Energy Group

Chapter 1060:

Yamada also understands that there are many such things in the business field. He is now relying on his son-in-law to take up the position, and may come down someday, so he did not put on his own airs, and he was very clear that one day he might return You have to ask for these people, but it is impossible to have a deep friendship. At most, just chat.

Li Cong was also very happy to see that his father-in-law was more than able to deal with it. Things here are all right. The people from the Sakura Club over there are still waiting for their own meeting, so they didn't stop and talk to a few people before taking it. Putting on your own glasses and taking a taxi from the back door, sometimes it is much better to use two identities to do things.

Li Cong’s arrangement is that Ono-kun still goes to work with Yamada Gang. There is a need for people like Ono-kun. If Ono-kun stays in Sakura, it is easy to have some unpleasant things with Sakurako. Secondly, it is indeed a bit Qu Cai, Ono-kun’s skills shouldn’t be used for clubs. He should be among the bosses of those big companies. Li Cong is very clear about this. Ono-kun is also very satisfied with Li Cong’s arrangements. He feels that his communicative skills have also declined a bit in the contacts of these mixed groups.

"Boss, are your affairs in China really that important? Don't we mix well in Japan? We are already the third largest society in the country. Although we can't develop for the time being, our future prospects are very good. "Yingzi still does not want Li Cong to return to China. In her opinion, although Li Cong’s family in China is prominent, it can be seen from the time Li Cong came to Japan. How to find a role to be seen, instead of going back to be a bag, it is better to be at ease outside.

"Thank you Sakurako, I know what you mean, but after all, there is still my home. People have to go back to their own home after a lifetime. I am relieved to have you here in Japan. Besides, communication in this world If it’s so developed, it’s fine to contact us by phone. If something happens, I’ll rush back right away. It’s not just a few hours to fly from China to Japan. I believe you will do the cherry blossoms well. Li Cong looked at his subordinates, but he also developed some feelings. In any case, people are emotional animals. In the past few months, everyone has depended on Li Cong to the extreme. Li Cong was going to leave like that. All these people seemed to be missing something in their hearts, but the boss was right, and they had their own lives.

In the end, Li Cong had a drink with his subordinates until dawn that night. In the early morning, Li Cong sent these guys home one by one, and then left a letter to Yingzi, asking her to develop her own society. Also inquire about Sachiko and take care of it.

The special plane from the headquarters of the Energy Group to pick up the president has already been waiting for Li Cong at Haneda International Airport in Japan. After more than two months of private life, Li Cong is a bit unaccustomed to such a big scene. Below the plane, the number of the Japanese branch of the Energy Group Hundreds of high-level executives were sending Li Cong back to China under the cold wind. Although Li Cong confirmed that he would return home by plane at 8:30 in the morning, it was already crowded at 7 o'clock, but the power of the energy group in Japan was still acceptable. Yes, so many people can see their abilities without a reporter coming in.

Because of the traffic problems in Tokyo, Li Cong arrived at the airport by helicopter. Yamada Gang and his family were all on the plane to send Li Cong back to China. Seeing his little wife, Li Cong felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. Sometimes he really did. I don't know if it is worthwhile for me to give up so many beautiful things for the whole world. Should I stay with my wife at home regardless of those things? But when he saw the eager eyes of these people around him, Li Cong knew that his choice was not wrong. Everything about the group's tens of millions of employees is connected with him, and there may be more people with him in the future. They are connected together, so they can’t lose, and everything must continue to develop. If they stop, they may soon be swallowed by others. At least they can’t rest until they defeat the Skeleton.

"I will come to pick you up after the New Year, take care of yourself at home and don't let yourself be overworked." At this time, Li Cong doesn't have the style of a big group president at all, but he seems to be a nagging god, Yamada. Guangmei saw her husband telling herself in front of so many people, her face immediately turned red. Li never worried that someone would release the news, because the people who can come here today are absolutely high-level people. How can people with insufficient loyalty let them know about this?

"Father-in-law, Guangmei will take care of you." Li Cong shook hands tightly with his father-in-law Yamada.

"Hehe, don't worry, I will help you look at the company, while helping you look at the company and the wife." Yamada is still the same, no matter what Li Cong is in front of him, he knows that this is his son-in-law. That's it.

"Sir, time is almost up." Liu Ruhua, who came from the headquarters, walked to Li Cong's side and whispered, because Wang Lingling had already stepped down as the secretary to the president and there was no suitable candidate for a while, so Liu Ruhua came first. I've replaced it, and I will give up my position when I have a suitable candidate. After all, the Minister of Public Relations is also in close contact with the President. There is absolutely no problem in managing another department with Liu Ruhua's ability.

