Energy Group

Chapter 1023:

The voice of Hattori Zhanji directly awakened some of the guys who were still stupefied. This is over. As the master of the Beichen One Sword Style has died, then is this competition still necessary? Although the rules can kill the last person, but now the most important person is dead, what else is there to fight. (Crazy f hit)

The most excited group of people are naturally the Chinese martial artists, especially the old man who lent Li Cong's fan. At this moment, I also feel that this victory has its own relationship. Of course, the guys who bought Li Congying. They are equally happy, but at this time they still seem to feel a little uncomfortable. After all, the person who lost the game is their own Japanese, and they are still a school that has existed for so many years. It seems to the Chinese people. The Shaolin Temple in China is the same as the Wudang faction, but the Japanese who came to the scene were at least not so radical, but some streets outside had begun to hate the Chinese, and some radicals were already organizing demonstrations in front of the Chinese Embassy. It is estimated that such a thing will happen soon in the last few days.

"Chinese, do you think you have won?" Just when Li Cong was about to accept the cheers of the crowd, Hattori Zhanji's voice rang, but his voice was so dead at this time, as if he should It was a dead person who said it. It is impossible for a living person to say such a thing. You are the only one left to fight? This problem is not just Li Cong thinking, everyone is thinking, your brothers are not opponents of others, can you do it yourself?

However, Hattori Kenji's words quickly made him an idol for the entire Japanese radicals. That is their katana spirit. As long as they have a breath, they will never surrender. They will fight to the end. Obviously Hattori Zhanji is one such person, so they are very excited, feeling that their bodies have been injected with new blood. The streets are chanting Hattori Zhanji's name, and the entire Yamato nation seems to be crazy at this time. , It’s just that those people are brainless people. Those who really have brains can basically see that Li Cong has already won, and even if Hattori Zhan Er continues to fight, it can only be an extra corpse.

Forget it, you don’t take the right road to heaven, and there is no way to hell. You broke in. Originally, Li Cong really wanted to spare this guy his life, but now he has changed his mind. Since you want to die, I will send you off and do good deeds. We always rush to do it.

"Since Hattori feels that I was lucky enough to win, then please go back to your seats first. I think this battle is not over yet. If it really fights, it will hurt you." Li Cong confronted him. Several people said that they are basically their own people. They are Ono-kun and Takeshita. They ran the fastest. At the moment, they seem to have forgotten that he is a Japanese. How can he be worse than some sitting Chinese? Excited?

"Our Japanese Bushido does not say that surrendered. Mr. Lee, you killed my brother. I will fight you to the death. I hope you don’t stay behind in the next battle. I saw that you didn’t have any. With your full strength, you have been insulting us all the time, I tell you clearly, this battle requires one of us to fall down, otherwise it will never end, as long as I have a breath in me. He will admit defeat." Hattori Zhan Er was not injured at all, but when this guy spoke, blood still flowed from the corners of his mouth, which meant that this guy had bit his lips.

"Hehe, I didn’t expect this to be seen by Mr. Hattori. Since you want me to use my best, let me see what you can do. I am very clear about the Bushido spirit of your country, and I can be responsible. Tell you, you can’t go out, just let your so-called Bushido stop. Bushido is very meaningful to the army of a country. It can greatly improve the combat effectiveness of people, but you use it for aggression. The war of the country is wrong, because my motherland has suffered this **** Bushido, now let me trample on your lifelong hope." Li Cong spoke with a trace of irresistible power, that is Zhong People like Qingshan who are so familiar with him all feel that his elder brother is like a god. He is what he says. Why didn’t he find that his elder brother said something like this in the past? Is he ready? Understand?

Speaking of this, it’s basically done, and both of them are ready. It’s just that Team Leader Watanabe, who is next to Zhong Qingshan, closed his eyes in pain. If you just admit defeat, you can lose a little less. The bet for the death of the gambling brothers in the service department can be his own, but now no matter who of them dies, he has to pay more. But if Li Cong dies or he can make a lot of money, it’s just such a thing. It's much harder for pigs to climb trees.

"Kill" Hattori Zhan Er shouted and rushed towards Li Cong. It was obvious that he, a person who had been studying martial arts, was more proficient in Beichen's swordsmanship than his elder brother. This set was better than the previous Hattori Musashi. With greater offensive power, Li Cong didn't dare to confront this guy head-on this time. He could only be a detour. Although he could win with his strength, Li never wanted to do that. He was bullying Zhan Er in the service department. At this moment in the war, Li Cong also wanted to see how far he and Hattori Zhaner's strengths were under the same conditions, and who could win?

