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Thunderbolt Sect.

The whole mountain gate is full of excitement and celebration.

There is no reason for it, Baili Qingfeng is here.

Although Baili Qingfeng only hangs the name of Vice Sect Master in Thunderbolt Sect, and normally will not stay in Thunderbolt Sect normally, but every time he arrives, Thunderbolt Sect will go up and down like a festival , A piece of jubilation.

All Thunderbolt Sect disciple are proud and proud that they have Baili Qingfeng as a Vice Sect Master in their sect.


“Two Sect Masters, please use pastries.”

One female in the courtyard where Baili Qingfeng and Baili Qingfeng chatted disciple presents a delicate pastry.

When she presented the pastry, she also glanced at Baili Qingfeng with a hint of shyness on her pretty little face.

“Okay, Xiaoye, we do n’t have to worry about it here, you have to do your own business.”

Long said in a hundred miles.

After the female disciple left, I looked at Baili Qingfeng: “My grandson ’s charm is not small. Look, I ’m fascinated by the newly-discipline of this new discipline Divine Soul.”

Baili Qingfeng watched this female disciple leave, it was a bit strange: “Her Innate Talent is not very good, according to the bone age, it ’s estimated to be twenty, has n’t you reached the Grandmaster yet?”

“cough cough …… Although now Three Origin Good Fortune Technique, Six Origin Good Fortune Technique, and Nine Origin Good Fortune Technique are gradually being promoted, Grandmaster realm wanting to break through is not an easy task, let ’s talk about it … Just look at Innate Talent as before, and some people trust me to come and I will not accept it. “

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

“Then … did you decide?”

Hundreds of miles into the theme of the sky.

“It ’s decided, I have a grandfather for me to talk to the grandfather of the division, understand the requirements of the grandfather of the division, I can prepare well.”

“Shi Tianya Old Partner I understand, and in the past few years, you have almost grown up as we watched. He is also extremely satisfied with your character and character, and he will not ask any additional requirements. The key lies in yourself … “

Speaking of this, Baili Changkong looked at his grandson and expressed with a hint of caution: “Do you really intend to marry Shiyi? Once this matter is settled, it cannot be modified anymore, although your identity 1. Your status makes you do not have to worry about any accusations even if you go back on one’s word, but I do n’t want you to eventually become such a person. Do you understand.

“I understand.”

Baili Qingfeng nodded: “We have already said this before, and Zhao Uncle also mentioned that Shi Yiyi and I have been together for so long and have been living My yard, if you do n’t give her a name, it will have a great impact on her . “

” This is not the point, the point is your inner thoughts. “

Hundreds of miles to the sky slowly said:” You have paid enough in recent years, you can Think about it for yourself and find out what is really in your heart, such as … the little girl named Gu Lingying from the Aurora Empire. ”

Shiyiyi was a little surprised: “Are you going so soon?”

“Resolve things early, and I can live the life I want earlier.”

Baili Qingfeng Road.

“Then … Qingfeng, be careful.”

“Well, when I go to the bimonthly world at this time, it represents our heaven and earth world, with an equal and friendly attitude. Go to visit the ruler star empire in the northern part of the Double Moon Realm, equivalent to the messenger of the Heavenly Waste Realm, there will be nothing … “

Baili Qingfeng said this tone:” Yes, Would you like to go? Just take a look at Shuangyuejie.

“I will not go, Qingfeng, you go to Shuangyuejie to do the major event, and I am waiting for your return at home.”

Shi Yiyi said with a slight smile.

But Baili Bamboo, who is doing his homework, looked up, looking forward to something: “Can I go to Qingfeng big brother?”

“Xiaozhu wants to go?”


“I remember you have been promoted to the first grade, have you finished your homework?”

“Xiaozhu is very clever, she has finished her junior high school and high school knowledge … If it was n’t for jumping too fast that you could n’t make friends of the same age, you can now try to take the Shire University. ”

Shi Yiyi brought a said with a faint smile.

Every time she helps Xiaozhu go to a parent meeting, she will be deeply proud of Xiaozhu.

Baili Qingfeng thinks about the books she read every time she saw Xiaozhu …

I also realized that I asked a silly question.

