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Three days!

Baili Qingfeng looked up and looked at the night …

It is estimated that it was already 1 AM.

Even from today, there is not much time left for him.

Even if it ’s not Sacred Star Shine, Sacred Star Dust, and Sacred Star Mansions without Fleshy Body, there should be thirty-seven Demi-Gods in the Star Empire.

Thirty-seven Demi-Gods …

He has to kill at least twelve in a day.

Although now there is the Frost God Armor and the Crossing Sword, even the kingdoms of the domain that can avoid the enemy ’s escape, but ………

One day Killing twelve Demi-God, he still has little confidence.

“We can only do our best to weaken the strength of the empire of stars …”

Baili Qingfeng thought, his eyes fell on the Divine Item, the kingdom of the field .

This World ’s Divine Item does n’t have any kind of blood-recognizing Master. Anyone who holds Divine Item and has the strength to stimulate Divine Item can use it.

Baili Qingfeng looked at this Divine Item called Country of the Domain, and directly inspired his Strength of Domain to integrate into the Country of the Domain.

“Om weng!”

A slight turbulence emanated from the kingdom of the realm.

The country of the entire field is like incarnation as an amplifier, quickly inspiring his Strength of Domain.

Not only is the field inspired, but also the spirit of spirit with the cultivator has a slight increase. Under this increase, his control of his own field has become extremely accurate.

“Is this the prototype of Divine Kingdom on the ground … No wonder my Sword Technique can be disturbed … This strength control …”

Baili Qingfeng feels the realm of the field Change, expression is a bit sigh.

For a moment, he seemed to think of something, and reduced the effect of the country of the field on the increase of the field, but poured a lot of spirit into the field.

Although the role of the amplifier of the country of the field is not the main effect on the spirit, when the spirit of Baili Qingfeng floods into the country of the field, the amplification effect is also significant.

For a time, his spirit world thirty two stars shining through the spirit simultaneously shined and quickly fuse with the kingdom of the field.


Baili Qingfeng feels as if he is incarnation as a giant on the spirit, the spiritual force is powerful to an unprecedented level, especially for the strength in the field. Control is even more precise!

This supernatural …

Surprise him.

“The growth of the country of the field seems to be calculated as a percentage!?”

Feeling the greatly enhanced spiritual force, Baili Qingfeng without the slightest hesitation exhibited the electromagnetic Sword Technique, an electromagnetic field is rapidly formed, and the arc is sputtered in the electromagnetic field.

More than that.

Under the amazing control of Strength and Strength of Domain, another of his spirits rippled again, followed by the formation of a second electromagnetic field, and in the formed electromagnetic field, the red god steel cast Flying Sword spins rapidly and may burst out at any time.

“Not yet the limit!”

Baili Qingfeng’s eyes are light flashed, next moment, and the third electromagnetic field continues to be constructed, which was born out of arc sputtering.

Three-handed Flying Sword!

Relying on the control and strengthening of the field by the country of the field, his electromagnetic Sword Technique directly showed a qualitative transformation.

“Worthy as a Divine Item!”

Baili Qingfeng understands this magic in detail and sincerely sighs.

No wonder the True God with Divine Kingdom is very different from the True God without Divine Kingdom.

At this moment, he can only use the Strength of Domain to form a Divine Kingdom on the ground, and he can do a lot of things that can not be done normally. Among the building rules, to what extent can the battle strength burst out be strong.

“The consumption of spirit by one mind and three uses seems to increase geometrically …”

Baili Qingfeng felt a moment and dissipated two Sword Techniques that were ready to go.

“Maybe you can try to see if you can use the magic of the kingdom of the field to perform nuclear fission-related operations in vitro …”

He does n’t dare to nuclear fusion, but nuclear fission is actually not at all too big technical difficulties.

However …

At present, he is afraid to experiment hastily.

Otherwise, if something goes wrong, it hurts to blow yourself up.


When Baili Qingfeng adaptively controlled the kingdom of the field, a starlight suddenly appeared over the Star City. This starlight is like a Formation, which will bring the entire public The star city is completely shrouded in it, making the star city still emit intoxicating rays of light even in the dark night.


“Imperial Father, Wan Star God formation has risen.”

In the great hall of the empire of stars, the Holy Star Soul quickly ran over.

Hearing this news, several people, Sacred Star, Sacred Star, Sacred Star, and Sacred Star who temporarily lived their will of God in a piece of Sacred Soul Stone were relieved and sighed in relief.

At this time, after witnessing that only one will escaped, Sheng Xinghui, who had been in a state of anxiety, had a little mood to talk.

His tone is full of complexities: “Elder …… Does Baili Qingfeng really have such terrifying magic?”

“More terrifying than imagined, the magical right Nearly ten kilometers away, I can cause a fatal attack, and even I guess that when it is hit by the Sword Technique at 20 kilometers, 30 kilometers, or 40 kilometers, only fleshy body is waiting for us to collapse. So, unless the Ten Thousand Star God formation is raised, we can’t escape Baili Qingfeng’s long-range strikes … “

The will of the Holy Star Man is spreading from the Holy Soul Stone.

