Energy Group

Chapter 1056:

The large area that Fujita Gang dedicated to Li Cong does not mean that there is no profit. On the contrary, it is the most profitable part. It is also a part of the land second only to Shinjuku. If Li Cong can manage the area well, it will be handed over to the Yamaguchi team. The money here can bring Li Cong billions of dollars or even more oil and water every year, but the location here is really not very good, because it is located in the area where the Yamaguchi Formation and the Kansai Formation are the most intense, this guy The cherry blossoms will be pulled into the water.

Li Cong has always thought that this guy is a mess, but now it seems that people are very shrewd. By entrusting this area to Li Cong, he can safely withdraw thousands of new troops. This is in the battle against the Kansai group. A very strong bullet, and there is still a lot of income here. I don’t have to worry about it. It can be said that it is a three-shot. The only headache is Li Cong. If Li never wants to offend the Kansai team, he has to quit. If you want to exit this area, let’s not talk about the Yamaguchi team. The Sakura Club alone is not happy. Although the Kansai team is strong, it is worth fighting for billions of dollars in annual profits. .

"What do the brothers below mean?" Li Cong has had a headache for more than an hour. This **** Fujita just wants to find something, but doesn't want to continue watching the cherry blossoms continue to develop in secret, and treats us as cannon fodder. An opportunity, if you want to obtain such a large territory in peacetime, it is absolutely impossible, now it is easy to get.

"The brothers below are all very excited. Our Sakura Club is also a society with a history, but no matter when we have never had such a large territory, everyone is going crazy now, and they all want to go out and fight. Wanting to make a note in their club career, they all started to inquire who we were going to send to receive it. The Yamaguchi group has already called for the second time, and the person who called us hastened to receive it.” Sakurako naturally followed the following. Those people are different. Although she is also very happy, she also sees the sinister intentions of the Yamaguchi team. She really can't understand how the seemingly honest Fujita has such a shrewd brain.

Li Cong smiled helplessly. He knew what the reaction of the following brothers was, but fortunately, Yingzi was not as brainless as these people. If even a boss like Yingzi was confused, the Sakura Club would be true. It will be calculated by the Yamaguchi team.

There are actually two plans that Li can't pay attention to now. One is to send heavy troops into the new area, and then cut off the weapon supply of the Kansai group. This way, it should be no problem to defend by his own strength, but this way Even if the Yamaguchi group and the Kansai group stopped fighting, their own piece is still at the junction, and it is easy to become a battlefield.

Another plan is that Li will only send some old, weak, sick and disabled people to hand over, so that the Kansai team can see that he is not in the same family as Benhe Yamaguchi team, naturally this offends Yamaguchi team, anyway. One offends the other.

"Boss, I have an idea. I have seen it. This opportunity is very rare. We might as well just swallow this piece. Of course, I am not going to swallow it with our own strength. Our manpower is simply It’s not enough for us to occupy that area, so we have to recruit troops, but it seems a little too late to carry out this now, so we can rent out those places?" Takeshita hasn’t spoken for a long time, and suddenly he thought of something that would not hurt himself. , And there is a way to benefit, but this method is not invented by myself, but learned from Yamaguchi Group.

Li Cong carefully slapped Takeshita’s method and felt that it was okay. In fact, he also rented this land from the Yamaguchi team. Why not learn from the Yamaguchi team? There are millions of clubs in Tokyo. Citizens, not everyone is so lucky to have their own turf. Many people only have one name. Two organizations on the same street collect more protection fees. They fight every day. If you rent your own piece to such a person, they will definitely go, and these people have a lot of power. Although the individual is not very useful, it will be different when there are more people, and at the beginning They made money in a month, and they will definitely defend their turf in the future. Coupled with their own arms support, there should be no problem. Takeshita is not just a brain for picking up girls, sometimes it is very useful. .

This matter was not tender and delayed. Li immediately arranged it. Soon some small groups of 50 to 100 people in Tokyo began to receive posts from the Sakura Club, all inviting them to enter the new district, and the annual harvest was only Half-and-half, the lease term is one year. After the expiration, they will give priority to renewing the contracts with these people. They also provide weapons to these people. The condition is that they have to guard the area and have a sky-high deposit. If there is no money, the transaction does not need to be done. .