He thought about it for a moment, considering that Bailizhu now has enough self-protection, plus he is there, and there is no need to worry about any danger. The current nodded: “That line, Let’s go together. “

” Qingfeng, would you like to take the people of the Void Knight group, so there is also a response? “

” No, a team of Void Knight group assists West Elvia maintains the order of the Kingdom of Karan. One team has gone to Lone Star Continent to help the Golden Eagle Empire clear away the hidden beasts. Another team has to stay in the city of Xia to ensure the safety of Xia … p>

Baili Qingfeng said this with a smile: “Relax, I have been to Shuangyuejie several times, there will be no danger, especially at this time, I am only one of the possible problems It ’s all resolved … “

He did n’t finish his words yet, vaguely seemed to feel something.

However, when he wanted to sense it carefully, he realized that this perception seemed to be blinded by mysterious Strength, so that …

The sudden perception was like a trance The illusion.

“What’s wrong?”

Shi Yiyi asked.


Baili Qingfeng shook the head, turning to Baili Bamboo Road: “Go, pack up what you want to bring, we will start early tomorrow.”

“Then I will help Xiaozhu to prepare. Xiaozhu is a girl. The things to be prepared are different from yours.”

Shi Yiyi.

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

Yiyi, the teacher of Baili Bamboo, went to prepare, and his things were taken care of by himself.

Fortunately, he does n’t have much to carry.

It ’s nothing more than books, paper towels, towels, and laundry.

The empire of stars is not a world of cave dwellers, there is a human civilization over there. Although the level of civilization is relatively backward, it refers to the ordinary class. The life you enjoy is not in the sky.

One day passed quickly.

After a good night ’s sleep and raising Essence, Qi and Spirit, Baili Qingfeng carried a luggage bag, took Baili Bamboo out of the yard, and expressed his respect to the teacher standing at the gate Waved his hand: “Let’s go.”

“Well, pay attention to the road, come back early.”

Shi Yiyi asked with a smile.

Baili Qingfeng ’s status makes him often go out in recent years. For this scene, she has also gotten used to it.

It ’s just …

I do n’t know why, when this time Baili Qingfeng took Bai Lizhu ’s hand and left, she felt a trance for no reason …

It seems that this time …

He will go far and far.

When the teacher obeyed and came back to his senses in trance, Baili Qingfeng and Bailizhu had disappeared into her vision.


Xuelan Town.

Baili Qingfeng came to this town only at noon.

He flew all the way with Baili Bamboo.

Despite intentionally controlling their own speed, three hours is still more than enough for the 1,000-kilometer journey between Xiaya and Xuelan.

As he landed in the town of Xuelan, those cultivators in the town who wanted to comprehend mysterious fields through Space Gate ended their cultivation and came to visit.

However, Baili Qingfeng did n’t wait long and ate a lunch and entered the Space Gate directly.

At the other end of the Space Gate, the Level 9 powerhouse stationed here is actually an acquaintance of Baili Qingfeng.

“Ke Ke?”

“Qingfeng Your Majesty.”

The man who took over the mission of Heavenly Knowledge Hall back then, guarded Thunderbolt Sect for two years The members of the Hunter ’s Association were somewhat cautious to Baili Qingfeng gave a salute.

“I haven’t seen you for a while.”

Baili Qingfeng greeted with a smile: “You took over the mission stationed in the Space Gate?”

“Yes, The place where Space Gate is located has a fierce change in vitality, which is very good for cultivation. “

” Blood orchid duchy is there nothing wrong here? “

” No, blood orchid duchy since Legendary After the enchantment returned, it became peaceful, and even a hundred kilometers of the area was marked out. It seemed to acquiesce to be the territory of our heaven and earth. “

Ke Ke responded quickly.

Baili Qingfeng had the intention to chat with Ke Ke again, but …

Seeing her a cautious, cautiously appearance, she finally suppressed her thoughts.

“Well, come on, there is also a way to become a supreme powerhouse without going out of the Xeon Road!”

“many thanks Your Majesty encourages.”

Baili Qingfeng waved his hand and took Xiaozhu to the territory of the blood orchid duchy.

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