It seems that the battle is going to be stretched out, and some people who watch the excitement can't see it, but some martial artists have already seen that Li Cong has limited his strength to a certain level, and if he can win within this level According to Hattori Zhan'er, Li Cong's face must be quite glamorous, but if he loses, he will be lost.

"Kirin, how do you feel about your big brother? What's the chance of winning?" Zhong Qingshan couldn't help it. When it comes to martial arts, he is too far away from the top ten dragon guards around him. They also have a similar relationship with Li Cong. There is a gap, but they should be a bit more accurate than their own. At this time, they should ask their professional opinions. Who knows this was heard by the sharp-eared Watanabe. This old boy is also listening with his ears upright. I also want to have a glimmer of hope.

"Leader, this matter depends on the time. If Mr. Li can persist for five minutes, that is, if he passes a thousand moves, he will definitely win, but if he persists beyond the beginning, this is the number of five to five." Qilin's The skill is still higher than that of Pai Yao, so his words have some credibility. Of course, the premise is that Li will never improve his combat effectiveness.

Zhong Qingshan is also a person who understands martial arts. Naturally, he knows the meaning of Qilin words. The reason why Zhan Erzhan of the internal service department of a thousand strokes is the highest is that this guy has a lot of subtle moves. At this point, Li Cong was about to be thrown off eight roads. He didn’t understand anything, but it was different outside of a thousand moves. At that time, Hattori Zhan Er, who had just experienced the pain of his brother’s death, was impossible. Supported for so long, and his mind has been messed up. The reason why he can fight so offensively and defensively now is because Li Cong has the same power as him, and the second reason is that his revenge mentality is supporting him. As for him, the third one is these martial arts secrets he knows.

How come Li Cong has a bigger win? This makes Watanabe, who just got a little interested, immediately put on his bitter face. It is said that as the leader of an internationally famous society, he should be a city government. Yes, but if you lose this time, it will hurt you too much. Perhaps you have worked in vain for the past five or even ten years. Can a person ignore this?

Just like what Qilin said, Li Cong is really struggling now. The level of Hattori Zhanji is not only one level higher than that of his brother. It is almost the same as people of the two eras. It is obviously very simple. One move, when Hattori Musashi attacked him just now, he was easily resolved, but the speed and strength of Hattori Zhanji was greater, and the main thing was more accurate accuracy, which made him hardly know how to resist. Fortunately, he also stimulated the vitality of his whole body, otherwise, he would really be in danger of defeat.

Now that the two sides have fought for almost 500 moves, Hattori Zhan'er has always been attacking and Li Cong is defending. At this time, Li Cong felt that he was a little weaker. This guy’s attack was different from Hattori Musashi’s. That is, this kid’s attacks are endless, and his eyes are like dead ones. You can’t tell how terrible his next moves are by looking at his eyes. It was when he was fighting Hattori Musashi just now. There is no such thing.

Hattori Zhanji had nothing in his heart at this time. Some of them wanted to kill the boy in front of him. Many moves that hurt him a lot were used, but there was still no way to quickly take down this boy. He had a little move. It won't be his advantage, but it is also his disadvantage, that is, he will always only see moves and will not use moves to attack. When he uses moves to attack, he can only passively defend.

After 700 rounds, Hattori Zhaner quickly retreated to where he was when he was attacking his wife. He needed a rest, and there was a problem with his spit. After a while, he would pant a bit. In fact, if he was in normal times It’s no problem, but it’s no use now. I can’t control it anymore. My elder brother died in front of my eyes. It’s absolutely impossible to make myself like a okay person. If Li used his elder brother’s body at this time It is estimated that you can win if you say something, but Li Cong will not do it at this time. His reputation is more important than winning or losing this time.

Li Cong also saw that Hattori Zhaner wanted to rest. He has been playing so hard, but his physical strength is not a problem. Can you rest? If I let you rest well, I will have to be as poor as I just did. It is very irresponsible for my own life. So Li quickly rushed towards the direction of Hattori Zhan Er from one foot on the ground. After the past, and this time it was an attacking posture. Remember what the old man said just now, hitting someone with a fan handle, Hattori Zhan Er is an old oily man, naturally you can see how powerful Li Cong’s attack is. If it really hit him, it is estimated that the time to see the big brother is not far away, so he immediately set up his treasured sword to block Li Cong's fan.