Li Cong started this business as if he were renting out a house. The sky-high security deposit was a must. He would definitely not allow these people to use the profits of the first few months to make up for it. This has become empty gloves for these people. White Wolf, let's provide them with a platform. They are all mixed clubs. Then, if he doesn't have any money, you can't help it. These people do it.

After a morning arrangement, eleven clubs finally met Li Cong’s requirements. Li Cong specially invited these eleven bosses to the headquarters of the Sakura Club in Shinjuku to handle the handover. Cong's approach is quite unsatisfactory, but you didn't say that people can't do this, you just expressed dissatisfaction for a while, and there is no more.

"Boss, our new district has enough profit. If I didn't have enough manpower, I would never rent out this place. I hope that the bosses can promise me one thing, that is how I give it to you. , I’ll have to give it to me later when I want to get it back. If something goes wrong, don’t blame me Yingzi for not knowing you.” Yingzi, as the boss of the club, finally saw that he had signed the contract and confessed. People just got rid of the smog in that area, and it didn't make much sense to take it back, so they had to tell them this in advance.

"Miss Yingzi, don't worry. We are not newcomers anymore. We all understand very well. We will take care of these things, but I don't know when you promised our arms to solve it for us?" The multi-year-old guy said, in fact, they don't have much confidence in defending living here, just try it casually for the sake of arms.

Yingzi snapped his fingers, and immediately some of his subordinates brought in a few large boxes, which seemed to be the arms they wanted.

"These boxes are all samples. I have these items. They are clearly marked. You want to say that I have them, but all the requirements are in cash. Of course, several people bought the arms and gave me the nursing home. Yes, so I will give a discount to a few." Yingzi has now begun to change herself, from selling things to individuals before to selling things to organizations. According to Li Cong, no matter what you do, you need quantity. Only the accumulation of quality can complete the transformation of quality.

The eleven bosses tried the weapons in front of them, and they were much better than the items bought from the Yamaguchi team. These items look good at first sight. They can be used for their own use. In fact, they can be sold out. There is no problem. Not only can you broaden your contacts, but also enrich your wallet. You can start paying the deposit one by one. The discount is not available all the time, so if you want to buy it this time, buy it. A little more.

At the same time, a secret base on the west coast of the United States

It’s been a long time since this place was listed as the No. 1 reconnaissance base of the energy group, but the people of the energy group still haven’t detected anything useful. It’s like a girl with a veil, and doesn’t even know the woman behind the veil. What is it like? If nothing is discovered in the short term, Li Er can only let his African army start a strong attack. Although it will be very troublesome, it can still be settled if it is not solved here. In the end, it was still himself or the entire group that was embarrassed, because Li Er felt danger from that place.

This danger is not just for him personally, it should be for the entire group. If he has the ability, Li Er really wants to throw an atomic bomb in it, and even if there are any secrets, it has become no It’s a secret, but the current reality does not allow you to do that. You still have to be patient. I originally wanted to buy some information from the young masters of the Skull and Bones, but unfortunately they didn’t even know the base, let alone sell it. Give yourself information about there.

Li Er attaches great importance to the existence of such a danger, but pays attention to it. The security work of the Skull and Bones is also very good. Up to now, there is no news. This is a crime for the entire group. If I noticed this place quickly earlier, there might not be such a thing.

"Master, there is an important news. President Anderson's first bodyguard, Mr. Shadow, has also entered the base. It seems to be really important." Everyone knows the importance of this base, but no one thought about it. There was going to be Anderson's number one bodyguard, the number one master of the Skull and Bones.

"Enough, I am very aware of the importance of it. Don't tell me this question. I just want to know if there is any other way you can let me know some of the things inside." Li Er banged. I smashed my favorite Han Dynasty bowl. I got news about it these days, but I didn't know the contents.

A dozen people in the entire office dare not speak. This is the first time the young master has caused such a big fire. It is also clear that this is also caused by this **** base, but all high-tech methods are used. I just can't find out what's inside, and everyone is anxious, but there is no other way.

"Sorry, I've been a little impetuous lately, you all go out." Li Er may also feel that he is wrong, waved his hand to let everyone out. As a leader, such a situation is very scary, let's adjust it by myself. it is good.

