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Baili Qingfeng 鈥檚 eyes are focused on Spirit World, which has evolved into a star world.

Because one after another natal stars are used by him to perform the star collapse, the star world is already in chaos.

The Gravitation Force field left by the glowing white stars, one after another collapsed natal star, the star conceived by the members of the Void Knight group, and …

The Void Knight group, Even the starlight of all the cultivation starlight catalogs of the Temple of Nothingness.

A variety of strengths interweave, making the astral world overwhelmed, as if a galaxy is about to enter a major collapse.

“Although I plan the astral world as a universe, it is obviously still a bit worse. Even if I revert to at the peak period, the astral world is a little larger than a stellar system at best. Universe, it’s a fool’s dream. “

If you bite by bite, you have to step by step.

The spirit world derived from his spirit world clearly cannot support the evolution of a universe, but it is beyond a stellar system …

So …

Correct The approach should be to plan the astral world as a river system.

“It is the super black hole in the center that maintains the normal operation of the galaxy. It is because of the existence of the super black hole to ensure the balance of the Gravitation Force of the galaxy. It is just that the white stars that were originally my will Core have collapsed, only The residual force field, then, this force field formed by the white stars can be regarded as a black hole that maintains the balance of the Gravitation Force of one side of the river system … As for my thirty two natal stars … it can be directly manifested as one after another star , Let it be the core point of a stellar galaxy-stars, the Knights of the Void Knight group. The natal stars conceived by those who cultivated the new version of Records of Numerous Stars are equivalent to the planets in the galaxy … thousands of cultivation star catalogs The cultivator they provide, the Strength is equivalent to the large and small materials in the river system, that is, meteorite … “

Baili Qingfeng has planned and completed the new star world soon.

Since the new river system is about to be spawned, now this apparently incomplete star world ca n鈥檛 be used.

So …

“Come to a super collapse.”

Although the collapse of this time is extremely dangerous, but … > p>

After breaking down, without destruction there can be no construction.

Baili Qingfeng has always believed that human potential is unlimited. No matter how dangerous the environment is, humans can rely on their own tenacious unyielding to find light from darkness and redeem themselves from despair.

As a well-know figure among the human beings, the top five young people with good academic performance, this kind of flash point on his body is more shining than the ordinary person. Break the limit this time, and do what ordinary people seem to fundamentally do.

Thinking of this, Baili Qingfeng began one after another of refining crystal clear crystal.

After the whale of these brains of clear crystals was swallowed, and after taking another sacred spirit, Baili Qingfeng 鈥檚 eyes fell on Xiaozhu: “Then let 鈥檚 look at Xiaozhu 鈥檚 “

After finishing, he also handed the Jianshen Mirror to Xiaozhu:” This is what you hold to ensure your life is safe, in case … “

Speaking of this , His tone slightly changed: “If I can’t recover from Nirvana, let the escape True God escape, you will escape with all your strength, don’t worry about me, I guess the God will of True God When I escaped from Spirit World, I must have strength great injury myself. It is estimated that I have no strength to deal with you. If there is a mirror of God, he can’t help you. “

Bai Lizhu heard what he said , Suddenly thought of something, the pretty little face became pale: “Qingfeng big brother … will you be in danger?”

At the moment of the collapse of the Baili Qingfeng Star Realm, the Void Knight Group and the Void Legion members far away in the Heavenly Waste Realm had a feeling in the heart at the same time.

They clearly feel that they are disconnected from the astral world.

Although they can still cultivate Records of Numerous Stars and Starlight Catalogs, they ca n鈥檛 connect to the familiar Starry World.

For a time, the Void Knight Group, Void Legion, and even the entire Void Temple caused some disorder.

This situation lasted for three days.

After three days later, there was no tendency for the astral to recover at all, the leader of the Void Knight Group Constantine, the deputy leader of the yarn and the others could not sit still, and the two came to the Qingyuan Mountain at the same time. , Looking for the teacher Yiyi to understand the inside story.

When knowing that Baili Qingfeng was going to negotiate on behalf of Tianhuang Realm, but lost news at this critical moment, the entire Temple of Nothingness and Sia Kingdom high-level commotion swelled.

