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“Paragon Divine Sword! is one of the seven ancient Divine Items in the bimonthly world. Paragon Divine Sword!”

The Sword Intent contained in Paragon Divine Sword goes beyond Baili Qingfeng ’s spirit Will, also resounds in the minds of almost all cultivator after successfully cultivating it in Star City.

“What a powerful Divine Item is this!”

“Why! Why the ancient Divine Item such as the terrifying of Paragon Divine Sword will appear in our Star City!?”

“Escape! Escape! Hurry! Every time Paragon Divine Sword appears, it will bring slaughter and destruction! Escape from the Star City!”

All people of insight can no longer care about this battle, and rush to the stars outside the city with the fastest speed.

Baili Qingfeng is also flying back.

He stepped directly into the starry realm and fuse himself with the entire double moon realm.

He is the bimonthly world, and the bimonthly world is him!

But …

Not useful!

But he clearly sensed that his figure was completely locked by Paragon Divine Sword, no matter how he pulled away from Paragon Divine Sword, the kind of Shadow Chase-like sense of death crisis began to penetrate through consciousness .

“The Star Realm … ca n’t hide True Paragon Divine Sword!”

Paragon Divine Sword can cross hundreds of thousands of kilometers of void in the hands of the immortal Divine Emperor from the Middle Earth World On him in the North World, not to mention that he tried his best to open such a dozen kilometers or even a few kilometers away?

“Just accept the trial, blasphemy!”

True God contains Divine Power ’s direct gaze, and then his finger is empty, Paragon Divine Sword has already aimed at Baili Qingfeng shot Go away.



The moment Paragon Divine Sword shot, Baili Qingfeng clearly felt that his Spirit World was torn apart with a strength that he could not resist at all.


This is the Sword Intent of Paragon Divine Sword!

The attack is yet to come. Only the Sword Intent that Paragon Divine Sword first attacked has completely flooded his Spirit World, and even the simulated astral ca n’t be maintained. collapse.

The glowing white stars transformed by Will Core are as if the structural stability has been destroyed, and a large number of rays of light are exploded, breaking soon.




This is a strength far beyond what Baili Qingfeng can now confront and understand!

Frost God Armor?

Golden Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique! ?

Even if the defense they provide is twice as strong, it is not as good as the tip of the iceberg of Paragon Divine Sword!

For the first time, Baili Qingfeng felt the surging Death Aura assaults the senses!

This kind of breath …

It ’s more than the punch he had faced with the punch of Wang Gang!

“Paragon ……”

Baili Qingfeng spirit is boiling to the extreme, he suddenly a long whistle, two stars shining at the same time, the continuous strength is injected into the handle of Spirit World silver sword shadow.

Although this silver sword shadow appears to be a natural enemy in front of Paragon Divine Sword, trembling with fear, it can still emerge from his spirit world under the crazy infusion of his spiritual force, breaking in a flash Paragon Divine Sword crushes all the Sword Intent, and guides, seems to want to offset this Sword Intent.

“Om weng!”

sword light!

The infinite amount of sword light is suddenly shifted to the distance!

But the strength of Paragon Divine Sword is really too magnificent and too vast, even though it is partly offset by Baili Qingfeng, there are still more Sword Intents that continue to run through his will and tear him Spirit, and …

The horror flood formed by these Sword Intent and Sword Qi left him …

It is less than 100 meters!

In other words, he just inspired the speed of the silver sword shadow for another moment, this terrifying torrent has been completely rolled into his body …

“When … … “

Baili Qingfeng’s heart was awe-inspiring.

Silver sword shadow madly blooming the Sword Intent behind him, constantly washing the Paragon Divine Sword, shifting the Sword Qi and Sword Intent that broke out on the Paragon Divine Sword.

But what stays in his mind at this time is a kind of weakness from the heart and soul.

He has learned from Kotake ’s mouth that Paragon Divine Sword ’s attack surpassed the spirit and the perception of thinking, but when this scene really happened in front of him, he still had a feeling of being unable to adapt.

It ’s like a world of peace and security in front of people closing their eyes, and when the eyes are opened, the moon has fallen to the ground, and the burning flame of the atmosphere is exploded overhead overhead …

The impact of such a scene on the heart cannot be expressed in words.