The phone in the room rang when everyone left. Originally, Li Er didn't want to answer the phone, but he took a look at the number and picked it up because the phone was from Japan and his most respected father called Coming.

"Boy, are you upset? Have you encountered a problem?" He didn't say anything yet, and the father knew his situation. He had to say that it was Zhizi Moruofu. Li Er felt a little sour in his nose. Although he is very mature in front of outsiders, when facing his father, he is still a child, an imperfect child.

"Father, I'm sorry, I didn't control myself well, but things in that base are like a thorn in my throat. If I don't figure it out, I can't even sleep well, but now our energy seems to enter. No." Li Er said honestly. In fact, the quality of his sleep in the past few days is really poor. If it weren't for the makeup artist, he could see the dark circles of this little guy on his face.

"Don't remember what I told you? You don't need to say sorry to me. Even if you broke into a terrible disaster, I will carry it for you, because I am your father, let alone you still No trouble, why would you say sorry to me? Isn’t it just a base? In fact, if you calm down, I think you will soon figure out what to do. Now you don’t understand because you circumvent yourself. Go in." Li Cong on the phone thought for a while and said, in fact, he already has a way, but he still hopes that his son can think of it, so that is his ultimate goal.

Go around yourself? Yes, I usually have a lot of ghost ideas. How can I forget these at this time? It seems that my father understands that he can wake up with one sentence.

"Father, when I asked you to say that, I suddenly thought of an idea. Recently, they have sent the guy to the shadow. I understand it. They also discovered that we are very interested in that place. I think we continue like this. We still won't get the information there, so why don't we just divert our attention?" Li Er said tentatively, wondering if he meant the same as his father.

"Hehe, my son, your comprehension ability is much faster than your laozi. When I was so old, I was punished by the teacher when I was reading cartoons in class. As a father, I feel like having a son like you I am very happy, and I will give you a hint. If you want to divert the attention of the Skull and Bones throughout the Americas, you should aim at what they care about. It should be what they care about most. In the central part of the Americas, I still have something to do. , Hang up first, and see my dear son." Li Cong hung up the phone after finishing talking. He said that if his son didn't understand it, he would have to strangle the kid.

Central America? What is there that the Skull and Bones are concerned about? Li Er looked at the map for a long time and didn’t see the importance of those countries. Although his strength in the Americas is not very strong, there is no problem in changing the government of a small country. It’s just that the Skull and Bones can be transferred. Attention, a bit of a big talk, right? Not to mention these small countries in Central America, even the large countries in South America, the Skull and Bones may not be in their eyes.

Central America? Suddenly Li Er saw a red mark on the map of the Panama Canal. This is one of the most strategically significant places in the world. This map is full of important transportation routes in the world, and this is the only place in the entire Americas. One, my father meant the Panama Canal, my goodness, this place can really distract the big guys from the Skull and Bones, and it can indeed allow them to mobilize a large number of people to go south, and then I will indeed When there is a chance, thinking of this, Li Er immediately picked up the internal phone in his house and ordered several henchmen to come in for a meeting.

" do we have anything to do with the general in Panama?" Li Er said to his confidants. He already had a preliminary plan in his heart. When the US army occupied Panama, Panama People across the country are also very dissatisfied, but there is no way. They understand that protests are useless in the face of heavily armed American soldiers than the Chinese. Although the guerrillas have resisted for decades, there is no foreign power. They can only play a small role in their support. In fact, they also have the support of foreign forces, such as the Soviet Union, but no one said anything to them after the collapse of the Soviet Union. After all, no one wants to face the anger of the American boss. That anger is not something I can bear.

The general Li Er mentioned was a leader of the Panamanian guerrillas, and he had only a few hundred people under his team. The reason why he was called a general was actually all this guy did by himself. If his people are true In the end, it is estimated that it is a captain or something, and he is far from the general.

"Master, we don't have much contact with that General Monterey, but he used to interact with our intelligence agents in Panama. If you need this guy, I think it's easy to contact this guy." One of them is in charge of South American affairs. The guy said that they had seen the general before, and they didn't know why the young master would mention that guy. This person has nothing to do with the group. . ..

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