Energy Group

Chapter 1012:

Let the Yamaguchi team win? Japanese clubs take us to win money? What country are you kidding about? Can we make him realize this?

"Aoyama, haven't you Hongmen conducted a survey? How much should the final bet be estimated?" Li never took the boy's words but asked another question. The Yamada Mitsumi on the side is similar to traditional Japan. Women are very similar. When a man talks, most women don't need to talk. When a man finishes talking, he can think about it. If he is wrong, he has to go back and say. If you say something, you are disrespectful to your man. WWw.YZUU point m (: starting)

"Of course we will do it. This is a fat man. Originally, our Hongmen wanted to mix this matter. It's just that this is Japan, the site of the Yamaguchi group. We can't grab the business from others. It's obvious that we don't. Authentic, because your gambling this time is completely different from the last time you were on the gambling boat. Last time the periphery was only open to some wealthy people to gamble. This time, the whole of Japan basically participated. We estimate the amount. It's not very accurate, but tens of billions of dollars is not a problem. It is very possible to pass hundreds of billions in the last time. Of course, most of them will not buy you to win." Zhong Qingshan said sourly, if this peripheral gambling stall allows himself If you come to the operation, you will definitely modify the odds, and you will give them the reverse. Buying Li loses one for the winning one, and buying Beichen for a one-to-one loss. It is estimated that the whole of Japan will be crazy. There is no problem with hundreds of billions of dollars leaving.

"Haha, it's not bad, but I am the person who cannot bet. This is up to you. I will buy it all and I will win. This time I must not let the Yamaguchi team take advantage of it. You can buy it for me. Anyway, you guys have a lot of money. It’s okay.” Li Cong wrote a check to Zhong Qingshan after he finished speaking, but the amount above surprised Zhong Qingshan, 22 billion U.S. dollars, you really want to get the people’s Yamaguchi team so hard. All the money? This is simply killing everyone, but Japan is a country where you can't help gambling. As long as you are not holding gambling equipment and betting on the street, no one cares about you, and the Yamaguchi team is also very big this time, basically they are announced. Yes, I'm not afraid that they will fall back on the bill. We just want to use billions to make pocket money, but you can do it well, just tens of billions to bankrupt others.

However, when it comes to bankruptcy, Zhong Qingshan has thought about it. The Japanese Yamaguchi team must have a net worth of hundreds of billions of dollars, and this time the other party’s gambling money alone is estimated to be more than 100 billion dollars. They are just a little money. If you don’t make a profit, you won’t lose money. Seeing Li Cong take out such a large sum of money now, Yamada Mitsumi on the side can’t stand it even though she’s reserved, even though she knows Li Cong’s wealth Yes, but more than 20 billion U.S. dollars is definitely not a small amount. Even if they don’t have so much cash in their bank’s vaults, if all of this money is taken out, any major bank can go bankrupt instantly.

"Is the old husband too sloppy? We all know that you will win, but is the money a bit too much?" Yamada Mitsumi whispered, only then did Zhong Qingshan see clearly that the sister-in-law in front of him was Who, this elder brother is really okay. After such a short time, he taught the ice beauty of other people’s little Japan to be like this. Why don’t we have this ability? There is a wife in the family who eats himself a big man. Dead, it's really a different life, sad reminder.

"By the way, if you don't tell me, I still forgot. By the way, Qingshan, this is your sister-in-law's private money. If you add more than 3 billion, you can make up 4 billion US dollars. If you win, you will be your sister-in-law's powder money. It’s really hard to raise a family, and I have to go out and fight myself.” Li Cong shook his head and drank a glass of red wine, as if still sighing how difficult it is to survive in this world.

I x, is there such a shame? Are you still struggling to support a family? How many people can't eat in this world? If you go out and play twice, you can make more than 100 billion dollars. Good guy, it doesn’t matter if you want someone to die. Even your daughter-in-law’s private money is taken out. The 4 billion dollars will be 20 billion dollars in return. It is estimated that this money has to be the money from the Yamaguchi team. At this time, Zhong Qingshan is fortunate. Fortunately, this bet is not himself. If this is himself, not only will he not make a penny, he will also have to invest in it. Ten billion U.S. dollars is really not worth it. The outside world has been able to make a lot of money for us. It is absolutely indispensable for people to come everywhere to fight the autumn wind.

Yamada Mitsumi is really speechless at this time. This husband has too much confidence in him. Anyway, if the money is gone, he will be gone. After the big deal, he will be asked to raise it. Anyway, his group has money. I figured this out. The expression on his face is not as nervous as before. I am really hungry right now, and I immediately plunged into the work of eliminating the food on the table. Let the man think about making money.