At night, Baili Changkong, Alof, Yasuo, Fidelity, Shiyi, Constantine, Luosand and the others have come together, each and everyone expression is quite solemn.

“What the hell is going on?”

The impatient asked.

“Starlight Catalogue and Records of Numerous Stars originally pointed directly at the astral realm … The star realm is probably the prototype of Divine Kingdom, the great True God Your Majesty, but now, Divine Kingdom is closed … The situation is very similar to the situation in the book … “

Constant expression grave.

“What’s the situation?”

Yasuo quickly asked.

Constantine hesitated for a moment, but still said: “True God fell.”

“You mean … impossible … Qingfeng him …”

The teacher Yiyi stood up.

“There is no evidence to support this speculation, don’t talk indiscriminately.”

Shouzhen said solemnly.

By relying on the strength of true divine essence, he has already broken through to Legendary realm, and what he says is the most important in the crowd.

“The great nothingness True God Your Majesty Divine Power is vast, absolutely nothing will happen … I guess he just encountered some minor troubles that’s all.”

Luosha is also Followed by a cry.

“Then we …”

Shi Yiyi has n鈥檛 spoken yet, and the sky has once again said: “Shouzhen Senior, Qingfeng represents the heaven and wasteland to the Star Empire to discuss the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two sides. An accident occurred afterwards, and this matter naturally has to be investigated from the Stars Empire. The Stars Empire is the 1st Empire in the North, powerhouse as clouds, and you are only one of our Legendary powerhouse. For safety, take your team to work Tianhuang Realm, hide your identity and find out what happened. “

Shouzhen nodded.

Baili Qingfeng is the Sea Calming Divine Needle of Heavenly Waste Realm, and it is the only hope to protect the inheritance of Heavenly Waste Realm after the fusion with Biyue Realm in the future. No matter whether he has an accident or not, he can mutate for three days now, They must investigate.

Longsha took another look at Luosha: “You take a team of Knights with the Shozen Senior to follow the command of the Shozen Senior, and at the same time, pay attention to confidentiality.”

“As you wish.”

Luosha bowed slightly.

“Prime Minister Yasuo and Prime Minister Alof, I want you two to launch all the strengths that can be launched, and look for Zhao Jiansheng 鈥檚 whereabouts throughout the world. I will tell me as soon as there is his whereabouts!”

“Zhao Jiansheng?”

“Yes, if Zhao Jiansheng is successfully found, he will be your second batch of supporters.”

Shouzhen nodded.

Although he has broken through to Legendary realm, he knows very well that his Legendary is more than a half compared to Legendary Zhao Jiansheng.

The picture of World War I in the Prime Minister 鈥檚 Palace of the Golden Eagle Empire has been passed over.

The Legendary beastly man who controlled the Prime Minister 鈥檚 House, bloody weeping, has a strong battle strength, and surpasses all Legendary. Even if he has not reached Demi-God, it is estimated that it is not far away.

The Legendary, which is so powerful, has little resistance in front of the “Heaven and Earth’s Law Manifestation” that Zhao Jiansheng suddenly appeared, and was killed at a very fast speed.

Remember that when he first saw the picture, he almost thought that True God was born.

“Head of Constantine, you have to be responsible for the order in the Temple of Nothingness. Do n鈥檛 let this matter cause confusion and panic. The new Federation of Heaven and Famine will not stand any trouble.”

“I understand.”

Constantine is completely nodded.

“As for me …”

Hundreds of miles stood up and looked directly to the west: “In addition to Shouzhen Senior and Zhao Jiansheng, our side of Heaven and Wasteland is also there is a person Peak powerhouse, is the Legendary Fire Dragon in Xiyanzhou-the king of flames! According to Qingfeng, the Legendary Fire Dragon has a battle strength not inferior to Demi-God, waiting for your news Come, see if we are still Zhao Jiansheng, will serve as your third batch of Strength! “

Everyone is nodded one after another.

“Find out what happened to the Empire of Stars as soon as possible, and find Qingfeng at the fastest speed.

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