Energy Group

Chapter 1069:

Panama destroyed

Today is a relatively busy day in the entire canal area. Although the staff has been working hard to dredge, there are still some congestion incidents. I don’t know what happened. How can there be so many more ships on both sides of the canal today? They have to pass quickly. It seems that everything is urgent. In the past, there were some people who were not in a hurry and would give in. But today, these crew members hate to be opened and they have to fight. It depends on the money. You can only endure it.

Hans’ identity here is a consultant in the Canal Zone. In fact, this kid is the highest representative of the Skull and Bones dispatched to the Panama Canal, and this guy has a certain status in the US politics and the US Navy. Say he It’s not an exaggeration to be the top administrator of the Panama Canal. As for the guy elected by the Panamanian government, there is no use at all except to speak in front of the news media. It’s the trivial matter of hiring an employee in this canal zone. That guy has no rights. For such an important device, the Americans mean to hold it all in their own hands. As for the Panamanians, they only need to be able to work.

"These **** eggs, what are you doing in such a hurry." Hans looked at the more and more ships congested on both sides, but he didn't call his own people how tough. After all, these people are his own god, even though he is the canal. It is unique, but if you want to offend so many customers, you can't bear it. After all, this canal is not your own industry, and many of those ships are owned by major American companies. They are not bullied by others. Panamanian.

"Mr. Hans, there seems to be something wrong. You see that we have never gathered so many ships here. Behind these ships are some huge oil tankers. These things will not pass through here, but they are also anchored. Outside the canal, what does this mean?" At this time, a guy in navy clothes walked in. This is the commander of the Panama Squadron, the U.S. Southern Command, and the soldiers all have their own feelings. He felt that something was wrong outside, and it was dangerous.

Originally, Hans didn’t feel anything. He just thought that the economy had improved recently and the number of ships had increased. But now that this guy said something, it seems that something is really wrong. Small ships still talk about the past, but those large ones. What are the ships doing here? Is this a ship party? The large ships passed through the south. Hans picked up the binoculars and looked at it. Obviously he didn't plan to take risks. He couldn't bear the responsibility. This canal is too important for the entire United States.

"Dear Mr. Colonel, I also feel the danger. I hope your people will be ready for battle immediately. In addition, let the Air Force personnel take off the fighter plane immediately. I need them to **** us. I also need to tell the guys outside temporarily. The canal is not working today. Look at their reaction. The soldiers of the Navy Team 6 will also be on guard.” Hans said while observing, he was still trying to think whether there was anything he had forgotten.

"Yes, Mr. Hans, I will..." This guy probably wanted to say that I would do it right away, but this sentence will never be finished, because a large-caliber sniper rifle has hit this guy's heart. In the next second, this guy rolled down the stairs of Hans irregularly, and fell into the canal 20 meters below. The blood stained the surrounding river red.

"Ah. There are snipers, ready to fight." Although Mr. Hans is a civilian, he is also trained. Such a leader knows how to avoid snipers, and the kid immediately rolled into his house. , Two bullets immediately hit the place where this guy was standing just now. Although he shouted loudly, but I believe that not many people heard it, because a huge explosion had begun. If this guy was hit by a sniper just now If you don’t, he won’t feel pain now.

A rocket came out of a ship in the canal area. It was a hell. It was clearly checked just now. There is no weapon on the ship. Why is there such a thing now? This is the last question in Hans’s head. The rocket hit this guy’s office directly. The dozen or so staff members in it went to see God with Hans, which was considered as having them between the upper and lower levels. On the road together, there is a beginning and an end.

This situation is still being staged in various places in the Canal Zone. The first attacks are those where people are, such as the American office area in the Canal Zone, and the US military ships, such as the American large patrol ships. Of course, this is only the United States. A name for humans. This big guy looks no different from the American destroyers in active service. This guy was attacked by several shoulder-mounted missiles. Four consecutive missile attacks directly caused this large patrol boat to follow. The middle was disconnected, and the bomb bay inside was detonated at the end. Now that the fuel is all environmentally friendly oil, the bomb bay can only be exploded.

