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“Her President! All four Divine Punishment weapons detonated successfully!”

In the command room, Flydes shouted with excitement.

“I see it.”

George said solemnly.

The glimmer of light at the end of the distant sky, even though they are more than a hundred kilometers apart, they still see it clearly.

“I hope this attack will completely destroy Baili Qingfeng. Only by successfully killing him will His sacrifice be truly worthwhile.”

George’s tone seemed quite heavy. .

“The President is assured that the speed of the four Divine Punishment weapons has been increased to the extreme before hitting the target. This speed is different from aerial bombardment and will not give Baili Qingfeng much room for reaction, plus The killing radius of each of the four Divine Punishment weapons is more than one kilometer. Even if Baili Qingfeng really senses what to do in advance at the last moment, there is still only dead end in this kind of coverable strike mode. “

Ron had a confident smile on his face. After that, he was a wave of heroism reaching to the clouds: “It can be said that at this moment when these four Divine Punishment weapons really detonate, the world’s pattern is already there. Rewrite, from now on, the era of Heaven Wasteland Domain belonging to Baili Qingfeng and Void True God has ended, and we are greeted by the era of the Golden Eagle Empire! “

” The era of the Golden Eagle Empire … “


Freders and Hess already have a touch of joy on the faces of several other cabinet members in the room.

This day …

They have waited too long, too long.

“The formidable power of the Divine Punishment weapon is undoubted. The key is not knowing whether it hit Baili Qingfeng ……”

George said, turning his eyes to Flemish: “Immediately To make Coleson take someone to investigate, we must make sure that Baili Qingfeng has indeed been scattered ashes and dispersed smoke! “

Freders opened his mouth and wanted to say that the core area of ​​the explosion now is extremely strong, but These words have not had time to say that the outlet has been suppressed by him: “I understand, I will let Coulson take someone to take a helicopter to go.”

“If there are other circumstances, report at the fastest speed ! “

George asked again.


A hundred kilometers away from the Golden Eagle Empire Capital, Baili Qingfeng looks at the huge cloud of smoke that has not completely dispersed in the sky. When he moves, he must go to Core. Look around to see if you can find a little divine blood, true divine essence, and so on.

At this moment, in the smoke cloud flame, there was a sudden surge of spirit mixed with infinite anger.


Along with this spirit wave, a powerful will scrolls the situation, condenses energy, but it is formed by a flame that is composed entirely of flames. Body.

The flames rise on this body, which is as high as several dozen meters, sweeping through the sky, as if the flames from the purgatory, the terrifying momentum of walking alone is enough to make Anyone who has witnessed his life discolored.

“This is it?”

Seeing this special life that can no longer be described by flesh and blood, Baili Qingfeng couldn’t help but keep his eyes wide open.


The lifeform in front of you, completely composed of flames and soot, is no longer an existence that Martial Dao cultivation can explain. He really belongs to the existence of entering the realm of fantasy.

Based on a strong will, with flames and soot as the body, one step across is several dozen meters away, and the surviving tree debris at the edge of the nuclear explosion shock wave sweeps through his body. Falling into ashes, if such a surreal 30-meter-high surreal lifeform descends into the human world’s city, it is enough for anyone who has witnessed him to subvert the three views.

Even Baili Qingfeng with two World memories is no exception.

“Originally … I’m in a fantasy world …”

Baili Qingfeng murmured to himself.

“Small humans can never understand the greatness of True God. Do you think you can get a True God with this taboo weapon? Too naive! Today, no one can save you, my Will strip your soul full of sin and sorrow, put it into the soul-fixing bead, and dedicate it to the great God! “

The god of eternal life sweeping the flames quickly leapt to Baili Qingfeng, The blazing flames and soot rendered the flames burning and scorched black everywhere they passed.

Baili Qingfeng has experienced fighting and communicating with the god of the fiery flame. After all, the mythical life-like body of the god of longevity has brought him a strong visual impact, but when he really After seeing the appearance of the God of Longevity, he calmed down quickly.

“Your god body has been destroyed. You will manifest such a physical action completely by condensing the energy of the will. How long will you be able to persist like this?”

“will It ’s enough for you to make a small High Level Legendary as a sacrifice. “

The God of Longevity said, a strong will erupted, and his body, which was completely condensed by flames, actually separated a part. This Part of the smoke, flames, under the interference and compression of the will, formed a Fireball containing terrible high temperature, like a cannonball firing, firing towards Baili Qingfeng.

“weng weng!”

Before Fireball arrives, Strength, which belongs to the will of the God of Longevity, is already the first to strike Baili Qingfeng’s spirit in Fireball. Vaguely, what he sees in his eyes Fireball no longer seems to be the source of destruction, but it represents the opportunity for rebirth. It seems that as long as he invests in this Fireball and gets Fireball tempering, the fleshy body will be transformed by tempering and gain growing old with unfailing eyes and ears. Prolong your life.

