Energy Group

Chapter 1067:

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Although the upstairs is also smoggy, it is still very good compared to the downstairs. At least there are not so many people. After coming up, there are two European and American v. Li Er's eyes are the same. The people who brought them were coaxed down. As Terry’s belongings, these two V people are like queens here. Whenever someone has lived like this, they will go over and complain one by one when they see Terry coming up. , But it was different from the reaction of Terry's men in the past. Terry immediately slapped the two v guys and told them to roll off and fight with that young master? I don't have two heads on my neck, just two is not enough.

"Hey, master, I'm really sorry, those two **** Terry came up and looked like they were pleased immediately.

Such a person is what Li Er despise the most. For outsiders to beat his own v-person, such a person would not even have the opportunity to be a dog for himself. What kind of son he will definitely have what kind of son. In Li Er's concept Here, your v-person is the first object to be protected. If you can’t even protect your v-person, what else can you do? If this guy came up and quarreled with him for a while because of those two v-people, he would still have a high look at this kid, and now it seems that this guy wants nothing.

"Okay, let's not talk about the useless things. I want to know how you are preparing, General. When can we start? My people are all in place. I think I have 24 hours of preparation. Time is fine, so how about tomorrow night?" Li Er pushed open the window in the room. Although he meant to be discussed, it was a command that everyone could hear. Orders that you cannot question, all you need is obedience, no other thoughts.

"That. Master Li, I think it’s better for us to slow down. Although I have become the largest warlord force in Panama with your strength, I only have more than 2,000 people under my hand. Although the weapons are all the best, These people are a group of fools. They have not mastered how to use these things, so they have not yet formed combat effectiveness. It is still somewhat difficult to rely on them to seize the canal area under American surveillance, and, master, I hope you can stay away from that window. Terry, who is still insecure in Panama, said with a hint of difficulty. The last sentence was flattering.

"Hehe, my security general, don’t bother. I’m standing here because no one can hit my black gun with a blocking gun. I don’t bother to bother you. I know the truth about what you said. It’s just that I don’t need your subordinates to do it. You’ve seen the combat capabilities of our group’s Thunder Squad. How many people in the Thunder Squad do you think can seize the Canal Zone?" This guy went to the training camp once, so he also knows the skills of the Thunder team. He has been a gunner all his life, and he has seen many special soldiers who are very good at guns, but compared with the members of those teams, The soldiers or gun kings I have seen before are not enough.

"I've seen Master Li's men. Compared with those Americans, I can say that those Americans are nothing. I think only a few hundred people can take down the Canal Zone. It's just that Mr. Luo is not talking about your manpower. Isn't it enough? Even if your group has only a few hundred troops in the world, Terry felt something was wrong, but he didn't know it.

"Yes, our group has only a few hundred troops in the world, but our group is more concerned about things here, so they are all transferred, we have 500 people, I hope you can do it, you There are two thousand people in, I think there are less than one thousand people able to move. You can figure it out. Tomorrow night I need to hear news from the Canal District. If there is a problem, our life will not be easy, I It can make you the biggest warlord in Panama, and it can also make you nothing like Terry. It’s hard to believe that this sentence was spoken from a teenage boy. I have worked so hard all my life to be a child. It's still so painful to do things by holding the nose. At this time, I really don't know whether my original decision was right or wrong. It feels really uncomfortable to be involuntarily.

"By the way, I hope that General Terry can restrain your men. These people were caught by my people around the canal. Seeing their appearance, they should not go sightseeing. I think they should be similar to the Americans inside. It’s the same sentence. If something goes wrong, it’s not very good for us.” Li Er snapped his fingers and Terry immediately stretched out the window and saw a row of people standing downstairs. There were a dozen people, all of them himself According to Li Er, these people are going to the Americans to betray me?

"Okay, I'll check it out. If these people really have problems, I will personally turn their heads off." For Panamanians, after so many years of American rule, they betrayed their people from the Americans. Changing things is a very common thing, as long as it is not discovered, the punishment mentioned by the general is just a simple beating, which does not have any effect. This is also because of the rare reason that talents are rare. Just one less.

