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“I have an ominous hunch.”

The dread god child sits in the great hall of the most splendorous and majestic of Su Xinzong, brows tightly frowns.

“His Royal Highness means?”

An orcian who also has Legendary realm raised his head and looked at this demon-like dread god child in Myths and Legends.

“It ’s too calm.”

Fear of God ’s Son said: “In the past few months, we have stirred up the wind and rain in the North Cold Island and Xiyanzhou of Heaven Wasteland Domain, although I do n’t have much time to go to Divine Continent, but I believe that those of insight should be aware of the unusual atmosphere, knowing that there is an undercurrent constantly surging in Tianhuang World, but so far, we have not been organized. Suppress … “

” Maybe our people hid too deep and did not let them detect any clues. “

” Yan furnace, you do n’t understand, this World ’s Although the cultivation system is a bit rough, it is undeniable that their Refining Spirit lineage still has some merits. The veterans who are in our hands may be able to hide from ordinary martial artists, but in front of those ten masters of Refining Spirit , But there is nothing to escape. “

Speaking of this, the Fear God Son stood up, his body burst into flames, and there seemed to be horrors and horrors in the great hall:” Other people I I ca n’t guarantee it, but according to all the funds we get It is expected that East Divine Continent’s self-proclaimed nothingness True God is jealous of his temperament, and after realizing that this surging undercurrent has begun to spread in the Heaven Wasteland Domain, he will never be indifferent. “

” The more powerful one understands the terrifying of the great fear god Lord, Sir Divine Lord, that is a powerful existence that has been defeated by True God, and even beheaded, maybe this false god who claims to be the True God of nothing has realized that His Royal Highness, and the fear god Lord Lineage behind His Royal Highness, so he dare not come to block it. For His Highness, this method of not sweepingly sweeping Heaven Wasteland Domain turns a blind eye. “

Legendary Beast named Yan Furnace The person is speculated.

Fear God listened, thinking a little bit, nodded: “Only this explanation, after all, the great father Divine Power, even in the bimonthly world of powerhouse as clouds, there are very few The gods dare to provoke, even those master gods who are sitting in a divine line do not dare to take the initiative to be enemies with the Father God. This obvious True God, which belongs to the false god, makes the same choices but can be considered as a current actor … ”

Despite this, the pervasive fear in his heart forced him to make a little more preparations: “Tomorrow is the day when Space Passage opens, although we have not yet received an accurate response from the Father, Knowing whether he intends to come in person or dispatch an incarnation, but we still have to be prepared to order all the soldiers to move and patrol the mountain range. Within a hundred kilometers, I do n’t have any living pagans. ”

“As you wish, Your Highness …”

Nodded by Yan furnace respectfully, will be retreated.

At this moment, Fear God seems to sense something, suddenly suddenly shrink.

“Someone is here!”

Fear of God ’s son was less than a moment after the induction, and the Flame Furnace as Legendary also noticed that a large amount of breath was approaching quickly.

Although these breath strengths are not worth mentioning to them, but …

Two of them are particularly eye-catching.

“Is that Legendary Fire Dragon!?”

Yan Fury said in surprise.

“Not only!”

Fear God’s face suddenly looked ugly: “In addition to the Legendary Fire Dragon, there is also the True God of nothingness!”

At the same time, there was a panic shouting outside the door: “His Royal Highness … His Royal Highness, it’s not good, there is a Legendary Fire Dragon and an aggressive human being who are all in fire …” /p>

“Formerly defeated by the Father and destroyed the Divine Kingdom’s flaming king on the ground! And the Baili Qingfeng who claimed to be the True God of nothing ……”

Fear of the Divine Son suddenly stood up : “Unexpectedly, they actually set the total attack time at this time … One day, and one day the Father God Your Majesty should arrive …”

“His Royal Highness … What shall we do …”

The Flame Furnace looked at Fear God Son.

“Although the King of Flames was defeated by the Father and destroyed the Divine Kingdom on the ground, it was True God after all, the strength of battle strength was not inferior to Demi-God, and the false god Baili Qingfeng can defeat him, at least also has the battle strength of Demi-God Level, and our current lineup can’t fight these two terrifying existences at all … “

Fear God said to take a deep breath:” He I want to catch everything in one net! “

Feeling the powerful breath that is getting closer and closer, the fear of the Son of God’s thinking is running to the extreme, and it took a long time before he suddenly looked up:” Withdraw! Retreat in the direction of Lone Star Island ! Wait for the arrival of the great Father, these people will be crushed like crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood! “

” Lone Star Island? “

Yanluo lightly Startled, but it still reacted quickly.

The two Legendary rushed out at the fastest speed.

As they charged ahead from the great hall and headed towards the end of the sky, Baili Qingfeng, who led the Void Knight to the Suxinzong Mountain Gate, felt that.