Some weapons shown on TV can be bent to ninety degrees, but that thing is a sword, not a sword. Japanese swords are even more impossible. Japanese swords pay attention to hardness, so they will only break, not bend, but this At the moment, Hattori Zhanji's knife was indeed bending, and although the angle was not 90 degrees, it was still not small.

Unexpectedly, the weapons of the Japanese are not what they say, at least not the one in front of them.

Li Cong knows that he is the one who suffers from going on like this. This guy has been standing here for a long time. He has just arrived and hasn't stood firm yet. If he can't rush to this blade right now, then he will be the one who suffers. After removing it, he kicked the blade of Hattori Zhanji and then retreated with this strength. Hattori Zhanji also exhaled. If this kid persists for a while, it is estimated that his sword will be damaged here today. The fact of the kid is strong.

Couldn't you beat him with the same strength as him? Li Cong murmured a little bit. It was nearly 800 rounds and he didn't take advantage of it at all. On the contrary, he came out of danger and was a little scared.

No, suddenly Li remembered the number of times that he was dangerous. At the beginning, it was almost once in ten rounds. In the middle, it was only once in dozens of rounds. It has been once in over a hundred rounds until now. Yes, this old guy’s He couldn't hold on to his physical strength at all. Everything before was supported by his efforts, and he couldn't support it for long. This is Li Cong's conclusion.

In order to verify his conclusion, Li Cong once again launched an offensive exactly the same as the first offense, with a reference point. At that time, the old guy also used this trick to fight back, but this force was enough to shake himself away. Seven or eight meters away, but now he can only shake himself four or five meters away, and the reaction speed is not comparable to that at the beginning. At that time, he was prepared to react, but now he can only send it out immediately. , This intensity is too far behind.

After figuring this out, and verifying it again, Li Cong can be regarded as a thorough understanding, this old guy is already at the end of the crossbow, he should play a game with him, and soon Li Cong changed his tactics, not directly He went up and fought hard, but kept circling the circle with this guy. The people outside seemed to have expanded the scope, but many martial artists knew that if Hattori Zhanji had no new solutions, In this battle, the outcome has been divided.

"Hehe, I didn't expect Mr. Li to discover this secret so quickly. It's really extraordinary." Zhong Qingshan glanced at Qilin in surprise. This kid doesn't praise people very much, so why praise Li for such a simple question. Never? Isn't it easy for us to see it.

"Hehe, dragon head, it’s easy for us to see, have you forgotten our Chinese old saying? The authorities are obsessed with onlookers, we always see the excitement clearer than the people in the centre of the excitement, and Mr. Li has always been in the war. What he can see is really commendable, and if my master is here, I must discuss with him." Qilin said while watching.

His master? Qilin is already one of the few martial arts masters in the world. What kind of level does your master have to go to? He wants to learn from Li Cong? It is estimated that Li Cong will not be able to win as comfortable as today.

The two people just said a few words casually and stopped talking. Everyone knows that the next step is to win. If the words are distracted at this time, they may not be able to see it in the future. This is their biggest loss. It.

"Boy, you have a kind of don't run around, come and fight me to the death." Said Hattori Zhan Er, who has been fighting for dozens of rounds after running for most of the day. This old guy also sees that Li Cong doesn't want to fight at all. He continued to fight, just consuming his physical strength in this way, but what is the matter with ordinary people outside? Does this old guy curse if he can't beat others? Isn't this always playing? From the center to the and from the surroundings to the center, what kind of play is required to be called a fight to the death?

"Since Hattori wants to fight to the death, even if I let the horse come, I will continue everything." Li Cong shook off the folding fan in his hand. This thing really improves his handsome index, but it is much better than holding a knife. Up.

Despicable boy, Hattori Zhan Er can only curse like this in his heart. The challenge book doesn't say how to fight to win. Do you really have to use that old trick? But that is very bad for Beichen's reputation. Now that my brother is dead, and the teacher is gone, do I care about personal reputation and the reputation of the teacher? As long as they can win, no matter what they say, they might still call themselves a wizard.

Yes, the Chinese have always been paying attention to winning and losing. By then, no one will say anything when he wins. Hasn't this kid always used tricks without tricks? Besides, the challenge book doesn't say that you can't use that one? Thinking of this, Hattori Zhan Er smiled. Everyone in the stands thought this guy was stupid, but only he understood that Li Cong couldn’t take care of everything next to him, but at the same time he would bring the whole Beichen into the darkness. Yes, even after winning, Beichen would not be at ease with a single sword. . ..

Section 1023 of the Energy Group's signature trump card? (text)

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