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Intruder, kill without mercy!

Six words let the Conference Hall be quiet for a while.

When did the people in the Tianhuang Realm face the powerful bimonthly realm, and they dared to say “kill without mercy”?

Understand that the arrival of a Legendary glory will overwhelm all martial artists in the entire world of heaven and waste. It is difficult to breathe in less than a month. At the moment, even if the fall of Shangguzhou did not give them that deep feeling …

and now …

They actually heard these three from Baili Qingfeng A word …

All this … is the change brought about by Baili Qingfeng Your Majesty, and is also the ultimate goal of the formation of Tianhuang Federation.

“Will the Double Moon Realm recognize the establishment of this city?”

For a while, Olympus’s Aureus asked slightly hesitantly.

“It depends on the capability of our Heavenly Waste Federation. When the Wasteland under the governance of the Heavenly Waste Federation was strong enough to make the countries of the Northland look sideways, I believe they will recognize it.”

Baili Qingfeng Road.

Everyone discussed for a while.

“Establish a city? A city that is equivalent to the portal of the two realms?”

“This method is very good, if the people of the double moon realm can really follow the observed order Entering our city into the world of heaven and wasteland can really reduce a lot of trouble, I agree. “

” Skyland should not be passively defended and not sneaky. We should take the initiative to go out and make contact with the bimonthly world, let They know our world of wasteland and recognize our world of wasteland, and this city is the door and window of our contact with the bimonthly world! I second! “

Soon everyone will be one after another.

If it was before, they will naturally be embarrassed, but today the strength demonstrated by Baili Qingfeng gives them full self-confidence, with Baili Qingfeng in …

They do n’t think The establishment of the city will become a joke.

Not to mention …

The suggestion was put forward by Baili Qingfeng, as long as it does not harm the natural world, no one will refuse.

“Thank you for your support, although the establishment of this city may take five, ten, or 20 years, but I believe that when the city is established, the bimonthly world The threat will drop to an unprecedented trough, and humans in the world of heaven and wasteland will really enjoy living and living in peace. “

” We believe in Your Majesty’s judgment. “

William XII smiled Echoed.

“Yes, we will try our best to support you if you need to build this city of Your Majesty.”

Haili follows the opening.

“I do n’t know what name your Majesty is going to call this city?”

“Name …”

Baili Qingfeng thought about it, in the bimonthly world In fact, only Demi-God and True God can really pose a huge threat to the Heaven and Waste Realm, and those below Demi-God and True God dare to make trouble and shoot directly.

So …

Can it be called Divine City?

The name Divine City is somewhat unfriendly, as if to exclude the gods from the world of heaven and waste …

So …

“Divine City

Baili Qingfeng said: “The name of this city can be Divine City! Our god of patronage! The guardian city! The city that does not fall!”

“Divine City, a good name, although there are only a few words, but rigorous grammar, neat words, ingenious structure, and catchy language, it is extremely apt to express the central meaning of the city. It can be described as simple and concise. Qingfeng Your Majesty proposes to establish it, and we urge Your Majesty to be the first city owner of Divine City. “

Hailin said immediately.

“Yes, I urge Your Majesty to be the first lord of Divine City.”

Other presidents and kings spoke one after another.

“I will promote Divine City, but the first Divine City owner should not be me.”

After five, ten, ten years, Baili Qingfeng plans to retire Now, I really want to be a bamboo shoot, so he immediately said: “The establishment of Divine City is not overnight, when the time comes We will have continuous young talents in the world of the wilderness, I believe they can be more capable than me, It can better manage Divine City and manage Divine City, so that the two-moon world and the heaven and the wild world can get along with each other and promote peace together. “

After he finished, he did not give these people time to refute. : “The above is all the agenda related to the formation of the Federation of Heaven and Earth. Can anyone object?”

Suddenly, there was silence in the Conference Hall.

“Very good, no one objected, all two hundred votes in the audience, all votes passed!”

Baili Qingfeng finished, involuntarily brought a trace of caution in the tone: ” I announced that the Tianhuang Federation from now on is officially established! “

” oh la la oh la la! “

The audience stood up and everyone applauded together.

Countless news media reporters have also taken photos and photographs, recording this historic moment relative to the entire world of heaven and earth.

Many live broadcast reporters became more excited and involuntary in tone and involuntarily.

“Audience friends, this is an epoch-making step in the history of human civilization in Tianhuang Realm … This is a historic moment. We will all have the honor to witness the birth of history and jointly welcome the future peace and prosperity of Tianhuang Realm. Coming … ”

“The establishment of the Union of Heaven and Famine heralds that from now on, our world of Heaven and Famine will completely enter the era of great unity and solidarity, and there will be no war between countries …”

“Our next generation will Will always remember this day, remember this great moment, remember those who silently contributed to the establishment of the Union of Heaven and Earth, remember to bring harmony to the entire world of Heaven and Earth, freedom, equality, justice, rule of law, unity, integrity, and friendship True God Baili Qingfeng Your Majesty … “

The exception is the news media of the cream of the crop that can enter the Peace Building. The influence of these news media can be combined to cover the entire World.