"Well, since you are so good, I can't fall behind. I think those billions of dollars are too shameful for me. I will put together 10 billion dollars. Our two brothers basically put Yamaguchi The team is dismantled, haha, I think I should arrange some people to take over the site vacated by the Yamaguchi team and cannibalize him." Zhong Qingshan smiled happily. Of course, everyone around will think that these two people are crazy. , Want to demolish the site of Renjia Yamaguchi Group? Can you two? The Chinese people are really getting more and more frantic now. Do you think that you have become the world leader after a few years of development?

"Actually, I still feel a little uncomfortable in my heart. I cheated others last time. We did this a little bit innocently. I caught an honest person and kept cheating others. Alas, I was not like this before. It’s been like this since I met you, Qingshan, I feel that you should be responsible for the crisis of the Yamaguchi team, yes, you are responsible.” Li Cong said after patted Zhong Qingshan on the shoulder, shamelessly Ah, if Zhong Qingshan hadn't cared about his identity at this time, he would have to get up and give Li's attention immediately.

"Sorry, are you Mr. Li from China?" Yamada Mitsumi was happily watching the two brothers bickering, but didn't realize that there were so many riot police around. Could there be any terrorist incident here? Yet?

"Yes, I just, don’t you know what happened to this police officer?" Li Cong still knows how to maintain his image in public. It is estimated that Kawabata Yasunari’s incident has relapsed. There must be records around that guy’s death. Yes, and I went to sea this afternoon, it must have been traced from here, but they shouldn't do anything to them without definite evidence.

"Mr. Li, I’m sorry to disturb you. I’m from the Oita Metropolitan Police Department. This afternoon, Mr. Kawabata Yasunari, the vice president of Japan Steel Group, was killed at sea. The location of his accident is somewhat similar to the coordinates of your cruise ship. We hope to ask Li Sir, go back and help us with the investigation." This guy put on an official business appearance, he knew that this one in front of him was not an easy one, but he already had a check for 200,000 U.S. dollars from Japan Steel in his pocket. , This person had to be handed over to them, because of all the people who scanned it all afternoon, only the guy in front of them was the closest to the murderer.

"I was also on the boat in the afternoon, and I can prove that he has nothing to do with this matter." Before Li Cong could speak, Yamada Mitsumi stood up and said, she felt that this matter was related to Li Cong. There is a connection, but at this time, he has to stand up and express his innocence. Otherwise, under the influence of the Kawabata family, Li Cong may have to suffer. He still understands things in the police station very well and has background. They just go in and circle around, but those who have no background may not be able to get out.

"You must be Ms. Yamada Mitsumi, I'm sorry, you also need to go back with us. This is a document that invites you to go back. Please take a look." This guy did not say that this was an arrest warrant because of Yamada Mitsumi's face. It gives them face.

"Hehe, brother, you must have never been to a Japanese prison, it is very good, but if I don't let my elder brother in, believe it or not he won't have to go in?" Zhong Qingshan said that immediately there were more people around. Ten big men in black, of course, none of them took out their guns, but looking at their bulging waists, is there a wood in it? Even if you kill the policeman in front of you, you won't believe it.

There is something wrong with this. Doesn't this Mr. Li from China only have a club in Tokyo? How come to Daban with so many men? Uh, no, this is not a Japanese society. These people have a red dragon on their cuffs. This is a Hongmen..

The senior officials of the Metropolitan Police Department have also studied some clothes of people in some large organizations in the world. These people are not Hongmen in Japan, because according to their regulations, only people at their headquarters can wear this thing. This kid is so young, how can there be such a big show, is it the children of several ancient families in Hongmen? Why did I covet that 200,000 US dollars to take over this errand? It's not going to be up or down at this moment. If you leave like this, not only will you not get your money, but you will also lose your future position. , This kind of police probably won't need it anywhere.

But won? There are less than 30 police officers in total, and the number of people in black here is about the same as myself. But if you look at yourself and then look at others, it’s obvious that they are not of the same grade. He definitely It was certain that if the young man in front of him wanted to, they would have to go to see Amaterasu immediately.

"Sit down, sit down, they are the police, you have to be polite to them, and they just ask me to find out about the situation, what are you doing so excited, if they don’t let me come out, it’s not too late for you to be excited. Guangmei, we are good citizens, so let’s go back with Mr. Policeman.” Li Cong will stay in Japan for a while, so he has to go in and come out in an open manner, otherwise many actions will be restricted in the future. I don't want to be an illegal stayer in Japan, besides, I have already figured out the story. It was the group of Vietnamese who killed Kawabata Yasunari.

"Well, I'll let my father find the chief superintendent here, it's okay." Yamada Mitsumi grabbed Li Cong's hand and said, although Japanese laws are not as sound as Western countries, lawyers have basically become laws that can control the law. The first Quanye Bank maintains a team of lawyers with more than 100 people, and her father's contacts in the Metropolitan Police Department are still good, there should be no problem.