Liu Ruhua is a beautiful woman to the limit. Even Yamada Mitsumi, who has always been confident in her appearance, was shocked when she saw Liu Ruhua. How could there be such a beautiful girl in this world? When Liu Ruhua saw Yamada Mitsumi, he was also a bit hostile. I really didn’t expect that this Japanese woman who was waiting at home would not be able to take advantage of it. Now the entire group knows that he is the president’s preparatory daughter-in-law. I thought that I hadn't even entered the door yet, but this Japanese woman was pregnant with a dragon seed first.

Li Cong nodded, then explained a few words to He Chaoqiong, and then boarded the plane. I really look forward to it after not returning home for two months.

"Picturesque, what's the matter with Wang Lingling? As the secretary of the president, I didn't approve it. Why did I resign?" Li Cong just heard that his secretary is temporarily vacant, just don't know what is going on. .

"President, I think you will have to retire this matter even if you go back. People have been pregnant for a few months. Do you need a pregnant woman to be your secretary? You are not afraid of those gossip tabloid reporters thinking about it. Can I expand on your preferences for you?" Liu Ruhua said maliciously. Li Cong naturally knows what she means, but these things are preferred by the Japanese. How come the Chinese have started this Tuned?

"A few months pregnant? Ye Zijun, the kid is very fast, do you have any comments on my secretary candidate group?" Li Cong also knows that Liu Ruhua’s public relations department is very troublesome. She has a more important job for herself, and her secretary has been in contact with her recently, so she should choose a good one, otherwise she will have problems with her usual work.

"The secretary to the president is just a secretary, but she is almost as good as a first-level minister. Therefore, the senior executives of the group think that they should be cautious. They have come up with two plans. One is to let the deputy director of the group secretariat Ding Min, Wang Lingling’s deputy, came to take over, just like Wang Lingling came to take over after Dai Lai left, but this Ding Min just got married, and it is estimated that he will have a child recently, and he will still have to take some action at that time. I put forward another idea, which is to openly recruit one for you in the society, or conduct an assessment within the group. Don’t you know your opinion?” Liu Ruhua picked up the folder and said to Li Cong’s secretary The group is really worried about the selection of candidates.

So many children? Other job groups can give them maternity leave according to the country's requirements, and they will continue to hold them when they come back, but the position of Li Cong’s secretary is not so good, and Li Cong does not want a married woman to serve as his secretary. Because Dai Lai's matter has made one of his heads bigger than two, it can't happen again.

"I don't have any impression of this Ding Min. I think it's better to choose among the people in the Secretariat for safety, but my requirement is that I am unmarried, and I will not have children for at least three years." Li Cong thought for a while. The scope of the entire group is really too big. As for social recruitment, maybe the newspapers will gossip in the end. It is better to choose a small group in the secretariat. Those in the secretariat are also familiar with their work. , And can quickly take office.

Liu Ruhua promised to write this down. When he turned back, he had to have a meeting with the senior executives of the group to study immediately. He thought that Ding Min gave himself a sports car worth millions of dollars before he came. I want to ask myself to give her some kind words, saying that it is okay to have children in the last few years. I don’t want to say that. The president is disgusted with married women. If I say it, Ding Min doesn’t look like it. For a serious person, maybe he really meant to fly to a branch and become a phoenix. Wasn't it a blockage for yourself at that time? I haven't settled here yet, how can I find opportunities for others.

"President, there is another problem. The board of directors has also found a problem in recent meetings, that is, the cost of the young master has increased too high in the past month. The people on the board hope that the young master can give them an explanation, but the young master directly I’m back.” Liu Ruhua actually didn’t want to talk about this issue, but Li Cong asked her to give a briefing on the recent affairs of the group. This is the most serious thing that has been upset recently. The group has already talked about it. With his own strength, he was ready to go it alone in America, saying that he was dissatisfied with some of the president's policies, such as giving Australia to the eldest.

Li Cong naturally knows why Li Er spends a lot of money. As for the rumors within the group, he can’t do anything about it. As long as the senior executives don’t really think that way, a large company with tens of millions of people. People’s mouths are blocked, even if they are blocked, don’t people think so?

"I know this. Tell the group's board of directors. The young master's expenses will be directly paid to him. Later in the annual meeting, I will ask him to come back and give you an explanation. How is the operation of our group recently?" Li never wanted to discuss anything with Liu Ruhua on this issue. You must know that the public relations department of the group is the place where rumors can be the most. Although Liu Ruhua is not a big mouth, none of the girls under her are fuel efficient. The lights will be made up one by one.