"No, I think their evidence is very conclusive. These hidden dangers are not left." Li Er waved his hand, and no one came out in the woods nearby. These dozen people were shot to death. No wonder Li I dare to stand by the window. It turns out that people have already prepared everything. The woods below are all people from other people, so what is around me? Thinking of this, General Terry felt a burst of heat. This kid didn't come to discuss with him today, but to tell him what to do. If he disagrees, it is estimated that the dozens of people below are his role models.

Hearing the gunfire downstairs, General Terry’s men also rushed up, but they were all stopped by a few people standing at the top of the stairs. It was not a good feeling to point the submachine gun at him, although the people downstairs did not know the outside. Who killed the people, but they know that those people are their own people and have a lot to do with the Chinese people upstairs. Although they all know that these Chinese people are terrible, but the dead brothers have to come up and ask if What's the matter, or if I die like that someday, no one comes out to ask.

"Get out of here. Nothing happened to you. Those people betrayed me. Mr. Li killed them for me. I haven't thanked Mr. Li yet. I still know what I should do at this time. Let your own people go down. If something happens, you can't keep them. These people are all their confidants. They are the foundation for them to gain a foothold in Panama. Without them, they would really be. Polish commander.

These guys who rushed up heard that their boss said that, but they were always a little uncomfortable. They just killed our people in front of our own people, like you We have to thank others. Even if those people are traitors, we have to do the killing ourselves. Besides, if we don’t understand, we will kill people like this. It’s too awkward. This is Panama. Human lives are worthless. , But it was the fate of others, and the fate of the brothers in the trenches was still different from those of those people. Needless to say, the favorability of these desperadoes for Terry directly declined a lot.

"Mr. Li, there must be no problem tomorrow night. I will ask my people to cooperate well. After dozens of hours, you will be the king of Panama. After Terry drove off his men, he pleased Li Er. How can that look like a little national hero? She looks like a villain, but this is the partner Li Er needs. A dog without any ideas is what he needs. Originally Li Er also I thought of directly seizing Panama, but now it seems that this is the Americas, and the time is not very ripe. Everything has not yet reached that time. It is better to be honest.

"Very well, I left beforehand." Li Er nodded and took his own person out. As for the gift below, Li Er didn't even look at the gift below. Although the child v inside was very pitiful, Li Er glanced at her eyes and knew that there was also a bloodthirsty person inside, and it was useless to pull it out, so let her continue her own life.

When Li Er went out, everyone was looking at this young Chinese. They didn’t know what the identity of the person in front of them was. They just knew that the expansion of their team was due to the contribution of the kid in front of him. There seems to be an inexhaustible amount of dollars in his pocket, and his men seem to have unfinished arms. Panama has never been a place lacking arms, but there are some garbage arms. I can’t wait for a family of three to assemble them. Yes, what they have is not these junk goods, they are some powerful things that cannot be made here.

These soldiers are not all killing machines. They also have their own ideas. They are all a little lost at this time. These Chinese people said they would help them drive the Americans out, but they gave the Americans out. Is it for us to leave here? It doesn’t seem to be the case. Just one wolf walked away, and another came. It seemed that the one behind this was even more terrifying than the one in front, because the one in front was an old man and didn’t have much strength, but the one in the back was very exciting. g force is very strong.

"Don’t play here. Just go back and prepare for it. Tomorrow night, we’re going to do it. Tell the brothers below that if they can’t master those weapons, they will be pulled out and killed. The waste is useless. No." At this time, General Terry also felt some danger, so that his subordinates had a higher combat effectiveness. At this time, he felt that the only thing that could bring him a sense of security. The look in his eyes, that Young Master Li, will last a lifetime. Will not forget.

Although these people under his staff are temporarily dissatisfied with Terry's performance just now, this person is always his own leader. In the past, he followed his command and did things. In the future, who made him famous? They also threw down the drugs and v-people in their own hands. Of course, the beauty v and the beast matter could not be realized, and they all came out with prison a.

