing The power of rotten wood exploded into his huge body!

All of a sudden, rays of light shoot!

The huge and slender body of the King of Flames was directly blown out by a scorching sun-like light into a cave of several meters, like a lava-like hot blood dripping down, and it was stimulated in the stone pile below Blazing fire!


The Lord of Flames makes a painful roar, and there are several dozen meters long tail, while Baili Qingfeng is inconvenient to move in the void, carrying crushing dry Strength of weeds and smashing rotten wood slaps down.

Baili Qingfeng inspires Spirit to control his body to move quickly and dodge, but the flapping tail still hits his body with a deafening sound explosion …

“Hong long!”

A thunderstorm sounds in the sky!

A visible eye wave burst away from naked eye!

Baili Qingfeng dashed into the void and smashed the air, and fell towards the ground at a speed not much slower than when he came. He passed 1000 meters in a flash, hit the ground fiercely, and hit the ground. The rock smashed into pieces.


The fury is coming!

Baili Qingfeng just had time to shake his head, the fiery hot breath in the mouth of the King of Flames again raging down, that feeling …

It is like a Dao Jiutian falling above Under the Milky Way Waterfall, the body of the crazy moved towards Baili Qingfeng pours out.

It’s just …

The galaxy waterfall is leaking water, but the breath of King of Flame contains higher temperature energy than lava temperature.

At this high temperature, the beautiful black Kobelco Battle Armor on Baili Qingfeng just melts with the speed visible by naked eyes, not only the Black Kobelco Battle Armor, even the matchless sword in his hand. No exception, the only one who can survive is the King of Flames who personally created the 弑 divine spear for breaking Baili Qingfeng’s “True God Body”!

Although Baili Qingfeng itself is not afraid of lava temperature, the high temperature of lava is only a thousand degrees, that ’s all!

The King of Flames breathes more than 3,000 degrees, and has even risen to a horrible level of 4,000 degrees!

Under this high temperature, the Legendary powerhouse will be scattered ashes and dispersed smoke without any suspense, even if the Legendary Holy Spirit has continuous energy recovery, it will not be able to keep up with the flames due to the speed recovery. Speed ​​of burning and died on the spot.

Baili Qingfeng appears black and scorched all over the body under this blazing high-temperature impact. The whole person seems to be cooked by the flames and has to blast the speed to the extreme. Dashing in the distance.

“hong long long!”

Flame, explosion, high temperature, rolling billowing, stir up countless smoke!

Fortunately, the King of Flames is only a Legendary giant dragon, even if he once landed on the real Divine King seat, but after a serious injury Realm fell down, coupled with the special environment of Heaven Wasteland Domain, made him The breath of flames couldn’t last forever. After a dive and a breath attack, the body suddenly pulled up and circled again.

In the process of circling, Flame’s Strength reunited in his within the body, accompanied by the scream of shaking Nine Heavens!

“I am the god of ashes! The Lord of Burning! The King of Flames!”

At the volcanic mountainside, all those dragon descendants who belong to the Lord of Flames voters are shouting at this moment. .

“Flame! Flames! Flames!”

Farther away, a large-scale ritual is continuously carried out, providing the King of Flames continuously in a way that almost kills chickens and eggs. Energy not only ensures that he always maintains the peak form of Legendary, but also continuously restores the divine force he consumes.

“I’m done! I’m done!”

Baili Qingfeng rushed out of the flames, and felt almost almost a hint of meaty fragrance on his body.

If you add some pepper and sprinkle cumin, you can eat it directly.

He watched in the sky hovering and condensing energy, and he was about to dive down again, and clearly realized the key to fighting with the flame king.


Although he can drag himself to fly in an imperial manner by means of a powerful spirit, he can reach the air, no matter the speed or the strength that can be played, it is far inferior to the flames that have flightability. s King.

If the flight advantage of the King of Flames cannot be disintegrated, even if he can defeat the King of Flames, he will not be able to kill them.

Baili Qingfeng Concentrates One’s Mind, watching the King of Flames descending again from in the sky.

The opponent ’s body that is 100 meters long and has more than 80 meters of wings spread is indeed full of oppressive Strength, but …


Baili Qingfeng turned his hands red, and almost melted the matchless sword into the ground, turning his hands and holding 弑 divine spear in his hands.

When the King of Flames dived down to show the breath of flames again, Baili Qingfeng was bowed, his feet bent, and the moment the flames poured down …

Straightened !!



Baili Qingfeng has already broken the airwaves for a moment!

He cracked on the ground of several dozen meters at the same time, and the blasting waves shattered nearby trees.

Half-step star scene!

But …

This time, he did not use the half-step star state’s Strength on the Sword Qi erupted from his burst, but … …


The pressure of a star is exerted on his body trying to inspire the Golden Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique.

His original speed was just equivalent to double the speed of sound. The speed of the magnetic field of the stars has skyrocketed to three times!


Baili Qingfeng faintly heard his skeleton light overwhelming light sound and the visceral shattering sound of golden light!


The flame king, who is aware of the danger of life and death, evades quickly!

But even so, Baili Qingfeng of Man and Spear United as One still pierced the sky like a bright rainbow, fiercely shot into the left humerus of the King of Flames.


Golden light shines!

Air waves burst!

The entire left wing of the King of Flames was blown into pieces, flesh and blood spattered, and lava-like blood fell into heavy rain.


(The model reference for the King of Flames is the Hobbit Smaug.)

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