"The group has been operating normally in the two months since you left. The government started to have some frictions with us. The main thing is that the eldest lady started to establish a grain base in Australia. Three groups of investigation teams have already come from the State Department. I hope we can close the food base in Australia.” Liu Ruhua thought for a while and said that the State Council is currently in the transition phase. The newly appointed prime minister is very concerned about this matter because they feel the energy group’s globalization strategy. It is necessary to reduce the government's influence in the energy group, just like the current Hong Kong, the central government's decree is no longer as effective as the group's order.

"What do we need to explain? If a multinational company puts everything of its own in one country, what is a multinational company? I will personally go to Beijing to discuss with them. Don't stop our globalization strategy. What do you mean by the young lady? Didn’t the government come to Australia to talk to her?" Li Cong wanted to know how his daughter handled this matter. His son did a good job, but he always felt that his daughter is better than her. The leader whose son Qiang is a daughter, unfortunately, Li never wants his foundation to become an outsider.

"The young lady meant to be tough. Anyway, the influence of the central government in Australia is basically zero. The Australian government is already our strongest ally. The young lady has developed our own power on a large scale during her stay in Australia. Now Australia Half of the government’s power is our own. The Australian government will prosecute the Chinese government on the grounds of unfair competition, but I think this is the smokescreen released by the eldest to scare the central government, because in the central government The government immediately sent a commissioner to Australia to negotiate with the eldest lady after knowing the news. The specific result is still unknown." Liu Ruhua said that she also admired the eldest lady of the group, Li Cong's. Both children are so enchanting, I really don't know what to say.

Li Cong smiled bitterly. This is really better than blue. His daughter is better than her son. This girl dares to use any method, but it is also the essence of the Chinese government to save face, otherwise. This method will definitely not work for Americans. Americans will definitely fight a lawsuit because they are addicted to it. It can be seen that the number of lawyers in Americans is several times that of Chinese.

"Well, I have nothing more to do. You are my secretary now. I will explain two things to you. The first is that you have to refill my tea when you run out of tea. The second is to follow up with the lady. She gave me a detailed schedule of the negotiation. I wonder if there is any problem? Miss Secretary?" Li Conggang signed a document and said to Liu Ruhua with a smile.

"Yes, my sir, I don't know if the little girl will give you a massage, a full set of services?" Liu Ruhua gave Li Cong a wink and said with a smile, that looks like a woman from the wind.

"Oh, it's not a coincidence. I still have things to work on today. I don't know which KTV the lady works at. I will definitely go there after work. I must give me a discount." Li Cong also said in cooperation. Isn't it something that every boss has to do to tease a female secretary? Try it yourself, and it feels refreshed physically and mentally.

"Go to hell, I'll give you a fart, go back and get your secretary's work done quickly, my old lady won't serve you anymore." Liu Ruhua scolded with a smile, but he picked up Li Cong's teacup and went out and gave Li Cong Xushui, watching With Liu Ruhua's graceful figure, Li Cong's younger brother also reacted a little now. Alas, does this woman eat or not?

The plane arrived at Jinan International Airport after more than an hour's flight. Li Cong strictly ordered not to meet him by the senior executives of the group, otherwise the entire headquarters would not work in one day. Li Cong was in a good mood when he got off the plane, at least The executives of the group were still very obedient. Three Rolls-Royce came, and there was no helicopter privilege in China.

It was Liu Yan, the executive vice president of the group, who came to pick up Li After getting in the car, the two people put away the solemnity outside. Li bit Liu Yan’s small cherry mouth with just one bite, although it was already I'm an old husband and wife, but I haven't seen each other for more than two months. Liu Yan's body is extremely sensitive. Just a kiss, Liu Yan's whole body is loose.

"I hate it, I will mess up as soon as I meet." Although the partition in the middle of the car has risen, Liu Yan still feels very exciting. To be honest, since he gave birth to a child, Li Cong hasn't done such an exciting thing with him for a long time. Up.

"I won't mess with him, who will come?" Li Congke ignored Liu Yan's protest and put his hand directly into the woman's clothes. He was familiar with the road, and his skin was really not so good, as if he had just met him back then. At the time, Liu Yan hadn’t seen Li Cong for more than a month. Of course, she would think about that. She just indulged once, and didn’t refuse to refuse. She slowly untied Li Cong’s belt with both hands, with a touch of charm. She knows that Li Cong likes to use her little mouth, so she didn’t ask Li Cong to beg her this time, so she directly bent down her body slowly and surrounded Li Cong’s little brother with her own tenderness. The comfortable Li Cong hummed.

PS Thank you all the students who gave monthly tickets. This book also has nine monthly tickets in the first month. Thank you for your support. ..

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