After the news of the official establishment of the Famine Federation on that day, cheers broke out in many parts of the world.

Especially those small countries and backward areas that are threatened by wars or racial races are even more excited.

Even Baili Qingfeng, who is still on the podium, can hear the shouts of mountains and seas outside the Peace Building.


“Federal Union.”

Yazo ’s expression is a bit sighing.

Although the Heavenly Waste Federation only promotes the integration of the Heavenly Wasteland and uses the parliamentary system, although Sia Kingdom has an extraordinary influence in the Parliament, it can be said that it can become the Ruler of the Heavenly Waste Federation , That is still an empty talk.

But under certain circumstances, is it unified World?

Although they are only the promoters of World Unification.


“World Peace …”

Wushan, Thunderbolt Sect.

A hundred miles looked at the news of the establishment of the Union of Heaven and Earth broadcast on TV.

He was originally invited to represent Thunderbolt Sect Super Influence at this meeting, but he refused.

It is enough for Baili Qingfeng to focus on Baili Qingfeng alone.

Now he …

No longer need someone to cover him from the wind and rain, because …

He can support a vast and boundless by himself The sky, even use this piece of sky to shelter the entire Tianhuang World!

“Qingfeng, this is what you have always wanted to do? Your wish … finally realized, you changed the World …”


“Unexpectedly, Baili Qingfeng actually gave up the power of the hand.”

In the Bucks ’royal family, Prince Niyi, who was built into the silver body, is looking forward to the news broadcast in the news, expression Quite emotional.

With Baili Qingfeng ’s current reputation, if he really wants to promote the unification of the world and create a Heaven Wasteland Empire, no one can stop him.

Even, not only ca n’t stop it, the East Divine Continent, Shangguzhou and Beihanzhou will be ordered by his orders, and Xiyanzhou has also been planted by him as a seed in the Kingdom of Karan, as for the Golden Eagle Empire In the Lone Star Island where he is, he can also use the things of today as a structure, and the invasion of the army. With the Strength he currently shows, it is easy to eliminate all the countries in Lone Star Island, including the Golden Eagle Empire.

In other words, it is nothing more than spending some time to establish Heaven Wasteland Empire.

But it turns out …

What he recommended was the Confederacy, adopting the parliamentary system.

I did n’t even hold a position in parliament.

The only position is to become one of the nine swordsmen.

This kind of open-mindedness that is not greedy for power and fame and fortune seems to the Prince Riyi to admire sincerely.

“There is Baili Qingfeng in the world of heaven and famine, which is the blessing of the whole heaven and famine!”


“Next is the Central Council and the Nine Executives Candidate for the swordsman. “

Baili Qingfeng’s voice is still echoing in the Conference Hall.

The applause that lasted for half a minute in the Conference Hall gradually subsided.

“I am not responsible for the Central Council, and I have a list of candidates for the nine major swordsmen.”

Baili Qingfeng said, Shi Yiyi has already Help to operate the projection instrument, and quickly projected nine names on the big screen.

True God Baili Qingfeng, Sword Saint Zhao Si, Sia Kingdom Guardian, Rudolf the Iron Empire, Dragon Emperor, the founder of the Glorious Empire, Dragon Emperor, the only Pope Anlos, Olympus Lord Nelson, Yu Ling of the Forest Kingdom, Constantine, the head of the Void Knight.

The nine people on the list are no exception, at least all are Half-Step Legend-level powerhouse.

Including Constantine, the head of the Void Knight.

Relying on the essence of true divine essence, he is the earliest person in the Knights of Nothing to break through to Half-Step Legend, which is eligible to be included in one of the nine swordsmen.

Of course, the strength of the only church Pope Sith, infused with the power of the Holy Spirit, is above the seven other than Zhao Jiansheng and Baili Qingfeng, but there are George, Ron, Frides and the The lessons of others are ahead, he is full of fear and fear for the power of Holy Spirit from the immortal Divine Emperor, and he dare not use half a point. In this case, he is naturally not included in the list of the nine major swordsmen. .

“This is the preliminary list of the nine swordsmen. Any martial artist who has achieved a good job, as long as he is indeed from our Tianhuang World, and has never committed any grievous mistakes, make Anything that sells our interests in the world of the wilderness can challenge any one of the nine swordsmen on January 1st at the beginning of each year. Under the condition of ensuring fairness and justice, the winner will become the new swordsman. ”

Baili Qingfeng Road.

After announcing the list of the nine major swordsmen, he glanced at the crowd once again, and finally fell on Prime Minister Yasuo: “The next time will be handed over to you, I hope the heaven and earth can With our joint efforts, we have become more prosperous and beautiful. “

After he finished, he turned to step down.

When he stepped down, the audience applauded.

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