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Sword Intent is magnificent!

True God, who is struggling to regain control of Paragon Divine Sword Strength and withdraw, suddenly opened his eyes.

“Not good!”

next moment, his speed belonging to True God exploded to the extreme and retreated at full speed!


At the same time, the powerful will of God swept through the strength of Paragon Divine Sword like a tsunami, and tried our best to control the strength of Paragon Divine Sword’s Strength one after another!

But this plan was disrupted at the beginning.

A horror is about to crush his True God ’s body into shattered horror strength. The fiercely crushes his True God ’s body. For a time, he will like a giant elephant The mortal who tramples on, even the body of True God feels overwhelmed.

Star Force Field!

This is the Star Force Field that is pulled down by the Star Realm!

Although Baili Qingfeng fleshy body bears the upper limit, part of the Power of Stars that escaped from him ca n’t crush the god body of True God, but he will intend to avoid Paragon Divine Sword Sword Intent rewinding his speed stagnation!

The short stagnation was the only chance for him to miss the rewind of Paragon Divine Sword Sword Intent.

In an instant, the mighty Sword Intent torrent and Sword Qi storm will devour all his body!

“You … damn it!”

True God uttered an unwilling roar: “Want to use Paragon Divine Sword’s Strength to deal with Paragon Divine Sword’s owner’s god? Naive? All your struggles have no meaning! “

next moment, he exudes a sacred breath …

” Great Lord, prayer of the Middle-earth nations, Paragon Divine Sword ruler of the Northern Gods … Your believers pray to you, request the protection of your immortal will, and tame the ferocity of Paragon Divine Sword … “

Singing through special Volatility spread.

Under this chant, the Sword Intent that was originally moved towards the detachment of True God was slightly shaken, and the formidable power plummeted, as if seeing the detachment of True God as nothing, just from him Shuttled past, but caused almost no harm.

“This …”

Bai Lizhu saw this scene for a while, not knowing what to do.


A mirror light shatter void shines on the detached True God.

Jian Shen mirror!

“Is it useful?”

True God looked at the Divine Item held by Baili Qingfeng with a sneer on his face.

But before the sneer on his face spreads out completely, his smile …

It has solidified!

Jian Shenjing is not intended to solidify his body.

The strength of the god body is vast, even though the mirror can not interfere with it.

But this time Baili Qingfeng launched another effect of Jianshen Mirror—the effect of transforming breath!

In addition to showing enemies and solidifying enemies, Jianshen Mirror can also be used as oneself, making one’s breath like the reflection in the mirror completely reversed.

Originally, this is just the camouflage effect of Jian Shen Mirror. At this moment, it acts on the forward immortal Divine Emperor to pray, and the immortal Divine Emperor believers can avoid being shot by Paragon Divine Sword. He was given a fatal blow.

The breath on his body was chaotic, and the Sword Intent that had just passed through him without harming him suddenly ran away!

“Damn it!”

True God ’s mouth uttered a roar of rage, and the body and the god body were rushed wildly under the Sword Intent torrent of Paragon Divine Sword and the Sword Qi storm.

“Little Bamboo!”

Baili Qingfeng screamed immediately.

He knows that this opportunity is only once!

Once the True God is ready, the mirror light of Jian Shenjing wants to reverse his breath again.

Bai Lizhu heard Baili Qingfeng ’s shouting, and he clenched the teeth, his hands snapped together. .

Sword Qi is that ’s all.

The key is Sword Intent!

Paragon Divine Sword symbolizes spirit!

It is a special sword for slashing the gods!

True God …

Even if the god ’s body is annihilated, he can still reshape the god ’s body with the might of God ’s will.

Once the spirit is cut off, the only thing waiting for them is the dead end.

This is why the immortal Divine Emperor can kill the True God and True God of Blood with no difficulty.

“My Lord …”

Seeing Sword Intent and Sword Qi violently washing away, a trace of pain and shame flashed in the eyes of True God.

“Subordinates cannot personally kill this blasphemous person to complete your mission, but the subordinates are willing to use their god body as a medium to turn into a bridge, and ask the great master to use True God incarnation Hold Divine Sword personally! “

True God continually prays to the god behind him-the immortal Divine Emperor, the divine light on his body is shining to the extreme, all the strength in the god body seems to be burning at this moment sublimation!

With the outbreak of this divine force, the radiance to the sun was radiating from him, even though it was still day, it was still completely covered by the rays of light from him.

In the rays of light, the will of the God who is detached from True God suddenly pulls all strengths into a beam of light that supports Heaven and Earth, blasting into the sky, it seems to break time and space. The gap, pulling another World from hundreds of millions of kilometers away!

“Om weng!”

Heaven and Earth shock! The situation changes!

A magnificent Divine Kingdom illusory shadow emerges above the bright clouds of the rays of light.

Countless mountains, rivers, palaces, and Holy Spirit in the Divine Kingdom are flooded in everyone’s field of vision, venting the greatness and vastness of the Divine Kingdom.

In the Divine Kingdom sky, there is a round of blazing sun, as if the ancient stars have been shining on thousands of stars, exuding endless heat …

Behind this round of blazing sun, more There is a giant sword …

A giant sword that seems to support the entire World, stands tall, shaking everyone’s spirit will.