“But … opening the Wan Star God formation to cover the entire Star City, it is too much consumption …”

“That is also impossible, we send messages to Lord Shengxing, Invite him to return immediately. In addition … Go to the cultivation room and invite Master Saint Guiyue to come out! Today’s thing … I am afraid that only Master Saint Guiyue will come to meet the old Star Dust in person, and they have the strength of both of them. Ways to reverse the universe … “

Holy Star Road.

His words were immediately endorsed by several people: “It ’s only now that the Lord St. Crescent Moon has been disturbed.”

Imperial Family still hides St. Crescent Moon and Saint The two Demi-Gods of the Star Song, during which the Holy Strange Moon was secreted bitter cultivation during this time, in order to condense the god body and achieve True God, so as to continue to protect the Star Empire and ensure that the Star Empire is not in the next six kingdoms. Lost its hegemonic status.

The Holy Star song itself is relatively old, and it depends on True God Bloodline to maintain the battle strength. However, as the god of the field fell, his Bloodline fell silent, and he had to fall asleep to save his life. , Waiting for the god of the field, Dongshan, to wake him up again.

“I personally invited Master St. Crescent Moon.”

Sheng Xinghui stood up.

At this time, an Imperial Family younger generation guarding the ancestral court hurriedly ran over, panic-stricken and said: “Your Majesty, the major event is not good, the ancestral court belongs to the holy star Elder Dust’s Holy Soul Stone … broken … “

” Elder St. Star Dust!? “

I just planned to invite Elder St. Crescent Moon to meet the stars of Saint Star Dust The Emperor of the Empire felt his body shake, his body softened, and he almost fell down.

“Senior Stardust … sacrificed!?”

“How could this be …”

Several other people heard this news with two eyes Blackened.

The Holy Star Mount is more distressed at this time, and the spirit fluctuations seem to be a bit collapsed: “It ’s my fault! It ’s me who hurt Stardust Senior and Star Yao Senior! If it ’s not because of my apprenticeship Mirror misjudged the real ability of Baili Qingfeng, let us make up our mind to snatch the true divine essence of his body, why can our Imperial Family suffer such tragic losses, I am a sinner in the Imperial Family! “

Sheng Xinghui, Shengxing Soul, and the two old olds also produced unstoppable remorse.

I already knew that Baili Qingfeng battle strength was so terrifying, and it went through two places in a day, losing them in a row. They were the three Demi-Gods of the Imperial Family. , Give them ten guts, they dare not push Baili Qingfeng to the opposite.

True divine essence?

Not to mention the true divine essence can not ensure that a Legendary achieves 100% Demi-God, even if they can become Demi-God, their lost stardust and starlight great veteran will eventually get two The true divine essence is much bigger.

Especially …

Killing Baili Qingfeng, heaven knows how much they have to pay.

Their star empire this time is a real loss of power and no return.

“Senior, it ’s not a time for self-blame, but the sacrifice of Stardust Elder is enough to prove that Baili Qingfeng may be more terrifying than we think …”

Holy Star Road.

Holy Star, Holy Star Soul and the others are deeply nodded.

At this time, the voice came from outside the door: “Your Majesty, Lord Thale, Lord Riemann, Marquis Saitama, Marquis of the Roaring Lion, and Bishop Torchbearer to seek out.”

Holy Star Hui glanced at the piece of starlight that belonged to the Wan Star God formation that enveloped the entire Star City, and more or less knew why the five of them came at this time.

For a moment, he opened the mouth and said: “It ’s impossible to conceal, and then … Baili Qingfeng ’s terrifying is far beyond our imagination. If we want to cut off this scourge, just rely on us I am afraid that the strength of the Imperial Family is helpless, and can only be pinned on the domain temple and the lords everywhere. “

After speaking, he said to the soul of the holy star:” You go and invite Lord Guiyue, I will see you They. “

There are a total of fourteen people in the Demi-God on the surface.

Imperial Family Four, Lord Lineage Four, Domain Temple Four, plus Imperial Family Two.

These Demi-Gods, together with one or two Demi-Gods hidden in the dark by all parties, constitute Peak Strength.

The Imperial Family is currently suffering heavy losses, and Baili Qingfeng is still glare like a tiger watching his prey. At this time, they have to resort to private strength.

Even for this …

Imperial Family has to pay a great price.

“Lord lineage and domain temple are probably going to suck blood on our Imperial Family again.”

Holy Star.

“But … this is no way, our Imperial Family ca n’t afford any more sacrifices.”

Shengxingmang personally ordered: “Please come in and discuss Let ’s talk about Baili Qingfeng. “

The two major Demi-Gods fell in succession, and even he lost his fleshy body. He was already afraid of Baili Qingfeng in his heart.

I knew why it was so early.

After all, Baili Qingfeng is only asking for peaceful diplomatic relations with the empire of stars, that ’s all.


(It ’s past twelve o’clock last night to finish this chapter. Just leave it at noon today.)

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