True God who looked at the silver sword shadow that Baili Qingfeng took out actually shifted the Sword Qi and Sword Intent of Paragon Divine Sword, some expression Unexpected: “No wonder you have the courage to blaspheme the great God Lord, really there is a means, actually simulate Paragon Divine Sword condense special Sword Intent, but … light of firefly also dare to compete with Haoyue, in front of Paragon Divine Sword’s true strength, you Click Sword Intent to be impossible to withstand a single blow at all! “

Yes, this True God is a little empty!

“Although it only takes a few seconds, your simulated Sword Intent will completely collapse in front of the strength of Paragon Divine Sword … But, I am not going to give you any breathing opportunities!”


Sword Intent and Sword Qi on Paragon Divine Sword broke out at the same time!

The Sword Intent flushed from the silver sword light is like a stream and a tsunami in front of the Sword Intent that burst out of Paragon Divine Sword!

Under the tsunami, the surging waves of the stream ca n’t even swell the ripples, and they are instantly extinguished!

Sword Qi is surging!

At the same time, there is Death Aura that pervades his entire field of vision!

Baili Qingfeng felt the mighty Sword Intent torrent on Paragon Divine Sword, and for the first time felt his own fragility and insignificance.

Paragon Divine Sword does n’t feel like rays of light ten thousand zhang like the sun.

It looks like years, like time, and the slaughter is invisible …

No creature can stop the erosion of time, even if it hangs above the sky, Eternal ’s constant sun, if it will The time of 10,000,000,000 years compressed to within one second will still extinguish instantly and step into the end.

The blazing sun lowers the flame, you at least know how you died, but Paragon Divine Sword ’s attack …

Like the time, it runs through everything, and it is as silent as the time.

this time ……

It seems to be really dying.

“Paragon Divine Sword!”

Baili Qingfeng sighed, and at the moment when the torrent of Sword Intent mixed with Sword Qi was about to drown him completely, he suddenly reached out ……

“hong long long!”

The silver sword shadow exploded, forming a violent Sword Intent impact, once again making all around Sword Qi, a Paragon Divine Sword, a torrent Stagnant, it seems to be carrying out his last pride in a desperate counterattack!

But …

But …

When he said this remark, he seemed to see something vaguely.

Little bamboo?

He seems to see Xiaozhu ’s silhouette?

How can it happen.

Xiaozhu is hiding at the other end of the Star City, and the national collection of the field is good. How can it appear here?

He must have been hallucinating before he died.

“hong long long!”

Heaven and Earth shock!

In the sky, it seems that there is Strength, tearing the Sword Qi and Sword Intent that are full of the entire field of vision in front of you.

That feeling …

It ’s like the sun shining through the night, the dawn quietly across the sky …

Whose silhouette travels between the reincarnations …


Little bamboo! ?

Baili Qingfeng spirit is shocked!

Not an illusion!

Strength, the end of the rays of light, is really Xiaozhu! ?

Baili Qingfeng violently shakes the spirit, instantly sober, shouting loudly: “Xiaozhu, you go away!”

However, Xiaozhu ’s figure does not allow half of it …

Certainly speaking, it is her Sword Immortal Primordial Spirit!

Similar to Zhao Jiansheng, but different from Zhao Jiansheng ’s Sword Immortal Primordial Spirit!

Before, she could not make Sword Immortal Primordial Spirit manifest in vitro, but with her Refining Spirit realm breakthrough to Tenth Layer …

Sword Immortal Primordial Spirit, she was born .

This Primordial Spirit crosses the void at an almost thought-like speed in an instant, intercepting the terror torrent transformed by Paragon Divine Sword. The continuous Sword Intent and spirit fluctuations spread from her.

She faced the storm, traveled through time, and came to Baili Qingfeng with all her might.

Then …

Opened his hands for his wings …

It seemed to turn into a huge barrier, protecting Baili Qingfeng.

At the same time, she opened her beautiful big eyes, with a determined and angry Faith, facing the Sword Intent and Sword Qi that Paragon Divine Sword rolled into, shouted sharply: “You go away!”

“hong long long!”

The sound wave exploded!

The Faith in the sound wave is crazy and will!

Strength formed by this sudden shock is almost inferior to Baili Qingfeng detonating his silver sword shadow!


Paragon Divine Sword is shocked!

Sword Intent torrent within ten square meters with Baili bamboo as the center seems to condense the void under the shouted with a hint of glutinous rice!

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