“This is …”

The Marquis Saitama, Marquis Roar, Bishop Torch, Salary Demi-God and the others who have fled outside the city of stars The vast Divine Kingdom, each and everyone involuntarily stopped, looking far away at the illusory shadow in the sky, it seems to contain the most eager desire of all creatures …

“Immortal! Immortal! ! Immortal! “

Hong Zhong’s roar like Heaven and Earth!

In the center of Divine Kingdom illusory shadow, in the blazing sun that hangs the sky, a silhouette is sitting on the divine throne exuding the golden radiance, overlooking the beings.

He clearly exists in illusion at this moment, his real body has not yet come, but when he stepped out from the scorching sun, his eyes seemed to have crossed the barriers of time and space, and fell directly to the audience. The creatures of Divine Kingdom.

“Ancient God … Immortal Divine Emperor …”

The salary of this Demi-God is full of dryness …

Ancient God !

He will one day be able to witness the ancient god! ?

“The arrival of the immortal Divine Emperor must be stopped!”

Baili Qingfeng feels the Divine Kingdom manifested in the sky and the gradually clear breath of the immortal Divine Emperor, in the expression Full of grim.

Now he has no ability against the immortal Divine Emperor.

Not to mention, the immortal Divine Emperor intends to come in the form of incarnation with the strength of the detached True God burning god!

when the time comes he only needs to reunite this strength belonging to the detached True God with his will …

Incarnation that will be a equivalent to True God Level !

Ancient God …

Manipulate a True God Level god body …

Baili Qingfeng ’s body flew longitudinally, looting towards the detached True God like a shell .

At the same time, the electric light in the hand shines, Flying Sword cast by Chishen Steel carries the roar of the exploding void to the Divine Kingdom above the sky.

But …

This Divine Kingdom is like a mirage like a mirage. Flying Sword is empty, passing directly through Divine Kingdom. It has never caused Divine Kingdom illusory shadow A little bit of influence.

“God blasphemy!”

The immortal Divine Emperor, located hundreds of millions of kilometers away in the Divine Kingdom, seems to feel Baili Qingfeng ’s attack, and his eyes fall directly on him.

For a time, Divine Power was so strong that it seemed like mountain bursting and ground splitting …

“This kind of oppression … is more than the piece connected by Holy Spirit Eternal Life Technique. Divine Kingdom has too much space … “

Baili Qingfeng even feels that if he has cultivated two Spirits of cultivation perfection, he may use this Divine Power to complete a new round of Spirit split.


The immortal Divine Emperor right hand sitting on the divine throne knocked on the armrest.

“Om weng!”

A circle of ripples washed out from Divine Kingdom across time and space.

Suddenly, Paragon Divine Sword Sword Intent and Sword Qi, which have been controlled by Baili Bamboo, seem to be very gentle when they encounter their real masters.

That feeling …

It ’s like the tamed Fierce Beast!

“I …”

Bai Lizhu looked at the power of the out-of-control Paragon Divine Sword with a daze.

She looked up, looking up at the monumental Divine Kingdom in the immortal Divine Emperor Divine Kingdom, capable to support both heaven and earth, the illusory shadow …

It seems …

Something felt.

“Sword Tool …”

Bai Lizhu said to himself.

She feels like she was born of that sword …

Become a sword sheath!

Bound that sword!

Tame the sword!

Then …

Use that sword again!


The immortal Divine Emperor strikes again.

The tamed and extremely docile Paragon Divine Sword Sword Qi once again showed a gruesome face, the horrible Sword Intent torrent, and the mighty Sword Qi storm set off again, and it was better than being controlled by the detached True God. How many times has it gone.

An unprecedented catastrophe, great despair, great horror, and great destruction permeated the stars.

Looking at the grandiose sword light exuding the mighty power of Supreme, all the people who witnessed this scene have a sense of the end of the world and the difficulty of coming to the fore.

“Escape! The farther you escape, the better! The faster you escape, the better!”

Salary Demi-God feels that her heart is shaking.

He ca n’t even care about the foundation of the temple in their field and many treasures. He just wants to leave the Star City at the fastest speed and leave this battlefield of Gods, getting better and better.

The same is true of the Marquis of the Roaring Lion, Marquis of Saitama, Torch, and other Legendary in the Star City.

Ancient God!

The ancient gods are immortal!

What a great existence!

Such a horrible gangster is angry, and a little aftermath of anger is enough to burn these little Demi-God and Legendary burned into ashes.

“This time, detachment, you are this Majesty’s eyes, you will witness the death of this blasphemy for this seat!”

Immortal Divine Emperor The mighty voice in Between Heaven and Earth reverberates and sounds in everyone’s mind.

As his words finished, Paragon Divine Sword Sword Qi full of destruction aura pointed directly to Baili Qingfeng.

The immortal Divine Emperor ’s gaze has never left Baili Qingfeng, his expression is indifferent, aloof and remote, looking down on sentient beings: “Come, blasphemy, tell this seat, this time, you still How to turn the disc! “

At this time, Baili Bamboo came quietly next to Sword Qi of Paragon Divine Sword …

Zhangkou …

” Haw! “

Swallow the Sword Qi of Paragon Divine Sword.


Immortal Divine Emperor.

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