"Brother, you just go in like this? Don't worry, I will deliver food to you on time. Two wotou are enough? You also need to lose weight, but I take a taxi to take a taxi back. Reimbursement is required." Assuming that nothing will happen, Zhong Qingshan also said jokingly. The guests on the side and the people from the Metropolitan Police Department just watched these two people jokingly. You are going to the police station, isn’t it Ordinary gathering places, how can everyone not be nervous, if Yamada Mitsumi is like this, they still believe that, after all, they are the heirs of the big consortium, and Yamada Mitsumi just walks in, who dares to do anything to her? Tired of life? But this Chinese is different. If you don't say it, although there are not so many punishments, it is not a problem to make you suffer.

"Stop his bullshit, and just find a lawyer for me. It's not a big deal." Li Cong said to Zhong Qingshan and took Yamada Mitsumi out. At this time, the surrounding people Those big guys in black suits are nowhere to be seen. They don’t even need to do anything. Why are they standing here? Could someone take pictures?

The police officer is still not confused about wearing handcuffs. The thing is an insult to a person. If it is a real criminal, it should not be against that thing, but if it is used to treat these people with status, they will not. I hate the police station, but I am a person they will remember that if these upper class people want their own lives, they really have no ability to stop them.

The police car screamed and drove away. It was the first time our boss Li arrived at the police station. He was brought in as a prisoner, and it was also a Japanese police station. I really saw it.

"Go get me some famous lawyers and give them a lawyer's fee of 200,000 US dollars a day. If you can't be released on bail, you know what to tell him?" Zhong Qingshan snapped his fingers as he looked at the disappeared police car. After a little brother, this guy is the boss of the Japanese Hongmen. Usually, he is a publicity in front of his little brother, but now he is no different from a little brother here at the dragon head. What happened to the little brother? It depends on whose younger brother, there are more than one hundred regional bosses in the world, but how many can be the younger brothers of the leader? Let's be like this, don't be ashamed, it will still be the capital to brag about in the future.

Look at how generous this shot is. It’s different from others. Those lawyers won a lawsuit, and the more powerful ones cost a few million dollars. But it’s still how many days to prepare and how many days to go to court. It’s here, but it’s different right now. You only need to go to the police station to bail a person and get 200,000 dollars. Such a simple thing is basically something that can be done by a phone call for many lawyers. Do they not pick up? We have an enemy with Qian?

Besides, the people from Hongmen came to invite you, don't talk about giving money, just don't you dare to be obedient? Although you are a lawyer and a defender of the law, these people happen to be the trampler of the law. They are annoyed by a bullet that will kill you. Do you expect to use the thick law in your hands to block the bullet? What a joke.

Sure enough, shortly after Li Cong arrived at the police station, the police chief received several calls. It happened that today he was also on the night shift. I really don’t know what the Chinese man in front of me is capable of, and he can rank the big board. The first three barristers were found. If Yamada Mitsumi on the side had this ability, I would not be surprised. In the whole of Japan, the first bank is a behemoth, even the Japan Steel Group that wants to do this. Asking someone to come.

The phone rang again when the secretary was about to say something. Could it be the barrister who picked it up and found out that it wasn’t a lawyer at all. This is the mayor’s phone. I’m stubborn. What is this guy? People, unexpectedly alarmed the Chinese Consulate General in Daban. The people from the consulate will arrive at the police station in ten minutes. The relationship between China and Japan is not very good The mayor personally called to ask the director to be fair. I know that both sides are not easy to provoke, but if there is no such thing as the Chinese, then quickly let go. It is still within a controllable range. If the Chinese raise this thing to a diplomatic level, then This year my mayor is coming to an end. I haven't seen the guy who seized the Chinese fishing boat without authorization has been removed. I don't want to follow in his footsteps and go home to see his grandson.

After the director hung up the phone, he looked at the two people in front of him in embarrassment. When he had not been frightened by the suspect in his entire life, he hadn't been like this even when he caught some high-level organizations in the past, but he was not a fool either. Things can't be heard from the Nippon Steel Corporation. The young man in front of him looks very strong, but he can kill dozens of people? Or dozens of people with weapons, how could it be possible?

Although there are all kinds of pressure, they are still asked to take them in and record their confession first. This is a necessary procedure, otherwise some people will say that they have malfeasance. On the side of Yamada Mitsumi, I will not say anything if the lawyer is not here. It was also Li Cong who told her that the two people in the province said they were different. It's not right. The police can be arrogant to some social members, but for Miss Yamada, do they have the courage? . ..

Energy Group Section 1012 20 billion gambling outside (text)

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