In the temporary airfield of the US military, it was a quiet scene just now. Several pilots without any mission were molesting the Panamanian song v in the bar. Some ground crews were gambling together on a round table not far away, just like usual. But the explosion in the canal area immediately shocked them. Their first thought was whether they were dreaming. How could anyone dare to do something to us Americans? You know that guy has been dead for a long time. Isn't this dreaming?

"Quickly, don't watch, take off immediately, before we are attacked." An officer who had participated in the Afghan war yelled at the pilots who seemed to be still enjoying the scenery, his subordinates They all seem to be idiots, and they don't know what the rules of battlefield survival are. Now is the most precious time for pilots.

The pilots are usually trained. When they rushed out of the tavern one by one, their bad luck also came. Several F16s parked in the distance were directly destroyed by rockets on the hillside not far away. , The huge qi from the explosion almost opened the house, and some fragments of shrapnel flew directly and cut off a pilot’s head in half, which also rounded out this guy’s vow engraved on the fighter plane. He wants to coexist and die with his fighters.

Of course, this is not the end. The airport still has an organic library, and there are many helicopters in it. Those are reinforced concrete fortifications. These shoulder-mounted weapons are indestructible for a while, but they are fast. The people who ran into the airport immediately realized that they were wrong, and they were wrong. The people who came to attack were not the only ones with these small weapons. How could it be possible that they heard the roar of the plane? In Central and South America, how can there be fighter jets under the noses of our great Americans? Could it be that these southern countries are going to rebel against our US?

A huge bomb reached the top of the cabin. Looking at the volume, you knew that the cabin was of no use at all. As a result, it was directly blown up to a pile of ashes. The gas from the explosion directly turned dozens of tons of fuel tankers. It was blown up, and fortunately, the energy at this time was not combustible, otherwise it would have been ten years without grass.

"The report shows that the resistance in the Canal Zone has been basically wiped out, and there are still members of the US Navy Team 6. Because they are training today, they are now in their tactical positions." A member of the Thunder Team After collecting reports from various places, he reported to the number three. It was said that there was still a problem with the investigation of the Navy 6 team, but this was only a small problem. They did not have any heavy weapons, and relying on submachine guns was of no use. Yes, they will be eliminated sooner or later.

"Order our people to start to evacuate the canal area, let all people throw down everything that can be destroyed, confirm that all the people are evacuated, detonate all the bombs, we no longer need the Panama Canal in the future." The telescope, there is nothing to observe. Just now I saw more than a dozen dead bodies of American soldiers. This time should be the last job, which is to completely destroy the Panama Canal, which made the Americans feel distressed for a while. .

After speaking on the 3rd, I took a pity at the Panama Canal. How to say this is also a great project in human history. It has also provided people with great convenience for more than 100 years. It is a pity that you provoke us. Young master, this place will eventually become a waste area. No. 3 shook his head with his pity, and directly pressed the start button, and then left here quickly without leaving a trace. There is nothing left to blow up here.

The huge explosions were connected one by one. At the beginning, some ships in the canal zone and buildings on the shore exploded. A reporter in Panama not far away recorded all this with his own camera. Later this video was also used by some magazines 1a I bought it at a high price, but in the end it was not broadcast. It must be a masterpiece of the Energy Group.

There were people from the Hundred Thunder Team on more than a dozen boats in the canal area. After they poured all the weapons on the boat, they took out a 50 cm long and 20 cm wide object from the cabin and carried it on their back. On his back, no one knew what it was, but as these people pressed the start button on their waist, the lower part of this thing turned out to be the same blue flame as the tail of the airplane. Good fellow, this thing It turned out to be a small propeller.

These people didn’t know how they got in, but many people saw how they got out, but they didn’t worry about the secret leaking, because the huge explosion here would make the entire canal area disappear from the earth. People here should thank them so that the dead can see some of the weapons in the game at the end. They are worth their deaths.

When these flameholders left the canal area, it should be regarded as the biggest explosion after World War II. First, at the bottom of the first-class ship lock, a huge bomb equivalent to ton TnT opened the bomb display. The dam built with thousands of tons of concrete exploded directly, and the river above it washed down like a waterfall, and some small blocks of cement that were bombed into the air directly flew several kilometers away. It’s like a volcanic eruption. In the history of mankind, it’s comparable to this explosion. It should be the nuclear warhead of Japan during World War II, but there is not a trace of nuclear radiation here. This is another emerging weapon of the energy group, with nuclear weapons. The power of nuclear weapons without the aftereffects of nuclear weapons.