At the time when Baili Qingfeng’s mind and consciousness were all affected by the consciousness of the God of Longevity, the core that belonged to him was slightly shaken and instantly awakened him!

“growing old with unfailing eyes and ears !? Longevity !? No! This is not what I need! If human society really enters immortality, the emotions and passions that belong to humans will pass away in the long years. , The social development will become slow, even if the passion has not disappeared with the passage of time, the long lifespan will also lead to the continuous growth of the population, increase the consumption of resources, and finally in order to obtain more resources … war broke out … The World even destroyed … “

Baili Qingfeng spirit struggled out, and immediately after the thunderbolt True Qi broke out, the Fireball in front of the strikes instantly shattered and exploded into a large number of flames.


Seeing Baili Qingfeng actually resisted the impact of his own will, the complexion of the God of Longevity was changed, and then it was sneaked: “Eternal life is any life The most original desire, this is the origin that is depicted in the depths of genes. Maybe your will has stopped your desire for longevity, but what about your body? “

while speaking His body that swept through the flames Already killed again.


Just as this huge body with a height of several dozen meters is about to be rolled on the body of Baili Qingfeng, Baili Qingfeng True Qi shoots, Sword formed by Star Assassination Technique Qi swept through the void and spotted more than a dozen holes in the God of Longevity on the spot.

“Sword Technique soon, but, is it useful? You don’t understand the nature of True God at all!”

The spiritual fluctuations of the God of Longevity carry a thrilling will, and they can hear the “weng weng” of the human brain.

This is not a vibration from the hearing, but a direct effect on the spirit. Those who are not mentally minded will be dispelled by the spirit of the shock. Even him, he has an emotional irritability and wants to lose his tendency to calm down.

“Was the Star Assassination Technique okay, then …”

Baili Qingfeng looked at the huge monster in front of him, and his eyes were light flashed, suddenly …

Inspired by the Golden Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique.

Under high-energy particles, the surging energy instantly stimulates the thermonuclear reactions of deuterium and tritium, and at the same time, within the body, a toroidal magnetic field is formed, which transports this stronger Strength evenly to every corner of the body , The body containing the first-class gold is completely activated …

Golden’s air waves, bright electric light, mixed with air waves and dust, erupt from Baili Qingfeng at the same time. The smoke and dust set off by the explosion was emptied by this wave of air.


Feeling the breath that erupted from Baili Qingfeng, the face of the God of Longevity changed slightly: “You actually have such a powerful divide technique !?”

Baili Qingfeng didn’t answer, but his feet were slightly bent, and with the eruption of strength, the ground he had originally smashed into, all split up and in pieces, and he was the pressure that swept the horror, instantly He broke the air waves and hit the body of the God of Eternal Life with an incredible speed.

Although the will of the God of Longevity locked Baili Qingfeng’s body, his body, which was completely formed by flames and smoke, could not keep up with his will, accompanied by fist strength. With his huge flame body, the void of 100 meters above the circle seemed to be blown with a punch, and it was blown up into a vacuum. All the flames, all the smoke and dust in the area were instantly annihilated!

“hong long long!”

At this time, it seems that in the sky came a thunderous thunder.

Baili Qingfeng ’s figure is to maintain the inertia of the charge forward several hundred meters, and land on the ground heavily. The scattered Strength sinks the ground of the ten meters of several meters and sinks the debris. fly.

“No use! How does the will of High Level Legendary fight against a True God?”

I did not wait for Baili Qingfeng to verify the results of his punch. Behind him belonged to the will of True God. Once again condensed, accompanied by a large number of nuclear explosions, he seemed to turn into a demon covered in smoke.

“Eternal life is immortality or Eternal. The essence of all things has never changed, but it has been combined from one form to another. Life is no exception. Mortal, let your body obey My will, moved towards Eternal Life will transform! “

The will of the Eternal Life God is constantly shaking.

Along with his volition, Baili Qingfeng suddenly felt that his cells within the body were rapidly proliferating …

That effect …

It ’s very Familiar with!

These cells are growing up, moving towards the theory of eternal cancer cell evolution …

“This is the influence of True God’s will!”

Baili Qingfeng complexion With a slight change, next moment, those cells affected by True God’s will were directly put into a circular magnetic field and transformed into the energy of the Golden Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique.

This weird means, and the resurrection of the god of longevity, also makes Baili Qingfeng expression grim.

True God means …

It is more terrifying than he expected.


(hahaha, the third chapter can’t live or die? Kavanka’s wish one were dead !? No such possibility! This is not true! The inability to code is just an illusion. Nothing can stop me from completing three chapters, three hours if two hours are not enough, four hours if three hours are not possible, hahahaha … Chapter 3, I code out Now!)

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