A little thought, he immediately confronted the king of flames that he came from the summon of Xiyanzhou: “You lead the members of the void Knight group to clear these beasts under the throne of fear, I will go Kill the two Legendary. “

The King of Flames narrowed his eyes and looked away:” That ’s not an ordinary Legendary, one of them is the Son of Fear, and he has Bloodline of the Lord of Fear, and his battle strength is not inferior. Because of how much I have, plus there is a Legendary beside him … even if I do n’t have the confidence to defeat them, I think, simply discard these miscellaneous fish first, we will work together to kill them both. “

“Relax, now I ’m not as good as before, do n’t forget, I was just a little Half-Step Legend when I was fighting you, but now, I ’m not just in Legendary stage, High Level Legendary was achieved by realm welfare. “

Baili Qingfeng Road.

The mouth of the king of flames is slightly drawn …

I do n’t want to talk to him.


Baili Qingfeng ’s stars are flowing, the next moment, the speed is soaring, and the sound barrier is directly broken, sweeping a huge storm towards the furnace and the god of fear Legendary chases away.

After any cultivator is promoted to Legendary, life forms will gradually become perfect, and Baili Qingfeng is no exception.

The perfect form of Legendary ’s body seems to have reorganized his genetic arrangement, making his body a lot higher than the formidable power that can be exploded before. If the previous limit of his fleshy body was only able to withstand 20% of the universal cells burning at the same time, then now it has reached 100%.

In this case, even without the stars, he can let his speed exceed the speed of sound. If it is integrated into the stars, the speed of the stars can increase by four times. Of horror.

Of course, under such circumstances, the heavy load on the fleshy body, coupled with his limited spirit strength, can not be maintained for long.

“hong long long!”

Sonic concussion!

The atmosphere of Baili Qingfeng all around seems to be torn apart by a vast and mighty force.

“He is chasing!”

“It ’s fast! His speed… is faster than the High Level Legendary that is good at flying!”

Hearing the sound from behind, the two of Fear Son and Yanlu suddenly changed their faces.

“His Royal Highness, his speed is faster than ours, we ca n’t escape his pursuit!”

“Yeah, I ca n’t escape! But he should n’t have committed it. A fatal mistake! “

Divine Transformation, the eyes of the god of fear, is cold.

“What’s wrong?”

“He underestimated us!”

Fear of God is not slow, but the strength of the body is gradually rising : “If he teamed up with the Legendary Fire Dragon to deal with the two of us, the two of us are naturally invincible, but he made Legendary Fire Dragon to stay there in the mountain range to encircle and suppress our soldiers. We … huh … what ridiculous! High Level Legendary, master High Level Legendary no matter how powerful the divine technique is, that ’s just High Level Legendary! “

Yan Furnace heard, a trace of surprise suddenly appeared on his face .

The two are separated, they can completely break each one!

“Put away the distance as much as possible to avoid that the once True God is not immediately rescued by the flaming king. Let ’s kill the arrogant and conceited pseudo-god first, and then go back and besiege the flaming king!”

Fear God said, speed climbed to the extreme.

The three of the two sides chased and fled, and quickly flew hundreds of kilometers.

Hundreds of distance chasing, Baili Qingfeng finally chased behind the god of fear and Yanlu.

Just when he planned to use the Star Realm to explode four times the speed of sound and then attacked a distance of one kilometer between the two, and launched an attack, the fear god son running ahead suddenly stopped.


Dark god flames suddenly burned out of the body of the god of fear. Among the flames, countless innocent souls appeared at the same time, and a long roar of tearing soul broke out.

In the long roar, there seemed to be a shocking voice screaming in Baili Qingfeng ’s mind, trying to awaken the original fear in his heart.

It ’s just that Baili Qingfeng had already confronted the will of the god of fear when he eliminated the will of fear in the king of flames. The scream of the god of fear in front of him is formidable power for ordinary High Level Legendary , But for Baili Qingfeng …

Just shocked his will Core.

“Sleep into eternal sleep with endless fear!”

While Baili Qingfeng ’s will was oscillating, a long sword with a dark flame appeared in the hands of the fear god child, The Baili Qingfeng was suddenly cut off, and the Flame Furnace as Legendary was also in a sharp turn. A long spear carried the Fengmang through the void towards Baili Qingfeng.

The cooperation between the two is perfect, killing all possible spaces for Baili Qingfeng.


Baili Qingfeng felt the attacking trajectory of the two and sincerely praised.

This kind of joint blockade is naturally nothing for a cultivator that can only explode at twice the speed of sound and twice the speed of sound, but for Baili Qingfeng, which has a maximum speed of four times or even five times the speed of sound. Words …

There are many loopholes.


It seems to teleport.

next moment, Baili Qingfeng ’s figure has been shuttled from the blockade of the two and appeared behind them.

The Golden Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique was activated before the air shock created by his breaking through the speed of sound was activated. The golden flame mixed with terror has exploded from him.


(May the deceased rest in peace and the living will encourage each other.)

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