The Skull and Bones are not blind in Central America. They have discovered everything in Panama, but this area has always been like this. Warlord wars are like eating. It’s nothing great to have a big warlord. Don’t look at them for the time being. It’s anti-American. As long as someone goes over to talk to them in a few days, it’s fine. The Skull and Bones didn’t take the things here as a matter. They just asked their domestic negotiators to bring one hundred thousand dollars to prepare for the next time. Buying, a warlord is only one million, but the canal's daily income is more than a hundred times this, they still understand how to settle the accounts.

Anderson Yeke still looks at those briefings every day. Important things from the world will be delivered here as soon as possible. There is nothing worth noting. It's nothing more than a change of dynasty again and again. These things have nothing to do with him, on the surface politics. No matter how you trade, you need economic support, and your own power will not be reduced. On the contrary, a peaceful society is not what you need, a world of war is what you need, so that you can expand your strength more.

The only piece of news that made him a little uncomfortable was that Li Er had disappeared under the eyelids of the inspectors for three days. Anderson’s first thought was the secret base, but according to the investigation, everything was intact. , And the energy group’s emphasis on that base is also average. There are no masters at all. It’s just that I feel uncomfortable if I don’t grasp every move of this cunning boy. This boy is much more difficult to deal with than his Laozi. Although the old man is always making strange tricks, he can estimate how many tricks he can. The tricks of this kid can't be estimated by himself. It may be the reason why the man is old and can't keep up with the young people. Maybe his think tank should be changed. Change it, change something younger.

"Chairman, there is news from Base No. 1 that the experiment there has been successful, and the matching ratio can already be mass-produced. We can initially produce 500,000 tons per month, although the number is not very large. , But if we master the technology and expand according to the strength of our Skull and Bones, we can reach two million tons per month within a year." A young man said excitedly. He is Anderson’s confidant. This guy has always been responsible for the affairs of Base 1.

Succeeded? Anderson also threw the files in his hands directly. How can those junk messages compare with the one in front of him, 500,000 tons a month? Although it is not a lot, it is a good start. At least the dominance of the energy group has been broken by myself. It can produce more than 20 million tons per year in a year. In the future, I can continue to expand until I am You can also contend with the energy group so far, you can fight against the energy group in energy, but the energy group cannot fight against itself in other industries, because they have not grown up at all, although they have a lot of stalls, but As for the real forces, they are still far away, as long as you deal with them yourself, there will be no problem.

In the past, I asked you to show because we didn’t have energy. Now that we have this strength, you must not be our opponents. Thinking of this, Anderson, who has not laughed a lot for a long time, also laughed at the sky. God did not abandon your pious people. We finally have the hope of defeating the energy group. Instead of passive defense, they will have a crisis one day. It is time for the father and son to taste this.

"Let’s go down at a and copy all the information to me. It must not be lost, and the technicians there should be transferred to me immediately, so that they can’t cause problems." Anderson knew what he should do after he was happy. What is it? Although those people are not so important now, they still can’t let Li Er take advantage of the loopholes. You should be fully prepared. When everything is transferred and the data is copied, your energy group is I'm not afraid of the great ability anymore.

"It is the subordinates will do it right away, but Dr. Michelle just reported that the cost of the bio-oil we produce is a little higher, and we need all kinds of raw materials at almost the same price as the oil on the market. He is working on the next research to reduce costs. Dr. Michel means waiting for his next research to come out before putting it into production. If we produce now, there will be no profit at all." Reported honestly.

"Hehe, this question doesn’t need his attention. Just follow our plan. Dr. Michele’s research is good, but he can’t do it when it comes to grasping strategic issues. You can do it right away. The next round of research he needs must satisfy him, and we must not neglect our doctor." Anderson smiled dangerously. This doctor is really a rare figure, if he does research If he succeeds again, he must be the biggest hero of the Skull and Bones, but now he is also a rare figure.

What's wrong with the price? Isn’t it just a little money? Our Skull and Bones only have money left. Besides, this research is not purely to make money, but to break the monopoly of energy groups, let him know that his energy sanctions are not as easy to use as before, and divide them. World control is also very important. h

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