Then there was such a bomb exploded between the first and second locks. It directly sent several American patrol boats here into the air. There was also a living US Navy on it. They were worthy of their lives. , At least they saw a flying warship, and they flew up by themselves, and became a human dying once, not bad.

Immediately after five consecutive big explosions, the area of ​​tens of square kilometers was directly blown up, and basically nothing was left. In the end, a few planes in the sky patrolled the sky for a week and gave plane a to the computer in the distance. , And then parachuted, turned on his own small flame propulsion system, the plane also flew into the huge fireball, nothing remained.

As for those people who took small propellers disappeared into the sea, it should be some submarine or something. Military satellites can track all the birds in the sea, but for things underwater, you just dive and leave. Present.

Of course, General Terry, who is the other protagonist, will also be taken care of. When he saw the first fireball in the Canal Zone, he thought that the Americans inside did it by themselves? It can’t be. The unity of Americans is also very good, but it’s not comparable to us Panamanians. When he came out to see him, the scene directly shocked him. He would never believe that there is something in this world. Such a powerful force dared to attack the American Canal Zone so blatantly. Even if they and the energy group wanted to attack at night, are they crazy during the day?

But this is the truth. Everything is in front of your eyes. You can’t help but believe that General Terry looks at the fighter planes flying in the sky. He knows very well that such advanced fighter planes are definitely not something poor Central and South American countries can have. Panama’s air force. ? Don't be funny, there are almost all propeller airplanes from World War II, such airplanes? They can't even dream of it.

Suddenly, he saw something that he shouldn’t have seen, because a logo on the plane was the same as the logo on the equipment provided by some energy groups he received. Could it be that these were all made by the energy group, and then think of it? In the documentary that Luo Yan filmed for himself a few hours ago, he was still in the midst of being famous, but everything in front of him made him dumbfounded. What he wanted was a victory, but it was definitely not such a victory. He had such a victory. Is there any use for victory? What did I get? Nothing was obtained, it was only pursued by the Americans.

But fortunately, Li Er helped this guy think about everything. When this guy wanted to check the energy group he contacted them, an explosion started from a mountain not far away. There was General Terry’s arsenal. In fact, the arms provided by the energy group all have a back. When they want to detonate these things, no one can stop them. The tragedy is just like that. Many things are hung on themselves by these people. There are some ordinary bullets, but there will be such a badass every thousand miles. The most important thing is this badass. His power is the same as dozens of catties.

General Terry looked at the arsenal that had exploded in surprise, but his surprise didn’t last long. This guy didn’t have any sense of it. This guy is also unlucky for comparison. There is a one-in-thousand chance that this guy will let this guy. I enjoyed it. He likes to put some bullets and weapons in his office. Just on this guy’s desk, there is a stinker. The poor guy’s face is directly exposed to the broken wood in the wooden house. It was crushed, and the whole person took off dozens of meters away.

Terry’s troops suffered from this situation everywhere. Some people wandering around Panama City with weapons also caused a rage among the forces in the city. The whole Panama seemed to be straightforward, but this also helped. Relieving the situation in the Canal Zone makes people feel that this matter is not aimed at the Canal Zone controlled by the Americans.

The explosion in Panama lasted for three hours. If it were in other parts of the world, this situation would have been moved to the screen immediately, but the situation here is different from other places, because it is too much. After falling behind, there are not so many news media at all. Even now, they are still in the abandoned area, and the nearest news station is 100 kilometers away. It is not so easy to get over.

Of course, the Americans are the first to know the news because they have other intelligence personnel in the Panama area, but their report alarmed the entire United States. Since the end of the Iraq War, there have been no more than 1,000 casualties. The troops stationed in Panama are wiped out? How can this be accepted? It seems that the current president and the secretary of defense are facing challenges from Congress. One of the two is about to step down. The Pearl Harbor incident will happen again in the 21st century.

After the explosion, Li Cong also received the news that this son is really good at playing, but he can’t be blamed. This is his acquiescence. The reason for doing this is that Li Cong also considered his son’s mood. His own son, if he wants to do it, let him do it himself. h

[...The Panamanian text destroyed in Section 69 is updated fastest...] a! !

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